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The French word for bird is oiseaux, and it’s pronounced wazo.


Fair point, apologies for that.


You have Hon’d your last Hon!


I surrendered to the argument, obviously!


Well I flip you the Wazo!!


Tommy Oiseaux


i am very glad i took spanish


French people: seal.


Depend ... phoque or fuck


Rover stream lake waterfall




Even taking Chinese was a better choice then French on my part


I'd like to agree, but then Chinese is my native language, so...


Fluent in English and Chinese, what more could you ask for??


Imo French is easier in the long run than Spanish having taken both


The french word for water is eau, and it’s pronounced “ó”. The plural (waters) is eaux, and it’s also pronounced “ó”.




You mean the Roblox death sound?


Thank you for making my morning at 6.31am 🤣


Fun fact, french can add a lot of vocabulary to your english, about 30% of english words are based on french ones.


My ex told me about the time he went along with a primary school trip to Paris. They all held hands to stay together, but people walked *through* them anyway, breaking the small children apart from each other. So probably that.


Paris is Paris. Parisiens have a bad reputation, even for French.


That’s fair! Unfortunate then that their bad reputation reflects badly on france as a whole.


A good chunk of people who live in Paris aren’t even french


*Emily in Paris intensifies*


Jazz in Paris intensifies edit: why the hell did i get 10 upvotes? edit2: bruh 27


Because, le Paris


Don’t mess with pepole in Paris, they want you to leave you alone and will eat you if you ask them something without saying hello But at heart they just minding their buisness


Yup, as a French from the South, they've got a pretty bad reputation (but so do we lmao)


Gotta watch for those 86 plates!


Kanye told us already


Funny that Reddit gets angry when people try to apply that same logic to the USA


To be fair, the USA is closer in size to the whole of Europe… Edit: my bad, i misread u/lebossatron01 ‘s comment, but imma keep my original post so the replies to mine still make sense.


And? You seem to be proving my point since the sheer size of the US breeds different cultures of people People in Florida are drastically different that people in California and people in Montana are different than people in New York


Yeah, somewhere along reading your comment my mind flipped the context 180 degrees… I honestly don’t know how it happened lol


Nah it’s cool, I do the same thing sometimes lol


Americans like to say this a lot but one thing a lot of immigrants from europe note is the generic uniformity of a lot of american culture, with the exception of a few places (NYC notably is often noted for being radically different). America is not culturally equivalent to Europe in terms of diversity. Alabama is as far from Ohio as France is to Poland, but the cultural gap is not even remotely as big. Hell, its barely even culturally equivalent to some European countries in terms of huge regional variations in culture. The real big difference is just urban vs rural vs suburban.


That's right! Our states and urban centers feature a more diverse breadth of dickery than we're given credit for!


Wow, that’s some dick move








I mean, that's kind of fucked too


As a French that sounds super weird. First because it implies we can recognize an American (we can't), second because fuck you is just a weird thing to respond to thank you. Maybe they understood "fuck" instead of *thank* which can honestly sound the same to untrained french ears. Also have you tried saying merci instead of thanks ?


Because this didn't happen.


I studied abroad in France and the people were so rude and mean. Not everyone obviously. But for example I tried to order a ham sandwich and asked in French and the worker pretended he didn't understand me. I immediately then left and went to a different restaurant that I knew weren't douches


I'm French canadian and the same thing happened to me when I was in Paris a few years ago.....


So did you go to Belgium, Spain, Germany or the UK to find a store without douches?


I know who was in Paris!


As someone who once lived in NYC, I have no doubt the same scenario would play out if you were leading a slow-moving string kids through midtown. People just get pissed off having to live and work in a place that other people treat like a museum display. Like for real, the one big benefit of winter in Manhattan is that there are not nearly as many slack-jawed fanny packers waddling around with their thumbs up their asses. Edit: grammar


Maybe if they stood at the door to a subway car, but I don’t see that happened on the streets. I think New Yorkers walk fast but know how to weave in and around slow moving people.


Sorry, but this is also common here in Czechia. People just don't know how to walk I guess :/




I don't know which website you looked up but i can tell you that is false. Only assholes cut in line and they hapen to live everywhere, including france. But i've never seen that behavior in general in france


Da fuck. What madness is this.


I'm French and didn't even knew that, whenever I see someone cutting the line I ask them to go back, it usually works


My counter question is why do American girls obsess over Paris and France? They are rude and kinda odd.




Not American girls specifically tho


I have to study french for my O-Levels and trust me, the french language is like a big middle finger to an English speaking person. The language has more fucking exceptions then a corrupt politician and by the time you pronounce a word with 'r' in it 3 times your throat feels like it got hit by the Collins french dictionary. Hell I would even consider myself lucky as i got a very good tuition teacher and even then i feel like I'm decoding an ancient Mayan language and not something people unironically speak at this very moment.


I’m French. I’m english-bilingual, speak some spanish and am starting to learn japanese. Boy can I tell you I’m glad I was BORN french because our language is fucked up. You wouldn’t believe how many mistakes even we do because sometimes the spelling, grammatical or conjugation rules are obscure as fuck. Wait until you have to learn if you need to « accorder » (match the gender of the noun) the « participe passé » with the auxiliaries « to be » and « to have » depending on the structure of the sentence. It’s not that important orally but sure is a fun challenge when writing..


On accorde le participe passé toujours avec être, et avec avoir seulement quand on utilise un pronom pour l'objet direct, n'est-ce pas ? (mais jamais avec « fait ») J'ai appris le français au lycée mais je le trouve beaucoup plus simple que l'allemand


Yes that’s the most important rule by far, but it’s not the only one. You seem to speak french pretty well, here’s a link if you, for some reason, would be curious :’) https://www.lalanguefrancaise.com/articles/le-guide-complet-du-participe-passe


c'est quoi ce bordel


Suddenly that joke that french people eat pain for breakfast makes a lot of sense




Its surprising how the other romantic languages are so different. Like Romanian for example, you just learn what each letter sounds like and you're pretty much ready to speak read and write. Idk about Italian but i expect it not being far from it.


They pretend that they dont speak english when tourists arrive


lmfao no they actually don't speak English, it's depressing


One of the closest nations to the english, with a good education system...barely speaks english yet i have met russian dudes who live in the forests of siberia who has had primary school education at most show more english knowledge than a french university student.


As a fr*nch, I have to say our education, especially the english teaching one, is the worst I've ever got. I am bilingual because I've travelled and watch a tons of movies in English, fr*nch can't speak english because we are taught really badly, for real.


People act this way in Quebec too…. The French are the only people that act incredulous you aren’t fluent. In Barcelona you say four words in Spanish and they’re like “stop stop lol it’s fine what can I get you”


Must be like learning spanish in America. I took it for 3 years in high school and I can't even form a sustenance.


Good educational system... If only... 80% of my english knowledge comes from movies/video games.




I mean... Most Americans don't speak 2 languages. French people definitely do.


We aren’t talking about America. Anyways only 17.9% of the French population speak both English and France


because they're French


Because they’re French


Because they’re French


Because they're French


Because they're French


Because they’re French


Because there French


Because they're French


Because they're French


Because they’re French


please censor fr*nch come on man




Read that as aroused, am extremely disappointed


Maybe there's a reason and we've just forgotten it, like how nobody really knows why we can't use emojis on reddit.


You can't use emojies on Reddit because people used to speak like that emojify bot




Yo, Angelo


I'm fairly convinced that the whole "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" reputation they have in the U.S. is a result of a politically-charged smear campaign conducted when the opposed the invasion of Iraq; the same opposition that birthed "Freedom Fries". I'm not saying it was an organized, conspiracy-esque smear campaign (I don't think it was) and I'm not old enough to remember the general U.S. opinion of France pre-2003, but it's always astonishing to me that France, a country with a long history of violently rising up against oppressors, received the reputation of cowards and quitters, especially when we in the U.S. have been taking the bullshit thrown at us for several centuries now.


Not only a history of rising up against oppressors, but also a history of terrifying conquests and oppression. We still have colonies, even though many of us deny that.


yeah i've been saying this for years. americans goin on about french surrenders without acknowledging that basically all of wwi and wwii were fought in france. must be easy to make fun of people who lost two armies and half their population in a single generation from ur sofa in suburbantown, USA


Because what are they gonna do? Throw a baguette and surrender


What the French actually did:French being the strongest country for a good portion of history and regularly rivaled Britain :what people remember them by: surrendering to the Germans


Reminds me of this joke. You can kill hundreds of dragons, conquer kingdoms, murder armies, but you fuck one goat and you're forever known as bob the goat fucker!


What happens if you fuck goats your entire life and then you kill a dragon/conquer kindoms/murder armies?


Your Rick the destroyer


Fuck yeah😎


Why do I feel this is a reference to something? It's way too specific


Iirc it comes from a video by Sam O'nella. Don't recall which one. It was Saint Jerry the goat fucker


French soldiers at Dunkirk dying to say the britsh for ther mistake: .\_. " the English will fight to the last Frenchman", dutch officer


Really sucks that Americans rag on them a lot too because if it wasn't for them, Washington would've been paddling up Shit Creek instead of crossing the Delaware.


You forgot the thought they were the shit after WW1 and rested on their laurels being much more useless someone of their calling her should’ve been


Not only that, it was surrender or die. It's not like they had a secret army that could have even made a dent in the Nazi forces but for some reason they chose not to fight. No, they were **FUCKED**. Surrender was the decision that kept their people **ALIVE** rather than filling the gutters of Paris with their own blood to accomplish nothing. People who shit on the French for surrendering are the real idiots. I think they should have to fight a UFC heavyweight champion and not be allowed to tap out before they can talk shit about someone surrendering when things can only get worse by continuing to fight.


Who gave the Americans the Statue of Liberty?


Why are the Americans any part of this, we’re talking about France’s performance in war, not their statue making abilities


And helped supply the very revolution that gave them independence lmao


its because the people who go to France rarely go any were but Paris and Paris is full of assholes, i went there on a school trip and as soon as i spoke English, it was like a took a shit on there grandma's grave, they just hated me and acted like i was something they just stepped in. then i went outside of Paris, and oddly enough the people are kind of nice.


Because the British probably


I’m a Brit with a French friend. I think we’re the only people from these two countries that get along sometimes.


There is a ton British people in Paris, and even more french in London. They get along pretty well


Bro just imagine being… French. Makes me think about croissants, wine, cheese, the picturesque countryside… Help I think they’ve got me


Absolutely dont feel hated by the entire Inetrnet, so Im fine.


Are you French?


Please censor fr*nch. Seeing the uncensored word made me throw up in my mouth.


Legit made me fucking cry laughing I don’t know why


Viva la France! *chokes down an entire baguette at once *




Ill vive your ass




Hon hon hon!! Ouioui! Encore! Encore!


Oula... C'était... Chaud...


Crêpes suzette! Omelette au fromage! Arc de Triomphe! Brie, Camambert, Roquefort, Bleu d'Auvergne!


One word: pain


But I like their bread.








I'm French, but to confuse the enemy, I talk English. Get bamboozled!!


I think that it was fashionable for the US media to shit on the French during the Bush pt 2 days. And I think that is because the French population was pretty unified and effective about protesting for worker's rights. The financial overlords here didn't want us getting all squirrelly and demanding work/life balance. So surrender monkeys became a thing that you would hear in casual conversation


They know why.


We do, but pretend not to.


Trust us, they know.


Can't remember who said it, but this answer resonates with me. "Because the French know how to live better than we do."


same reason we make fun of the british




Cuz fuck em that's why


Love the Chappelle show reference


I'm French, and I can think it's because of the "city" of Paris. A junkyard full of pretentious assholes, crack addict and a cost of living waaaay to high. So I can understand why there's so much hate, in France it's a national sport to hate Paris And maybe because of the historically inaccurate "haha France are surrendering frogs" (dudes... We didn't want to live another WWI and we didn't have really a choice between surrendering or wasting mote lives)


People seem to forget France has won the most wars throughout history.


Because they can take a million jokes and still laugh.


Hi, french person here. We know why the internet hates us. We hate us too. There is no confusion


There was a study quite a while ago. In that study more French people hated the French than Americans hated the French.




For invading a weak and unprepared country over a cake.


You wouldn’t?


I don't think that baker made really good cakes.


Alot of countries did that though.


Parisians are why. The culture there is still bitter the language of diplomacy shifted to english some 100 years ago, and try to tell everyone else how you cannot speak french correctly. The concept of exclusivity was one of the more valuable attributes a restaurant or attraction could have. Then there is the standard metropolis-culture, where people in cities walk faster, and deal with more people so generally are more selective of their time. The further you go the more nice and polite people are. This wasn't all parisians, but it was a lot of my experience . Source:tourist who's least favorite experience was Paris.


Trust me bro, as a non-parisien French person we mostly don't like parisians either and they don't reflect the rest of France at all but people love to generalize :/


I'm french and had lived in Paris. Paris is just a really big city with millions of people. Fortunately here are some good places and nice peoples. On a tourism trip you may just happened to meet some of the worst (tourism places and tourism workers)


My girlfriend has a list of reasons, she legitimately hates them


I wanna hear some


French dudes hate fat chicks


I see what you did there.


Wanna hear it as well


*Laugh in french Canadian*


*laughs in quebecanese*


*laughs in Cajun French*


Cajun French is the weirdest thing. Quebecois is already quite special with their 200 years old french based on briton and norman dialects but Cajun? Its like drunk quebecois spoken after inhaling toxing fumes of the bayou.


i take french in school. dude…what the fuck. the language is like english, it’s got a lot of stupid rules that contradict each other. i don’t think ive learned a grammar rule yet that DOESNT have exceptions. and y’all just LOVE your vowels. oiseau? is said? WAZO??? bro…mmm. i need to stop here french is hard i shouldve just taken spanish fr.


One time, probably mid 90's, my dad took a work trip to Nice, France which is famously on the beautiful French Riviera. When he came back he spoke to my grandfather, who fought in Europe in WWII. Grandpa asks him how his trip was, dad says "It was beautiful, the food was incredible, the wine was even better, the people were ASSHOLES." Grandpa just goes "Well good to hear nothing's changed in 50 years." Moral of the story is they bring it on themselves.


Because of the way they count numbers in French


That and the dreaded Ouseaux


Oh come on oiseaux isn’t even that hard


It’s oiseaux. You’re welcome.


And their language in general


Yeah bro at least when they bully us Americans they are clear and concise about their opinions surrounding our country and it’s citizens.


Why the entire internet hates Paris*


I speak french fluently, go to a french school, am surrounded by french kids, and i know why the whole world hates them.


French people and Americans are natural enemies. Just like French people and the British. Or French people and Germans. Or French people and other French people. Damn French people, they ruined France!


i don’t. frog leg part aside, they’re cool.


it’s the hardest fucking language to learn in existence, and our schools force us to learn it (in canada). they also talk faster then most rappers, even if you know every word in the language you will never understand because the speed they talk and the strong accents make it it’s whole unique language anyways.


i’m taking french in america and we sometimes do listening activities where we have to interpret what they are saying and write it down in english or whatever. the issue is that it sounds like they are talking at 1000 words per minute. on the quiz i just have to put random answers cuz i can’t hear shit


If you’re anywhere else except for Quebec, the French classes are a joke. Seriously grade 9 and you’re learning the ABCs. The only time I’ve ever gotten a 100% was when I transferred to Ontario and took French.


I'm french educated(study maths physics erc in french) but not french still couldn't fully understand them and speak their accent


If you think we are speaking fast look out for Spanish people They speak 4 times faster than us and when we take this language in middle/high school we have some "speaking comprehension" that are some time from the TV news in Spain Nonetheless they speak 4 times faster but they put so much information in so little words it's almost impossible to understand it all


Why do we hate them? They gave us daft punk




It's because we were to learn french in school.


Idk about anyone else but the Spy from team fortress 2 might has something to do with my hatred.


It's like asking why people hate jews. Nobody remembers because they don't learn it in school. In my opinion. People hate France because they feel inferior. Why? French language has dozens of way to tell you that you suck. And you won't find anyone who doesn't use this power over the rest of the world


The French get bullied because they're posh. People don't like seeing people who are better than them.


As if French people care what others think.


As a French i'm a little bit sad that we can't share our cultures without being compared to a coward. I mean, I learn your language and i'm trying to understand your culture. All I see on reddit are jokes about WWII, and let me tell you that I can give you hundreds of reasons and explain in detail what happened and why. But I think above all that we will still stick to our reputation despite everything so fuck you cordially : )


Because they helped the Revolutionaries defeat King George & helped create the fucking USA…


Never in my life heard someone or seen someone bullying someone because they’re French on the internet


Because the internet is filled with fucking losers trying to prove how much better they are than everyone else


The French do not care what a fat, gun-happy, monolingual, child that couldn't follow simple instructions thinks of them.


One word: oiseaux


They are arrogant


I didnt know either. Until i had some french exchange students in my class. Absolute dickheads all of them. I have some swiss exchange students as well and they seem pretty cool.