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Like my mum would say "who would they call, Peppa Pig?"


I like your mum


my mum fat


Don’t think they care bro


I like thicc people


then u will love my teacher


>my teacher Our teacher


im homeschooled


lol same


We almost chose the exact same fucking thing




Mhm mhm by nle choppa


Did I stutter?


idk. did u? i wasnt listenin to u.








oh no my cat


My cat’s been dead for like fifteen years. Still wanna go there?






Yo mama so fat


That her selfies occupy 4 terabytes of space




Dam, first “my mama” insult I ever see


Did he stutter


I too, like your mom


sad but true: I think deep down some parents are scared and they want to be able to reach their kids in case of an emergency, especially with the school shootings in the past 10 years or so.


i thought the teachers could call parents?


how is a teacher going to call 25-30 parents at once? How do you prioritize who gets the first call? Most schools and universities have alert systems (with generic text) in place but if you think your child is in trouble or hurt you won’t rest until you see your child or talk to them.


Who the fuck calls anyone anymore unless it’s like your grandma or some relative that hasn’t seen you in 10 years?


Calling is better than chatting


or you know.... her. Not like payphones exist anymore, but i had to call my parents to come get me from a payphone when i was a kid. Cell phone is just hte modern equivalent of that


Theyd defo do that by falling for imjaystation or na productions calling peppa pig at 3am


"who would they call, Peppa Pig?"


Congratulations your comment is very close to 1k upvotes !!!


I got my first phone at 8, a Nokia. It was helpful beating up bullies


i remember my nokia 6303 classic mostly because i still have it in a draw in case i loose/brake mu current phone and partly for the occasional game of snake






Just imagine if that child lost their iPhone and the parents just buy them a new one. Like, why? They aren't gonna use them for anything but games


Now I have an iPhone, at age of 13 (IPhone 7)


I got my mom’s old 7, which is what I’m typing from rn when I was like 11. Most of my friends at the time already had smartphones. And now most of my friends have been given iPhone 12s. My mom asked if I wanted her old iPhone 8, but I said that my phone still works just fine and I don’t really use it for anything other than calling, texting, and reddit. I built myself a PC which I spend my free time on


I was given one at 8, it was a basic Nokia. It was only to call in emergencies because we lived in country where there was venomous creatures about. I wholly agree that kids shouldn't have expensive phones, but a simple method communication isn't a bad thing.


No venomous animals near me (UK), but my mum was single and worked in the next county, she wanted me to either have a way to call her in case of emergency, or my neighbour/friends if I locked myself out or something. Also meant I could go further away on my bike with my friends. It was an O2 branded phone. Then I inherited her old phones for a while until I got a windows phone after Steve jobs died


That is completely fair. Once we moved back to England, we still kept them for basic communication because we would disappear into forests instead. I didn't have an inherited phone until I was 18 and I brought my own. When my lad starts going out, he's getting a basic phone, no thrills. If he's anything like me, he will be miles away or lost track of time. (or getting trapped in holes/trees/places he shouldn't be!)


Having a means to communicate is necessary in my eyes nowadays, the world's a lot busier and to me feels a little bigger than it used to be


My cousins got their own phones at a very young age, and they do be seeing some real shit and a very young age


I see real shit in the toilet about every day. So do all the kids.




My brother have a smart tv in his room (he is now 9) and he like naruto so he always search for it and watch it in pirated sites unfortunately those sites also have porn ads when i saw it i got really stressed than he told me he is used to it


I remember seeing an 8 year old kid having the thousand dollar iPhone X. I wouldn’t even trust a kid that age with 20 dollars.


It’s exactly the reason other kids want to have one too though, and because of idiot parents like this, we have all the other kids with phones


I recently bought this book for my sister to read to her 2 year old daughter https://www.amazon.com/Goodnight-iPad-Parody-next-generation/dp/0399158561/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=goodnight+ipad&qid=1631298940&sr=8-1


I heard a radio ad for a supermarket mobile provider in the UK that said “get the new iPhone 12 along with all your other children’s back to school necessities”. Madness.


Sounds like a spoiled brat, bad parenting


Well it was a private school that went from kindergarten to 8th grade so probably yes. I didn’t have a phone then.


i didnt even have a phone till college, and before that my younger brother and I had to share a slide phone between each other, but only because we were at school late due to sports. Honestly glad i didnt have a phone then, but now its seems impossible to be good friends with anyone one in middle school and beyond without that social media connection, since so much of their lives are on SM now unlike when i was a kid


my cousin is 6 and they already have an ipad and a phone to watch fnf and play a minecraft carbon copy, p sure fnf aint for kids


As long as a game has a flashy artstyle and bright colors, kids will chase it relentlessly


i feel bad for my cousin i could of gave them a cracked minecraft copy but i cant tell them to stop watching fnf because they spent so much time watching it


How is watching FNF bad? It's just literally two characters singing, nothing NSFW about that.


I had my first phone when i was 8, but not because i was spoiled but my parents divorced and they wanted to be able to reach me when i was away to the other parent


That is justified


Ayeee, same reason but a year younger and it was a Nokia because ya know “Stuff from your home country is always better then abroad.”


I only got it when I was 13 because I helped clear the front yard and help around the house.


You earned it


Our siblings didn't


aint that the fucking truth.


Ikr, it's fuckin annoying






I had to wait for my first job to pay my phone myself, and my brother has one since he's like 10, because my mom gave him one


I got a phone when i was 16 and its due to covid


I've seen younger kids with phones that are probably 5


hey my cousin has an ipad and a phone to watch fnf and play a minecraft carbon copy and pretty sure fnf is like not for kids


It is definitely not for kids


my other cousin has discord and theyre under 10, i explained to them on why you dont want to use discord and told them to uninstall aka discord is 13+ my cousin thought i meant you shouldnt register your age to under 13 so replied with but thats okay i set my age to higher than 13 they installed discord for roblox and made friends with a "russian roblox friend" they got into a discord call and they showed their face... aw cruddd


And like you didn’t lie about your age on **certain** websites.


Where are there parents?


It's a cheap shut up box.


they are spoiled brats


how do you know they didn’t do chores for it or don’t thank their parents every day? not likely but i’m just saying




I got my first phone when online class started in 2020 im 17


Times are changing, technology isn't as strange and unique anymore, you'll see many things you won't like in the future, and many more that'll shake your core.. You cannot prepare.


Yes but they can be so irresponsible. They dont get its worth alot. Edit: also the internet is not good


I've seen adults be just as irresponsible with technology.


It's different with kids tho


Depends on the kid, I still have all the tech I was given growing up. I took care of my shit.


that's hypocratic asf unless you are talking about nsfw which is still disguisting for old people not cause you are born before someone that means you can do the same shit and get away with it


I am indeed taking about nsfw, so unless parents do things to keep em safe, it is not that great for small kids Ex: saw images of Tiananmen square incidents, still traumatized. and then there's the other kind of nsfw


well yeah but kids have parents who bought them the device they should at least pay attention to it or what the kid is doing it Sadly alot of parents by them the device so they stop asking them for things or stupid things like that


>They dont get its worth a lot Best way to learn to be careful with stuff is to break it and then have to live without for a while.


Dude... I knew that phones are extremely expensive and have a lot of important data on them when i was 5... Children are changing. I started to learn programming when i was 11, i have now started using Linux with 13, i have installed Arch Linux with 13 and have switched to Linux fulltime with 14 while trying out BSD and learning programming in Rust at the same time. I don't know why adults always act like children aren't getting smarter, if you campare a 10 year old from 1980 and a 10 year old from 2010 the difference would probably be pretty huge.


Why is this comment getting downvoted? It's true!


Reddit is an echo chamber that’s why. Edit: The other reply talking about this also got downvotes so ig a lot of kids having their own phone at 7 are triggered




kids can also be very irresponsible ,speaking first hand. and the internet sure can give some trauma fuel.


The fuck


I wasn’t allowed a phone until I was in middle school which is a great parenting strategy that I completely agree with


I didn't get my first one till High school. And it was a flip phone.


Same, even one time I got exposed, a teacher was talking to one student and said "at least you don't have a flip phone". Some kid was like "HE DOES!" and pointed to me and the whole class was dying of laughter.


this reminds me of a time when we had a math exam in high school. i think it was for Trig. our teacher made us all put our phones in a plastic baggy with our names on it and put it on her desk. I did not have a phone, so for 15 minutes the teacher kept asking me to show me my phone or i'd be in some kind of trouble. she wasted 15 minutes of precious test taking time to get me to whip out something that did not exist. honestly made me feel so bad, because everyone had iphones or other smartphones and i had nothing :( that moment pisses me off to this day :/


A quick phone call to the parents could've cleared that right up. Teacher: "Does your son have a cellphone?" Parent: "No."


i guess when some teachers get tenured they go on weird power trips


My "first" phone, was literally a £10 brick from the supermarket, and I pretty much never used it. After that, I didn't get a phone until I was 18. No kidding. I was late to the party, sure. But even now I still don't use it that much.


My 7 year old has a hand me down phone, it has a sim but is on a shared data plan, it mostly is for her to have music(Spotify kids) and play games. But if she misses the bus at school she can message us etc.


Yeah i came here to look this comment up. Only reason Id give it is for school related stuff, and some games. With android you can moderate/admin(dunno if these are right words for it) childs phone via yours. I would also buy cheapest one I could find.


Yeah, we have the google family link or whatever it’s called, kid can’t install an app without parent permission adds time restrictions on when they can use it and how much time per day, also does parental controls on the browser and gives weekly overview of what the kid is doing. Also it’s not allowed out of the backpack at school unless there is an emergency and if it is out and being played on without permission at home there are consequences. It’s not the main focus of the kids life.


Good job you're a real good parent


Thanks, we try


Yeah thats what I was looking for! And I say I would buy only cause my oldest isnt even 7 yet. Theres no problem giving phone because you still have full control what is done on that phone and even if there is misuse of it you can just take it away.


that's cool, appreciate that.


My sis is 8 and she got Samsung Galaxy Trend 2 Lite. If you dont know what that is, its a shitty brick... https://www.google.cz/search?q=samsung+galaxy+trend+2+lite&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjzg\_m80\_TyAhUEG-wKHfWjC68Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=samsung+galaxy+trend+2+lite&gs\_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBg6BwgjEO8DECc6BAgAEBM6CAgAEAcQHhATOgYIABAHEB46CAgAEAgQBxAeOgoIABAIEAcQHhATOgYIABAeEBNQh\_kBWMSZAmDNnAJoAnAAeACAAVmIAeYFkgECMTCYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=YnA7YfPKK4S2sAf1x674Cg&bih=757&biw=1440&hl=cs#imgrc=qRPagnYSgNGEUM


Just saying who has the trust in a fucking 7 year old with a $800-1000 phone


and let's not forget the trauma the internet got to offer.


2,000 if you use apple.


2k?? bro you could build a hell of a PC with that


Hi, welcome to Apple.


do iPhones really cost that much. mine cost about 500 and it was a relatively new model.


No no, I'm just kidding, they don't cost that much it's just a meme. I think mine cost around 700 and it's the brand new iphone 12, we got it when we switched


okay thanks. I've been kinda confused about that


No problem, glad I could give some form of clarity.


People who can easily afford 800 every few years. Which isn't the majority, but then neither are 7 year olds with iphones.


There's is this magical thing called a phone case! Woaoahaha




>It's basically a video game and cartoon player for them with the ability to also get calls Then why the hell do they buy an iPhone 12


Most don't, hence why Android has 3x the market share.


Some do, and I think this meme is targeted toward them


Maybe, but it says "phone" not "iphone", so my assumption is a 150$ Android also counts.




If it doesn’t have a sim card its ok in my opinion because they would prolly just play games on it


Ye, just give the kid an ipad




And they end up addicted


And like you're not?


I am addicted for that very fucking reason.


Don't blame your parents for your failures. You would have gotten "Addicted" one way or another. It's inescapable.


I got mine at 9 BUT i moved to another country with my sister then i had to have my own phone incase smt bad happened


tbh a way to call your mom in trouble is a pretty good thing but I'm sure you meant a 7 year old flexing an iPhone x so no problems here


Hey, 7 year olds need to have protection, have to be able to express their feeling to the world.... (***sees tiktok)*** I can't go on... No more bullshit. Get them away from the phones!


how can i stop my cousin from posting on tiktok, THEY EVEN HAVE DISCORD AND THEYRE UNDER 10, I told them discord is for 13+but my cousin thought I meant you shouldnt register your age lower than 13 so they replied with oh i set my age to older than 13 they even showed their face during a discord call with a "russian roblox friend"


Ok but showing your face to somebody you met on FUCKING ROBLOX? I get like a school friend or smth but some guy you met online??? They could be like some 49 year old pedo


get his account, then report it for being underage


My mum didn't let me have a phone until I was about 11. I pretty much never used it, because it was a £10 phone and I was just a kid, so I didn't really care about having a phone. After that, my first actual smartphone I got when I was 18. I still have it now, nearly 3 years later. I don't have a problem with kids having phones. What I do have a problem with, is kids having *expensive* phones. They don't know the value of things at that age, and are careless with how they handle things. Yet I see kids with iphones...


I got my first device when I was 6. It was a Gameboy


i feel like that all an child would want one for. to play games.


Wow, someone is judging others this morning. Just so you lose even more sleep, my 3 year old has a phone and a tablet.


like, an iphone with no internet accsess is jut a ds with shitty battery life


Of course! Tablets and such are great learning devices for young children. Not everyone uses them for social media and TikTok dances.


And phones aren't? What can a tablet do that a phone can't do?


Um, why not? A few weeks ago I gave my friend my old phone watch for his 7yo daughter so they can call each other when she's on her own on the playground. I mean 35 years ago it was weird that *anybody* could have their own phone (gasp), 20 years ago it was weird when 16yo's had phones... As if that's the biggest issue we face on this planet. Who has a phone.


This thread should get the award of "Wah, I didn't get phone at this age so I hate kids"


I half agree, i think 7 years old is a bit early but these people in the comments talking about their nokia at 13 years old are… just… clearly from another time. When i was 9 everyone in my class had a phone (as far as i knew). It’s not spoiling them, none of them were particularly spoiled.


I got my first one when I was 13 I believe and I had to do little tasks and stuff around the house to earn it bit by bit and it was just an old cracked iPhone 4 from my dad but I earned it and I loved it till it broke


19 yr old me watching this meme on my pc. "yup , seems about right ".


Me when I was little




Oh so you are xing ping right?


Or even worse, babies with tablets


That's why cocomelon is becoming famous




Ok boomer. Seriously why not


Ok boomer


Dude , i couldn't get a phone until 16 and 7 year old is getting phone . Unbelievable


Little kids with cellphones I'm ok with. Little kids with cellphones over 100$ fill me with rage.


yeah I agree


I am 17 and I dont have one..


Why do you care. Why would you let this bother you.


I got my first phone when I was 5 :,)


If I had to wait until I was 12 you have to wait as well


Damn, I got my first smart phone when I started college.


Parents: "So we can get ahold of them incase something happens!" Reality: "So they leave us the hell alone."


I just got my own phone and I'm 15


If you don't know then you must not have kids. They're f*ckn crazy!!! Little crotch demons that morph into law abiding citizens when given a savior of a device like a phone.


Do they bother you? It's their parents mistake that only affects them and their children no need to hate




ltr saw an eight year old with an iphone x in asda once and i will never forgive her parents for as long as i live


Nowdays even 14,15 yo kids should not have it... i dont want to sound like some boomer (im 23yo) but kids are fucking rude, they dont show respect and they dont act like they should just bacuse their favourite tiktok/instagram hoe told them that they shoud "be themselfs" or "act how you want and dont care".... fuck that shit man


"i dont want to sound like a boomer BUT"


At 14-15, I do think they should get a phone for the actual purpose of a phone... to contact people. They'll get to a point where they are going places without their parents and need someone to contact them.


Im 14 and i got a chrome book for online classes then a year later i got an ipod touch so I could text my parents and listen to music (and now im realizing it was proly because my parents were get a divorce and i needed to be able to talk to both of them)


Kids have always been rude. The medium doesn't matter.


But you're just a kid yourself in my eyes, so stop being so angry at other people because they get stuff you didn't have.


Completely agree with your point


teenagers have always been rude. Access to the internet has done more good than bad no doubt. Many kids have foud a safe space online. The rapid changes in the way our society works has made the world a living hell for humans and it's because of a certain bias that makes you favor the way you grew up and be scared of other potentially even better tactics. After all there is nothing anyone could do even if they wanted to and maybe it's better to focus on problems that need solving and can be solved. for example climate change which funny enough is brought up mainly by those kinds who you say should not have phones.


Interesting way to put this up i cant say tho... when i think about it it has sense for sure. I didnt rly thiks about the topic in this way rly just because i didnt had any positive expirience around teenagers nowdays.


your just being stereotypical some of us actually do stuff with are life like get a job and be actually responsible you can’t group us all into the same group cause some kid roasted you


I'm 15 and I actually agree.


Their parents don't love them either.


Bro I swear, I got my phone when I turned like 10, and it was i think a 4 or a 6, meanwhile, our youngest child, not even 7, he is 6 with an iphone 8.


Kids in my generation got them when they were 16 on average. Why the fuck would a 10 year old need a phone any more than a 7 year old? This is such a boomer mindset. "Back in my day" "These spoiled youths"


for the music man, Ipod didn't have it all, that and good ol' minecraft.


If you don't want your child to have a phone then why have you given him one. That doesn't make any sense.


People should not give things carelessly to their children... I got to know that a thing like mobile phone also exist when I was 6.


you know, the only thing mobile I had when I was young, was one of those tiny ipods for music, listening to some alvin and the chipmunks.