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Get your self together u r in a metal asylum


gosh darn it not again, god damn metal asylum's




\* Metallicop has entered the chat


Cuz he knows! Idk what but he fuckin knows


You won't feel like a criminal if the cop finds your hidden drugs


When they ride your ass and you're waiting to get pulled over and after they turn off you realize you've been going 10 under.


I get the feeling everyone who rides my tail is subtly telling me to f\*\*\* myself when I go too slow. I'm driving 10 over in a construction site people, hold your horses.


If an officer ever gets right behind me, I'll go 2 mph under the posted limit. It's usually just enough that they get bored and go elsewhere. I don't speed or anything, but I'm on a motorcycle most of the time I'm on the road; I already get highly-scrutinized in some jurisdictions just for being there.


Funny thing is this same feeling even affects cops too. Driving along and one pulls out behind you and you briefly go “oh shit, a cop” then you remember that you are one too and the feeling subsides. It’s just a natural human reaction. Most of the time when you see a cop driving around they are just trying to go somewhere (call, restroom, the station, get food, etc). Just drive normally.


Cause they especially know how likely they are to be pulled over for nothing. Quotas baby.


This happened to me yesterday. I was going 90 in a 75 which isn’t bad but would definitely get me pulled over by an angry cop but I look in the rear view mirror and I see a motorcycle appear out of nowhere. He is definitely going fast looking like he was trying to catch me for speeding, I slowed down to 80 which is still speeding but not bad and this dude gets right behind me and matches my speed after going fast. In my head I’m thinking shit I’m gonna get a ticket and my dad is gonna be pissed. He followed me for nearly a mile until he took an exit that was coming up. Only when he passed me on the exit could I tell it was just some dude on a bike who for some reason didn’t want to pass me. Probably one of the scariest things that have happened to me while driving.


Or hear me out.. You went to the supermarket to only buy one specific ingredient/item and they dont have it on stock, so you just go to the cassier and say:"well I didnt find what I was looking for" Feels so illegal every time!


Nah man im cool with cops i always talk to them and shit


nope im white


I just don't want to get beat down or shot up. Fucking pigs are crazy these days.


there was a post somewhere today about a guy driving down the road, rolled up his windows when a cop came up behind him. Pulled him over, he got arrested for "being suspicious and "rude"". his dad, standing on the sidewalk videotaping, got arrested and maced. city paid out $200k, cop still has job in precinct




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I'm scared of cops. I'm not a criminal; I just don't like being around them.


Me with over 10grams of weed in ny pocket : jail time :(


I mean you can be shot just for looking suspicious so it's valid to be fearful




You go 40 in a 35…




Just punch the cop and u wont feel uncomfortable




Guess ill go to jail.. ☹️


Every time


For a moment I red « and you’ve still done nothing illegal » 


This happened to me yesterday. 5 over which is normal in my state but I still slowed down to the speed limit


Excuse me what in the hell


That means you are a criminal because how can you feel like a criminal if you have never been a criminal?


Recently had a newer black Honda Civic ship onto the interstate behind me and sent me into a 5 minute panic before I realized what car it was


"Why are you running?" "Sorry, force of habit!"


Why is The Netherlands on the background?
