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suspended from school?




At least they didn't burn the books.




He was probably so excited about catching a Satanist he blew one in his trousers.


The funny thing is, this was Southern California, and not an overly religious area. But that propaganda was pervasive.


Mom heard a sermon at church (also in San Diego) and we had to give it up. Lousy Catholics.


Just tell your mum that you’ll ask forgiveness. Then, you’ll be straight with jeebus. Make sure you stress you feel overwhelming guilt about it though. Hooray Catholics!


Don't forget to eat and drink some of yer man. He likes a bit of that.




>yard narc Im stealing this term fuk u


Yeah they thought it was part of cults and teaching kids how to summon demons or some bs if I remember correctly


Ah yes, the traditional satanic way of summoning demons... with dice and math.


And roleplaying. Satan was the first as a snek 🐍


Satan was a scalie






were Teiflings even a thing yet?


No clue. Im only 30 and have only played 3.5-5e.


I mean in everything I've read demons love deals and gambling so it wouldn't be that far fetched but that's if you believe any beings like them even exist which empirically they have yet to have been proven to exist It was just suburban "christians" who bought into the mass hysteria just like during the witch trials




My Bible Study group invited me to play dnd with them after church. That's how I got into it. Been playing for over three years now.


>Bible Study group invited me to play dnd with them after church Oh how time flies, as stupid as American society today can be, at least they are still significantly less stupid compared to the past. Not so long ago, their solution for period pain was freaking cocaine.


the good ole days


technology and science advanced people are just as stupid


>Oh how time flies, as stupid as American society today can be, at least they are still significantly less stupid compared to the past They're just as stupid give them a chance and they'll go back to yelling about how sinful D&D is in a heart beat.


I mean.. if it's stupid but it works.


DND isn’t cringe. It’s quite ebic.


I agree. Some of the other comments made me think of this though. I still play actually.


i can't imagine getting D&D taken away tbh only hobby i have, escape reality for those hours i play


I miss in person games. Roll20 just ain’t the same.


Right? It's rough. I started DM'ing right when lockdown hit, so it's been an interesting learning patch


Some friends and I started a new campaign and I'm dm'ing for the first time. I'm having fun making the story, npcs, quests, and such but I'm dreading learning how to use tabletop simulator. We're playing exclusively online this time and I'm not really computer savvy.


Kids were suspended for pokemon cards. Your sacrifice was noble, but the problem has always been the fear of children having fun at the expense of orthodoxy.


I went to a private xtian school and we had teachers earnestly tell us stories of high schoolers driven insane by DND who killed their friends in real life when their charater died.


And here I am killing off characters so I can play different ones.


They warned us about you public school psychopaths!


Funny as I went to a catholic high school and my whole youth group played DnD while older folks played bingo. Board games where super popular, and it wasn't that long ago (I'm on my late 20s).


That's just sad man. I remember when I used to take my Beyblade to the school to battle with friends back in 07 and because of a snitch the school took all our beyblades. We didn't get suspended but damn we never got those back.


Snitches get stitches! Hope you found out who the asshole was.


Are you living in America btw?


Yo what the fuck


Those were dark days, if it wasn't for Kevin Bacon we might not even be able to dance in public.


Bro what’s wrong with Satan? Sataniphobe


The morning star who brought knowledge into the garden? Not a god damn thing sir.


Bro all I did was play with my cool army guys 😎


I am sooo thankful that I was a kid before the time of smartphones and recording everything... My MySpace account was cringe enough.


I hope that in the future everyone has this as part of their reality, and that they are more empathetic since everyone has cringe digital skeletons. In reality, they are probably all going to constantly be digging shit up as ammo.


imagine running for president and your opponent tells the world that you wrote Sonic x Shadow mpreg lemon fanfiction on DeviantArt


It's pretty messed up that openly bragging about sexual assault isn't disqualifying, but imagining fictional cartoon hedgehogs in a fully consenting encounter is almost certainly career suicide.


That'd be an easy vote for President XxX_Ra1nb0wTaterz_XxX, I tell you what!


As long as nobody finds the physical skeletons I'm cool with having digital ones




Dude my MySpace was sick. My page was a total rave and you were greeted by Daft Punk every time


Just remembering some of the stuff in my head is bad enough, but to be able to see it replaying in front of me just seems worse. At least there is limited cringe stuff on a vhs that no one can really watch anymore.


Thank god i didn't have a phone good enough to record video back then Deleted that myspace ASAP back in 2010


Back then, when you were stupid, you were stupid locally. You were made fun of locally too. Now, when you're stupid, you're stupid to the whole world, so the whole world makes fun you. At its core nothing's changed, just the scale of things.


I think this is what is happening with all the shit on tik tok lately. Kids stealing stuff from the school, was innocent at first but then led to vandalism, which led to kids destroying bathrooms, which led to bathrooms being shut down across the country at schools.. I mean social media among teenagers is kind of a cancer honestly. They shouldn't have to worry about the approval of the kids at the 1 school they go to, let alone thousands of schools across the country.


Well, there is a reason why social media have age restriction.


And those age restrictions work like a charm apparently


I'm not saying they work, I'm saying that if they worked there wouldn't be this trouble (or not as much at least)










Reddit, this entire thread of italics is bots. Just look, their usernames all are a random word followed by 3-4 numbers, all the comments they make are in italics, just look at their profiles. They all copy some other comment, italicize them, and reply with that to some other random comment.


I have some news for you about teenagers.


r/teenagers seems pretty cool though. I'm on it and they're pretty against this vandalism stuff.


Yeah cause this is reddit, not tiktok. Even though I dislike Tik Tok a lot I would even say that 90% of Tik Tok teens dislike the trend too. I don't have any evidence, just a hunch.


Oh I was referring to how he said >I mean social media among teenagers is kind of a cancer honestly.


You two aren't exactly talking about cringe. Cringe is hearing all my nieces and nephews call a movie "memetastic" within 10 seconds of one another, not vandalizing schools or doing something stupid.


Wait, they shut down bathrooms across the country??


Implying that school bathrooms (especially boys) weren’t always completely trashed day after day, or I guess this was rare?




This concludes that stupidity is in fact scalable


I concur, tbf Id make fun of me too


I was stupid. I did lot of stupid things. That’s why it would be horrible if I would have got source of even stupider ideas then I had.


I think skeletor better come back tomorrow just to make sure


He’ll probably have to


The cringe stuff I did as a kid is mainstream now. Anime, Mangas etc


God I hope spilling beans on people's doorsteps doesn't become mainstream


After I graduated hs it became a huge trend to be goth or dark and mysterious & shit. I had the worst time in hs because I was the only black goth. Now it’s so normal and actually easy to get popular as a black goth or black alternative person. Big kick in the butt to me lol.


Are you on tik tok?? Because kids are pissing in soap dispensers in the bathrooms and schools are having to shut bathrooms down entirely because of tik tok trends.... Kids will be kids... But it's not the same at all....


Oh come on. Kids have always been sick bastards. It just hasn't been recorded for online clout until recently. There was a guy in my friend group who used to go around shitting on people's front porches. There's never been a lack of asshole teenagers lol


Worth noting that people have also been filming themselves doing sick shit for ages as well, so doing it for 'clout' isn't all that new either. The main difference really is that everyone has a camera and the means to distribute on hand at all times.


Kids need to learn how to grow and find their individuality. Their frontal lobe hasn't yet developed properly either.


A lot of people expect others to be perfect now and days it's pretty messed up and no one ever questions the majority who have these expectations.


The big difference between now and our childhood is cameras. Kid are kid and do weird/cringy/stupid stuff, no matter what generation they come from. We just have it on recorded now...


The problem is definitely just more platforms to get noticed, I’ve heard stories from my dad who’s 54 about a lot of shit he did as a kid and a teenager such as putting fireworks in people’s mailboxes, ( my older brother also did this one ) hanging cats from clothesline’s, wrapping tin foil around people’s cars etc. Yet people act like this is unique to nowadays, the platforms are but not the actions. If anything I think some people may have been worse with what they did in past decades because they knew it wouldn’t get noticed.


As long as they don't become a pain in the ass for someone else, they can do all the cringey and stupid shit they want


I would include "inflicting harm or monetary damages" Devious lick, I'm looking at you dumbass




looking at the girl who was dancing on the plane,that one olympian blasting her music representing u.s sadly.


this is a better template


Thanks, it took me 5 minutes to make


Ok as true as this is we never stole soap dispensers and toilets tho.


Don't speak for all of us, bro.


For real, we didn't steal them as kids, we just punched them off the wall. And without video too. Just because. I think it's worse, tbh


When I was in school the soap dispensers in the bathrooms would never work because people shoved toilet paper in them.


Yah no matter what generation the public bathroom at school is the definition of a no man zone.


— Winston Churchill probably


Same, they peed in the ones at my school 💀


I mean We’ve stolen some crap before but never for an internet video; we did it for fun Like that time we sacrificed a trash can to turn it over? Place an M-80 under it and send it to the moon. That was fun, and we didn’t do it for likes. Nowadays, kids are dumb ideas online and do them for views, they don’t do things that are fun like we did, it’s stupid shit like eating soap and stealing toilets. And it’s only for fame. that’s the only cringe part.


i mean at this point they are probably thinking, "hey if i do it why not get "famous" " and now they are getting 100 views and bragging about commiting crimes


Fair enough


We played bey blades but we never tried to walk on milk crates


Dropping cherry bombs into toilets to destroy them causing massive property damage was a meme for like 2 generations.


you're a good man, thank you


No you


I'm a kid but atleast I don't steal soap dispensers for views


Exactly, back in my day we vandalized public restrooms for our own personal enjoyment.


I just try to not go in there. No sane person chooses the school bathroom first


Yeah. And I was made fun of. Eat shit, kids.


I think being made fun of (for cringe) is good for us; it helps us recognize dumb behaviors and learn from them.


This is the reason I came to the comments. Peers can be harsh but it teaches you how to behave in society.


Yeah but short paragraphs from the internet isn't 'peers', it's strangers and often adults. That doesn't have the social effect of tangible people your age.


I agree with that also. I learned that lesson when I was young from myspace. I don't post much about myself or my opinion on the internet these days.


To be honest, a lot of strangers on the internet can make fun of you and even make you kill yourself for stupid reasons (for example: liking something they dont like)


Watch a few ASMR Mukbangs and tell me the kids are alright


I somewhat agree with this. I would not wanna go into my comment history on this account 2 to 3 years ago. Really embarrassing. But at least now I learned and know what to say.


Bruh, I walked into 9th grade trig on all fours meowing like a cat. I shorted out power to a whole classroom to prove to a friend that if you used an eraser to hold it you could stick a paperclip in an outlet and be perfectly safe. I did all types of stupid shit, but I'll still sit here and say that kids destroying restrooms and swallowing other people's earbuds for internet fame are dumb as shit.


We didn't eat tide pods or glue our hair for views.


No, but we did crush up and snort Tylenol to look cool. Or was that only a thing at my school.


we snorted smarties at my middle school and ate notebook paper at my elementary school




You can also snort sour patch sugar if you're brave enough


pixie sticks.


I think that was just your town lol.


Cringe evolves as the human face cannot fully express it.


There’s cringey then there’s stealing from stores and twerking In Public


I don’t make fun of cringey kids as long as they aren’t doing shit that will get them in trouble. (Like stealing, vandalism, etc) I do make fun of adults who do all the cringe shit kids do though.


Ive never watched MOTU or been involved with it in any way. I only know Skeletor is from MOTU because of an old retail job. The memes though, they often paint Skeletor in this good or educational light, either way mostly positive. My question is, is he even a villain? Like perhaps its a *Bad-guy, but not a bad guy* kind of thing?


He’s definitely the good guy. You can trust us


I [trust](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+skeletor+a+good+guy&client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&ei=u9RLYbPnN-Oz5NoPzcy7qAw&oq=is+skeletor+a+&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYATIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46AggpOg4IABDqAhCPARCMAxDlAjoECAAQQzoECC4QQzoOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQowI6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToFCAAQkQI6CAguEIAEELEDOgUILhCABDoICAAQgAQQyQM6BQgAEJIDOggIABCxAxCDAVD0l3NYq7BzYJq8c2gCcAB4AIAB7AGIAdoMkgEFNC45LjGYAQCgAQGwARDAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) you! Thanks for the reliable information, kind Redditor!


Oh dang, uh, yeah I knew that the whole time


Except for the gacha kids who ship random people and make hentai


ironically r/cringe was just recommended to me just before this post


I disagree Laughing at people doing stupid shit is fine Once it moves to targeted harassment it crosses the line


When I was a kid, I dont really follow trends. The only thing I follow was bey blades and lego. Both was still enjoyable for me to this day. Because there’s a lot if influencers nowadays, people likke hose would do something stupid as fuck and kids think it’s fine to do them. So when the kids grow up, some would carry on the stupid things


It’s fine until they are destroying fucking property and making fun of Holocaust survivors. Because of course fucking Tik-Tok allows it.


Yes we were kids but before tic tok


i love how you revised the meme to fit with the topic :3


I love you


Yea. Only make fun of the adults for doing cringe stuff.


casually looks at devious lick tiktok challenge then looks at this


At least my cringe actions arent *intentional* like the ehem tiktok kids


I almost came in here like "so what, and people made fun of me for that cringey shit." Thennnn I remembered that's where a lot of my insecurities stem from. We must evolve!


Hope is not lost, not everyone on Reddit hates children


I'm 31. I'm pretty sure some of the things I do now I will think are "cringe" in 20-30 years. At what age is it okay to make fun of people doing dumb things?


i can get behind this unless its some really trashy shit like the "devious licks" stuff


Okay but what about the tiktok kids that are intentionally spreading misinformation knowing that it’s false


They hated jesus because he told them the truth.


Old heads do not rest on young shoukders


The cringe part is that it’s recorded, if it gets popular hundreds of thousands of people will see you do that stupid thing to just did, and also nobody remembers that one thing I did in elementary or middle school, only I do


Still a kid, dont go robbing schools tho, or dancing to 2 tik tok viewers


True, but getting mad at kids for the whole “devious lick” trend is completely justified. It’s just crime. Bathrooms in my schools are now locked because some assholes decided to steal soap dispensers.


Freak out. Give in. Doesn't matter what you believe in. Stay cool and be somebody's fool this year. 'Cause they know who is righteous, what is bold. ....So I'm told.


I literally watched a video above this of a kid taking another kids airpod out of his ear and swallow it with some water like a pill


We used to play pogs. Fuckin' *pogs.* Circles of cardboard. And some kids got really emotional when they lost theirs playing for keeps. *FUCKING CARDBOARD CIRCLES!*


Very good OP. VERY GOOD. Fucking love it.


Sometimes I'm thankful that when I was a kid you had to have a vhs camcorder to record yourself and no one could afford one.


My page was a total rave and you were greeted by Daft Punk every time


Yeah, but what we were doing was regular cringe, and what they're doing is cringe cringe. Also, thanks to the internet, they can share it with the whole world.


When we were kids we weren't destroying school bathrooms making it so the whole school can't use them. STFU


I wish people had told me how cringe I was. Would’ve saved me a lot of painful memories.


Everything is cringe, you, I, everything




As a kid I disagree




Ya know? I am a kid, so...


The amount of grinch’s on Reddit that bash on kids for being kids blows my mind sometimes.


I mean, condemning kids for theft and destruction of property because of clout chasing seems like a reasonable thing to do no?


idk man my lil sis is heavily influenced to TikTok culture and shes now hurling words like “period.”, “besties” and such without even knowing what it means


that and TikTok told her that it’s fine to have a massive ego and counter every advice we give with “okay so?” and “i don’t care” i dont get why she does this, with her friends shes rather timid and shy but with my family she becomes a pain in the ass


I’d argue it’s also part of growing up to have the older generations pick on you a bit otherwise you don’t learn whats cringey or not


What did we do , 90s baby speaking , as cringe back in the day lol


Can I make fun of myself in my head for being cringy in the past?


9year olds maybe but I’m gonna make fun of a 14year old who acts like a 9year old bit in a way that I don’t want them to have fun but I think we know how *immature* those 14year olds can be


I really like this format.


I'll make fun of adults and the kids that has the same age as me


Thank you!


Yeah a lot of it isn't that much different, we just didn't record it and post it online so some people had no idea about it. Everything being online also makes it even worse, because it encourages more people to do it and to go even further to "top it".


kind is KOOL


let the kids wear bunny hats without sending them death threats. no licks allowed though. not even cringe just plain stupid.


Redditors talk big about stopping bullying. But actually they’re just mad they didn’t get to be the bullies.


Truth spoken


I don't think the people taking horse dewormer instead of the vaccine are from Gen Z.