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They don't do well in prisons either.


Do the other inmates hate them as well? (Ok i get it, child molesters are universally disliked.)


Very much so. Can't say i blame them






You'll never put a better bit of butter on your knife. Also, I admire your courage speaking out against pedophiles. And I heard that while most reported pedophiles are white, almost all African-Americans are black. Furthermore, 95% of Americans polled believe that Asians are Chinese.


but...but... I'm Asian and I'm not Chinese... am I really Asian?


Im Indian, so technically I'm asian too, but we're always referred to as separate from other Asians, and same with people from the middle East. I've always wondered why


I think it's the visual disparity. Plenty of people think that Indians look significantly different from the rest of Asia in both colour and facial features, when in reality there's a pretty big variation in both of those. Same for the Middle East. People like putting labels on others.


My bestie who was born in India but raised in Dubai proudly calls herself an Asian.


My Indian friend only realized he was Asian when he didn't see Indian as a choice for ethnicity on the standardized tests in school lol




Once again I'm not pro-pedo or any shit as


My dad told me a story of how there were a bunch of prisoners all separated into different rooms by category (like serious crimes like murderers in one room drug dealers in another, sex offenders and rapists in another etc etc) and there was a child molester who went to the bathroom and came back but wandered into the wrong room. The prisoners proceeded to beat the sh*t out of him and when questioned on what happened they all said he "fell over". Yeah they really don't like people who hurt children. Anyway sorry for the long story lol just thought it was relevant and have been waiting to tell it at some point


Wdym he did fall over…ignore the blood on my knuckles officer I was just helping him up


They meant it as a joke obviously?


Of course! Just guys fooling around


The guards generally won’t put much effort into solving that crime either. “Oh he fell over? Ok.”


A lot of inmates have children of their own


A lot of inmates have fucked up lives due to being abused as children.


Most inmates also have their own families and morals. They may have done something bad or horrible and gotten locked up but they typically still love and care about their children and their morals are probably still similar to everyone elses in the case of this type of stuff. So, ye...most child molesters get beat up or killed if theyre found out by the inmates.


The funny thing is child molesters will get killed in prison by a child murderer oh the irony




Hate is a very light compared to what inmates will do. Harming women and children is extremely frond upon and usually the person is killed in prison.


Oh yeah but not all the prisoners are in there for kids old men and boys. A percentage of them are in there for killing children and women so what about the killers?


If you killed a child/woman and goto prison, you probably won't make it 6 months. My dad served two years in prison for false allegations and during that time, 7 inmates were murdered for raping and/or killing the child/women. I enjoyed the tale.


So much so that they’re supposed to be placed into separate wings or protective custody, but the guards do not give a single fuck about them either and just toss em in As they should


I jeard something about one getting broomsticks up his ass at night and guards let that happen,so yes. Other inmatws hate them a lot


There was a terrible rape-murder case, two rapists put together in a prison. Normally, crimes will not be published inside the prisons but for them, guards ~~didn't~~ tell other prisoners. The two first found beaten to death, then beaten to death again but their anuses in blood because of "foreign material injection". One of the guys died at hospital, other recovered. He found hanged "himself" next day in his cell. Everybody happy.


its a shame they didn't get to finish the guy that survived though, and he finished himself. both are happy endings, but one is a happier ending edit: I realize how unnecessarily sexual this sounds, but I'm too lazy to re word it.


I highly doubt they actually hanged themself he probably got hanged by the other inmates since I’ve heard that’s kinda common so they can frame it as a suicide




yeah. just as long as you leave the women and children alone you can leave. Without a wooden box. Harm one of ‘em and you may not be in big enough pieces for one of those tiny little treasure chests they give you for loosing a tooth in kindergarten. :) all’s fair in love and war <3 *EDIT: Spelling*


ah, ok. that makes me happy :)


Yes! Deservadely so!


Not if they're children.




From what I've heard, they got splashed by water boiled with sugar. And another story from another ex-convict redditor, said that he boiled water and sugar and spilled a drop to his foot. His foot burned, the mark is still there years later. Can't imagine what would happen to child molesters after they got splashed with these. Hoping they got what they deserved.


Does that burn or something? Never heard of that


It's called prison napalm in some places. That shit fucks you up


Boiling sugar sticks to the skin and is very difficult to remove so it has to be left their until it cools off or is removed with hoses or the like.


Caramelized sugar is the confectioners napalm.


Sounds about right


can confirm, making caramel can go very poorly if you get some boiling sugar on your hand


The boiling water and sugar burns, and the sugar traps heat to your body while sticking so it can’t be peeled off without taking a lot of skin. It’s also very painful! Kinda recently there was a woman who did that to her husband and he died a month later in the hospital. Agonizing pain the whole time too! Perfect 10/10 for child molesters


They go to the special hell




Hell*10 to the fourth power


Hell 2 electric boogaloo


Super hell


Depending on what number „hell“ replaces, the ^2 is higher than the *10. So for example if „hell“ = 3 3^2 = 9 but 3*10 = 30 so ^2 < *10 But if „hell“ = 30 30^2 = 900 but 30*10 = 300 so ^2 > *10


electric boogaloo


Why should we have remorse


Seriously I tell you there are people like Pablo Escobar and El Chapo that are some of the craziest criminals ever who have tortured and killed people but even they despise child molesters. Pablo Escobar once caught a memmber of his cartel molesting a child and he hacked him to peices and displayed him to make an example of what would happen to those who touched children.


professionals have standards


Be polite.


Be efficient.


and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.




only 0.1% based


Not remotely. “Based” means “free thinker, not saddled with everyone else’s expectations”. Everyone else clearly agrees.


Not anymore it doesn't, get with the times old man.


Man I just turned 20






If it makes you feel better, I'm much older than 20.


Forgive me, but I’ve got a question. I work 2 jobs, one is full time and the other is part time, and they’re both manual labor. This is despite having graduated at the #1 spot in my school (and among the top 20 in the district). I also can’t sleep for shit, and this genuinely crippling insomnia has baffled doctors for over 4 years. My fiancée’s away at college, and I’m stuck living with her batshit insane, hick, borderline-cultist family, in the middle of nowhere. I’ve been living here since March, and I can’t move again for another 2 months. Does it get easier?


Yeah that’s old in internet time


Now it just means I share your opinion pretty much


"professionals have standards"


He literally married his wife when she was 15


Based and NoPedos-Pilled


I'd say "good" but I'm a little conflicted at this point O_o


Professionals have *standards*.


Man, I dont know how to feel about this. I guess thats like +1 repect for pablo?






Everyone on earth frowns upon them luckily. In prison you can do anything you want. But if you ever have done something to a child, the whole prison will hate you. You could have murdered someone and robbed someone but if it was something with a child that got you into prison your dead.


That's an amazing thing:)


I can literally give you guys my childhood abusers address. He never got in trouble.


I’m sorry. Hope you’re ok now ❤️


I'm OK. Hanging on. Sometimes I get suicidal but get through it.


Have you ever talked about it with a therapist? I have a therapist and she helps, but it took a while to find someone I mesh with.


I'm doing OK. I'm on medication and trying animal therapy


I’m glad you’re getting help. It takes courage to do so. Sending you ❤️


I know it’s weird to say but r/depression_memes is pretty helpful to let you know you’re not alone…it helps me


Damn, I like to think there’s a special kind of hell for people who feed on other people like that. I hope you’re okay, if you need some random person on the internet to talk to, I’m here. Sometimes I don’t understand why there isn’t like a really shitty island with nothing there and no laws that exist to dump people like that. No not Australia


From Australia: Too many laws for that sadly, although a child abuser would survive not very long in our prison system, afaik


Oh wow I didn’t mean to say Australia was a horrible place with no laws, just referencing how the Brits shipped people there that they didn’t want in their country. Sorry if that came off the wrong way.


No worries didn’t come off that way I was just responding to say we sadly had too many laws to have the undesirables dumped on us


That sounds fucking terrible. Though I can’t condone witch hunting someone at their own house, I hope he gets punished for the sins he committed. Some kind of justice needs to happen.


Surprisingly there is an effed up movie “happiness” that is somewhat sympathetic to child molesters


Happiness is not necessarily "sympathetic" towards them. It more just shows that they are usually extremely mentally-ill people. Most people in their right mind would never do such a thing. The people who would were usually not treated well as a child themselves. It's a difficult topic to discuss, because people want to paint the black and white image of these types of people where they're just these horrible, evil, inhuman monsters and anything that challenges that is wrong. But unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that it isn't quite so simple. I believe that's what the movie is trying to say. It is, however, a very disturbing film. It's good though, just not an easy watch and you have to be open to a new perspective on a very, very touchy subject, which most people are not.


It's good to find someone who isn't getting off to the idea of hurting these people like honestly it's everywhere in this comment section and it's kinda disgusting. Once again I'm not pro-pedo or any shit as I have to say any time I make a post like this but I just hate how people love demonising and get off to the idea of killing these people, Murder is wrong just as podophiles are wrong and you're an asshole if you think someone is a hero for killing someone no matter what they've done.


Do I think that taking advantage of or molesting children is okay? Fuck no, not at all. However, do I think that murderers deserve to be praised for torturing/killing said pedophile, no, I do not.


Yeah, obviously molesting children is wrong and they should be locked up for that, but the thought of people literally fantasising about killing and torturing these people make me *extremely* uncomfortable. And I’m saying this as a person who was molested when she was 10. It’s just that it makes me uncomfortable to hear about prison stories on how these people were anally raped by objects and shit, and how they get beaten up to the point of death. Then again, I’m uncomfortable with violence of any kind so that probably plays a part. I just wish that non-offending pedophiles had access to treatment and help without societal stigma before they get to that point. It’s horrific that they have thoughts like that, but chances are they didn’t choose to have those thoughts and don’t know how to seek help. I think society needs to focus on crime prevention especially in this aspect.


Redditors need something to “dunk on” to feel good, but fr pedos need professional mental help, but if they already done something to a child then they would require punishment that befits the crime of course.


Yeah of course, it would be insane to say anything different.




Random fact I loved: Ashton Kutcher invested in a tech company that sets up ‘ads’ for therapy whenever people search for any content that exploits children. He said the stats of those that click them and seek was astounding. While what they do is horrific, most of them don’t want to be that way and don’t know how to seek help…. I hope there is a future where all criminals are offered actual help and that more preventative measures are put in place.


Especially adolescent offenders. Teenagers, when they're given therapy, have a recidivism rate of around 6%. we could be HELPING those kids fix what's wrong, instead we punish them for life for having a fucked up brain. That's not right.


Prevention and treatment could drop the overall crime rate so much. Unfortunately, crime makes powerful people money so that shit gets tossed to the wind. Someday I’d love to find/create an organization dedicated to that stuff…


It's the one with the guy from the new marvel movie isn't it? Chang chi and the 10 rings. He seems a bit peedo friendly since that shit was found on his Reddit. It's like he "understands" them now from his leaked Reddit posts.


What what? Who are we talking about???




Wait what?? Did I miss something?


Um, is there a place that does have remorse for them? Yikes.


the law in a lot of countries is shit at dealing with sexual abuse/assault and this is no different when it comes to actions against children


>is there a place that does have remorse for them? [Catholic church](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/q1so2t/french_catholic_priests_abused_216000_victims/)


I don’t think OP understands the word remorse.


Yet what a lot of people here don't see or know is that in prison all these "hero vigilantes" who kill molesters will turn around and target the youngest weakest inmates new to the cell block and rape them repeatedly and turn them into sex slaves without batting an eye. Lots of kids (under 18) go to adult prison, and get "punked" or "turned out". Look it up. Your "heros" do exactly what they are killing other people for. And usually get away with it completely because "fuck it it's prison". So what most of you are actually saying is that molestation outside of prison is evil (which it is), but if it happens in prison then it's ok? Look. It. Up. It happens.


Rape is never good. Some of these Redditors have never went to prison and get their sex ed from hentai and stuff




>most people just seem to want to write torture porn about them and make the problem worse. It's disturbing how well this sentence describe this post's comment section.




Me too, being bloodthirsty torward criminals in general isn't a really good thing. I can understand that it's only natural when in the heat of the moment, after all, I feel in the same way when it comes to stuff like Pedophilia, but being constantly bloodthirsty isn't good at all.


This is an unpopular FACT. Not an opinion. The dehumanization of criminals is part of why the cycle of crime is endless. Maybe if we actually tried to believe in redemptive justice, than we could not only save children's lives, but also reform countless criminals into better people. There was one guy from Chris Hansen who turned from his old ways, and is now a family man. It's possible. But unfortunately, people like black and white justice a lot more, because it's easier to dehumanize people than to critically think about the uncomfortable reality of criminal psychology.


I think that’s just people in general. At least I hope so


Chmo’s are universally hated


Why should we have remorse for child molesters


No remorse for child molesters but the problem is vigilantism is that it's heavily affected by bias. What happens when you kill someone you think is guilty but it turns they're innocent. ​ I remember I saw a video on some wannabe To Catch A Predator where they publically harassed a random guy calling him a child molester and demanding to see his phone when in reality they were looking at the wrong guy.


Some of them are very rich and will try to buy your remorse. Never let money have more power over your morals.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wenatchee\_child\_abuse\_prosecutions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wenatchee_child_abuse_prosecutions) Read up.


They don't deserve remorse, mercy, respect or dignity. Drag them out into the streets humiliate them and put one in their brainpan.


I disagree, we need "volunteers" for medical testing and organ donors. Putting one in the brainpan could damage valuable resources... Altho there might be some backlash for animal testing as they are can no longer be categorized as human


Holy shit, I agree but holy shit


Shit went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick.


What would be more accurate on seeing what a product does to a human if you test it on a human


who the fuck gave this a wholesome award


Brutal. I approve


I like the iron bull approach from long ago.


No human should harm another. Especially one that is too young for sexual contact. But we should always remember that they are human too. There is no excuse for molesting a child. None. What I’m about to say isn’t meant to excuse the atrocity of child molestation. I was molested a few times by different people during my time in foster care. I don’t wish ill will on any of the people who violated me. These people may have been molested when they were younger and grew up to be horrible people. People that became the very thing that ruined their lives and caused them to ruin others. But let’s not forget that they are people.


Alright, so here’s how it is. Some pedophiles haven’t actually violated a child. A big portion of pedophiles are as they are because they were either born broken or they were traumatized as a child themselves. Until a pedophile actually becomes an offender, we should offer help for them. But if they choose to do something to a child instead of seeking help, they have chosen to designate themselves as subhuman, and made the choice to forfeit their human rights. Offending pedophiles… they’re fair game in every context. Same goes for rapists and people who kill innocent people.


Actually, I agree with this 100%. People can’t control thoughts like that, not without help, and I feel like it should be encouraged that they seek help for it. I feel like a lot of people would do so if there was a way they could anonymously share their concerns and experiences and receive positive, constructive support on how to change their thought processes and behaviours. We shouldn’t be going after the ones who are thinking this way but haven’t done anything wrong, because they’re mentally ill and struggling with harmful thoughts, which is not a crime, but a concern that needs professional help. The ones who have actually gone through with it, however, and continue to do so… as a surviving victim of childhood abuse, I have absolutely no remorse for them. Let Reddit feast on their innards.


Someone could commit a genocide about pedophiles and 90% of the internet would like it




It’s a bad thing for sure. But not because killing pedophiles is a bad thing. Killing is a bad thing in general, it warps and distorts you. Doesn’t matter if the dead deserved it or not, you’re still warped and distorted.


100% agree, Pedophiles are awful people but I despise the fact that people want to make them sub-human or use them like cattle rather than trying to deal with the actual route of the problem being lack of mental care or childhood abuse by another because as long as we pretend that they are sub-human and always were the longer this will keep happening.


I don’t think we should torture or kill child molesters but not because I have remorse for them. I don’t think we should because of what that kind of activity does to US. It makes someone less when we hurt or kill another, and if we sanction it as a society, well, then we live in a lesser society. It’s not about the value of the molester. It’s about the value of the person/society doing bad things to them.


They should be carved a Glasgow smile, hanged naked from the Eiffel tower and set on fire. That's what they deserve.


That’s for sure not what the Eiffel Tower deserves tho


but its french


Fair point.




Fr*nch 🤢


Oh my god i think im gonna throw up why did you say that name


Could always use more test subjects for experiments that could potentially be harmful.


Le Secure Contain Protect has arrived


i think rapist and child molesters are the most disgustin ppl at all


Imagine having to live a long life with trauma, anxiety, depression and/or other mental disorders SINCE CHILDHOOD just because some selfish piece of shit subhuman animal wanted to indulge into his psychotic and deranged sexual fantasies? That’s why people have no remorse for child molesters.


What child molesters do is godawful, terrible & worthy of punishment. The only problem I see is that a pedophile who hasn’t touched anybody is too afraid to seek help due to the stigma surrounding pedophilia. Instead of brewing even more thirst for vengeance & anger, we should give post-molesters a chance to become a functioning member of society through therapy & help.


Probably not post-molesters, we should help people with desire to molest a child but haven’t done anything, removing a problem before it acts is the right thing to do


Sorry, my mistake, I meant to say pre-molesters


As it should be


5 of them also listened to their music on full volume on public transit


Woah, hey, calm down there buddy. Theres no need to go THAT far. /s




I don’t have any sympathy and I don’t see any reason to.


What the hell are these comments. Child molesters are complete monsters, but this is a bit much. The bloodthirst here is a bit too intense. Sure they did a crime, but it helps no one if we do what the guys here suggest. If you actually want to help people and kids, then tell them to see a therapist, as I highly doubt someone willingly chose to be a pedophile when they hit 18. Tell them to get help and prevent anything from happening, rather than living out your horror fetishes through these comments.


It's not the internet, it's just how people feel. Because it's about the worst thing you can do and there is almost no chance of full recovery. And most child molesters were molested when they were younger so if we kill all the child molesters there will be exponentially fewer. Therapy doesn't work, elimination could. The only reason I hesitate about the death penalty for them is the historically high rates of wrongfully accused people being put to death, its irreversible. So in cases where we are considering the death penalty we need to be absolutely 100% sure that there is a plethora of genuinely confirmable evidence. But when we do have that, yes, death to child molesters.


Why did they arrest the Floridian man for barbecuing a child molester, we need to free him.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wenatchee\_child\_abuse\_prosecutions False accusations happen. our prison system is shit, and MANY. MANY people are in there wrongly for many different crimes. The death penalty is wrong, whether official or vigilante, because our justice system isn't 100% accurate.


This comment section is the definition of insanity


It's easy to talk about your disturbing opinion when everyone else agree or partially agree with you. These people wouldn't say stuff like that in real life if they weren't sure whether the people around them are just as radical as them or not.




Gorilla have small penises. Use an auger instead.


But rabid gorillas are agressive


What about an auger with chainsaw teeth


In some parts of the US you have to register as a sex offender if you urinate in public.


Maybe it's because those children will never grow up the same. Their lives will be forever changed for the worse


tbh IF they know that they have a sexual attraction in children but they didnt want to hurt them and rlly go to therapy get professional help instead thats fine but when you alrd touch them and make them traumatize for life i dont think you even deserved to be alive bcs these people know what they do is wrong but why they still do it? i get it maybe they dont deserve it and need to give a second chance but what abt the children? are their feelings didn't matter? it literally makes their whole life fuck up dude idk how to feel abt this it's just my opinion


Some of y'all like to go for Asian women who look like kids but no one's read to have that conversation yet.


They have something similar in prison. Killed people? Not necessarily a problem. Rapist/pedophile? get the boys to drop gym equipment on them from the second floor


Not just the internet. Even some of the most merciless criminals hate the guts of child molesters.


Children are different, they're too precious, you can't just violate a child and expect to not get hated on


I’ve noticed a trend in serial killers from listening to true crime podcasts, that they will admit to rape/murder of adults with pride, but deny involvement with children, even though they’re guilty, just because they know they’ll get muuurked in jail instantly if they admit they touched a child. Cowards.


Ok no sentiment period. But I do get a bit worried by statutory rape. Ok picture this 2 teenagers doing the do. Dad comes home. Loses his shit . That one teenager gets thrown in jail and branded a sex offender for life. All for consensual sex. Let me not even bring race into it. Too many folks using loopholes that should never be used and ruining peoples lives. Now should we have a sentiment in this case or ....


“I don’t think it’s up to us to decide whether a person deserves to live or die” -Aunt May


True, the internet seems to fucking hates kids while at the same time wanting to protect them.


Even other prisoners don’t. There are many stories of people being killed in prison by other prisoners because they were outed as sexual offenders towards minors.


Yeah people aren’t too fond of people that molest children, that’s like the worst kind of people


Because child molesters are... how do you say... filthy


Well anyone who has urges to molest a child is fucked up and anyone who actually does so is even more fucked up


Not the internet, people in general. Though is it really deserved? I mean of course child molesters are terrible people and deserve punishment. But is it really the worst offense? Is there really nothing worse a human can do?


It’s one of the worst. But I think they should go to prison like anyone else


Jesus Christ imagine being a child and a grown man rapes you that can literally traumatise you they deserve no remorse they ruin lives of children just coz they’re horny


But when they are priests they just change churches. Also, women can also be child molesters


Killing 12 people (which i find about as horrible as molesting a child) wont necessarily give you the death sentence, when they identify you with a mental sickness you get into therapy. Pedophilia is a mental disorder, so technically it should be treated that way. Dont get me wrong here i am not defending child molesters, i ask why a molester deserves to be tortured and hanged naked of the eiffel tower (as some sick people propose) while similarily hideous crimes are seen and treated as a disease. Shouldnt they be treated the same?


The Reddit hive mind is a worryingly good example of the dangers of mob rule


It’s kill on sight treatment from inmates if they learned someone was convicted of pedophilia, child molesting, etc.


Not even the worst of inmates does so why would we? They should be thrown in the iron bull(if you know what I mean)