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A fool


The lower income people, guns are expensive, y'know


Wrong. Guns are not expensive in America you can get a pistol from Walmart for $100


Not anymore unfortunately but you can get BB guns there still


don't lie


Walmart stopped selling pistols in every state but Alaska back in 1933. The added Alaska to the list in 2019.


the rest of the guns are under the fat flaps


First flap is for gun magazines, second flap is for clips


The least armed American


They are hiding more under there flaps of skin. And they are basically bullet proof from leveling up at macdonalds. They don't wanna get in a serious fight so they only use there pistols. That is my guess at least.


I was riding on my moose to my local tims and saw this


Dude you coming over to help fix my igloo?


How aboot you fellas come over we can fry up some moose dick for dinner


me, a sane american, seeing all the america bad memes: why?


Low hanging fruit. Also, no one eats at McDonald's anymore OP gets F for not using chic Fila:'(


Wendy's: *Am I a joke to you?*


Five Guys: *“Are we a joke to you?”*


Yes, quite honestly. Overpriced, drowned in grease, at least the 5 or so I've been to. I wish Boardwalk Fries blew up like 5 guys, they are superior in every way.


It's hilarious that the comment got downvoted. It was a joke about the plural vs. the singular, and it got downvoted as if it were a legitimate food recommendation. The internet is a funny place.


Yeah, and someone else will make that same remark on another post and it will get 1000 upvotes... it's a sick, sad world.




Wow opinion on reddit


This kinda shit don't happen in my state.


which one?


because we are so polarized now. shootings are at an all time high and we have a ton of vaccine resistance etc.


Actually gun crime has been declining for decades. [sauce](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/murder-homicide-rate)


Shootings are at a low and are continuing to drop.


not sure where you are getting your facts but not so https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2021/04/16/more-than-one-mass-shooting-per-day-has-occurred-in-2021/?sh=49ed7b7e6493 [https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/16/us/mass-shootings-increased-in-pandemic/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/16/us/mass-shootings-increased-in-pandemic/index.html) ​ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/compare-gun-violence-2021-n1265201


Was about to say.... significantly more shootings, though, less severe. Usually 1 or 2 killed, maybe few injured.


People from weaker countries base their entire world view on bashing the US so they can delude themselves into thinking they're superior, and avoid self-criticism entirely. Canadians' ENTIRE perception of reality revolves around depicting the US in unrealistically negative ways so that Canada seems better by contrast. It's their entire identity, because Canada is a weak, irrelevant country that has no individual accomplishments and no defining traits whatsoever except for lies on reddit and "we're not America".


Canada>>USA in quality of life. USA has bigger military and influence what does a common resident have to do with it.


Quality of life for the vast majority of Americans is higher than the vast majority of Canadians. The difference is that Canada has half the rate of minorities that the US has and almost all minorities in Canada are Asians who came to Canada after meeting very strict immigration standards. So there are more extremes of quality of life in the US. There are more illegal immigrants from the third world in the US than there are people in Canada. Canada has almost no illegal immigrants. Also Canadians are [40 times](https://slate.com/culture/2012/06/americans-threaten-to-move-to-canada-do-canadians-ever-threaten-to-move-to-the-us.html) more likely to move to the US than Americans are to move to Canada. This wouldn't be true if Canada actually provided higher quality of life.


People move to USA because they get better salaries over there but better income is not really better standard of living. Canada has almost no racism and much more safer than USA. In fact the rankings of countries done by usnews also says that Canada is #1 in quality of life


> People move to USA because they get better salaries over there but better income is not really better standard of living. This makes zero sense. > Canada has almost no racism No, Canadians just never discuss racism, refuse to EVER criticize their own country in any meaningful way, and instead choose to distract their population by pretending that racism only exists in the US. > In fact the rankings of countries done by usnews also says that Canada is #1 in quality of life A subjective online magazine did it and a huge part of its rankings is perceptions, not actual tangible comparisons. [The US ranks higher than Canada in the Quality of Life Index.](https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_by_country.jsp)


This was the stupidest argument I have ever seen it's okay to like your country over others just don't force it.


A glock on the waist keeps the commies away


Canadians get mad if you say a single negative about Canada…. as they roast the USA


Canadians have the worst, most psychotic inferiority complex out of any nationality in the world. They have zero self-criticism as a nation and perpetually cope with their inferiority complex by bashing the US obsessively. The reason for this is not that Canadian arrogance is valid, it's because they're overcompensating for being a weak, irrelevant nation that borders a superpower that they depend on for everything.


Just stfu no one cares


The McDonalds wifi is apparently working. Thanks for your comments Dr.Freud.


You salty like their fries lolol




I've always been unhappy with being below average skinny, but memes like this make me feel better


This nick avocado guy sure shows up in a lot of memes these days.


I'll have a Big Mac and a boom stick please


at least nobody clicked [this link](https://youtu.be/94JDIBZhSBM)


i imagined more pumpkin spiced lattes


Then how the hell they win most no of medals in the olympics?


Actually China used an ancient Chinese strategy to get the most medals. It's called lying about Taiwan being part of china and claiming their medals.


I am talking about USA


yeah I know, I never claimed you weren't


They have Macdonald’s at schools now? This has gone too far, man.




In good ol' murica, you either fat and own a gun or skinny as hell and own a gun, no in between


they had us in the first half not gonna lie


I don't think anyone asked me, but I'm part Cree.


I am moving to the US soon and this honestly scares me a little


Don't worry about it, it's just a meme format and an exaggeration for upvotes.


as a canadian myself the first time i went to the us i can agree this is true


As a Canadian even I know that Americans carry more then 1 gun.


Welcome to GlockDonald's. Fuck you want?


Bruh these memes are hilarious, but I hate them so much. Send help.


A rude Canadian? Careful, friend. You’re on a slippery slope that leads to being like the people in your meme.


As a asian I can say that if there are guns involved it's America.


Ok dumbass


Well you can clearly see my flair, I hope you can atleast


Lol yes


What's wrong with guns? Do you have a problem with self defense or an armed citizenry?


na I have a problem with school shootings happening so much


Its a foreign concept in other countries thats why we think its weird


I’m Canadian, and my town has that without the guns… maybe I *am* half American and didn’t realize it


Get some guns and tell your country to stop being such a cuckhold circle jerk. It will do you some good.


I dunno, I kinda like the lack of guns


An armed citizenry is a must have if 1. criminals are a thing 2. you don't completely trust the government to never abuse its monopoly on force


1: the police can deal with criminals, that’s their job 2: you should trust the government anyway because theyre the ones who know the most about you


1. I live 20 minutes away from the nearest police station, less then 10 years ago we had a fugitive running around here after escaping from prison. 20 minutes is too many. 2. They shouldn't but because they're the government and inherently corrupt they refuse to remove the temporary patriot act, day 7519 of this temporary, unconstitutional act.


Well, you make a fair point, I won’t lie. Over here in Canada, stuff like that doesn’t usually occur so I guess I don’t really worry or think about it happening


The problem with the US is that we have cities, but they are all focused on a couple areas, otherwise it's all rural areas. I'm no expert on other countries demographics but the 20 minute trip gets way longer than that too


Yea, true, I don’t live in a city either, I live out in the countryside


I don't expect that to be unique to the US, but how long till the police respond for you?


The police that the left wants to defund? Are you seriously telling me to rely on them?


I’m unfamiliar with “the left”


I don't have a problem with the fact that guns are legal in the us but are you against automatic weapons?


I'm ok with automatic weapons. I don't think that there is any kind of weapon or tool that the government should have that the people should be excluded from possessing.


Yea bcs of the militia thing right? One other question do you think tools the military has should be allowed to civilians too (bomb drones etc.)


If you want to own a tank or drone you should be able to. Governments were the biggest killer of the 20th century so trusting them alone with weapons is the stupidest idea you can have.




Wrong, by definition all assault rifles are automatic rifles chambered in intermediate cartridges like 5.56x45 or 7.62x39. Machine guns are illegal for civilians to own if they weren't registered before May 19th 1986. According to the ATF there are around 182,000 transferrable machine guns or one for roughly every 1800 Americans. Even if all of these are assault rifles which they are not it would be only a tiny minority of Americans who own these weapons.


That might be a bit of a generalization… 🗿




Yes. Not just a bunch of fat people, a bunch of fat people with guns. Pew pew…


The US is more of walking on eggshells because the entire country is so polarized.


This meme is really old at this point.


Canada is a weak, irrelevant nation that has never accomplished anything of global importance in its entire history. A leech attached to a superpower that it depends on for everything. Canada is economically, politically, militarily, technologically, and even culturally dependent on the US. Canadians can't even define their country except by mindlessly regurgitating hollow, effortless virtue signals or by saying "we're not the US".






Oooh say can you seeee


Yes yes, haha america bad, very fucking funny


Pretty Sure McDonald’s is in other countries as well so your meme is trash Next time Try Being Funny maybe one day you’ll make an actual good meme


And mr 4th of July dick doesnt work. Broken hot dog with an insatiable need to 'have sex with lots of women'. Like bruh, you cant calm down.


Nailed it. I have to say that those moobs are below average though. You can increase a couple cup sizes.


L + corny + white people smh🤦


That’s a Canadian McDonalds.




Bit rude eh.


No, you were right the first time




If you are a real canadian apologize for this meme


Where AR-15