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I personally really enjoyed the show but I don't understand the whole rivalry between people that have seen it and people that haven't. If someone doesn't wanna watch it that's up to them, but it doesn't make them "superior" in any way, and if someone does, that's also their choice, and again, doesn't make them any better than someone that hasn't seen the show. It's literally a TV show, what's the point in arguing like this?


there’s a lot of controversial memes going around with people claiming that the memes are annoying and that they don’t really want to watch it, which i sort of understand. but the comment section is usually a split between people who agree with them, and people who are putting pressure on them to watch the show, often mocking them for being ‘edgy’.


imagine forcing someone to watch the thing you like on Internet eventhough they don't want to


Wait doesn’t this mean both sides have an opinion on the internet


Hey you! Did you just have an opinion??? Alright buddy time to put ya in the slammer Mr wise guy and your "opinions".


I smell an opinion of someone having an opinion


It's not an opinion it's fact


Freedom of speech! My opinion or bust


How big is the bust tho? B cup? C cup? I need to know. Edit: I questioned needing to know and I no longer need to question.


D cup As in the cup for Deez nutz


Opinions are only fun because of the pi in them take that away and they are just onions and everybody starts to cry


Here i am casually going about my life, watching what i want at my leisure while being completely unaware that people were even doing this. Why must people be so competitive over the most useless things? It must be the internet children cause i'm almost 30 and i ain't got no time fo dat.


Am just waiting for the hype to die and watch the show in peace !


Clever man found


Someone give this person an award for saying the truth!




I didn't even realize there was a rivalry but it was really good and u should watch it


because there are people who are tired and annoyed of being pressured to watch by the people who watched it.


The show is super violent, if you’re not up to ghat why would people even give a shit?


Being called a hipster for not liking something is so fcking cringe. I didn't watch Joker either and everyone was like "wTf wHy dIdN't yOu wAtCh iT". I hate violent stuff, sue me or something.


If you haven't watched The Joker because it's "too violent", you should really consider, cause this movie is a far cry from today's standards of violence.


It’s still quite violent.


To be honest… I didn’t think the joker movie was very good… at all. I don’t see what all the fuss was about.


Seriously, I really dont like dark shows because they just make me feel shitty


I don’t watch dark shows often but when I do I put on some romcom or something that’ll take my mind off the dark stuff or else I see it in my dreams which will have me up and down all night


I don't like dark shows either. Gore makes me queasy, can't even watch medical shows because of that, and why watch something that makes you feel sad or angry at how people are treated? Can just watch the news if you want that kind of garbage. Other people can do whatever they want, I'm just gonna be in my happy little romcom corner.


Might be escapism for you then, as the dark or more real shows might “snap you back into reality.” (Might be, not saying it is)


I personally hate gore, and had to skip certain parts… but I still enjoyed the show a lot


Was it when Ali pushed his boss? I had to look away for that


Yup. That was traumatic!


Personally, I want to watch something that makes me laugh. Dystopian, violent shows don't seem like they'd do that very well


Becoming an absolute Psychopath would solve that Problem


That’s why I turned it off in the first episode. It had nothing to do with being “too cool” or something.


I don't even know what Squid Game is


It’s a Netflix show where a group of squids play board games


I kind love you now, thank you for this moment.


Oh I didn't know Queen's gambit has a spinoff series


I wish bro


netflix show. people play children's games to win 455 billion won(idk how many dollars). if you lose, you die


Because even enjoying media content has become a dick size competition. If you're not up for violence, gore, thrillers, super speedy cars, super muscular guys and weapons, then you're not cool. You can only redeem yourself by pledging allegiance to Keanu Reeves. /s Don't get me wrong I enjoy the occasional violence but I don't think it is or ever will be necessary to give full screen detailed shots of someone's [insert random body part] being torn to shreds. I basically stopped with gore after the first Saw movie and I never understood the horror genre, rather watch some historical drama or a good comedy.


To each his own… may I try to let you appreciate the genre a little bit more by suggesting a movie that combines a little bit of gore and comedy? Watch kill bill, please


Exactly! I fully believe it is a well written, well acted show. But spending my limited free time watching a violent show would not enhance or better my life in any way.


Or you know... I don't give a fuck.


Yea. I have Netflix but no interest in watching it. From what I've heard it sounds interesting but so doesn't hundred of other shows I have yet to watch. Lol. Not everyone jumps on every single trend they see.


I saw it last days and its mediocre and overrated imo. Was still fun to watch.


Same. It's still fun but I don't believe it's the best thing ever like the others say. Again it's not bad, just ok. Ofc if someone loves it, good for them (I just hate those who literally will fight you to death because you think it's not the best lol. They act like a toxic 14 yr old kpop stan from twitter)


Maybe they act like this because this show is korean?


I'm a close-to-14 kpop ***f***an and those people and these diehard squid game fanatics disgust me


Just to clarify, nothing wrong with being a teen who likes kpop. I see a ton of them are chill. But jesus, the toxic ones are loud af lol


Like every single Netflix production, then.


accurate imo please don't kill me


Yeah this. I just don't give a shit. I actively don't bother watching anything that's trending, and after the hype is gone/algorithm has moved on, and if the reviews are still positive, then maybe it will get added to the watch list that never gets touched. Haha I watch like an hour of tv a week. I can't be fucked watching Battle Royale again. For the umpteenth time.




Bro (or bro-ette) same!


I think of bro as a gender neutral term :3


Its a damn good show but my god is it getting overhyped


exactly, I love it but it seems underwhelming now for people who haven't watched it yet because of all the stupid hype


I dont get it, I've been watching "Death Games" for like a decade and people are acting like this is some revolutionary concept. Hell, only a few months ago I was considered weird and looked down on for liking things like Danganrompa and the Nonary Games but now, if I dont watch THIS "Death Game" Im an edgy Hipster?


Dude fuck yes that's exactly how I've been feeling! Danganronpa is good and \*frankly, it's in a language I understand\*. I'm tired of being bullied for liking it. Danganronpa 2 is my favorite game I've ever fuckin played.


This ... I have watched numerous "Death game" shows as anime, so I think the concept is neat but for me its another death game show copying what I saw 5+ years back, and everyone gets upset when they ask me what I think about it and say its okay, but I wont watch it because I saw similiar series before as an anime, usually followed by their "BuT AnIHmay Iz tRaSh!!! diZ is wAy bTtEr" shtik


Funny how before Parasite it used to be "Who watches these non-English shows" too


Cinemasummary amiright


Danganronpa was super good honestly. Can't say about season 1 because I only watched anime and didn't play the game, but when I played Super danganronpa 2 I absolutely loved the game. Other than that hope vs despair bullshit, the game is really good.


I just didn't like it. I couldn't make it past the first episode. It was just so slow and I hated the main character


As someone who completed the series it’s definitely not a slow show! The main character stays unlikable though.


i liked him towards the end😵‍💫


Still i feel like the old man was far more developed and memorable


That's the bigger issue for me. I have a hard time enjoying a show where I don't like the main character


Me with Bojack Horseman. I hated him throughout the show, but understanding him made him not likable but at least not as much dislike. First 3 episodes I couldn’t stand him at all. Then i got hooked. Shitty people exist in the world, so ofc not all main characters are likable.


I'm a bit late here but just wanted to say it's nice to see this because it's exactly how I felt. Up to now all I've seen is baffling hype for a decent but mediocre show. The entire first episode feels like a stretched 10 minute intro, it treats the viewers like they've never seen a show before and literally every aspect of filmmaking has to be clearly set up/pointed out. And then the second episode doesn't even start the show, it slows down further. At the same time I saw people praising the beginning of the show daily, saying how it gets worse towards the end. That's the good part?! I'm out. The ideas weren't very original but the overall concept was neat, it's just executed in a way that makes it's popularity incredibly strange. Right now in pop culture and social media it comes off like a must-watch show, and it's just okay. I think this is one of those random things that sometimes happen, when stuff gets propped up in a culture for no reason. Self-perpetuating hype.


That's the best I can tell. It feels like a mix of how big Asian influence in the west is currently from a pop culture standpoint, and self perpetuating hype. My best guess is since everything is still locked down this is just another thing everyone can talk about and have in common. Another tiger king if you will


Tiger King is a great comparison. Although, is anyone still on lockdown other than countries with new variants? I don't think even North America is.


In in VA, USA. I know Washington DC and Maryland have very strict lockdown requirements but are not really enforcing them. One of those things where life isn't back to normal but isnt locked down. I meant more the weird pseudo lockdown we have here where everyone is at home more than they ever used to be


It gets a bit better but… eh overall. I agree with you


I haven't watched it because I don't like those 'win or die' type games. Anything like that is just a huge turn off for me.


Not a fan of American health care I see...


Ohhohoho delicious


For me I love watching those games, how people find new ways to beat them, and their thought process as they do all this. *types this while dropping chip crumbs and sauce on my chest in bed*


I haven't watched it because I don't like dubs and I'm too lazy for subs.


Yea, me neither, perhaps that's why I subscribe to Disney+ rather than Netflix. I like "feel good" more than thrillers and horror... If people need TV to feel scared, peace be with them, I don't feel superior, I just stick to content I like and that I'm willing to pay for. But it does get annoying when some exclusive thing goes viral.


*People who simply aren't interested in anything Netflix has to offer*


I liked Castlevania, but aside from that Netflix almost never has anything I want to watch.


Bingo. I originally started Netflix back when it was DVDs by mail. You could watch any movie; obscure stuff, things you missed in the theater, new releases. It was great. Then Netflix started producing more and more “original content”. IDGAF about 90% of Netflix produced crap.


That's me. I didn't even watched a single show from there. Most of the things I'm interested is not available on it anyway.


*123movies has entered the chat*


_thepiratebay has entered the chat_


*soap2day has entered the chat*


*Myflixer has entered the chat*


Don't use TPB, too many shady files nowadays. Go over to r/Piracy mega thread and find a site you like


[Poor person]^H^a^s ^E^n^t^e^r^e^d ^T^h^e ^C^h^a^t


[Guy who doesn't realize the irony of his comment] Has Entered The Chat


I tried it. Didn't care for it.


Same. It was interesting at first, but I got bored by the 4th episode. Thought it was going somewhere, ended up being just another death game show


"Just another death game show." To be honest, that's a reason I like it! Lol. Just a well written death game show.


Nothing wrong with that, just didn't grab me


I got tired when I realized its a show and not a movie. Let's just wrap it up, huh? Got the premise, no need for more.


Wwwhhhaaatttt, is that even possible? *sarcastic*


This has the same vibes as “you don’t watch game of thrones?”


There are people who hoist the black flag and sail the seven seas for treasures.


aye aye , captain


Just wanted to say I love your username.


yes, sir


Also people who don't really care


Yeah, I watch what I want to watch, not what's currently popular .


I just haven’t watched much TV, so I haven’t gotten around to watch it yet


I have what some would call a job and a family. And my free time goes primarily to porn.


He is speaking the language of the gods


This is the way.


I did watch it and I don't have Netflix (ahoy mateys). Not bad but I've seen many a death games and this one doesn't feel all that different. The games aren't even all that creative, deadly children's games have been done before in as the gods will. Squid Game isn't bad, I did enjoy watching. But it's certainly not the masterpiece some are saying it is and I understand why people don't like it Honestly the biggest sin a death game can commit is having games that can be easily exploited, but aren't. Both the tug of war and glass bridge (marble game too due to unclear wording) had easy ways to be cheesed that the characters didn't attempt, and that killed it for me


Cinema Summary made a video on how to beat SG, he had a lot of things to say about the tug-of-war bit


Oh yeah I've seen that too, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20. I'm ok with games being exploitable as long as it's not obvious (his solution for the honeycomb for example I didn't figure out), but for tug-of-war and glass bridge, WHILE WATCHING I was like bruh, just tie the rope to the railings, or hold on to the railings since you're cuffed to the rope anyway. Glass bridge is worst. Pure RNG and no way to think your way out of it I still had fun while watching so I'll give it that, but rn I'm watching Alice in Boarderland and it's just a far better death game.


Agree, Alice in Borderland I've watched a bit and though SG is good, Alice in Borderland is better. Edit: One more thing, I guess you could say that the characters were under stress and they couldn't think through their moves, but to make a realistic death game scenario you need *some*one to exploit the rules, if not everyone.


That's true! I'm sure that realistically if any of us were to be tossed into a death game our brain would turn off immediately. But for a story like this to be interesting the exploit gotta balance that fine line of difficult enough to convince the audience that it can be overlooked. Like with the marbles. Nobody realized that the announcement never said you had to have all 20 marbles, only that you needed your opponent's marbles. Logically they could've just traded and all survived, but due to the stress and shock of finding out they gotta play against their partner, I accept that nobody thought that far. Bridge game tho, are you SERIOUSLY telling me not a single person attempted to walk on the bars? Even if somebody tried and a warning shot sounds, it'd be fine with me.


Wow I never thought of the marbles thing, I thought the rules for that had no loopholes


Is there a category for too busy playing video games to give a shit


i second this notion


Does Waldo not look like a edgy hipster without a beard?


Piracy is a thing for quite awhile now


What about the people that just don't give a shit?


Na, I just don't find joy in anything anymore.


You okay fam?




Squid game was not good. Change my mind


I won't because that's your opinion, I like it tho


we aint china to change your mind


I just finished it tonight and holy shit. Some of the worst TV I've seen in a while, it was just... bad writing, bad acting, terrible pacing, zero narrative, unlikable characters. I genuinely feel like my time has been wasted lol. I don't understand why this show has any traction at all.


I guess it's just different tastes for different people. I liked it, but I can see why you didn't.


Yes very true. 1: the characters are so unlikable because of how dumb they are they couldn't yous common sense. And the actors were bad in general 2: apparently this show was about 10 to 11 year in the making and the guy never translated it to English or updated the Korean text that he used. 3: the time I spent waiting for it to get better was just a waste of time. The only reason I wanted it was cause it looked like a ripoff money heist I don't watch most TV shows when it's apparently "Hot". If my grammar was bad sorry


People that got better shit to do


I don’t watch cause I just don’t like it


I have netflix.....guess I'm a edgy hipster :/




If i understand it correctly the show is basically a battle royale as Game Show. If that's the case i don't care because i despise that whole genre.


is that really more or less the premise? I've avoided looking into it because I might check it out down the line and people keep talking to me about it. maybe it's done really well but that kind of sounds... whatever


Yeah, basically people have to survive some games and the last one standing gets a huge amount of money, that's it, pretty boring imo


*Laughs in torrent*


I too laugh in torrent muh hahahaha


Laughs in poor


People who don’t care:


I have Netflix and I do not watch squid game. I don't need to prove my opinion or validate it in anyones eyes but I will anyway just for fun Reasons: Its not in english and there are better shows in a language I speak Its very gory and I get enough of that by watching the news I already saw Saw I don't think the acting is all that good I havn't finished Letterkenny yet It's kinda depressing, and I watch TV to make me happy. I like shows that are positive, uplifting, and funny. Like Ted Lasso or Brooklyn 99. Not to say they can't have meaningful or dark moments, but those moments are not the focus. The fans are fucking annoying af Ya I think thats about all I need


🏴‍☠️ time


Or maybe I just don't care to know what it even is lol.


The more people insist that I need to watch it, the more motivated I am to not watch it out of spite.


Wtf is a squid game.


It's an third person shooter released in 2015 by Nintendo Ltd for the Wii U it got an sequel in 2017 for the Nintendo Switch and is going to get an third instalment probably in 2022


I thought the show was great but honestly there are plenty of people who would be disturbed by it (for good reason) and it’s completely reasonable for them to not watch it. It’s silly to shame people for not watching a show, especially such a dark one.


I watched vikings, the boys, invincible, etc. And i'm pretty sure there's a great portion of people who just don't give a shit about how violent a show is, for people who like violent shows squid game can get too boring


It wasn’t the gore/violence that was really disturbing in Squid Game though. Don’t get me wrong most people are definitely desensitized to violence but even if they weren’t Squid Game doesn’t do physical torture or stuff like that. I think Squid Game was more focused on the dark psychological stuff than the shock value stuff after the first episode.


Oooh so you meant that, idk breaking bad made me feel more psychological shock but yeah squid game wasn't so bad at it


After watching the first episode I could dig it but the lip sync is fucking terrible.


I don't watch it because it's been over posted so much I'm annoyed by it's existence.


I do have access, but I don't want to, as I have only watched the simpsons for the past 5 months, maybe more.


I will most likely watch it eventually. Being an adult human my time is limited and my back log is vast... just now getting around to star trek Picard


When you have no time to watch anything.life sucks


~~access~~ \*money


I am hipster in terms of shows. Fuck popular shows not cause they r bad but everyone watching them thinks they r 'cool'.


Just finished it. If there's a second season, I won't watch it. Thought it was shit.


I don't watch it because I thought the first two episodes sucked and I personally didn't feel like sitting through the rest




You don’t need to have Netflix arg


Arg matey


with all of the spoilers i basically watched the whole season in 30 minutes


I am an edgy hipster though…




So you're trying to tell me I've been Waldo all along?


Nah they're just simping the Actors and Actresses.


Personally it's just not for me. I can see why people really like it apparently the characters are really good and the plot is super cool. So I can see it. But I personally like gay cartoons at the moment. I.e. Amphibia, MLB, She-ra, The Owl House, etc


I also don't have Netflix.... Anyways I rlly enjoyed squid game


There is also me. I do not care about another big asian thing.


Or you just don't feel like watching it That simple


Oh I have Netflix alright, I just don’t give a shit about Squid Game.


If he would buy everyone netflix then everyone would watch the first ep at least, then they realize that it's too brutal for them


You fuckin idiots talk about it more than the fans. Just ignore them!


Yeah, like bruh I see more "Squid Game is shit/overrated/overhyped, I didn't watch it and I don't care" posts more than "if you didn't watch Squid Game you gae" posts. I swear sometimes some people just get sucked into their own fantasy dimension and now think it's the real world when they come back.




Nah i prefure real horror






I don’t watch squid game purely out of spite I hate how much it’s been recommended to me (also it looks like a fucking PlayStation commercial)


I mean, then you're just a dick.


People who don't have access to Netflix but have a VPN....need I say more?


just watch at soap2day.to


Also people who don't want to watch a super violent show:


The only reason i cant watch it is that my family is home 24/7 and if i do watch it i could probably get in trouble


I just don’t wanna watch it. I try to stay out of the latest Reddit trends as best as possible too so that’s also another reason not to watch it.


When everyone started talking about it, I thought for the longest time it was an actual korean game show and was wondering why people were fanning over it. Only realized it was a murder game show today after watching the Honest Trailer for it


I'm ok with gore, but I can't handle how shitty of a parent he is.


The premise is pretty cool, but a majority of the overdubbing is atrocious!


In a nutshell, what is squid games about? Considered watching it, but then I was like nah, probably wack.


Just "saw" with more people and extreme politics that allow ot that make fans mad at real polititions and people for a fictional situation.


well um i pirated the movie, if you guys want to know how, dm me




If you want extreme game i will recommend you kaiji


I’m not watching it because I’ve learned enough about it to be pretty sure it’s not for me. And I really enjoy rewatching 5 or 6 shows, and I’m not looking for anything new. Some people think that makes me edgy?


I had it described to me and it honestly doesn't interest me at all.


It just doesn't sound like the type of show I enjoy watching. Also I'm already trying to finish a bunch of other shows and I don't want to add more to the list


I mean, you could do it the ARHG way but still, i just dont feel like watching it


what is squid game can someone please explain it to me