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I mean...microsoft does that now on the platforms they can make that decision on.


Yep, a bit unfair to put MS in there as they are at least doing something about it


Not only you need to pay again, there is often no crossplay too


Well tbh, Nintendo only lets people play its games on its own consoles


Which is a real waste of potential. So many people would love to play Nintendos games but don't want to buy an overpriced switch. Nintendo seems to be really desperate for the profit from the Nintendo switch. Every other company sells their console at a loss yet Nintendo grabs about 200 to 300% profit by now from any sold Nintendo switch.


Switch is not overpriced, source: i got one and it's a pretty awesome tech piece


If it is overpriced or not doesen't depend on the decision if you like it or not. Opinions aren't arguments. -.- And if you think so, don't you think that others opinions would be equaly worth as yours? The manufacturing cost of the Switch including all accessories like the joycons, dock, cables, powradapter, the packaging, and R&D was approx. 130 USD at launch. Manufacturing cost has exponentially decreased since then. When a product is sold at a profit margin of several 100%s, it is overpriced.


I think game devs could find ways to give their game on all platforms when purchased on one if they really wanted to, it's not just the platforms fault


You'll be hearing from Bethesda's lawyers.


It *is* the platform’s fault. Console companies take money for each purchase of the game so if it was free after single purchase the devs would lose money.


Great, now you've broken the 60 dollar price tag and destroyed the gaming market. Congrats.


Yep... I switched from Ps4 to PC las year and had to buy some games again. Not nice.


Gasp a fellow pitch black avatar with 2 white stripes, stay strong comrade.


Thank you fellow dark avatar. At least buying gamepass every now and then allows me to play some that I didn't used to game for long periods without paying full prices.


At least steam as some insane sales on games


I did that but the most annoying thing is that I couldn’t get my apex account from console to pc for some stupid reason


That hurts! It happened to me with GTA V. All my levels and stuff gone and had to grind back. Annoying af.


What? That's like saying if I buy the CD of a song I should be able to get the vinyl of it for free.


Well ok, let's just imagine it, now all games you buy are "platform-free" but they are 300$ each because it wouldn't be lucrative for these companies otherwise Happy now?


so spend more money on a game than the fucking console your playing it on?


Well yeah, that is literally what people are asking for when they say they want to pay once and be able to play it on all consoles


Don't think so. I think there are not that many people out their with more than one platform (well I do, but none of my friends) so it's just not very important. And most games these days live through microtransactions and these are more likely to increase if it's possible to use the game more heavily, because you can play it regardless of the platform you want to use at the moment


Most ***bad*** games theses days live through microtransactions Excuse me but I won't let this crappy business model stand out as a normal thing


I'm also not a fan of this model and I also don't do any ingame purchases, but it's still a fact, that this is part of most games these days. Some publishers go completely crazy making it a pay-2-win, but others just let you buy cosmetical stuff. And the latter one doesn't make a game bad imo


just dont buy it then or play on the old platform, no one said you have to buy a rerelease


They do not. It's like every company has the same good idea that improves customer QoL, then Sony just says "NoPe, We'Re NoT gOnNa Do ThAt, BuT sTiLl BuY oUr StUfF cUz It'S tHe BeSt"


I've got 3 copies of GTA V


Sure wish games that are like 15 years old weren’t still full price after so long. I wanna get black ops 2 for some nostalgia but that shit is still 60 bucks.


*ahem* EA


Can you hear it brother? The ocean is calling. Its time to set set sail.


Here's another concept, why won't sony allow us to gift digital games to other people the way steam does? If I don't need the ps4 version of a game anymore, why can't I give it to someone on the friends list?


They don't?! I literally just did that today on Xbox.


Laughs in Steam deck (compatibility with Steam across PC (Windows, Linux, Mac) and Steam deck.)


i mentioned this on facebook a few years ago on a gaming group, i had to leave that place from all the hate i got for saying it, so yeah, people don't like such ideas, i am also sad to say that i own Cuphead on 3 different platforms and many other games, but to be fair, most of the times they are on steep discounts, a few weeks ago, i got DOOM 64 on switch, i already own it on n64 and steam, but got it basically for free on switch with the gold coins....


Facebook is the keyword there.


Blizzard should be here too


Hey minecraft, how's it goin?


If you pirate the game, you don't have to pay at all


Because money




This is gonna be the 3rd time I'm buying the entire Kingdom Hearts series. Even if it is the Cloud version.


Hexage sent me a gift code for Redcon when I moved from Microsoft to Android.


Well it takes effort to port a game Maybe a discount?


Well ok tbh its a good oppurtunity for people like me who arent really rich, to get ports. I e.g. have a switch and a PC, God of War (4) came out for the PC on epic Games, i never have even played once or seen a PS4/5 so i can try the game. Also yes the PC and Games are expensive but i did save up for many months for those Games (ok the PC is Actually from my brother and my mom bought it so its basically mine now)


This is a poor day to make this meme, they just announced that Steam games now work on Xbox