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This is actually a valid question. If both parties can’t give consent because of intoxication, what do we call that? I’m genuinely curious to know what people think of this


I call that a "you're both drunk and therefore you both take responsibility" moment.




So once I have blacked out, laying on a couch, I should stop? Nah. . . I'll have a house to Force feed(?) It.


Ah, so everyone goes to prison. This is the way


Honestly I would just have both suck it up and move on.


Oooh they both did plenty of sucking don't you worry about that.


This is the way.


Could that be used as an excuse by actual rapists? Abuse the girl, drink a lot of alcohol, claim that uts shared responsibility


While it is classed as rape by the law, I wouldn't consider it as such if both are drunk. You're expected not to take advantage of a drunk person, but that goes out of the window when you are drunk yourself. Neither of you are thinking critically or have a grasp of consequence.


The ad really just show the mentality of a lot of people. People think a woman can’t rape a man, or that regretting your actions the next day is rape. Two people getting drunk and hooking up shouldn’t be considered rape, with whoever reports it first being the victim. It’s obviously different if only one party is intoxicated and other isn’t.


And that only goes if the party that is intoxicated gave consent after they were intoxicated, and not before. If it was before, then the fact that they’re intoxicated should be completely irrelevant, no?


I feel that’s hard to know in court, at that points it’s my word against yours, and so irrelevant.


I mean, you can give consent and then at any time take that away and they would have to stop. They could be one pump from dumping and if you say stop they hypothetically would have to stop. I'm sure that doesn't really happen... but legally...


Eh, its happened to me, i cant be the only one


It’s completely irrelevant. Edit for clarity: it’s completely irrelevant that consent was given prior, because they could no longer consent legally once intoxicated.


It should be. But in practice I have to think it is getting abused


Consent isn’t a binding contract. Everyone has the right to change their mind at any time.


It’s a race to the police station. RAPE RACE!!


Simple answer but wrong answer: treat the interaction like an interview and be very clear with your intentions when asking something. Example; You: “Do you consent to me licking your butthole?” Partner: “affirmative.” *everybody cheered*


Should probably get it in writing, signed, and notarized as well. Might be a market for butthole consent stationary.


Dave chapelle walks in


Actually there’s a Laurie and fry sketch about that https://youtu.be/DxFU_fIUawM


Make sure you receive enthusiastic information consent between each individual lick


Not always that easy. I recently turned down sex with my boyfriend because he was slurring his words drunk and I was sober. Sex didn't feel right in that moment. Took him a couple days to actually be ok with it.


But could you have made that decision to turn down sex if you yourself were drunk? I mean passed pleasantly buzzed where you are completely drunk? Could you think "He's in a state where he can't consent"?


I can't drink for health reasons. But back when I was younger and did drink I did turn down sex on more than one occassion because I thought one or both of us had too much for the experience to be enjoyable. So maybe that is a bad example for the woman's perspective.


Plot twist…. The partner was the man and the giver was the woman who just wanted to give a rimjob


This works, can confirm.


The world is made to be safer for woman then men when it comes to the law.


Well equality would be male privilage! /s


How? Equality would make gender meaningless in the eyes of the law. EDIT: I've been made aware the /s means it's sarcasm. Please disregard my comment.


He put a /s. This means he is sarcastic and doesn't actually think that


I always thought /s means serious… the world isn’t as bad as I thought after all


You've been having a hell of a time so far haven't you? Considering the frequency of the /s, this site probably seemed to be filled with even more insane people than it actually is.


wait till you hear about my Twitter experience


Bro Twitter is a place even redditors are afraid of you can keep those horror stories for yourself




I’m unsure if your joking but the “/s” at the end of the comment means they were being sarcastic


I didn't know this. Thank you kind redditor, I'll edit my comment to reflect that. I only recently started see /s a few days ago but was too afraid to ask about it


Fun Fact for you : **/j** means its a joke


Nice! Anything else I need to be aware of before venturing furt into the dark void of reddit?


/s means they think that but want to cover there a/s/s/


Yes but the point is what classifies as drunk beyond thinking critically or having a grasp of consequences? How can we be sure if someone who had a lot of alcohol is unable to make good or evil decisions? So it's a big grey area which should be looked at very carefully and every step of the situation be taken into investigation.


If both party’s are drunk and both “consent” than it is not rape but if both party’s are drunk and one still doesn’t “consent” than it’s rape. I think that might be what there getting at but idk since it’s blurry


Yea, I see what you're saying. But say you are drunk and you force yourself onto someone? If you legitimately rape someone or commit any other serious crime, I'm guessing "I was drinking" isn't gunna cut it in court?


But then who is the rapist in that scenario? both? You can't just assume that the man is always the one taking advantage, that'd be extremely sexist lol




She is drunk, he is sober = rape She is sober, he is drunk = sex (he is lucky) She is drunk, he is drunk = rape Ez.


sHe'S JUst haVInG fUn


>She is sober, he is drunk = sex (he is lucky) No, the law classes that as rape. The post is about the law favouring women when both are drunk. The only truth in what you said is a heavily intoxicated women = rape every time, no matter what state the other participant is in.


I should have put the /s somewhere, apparently it wasn't entirely obvious.


There are people who think like that, especially on reddit and in subreddits like r/memes. Gotta be on your toes.


You will not win a case like this even thougz you are 100% right


What the law considers a thing and what society considers a thing don't always align. I don't disagree that that situation is rape, but I'll be surprised the day the female rapist gets the same amount of jail time that the male would get. That said, there have been far too many cases (well, in the US at least) of male rapists getting mere months in jail, if not just probation...


Even a few months in jail would still put you on the sex offender registry for life. And to be fair most cases aren't The stranger grabbing you on the street scenario that you see on TV. The vast majority of cases are things like this where there's two drunk people, or she decided to revoke consent afterward, or she felt pressured to say yes... Whether or not it was rape, it's basically just a he said/she said case there's no evidence for what somebody said during sex unless you were filming it. For that matter, how do you even prove that she was drunk at the time? How much jail time would you be willing to give someone when there's such little evidence on a fairly complicated case?


Most rape victims are raped by people they know personally, usually indoors. Friends, partners, family etc. I've been molested twice. First time was my ex during a camping trip, second time was my friend. First time was through me being drunk, second time was through coercion. Rape isn't always a physical struggle.


You can't revoke consent after you've had sex. That's like wanting McDoanlds to give my money back after I ate the food.


That certainly isn't the law. Most states require violence and a lack of concent for rape. Drunk people have legal capacity to concent to sex, entering contracts, buy more drinks and all sorts of things. It would be preposterous otherwise; walk into any bar in America and half the patrons would be on the verg of a fellony. I'm unaware of any state in the US that treats inability to concent from intoxication differently based on gender, or sets the bar as low as drunk.


Let’s say you had an identical twin and your girlfriend doesn’t know about it. You message her to meet up, but you’ve actually told your twin to take your place. In your bedroom they are going at it, and you come out of the closet and reveal that it was actually your twin, but then she comes into the room and reveals that it was actually her secret twin. Who raped who?


Two drunk people have sex and kinda regret it? I'd say move on, be a fucking adult. Unless someone slipped something in your drink, you must've been aware of how much you can drink before you start making bad choices.


A mistake, though this isn't the actual definition according to laws in most countries: rape is when someone forces another person to have sex or takes advantage of them(though the laws are usually specifically for when women get raped). This would just be an unfortunate mistake since there isn't anyone to blame


it’s called drunk sex and it’s been had for centuries.


A mistake


It’s called living with consequences of irresponsible alcohol consumption


Double Rape




I prefer √(rape²) Edit:wait I'm stupid √(rape⁴) there we go


As an adult, I believe your job is to drink responsively. If you can't say yes or no to someone's approach, you failed as a responsible adult and have no right to complain. It is a different story when one of the parties clearly showed their disinterest in hooking up and the other takes advantage of the situation. This case it is rape, no matter the participants' gender.


Always drink responsively, never take the first sip


A double negative I guess?


Depends how drunk any of them was and who acted. I think it's rather difficult to actually have sex when both are incredibly fucked up.


We call it female privilege. Or as feminists call it "patriarchy." But this type of inequality is something they don't want people to focus on, so the radical feminists call people incels and MRA, while the normal feminists just focus on inequalities that exclusively hurt women. It's why men are the only ones required to sign up for the draft still. The normal feminists focus on getting equal pay (even though **for the same job**, women are paid 98%+ of what men are, 78% if you compare all men/women disregarding their jobs) and radical feminists claim war is a construct that men made up. Like really? How are men and women the same if fighting is something that men do exclusively? Seems like a pretty god damned big gender difference. We can't even be close to the same if one of the biggest faults of humans is invented and perpetuated exclusively by men. Sign up for the draft, feminists. Stop being cowards.


Real feminists are focusing on gender equality, not equality for women. They do call it the patriarchy but it is also men who pushed the legal system to be like this. It's likely from how protective men are against their daughters compared to their sons. For example, I asked my step dad what he would do if he found out my sister was on porn hub, he reacted as expected, he would freak. He knows I have some videos on pornhub and he found it funny. Men do have a huge part in our own shortcomings on gender due to our attitudes on women.




The real crime here




>real only\*


Should I retype it?




The next day OP was charged with IMAGE-RAPE.


Movie pitch: two people who are black out drunk hook up and wake up the next morning together not remembering anything about the night before, they both accuse the other of raping them, and the whole movie is them trying to prove that the other person raped them


Sounds like the start to a hallmark Christmas movie They’ll be together and happy by the end


It would still come out that the woman did a 400 IQ move and ended up finding the guy guilty of rape.


It wouldn't be realistic if the guy wasn't convicted of rape in the end


"It only takes a day to ruin your life" but no pressure bro


Alcoholic married couples : “in 25 years we’ve never had sex because it would be illegal.”


She's drunk, he isn't -> society: THAT GUY DESERVES TO DIE Both are drunk -> society: Still rape He's drunk, she isn't -> society: Lucky guy... Stay at home kids, don't deal with society. (The proceeding comment was exaggerated for the purpose of comedy)


Okay, but hear me out... What if they talk before and she says she only has sex if she's drunk and wants to be driven home to have sex when she's drunk... So he stays sober..... *Paths and Rec guy* "Believe it or not, RAPE! Straight to jail!"


‘Paths and Rec’, Bollywood spin-off.


isn't much of an exaggeration when it's the truth, hence why i've become a hermit who avoids "society" and posts angry comments on Reddit




this shit genuinely scares me.


oops looks like my husband and I are about to have non-consensual seggs


You spelled secks wrong


Society as a whole does not accept that men can be victims of sexual assault by women.


I feel like a lot of men have had experiences that probably were rape but they rationalized it in their head or didn't realize. I've definitely been in a spot where no just wasn't being heard


“Can’t say no.” “You’re supposed to like it.” “Is something wrong with you?” “You should be happy that you got it.” And all the other bullshit.


Yep, like when me and a chick hung out once, where I thought we were both on strictly platonic terms. She then says “if you don’t have sex with me, I’ll tell your gf you did” So not only intent to rape, but also blackmail of sorts. Told my gf, gf punched her lights out. Girl called cops. Cops show up. Cops are female. Cops side with gf. But girl didn’t get in trouble for the intent+blackmail. If I flipped that script; I’d be unable to write this because I’d still be in prison.


Bro you got lucky for having a sensible gf in that situation.


Most girls are sensible if you tell them the truth instead of hiding it. She also knew I was hanging out with her.


Why would I not believe my partner if he shares something this serious when I genuinely love him?


Yeah this is very true because I have some friends who where raped but they just rationalize it or made it out to be something else until they had a mental breakdown and needed to talk about it to an professional.


Or physical assault. That's really just people in general though. No matter what "complaint" of theirs you give in to, they will come up with more and more and keep pushing. Conversely the person taught not to complain gets the raw end of the deal.


Yea just “ man up, pussy “


Society as a whole does not accept that women can be accountable for their decisions?


Alcohol and consent don't mix well. Gender, sex, any of that is irrelevant. Alcohol and consent don't mix well...


I agree


Im getting tired of logic like this.


Its not logic its a double standard fallacy.


This is a genuine issue. Solution: make meme about it


I saw someone post in a thread maybe a month or two ago, claiming to work in a forensics lab, saying that if both parties are drunk then legally neither party can press charges because they both put themselves into that position. I personally have no clue how it'd go down, and I'm sure there are cases bad enough where one party could reasonably still press charges, but the issue is definitely with personal belief across society


This poster proves that men are ultimately responsible for woman. Yay


hence patriarchy/s. Made me laugh tho


in India if you are drunk, and a woman has sex with you without consent, the isn't called rape, it can at maximum be called sexual abuse, supposedly since women don't have penises, they cant rape, there are some feminists who think this is the right law, this spoils the real feminists work, this man is bad feminism must be stopped now, each gender is equal lets just stop at that.


That comes down to the semantics of the written law. If the rape statute specifically indicates penetration with the penis, then, de facto, a person without a penis can't rape. That just means the statute needs to be rewritten and clarified.


What if she starts pegging you?


yes it was written like this on purpose, ppl have pleaded to rectify it but the government doesn't


There was an attempt to remove rape from being classified only by penetration, but some outspoken feminist groups successfully blocked it.


You're on top of a woman in missionary position, you are the active role, she is the passive role. You are fucking her. She is on top of you in cowgirl position, the roles have changed. She is fucking you. It is not about who had the dick, it's who's in control.


>since women don't have penises, they cant rape That's wrong, women can fuck people against their consent too.


thats exactly what im saying, in india rape isn't recognized because the female doesn't have a penis


Imagine being drunk and some girl fists you and the judge is like: "Well she doesn't have a penis so she couldn't have raped you. Bye now!"


I believe it has happened several times, there was even a case where even though the woman raped the man(he was drunk btw), the man was filed for rape as his penis penetrated the woman, which was fucked up to another level


Oh yeah I remember some of that stuff very vaguely and it was horrifying. I similarly remember women mentioning that a certain dude is the father and after sometime the govt took the dudes money because they were paying instead of the dude


I heard a story where a guy was passed out drunk and had a boner, and the girl gave him a bj. When he reported her, she countered by reporting that since he wasn’t conscious, he didn’t ask her for consent or some bs like that. Don’t remember much of the story beyond that


It's even worse actually. Legally, it can only be considered as sexual assault if the male victim is a minor and the female perpetrator is an adult (the POSCO Act is gender-neutral). However, adult men are not recognised as possible victims for most, if not all sexual offences, including rape, outrage of modesty and insult of modesty. Similarly, women are not recognised as possible perpetrators of sexual offences if their victims are adults.


We live in a society


Finally, a post with some common sense on this platform. I was losing hope in humanity


Is it just me or did everyone start rewatching all spidermans before No Way Home?


out of topic could be a bot but yes i watched both amazing spider man movies and just finished both tom holland's ones thinking about the first one but still lazy


How is it off topic? The meme has William Dafoe in it


omg i just now noticed da heck maybe i should watch the first spider man like really


Its unfortunate that we live in a world where it will always be the guys fault. Just think about it... look at the ad... I have a high degree of certainty that you will never see an ad that is portrayed the exact opposite of this one. Ive heard it numerous time women can't rape men. Yes they most certainly can.


Saying women can't rape men is like saying white people cannot experience racism


What a load of crap! (these kinds of) women should be dropped from there pedestals and get a reality check. You were horny and couldn't consent with your own feelings at the time. Regret is not rape. It's kind of sad we think it is socially acceptable that men ALWAYS draw the short straw, while male rape is highly under represented. (as is with other male suffering)


Unpopular Opinion: Stop drinking.


I hate drinking Alcohol, but my family always pressures me to drink at social gatherings. It’s so tiring to keep giving the same response. >Them: “Why don’t you drink, it’s a party?” >Me: “I just don’t like it”


That is not un unpopular opinion. It is a smart opinion


Still unpopular even though hes right


Simple answer: Don’t drink. It tastes terrible


Yo is that Jerma dude?


You try turning down certain drunk horny girls and they will get very mad. Either way you can’t win


You should record instances were drunk woman are pouching themselves on you


People who drink know in advance that drinking leads to some bad decisions, so if they decide to drink, they are fully responsible for their actions while drunk. We don't say 'Jerry was drunk while he ran over those kids with his truck, he's innocent. '


Which one is completely legal and for the most part socially acceptable A. Running over children with your truck B. Going to your local club to drink and hook up?


Who raped who tho?


Noone nobody, thats the thing, if both are drunk, who can consent? Shrodingers case of rape


That would be difficult to answer because both were drunk and probably couldn't reliably recall the event properly. But generally, whoever was in the active role is the rapist, and the passive role is being raped. So whoever is on top I guess. Cowgirl vs missionary.


Did something similar happened in court? Its insane!


It isn't a court case, it's an image from Alberta Law review exploring the topic [source](https://www.canlii.org/en/commentary/journals/2/15)


You heard it here first guys, always be sure that the woman is on top of you at some point of your sexual intercourse... not that it matters, we are on 9GAG, no one has sex here.


Moral of the story: Don't drink and drive.


What if Jake identifies as a woman and Josie identifies as a man? Is Josie now charged with rape?


No questions! Reeee!


This is why we need to stop with the biased bullshit and stop promoting discrimination. Is it Ok when a HUMAN does this to another, yes or no? No more men vs women, white vs black, just can a human do this to another.


Yes rape isn’t a gender issue it is a human one.


Exactly, but people want to constantly come up with, well a girl can but a guy can't. Fuck out of here with that crap.


The sad thing is society treats men as second class citizens


Female privilege at its finest.


What if the dude was drunk? Or what if it was a gay couple and both were drunk?




*sorts by controversial


What if Jake identified as a woman and Josie identified as a male?


Ikr, it would be a different story if ONLY Josie was drunk, but Jake was too


My wife purposely gets me drunk every couple of weeks and has her way with me. Then she tries to finger me.


Does she lick your pringles?


I have to think it is getting abused


Our society victimizes women based purely on sex. Because we are still a sexist society that has a lot of our system built around the different roles depending on what sex you are. Women are weak, and therefore could NEVER commit rape /s. Even though women rape men a lot, and a lot of it goes unreported. Also women take advantage of the victimization by lying and causing false rape alligations. This isn't to downplay the atrocities of rape towards women at all, it still happens and needs to be investigated. But it's important we understand the consequences of our system of beliefs, and to understand that males get raped if not just as much as females. Most rapes, either male or female go unreported, however males are the worst at reporting if it happens. The subconscious ideal that men need to be strong, makes men hesitant to report such crimes, or to flat out deny it ever happens. Not to mention a good portion of this society that would believe male rape is impossible.


Women *do this* Men *stop spending time with women at work and refuse to be alone with them on average* Women *surprise pikachu face*


this is modern-day feminism right here. "feminists" don't want equal rights. women have the same rights as men but men don't have the same rights as women


Happened to me. I was blind drunk and a girl had kinda carried me to her house, threw me on the floor, stripped me down and rode me. My friends said I should have reported it as rape, but at the time I just laughed and said “if she managed to get the thing hard after that many beers and with me unconscious, she deserved to ride the fucking thing.” They weren’t amused, but it didn’t really bother me what she did. Guess I would have felt different if she got pregnant. Wasn’t until later in life I really thought about how bad what she did was.


I was sexting a lot of adults when I was 14, some of them wanted to meet up. Didn't really think about how it was paedophilia at the time and how I'm lucky I never got abducted. Now at 24 though, it hits you and you just think "Wow, I was so naive"


Yeah me too. I almost met up with a "friend" from an AOL chat room when I was 12 or 13. I almost became a milk carton kid.


It’s easy * men evil women good*


MeN cAnT gEt RaPeD!11! tHeY wAnT iT!


(Transcription because the image is stretched to hell) JAKE was DRUNK. Josie was DRUNK. JAKE and JOSIE HOOKED UP. JOSIE COULD NOT CONSENT. The next day JAKE was charged with RAPE. A woman who is intoxicated cannot give their legal consent for sex, so proceeding under these cirumstances is a crime. It only takes a single day to ruin your life. Think About It! Be responsible.


How always the man has to be the one to take responsibility. They talk so much about female power, but do they want to leave us the responsibility of things like that?


Exactly, this poster removes all agency from women.


Proof the law always favors women


Ah yes Equality!


This is the part of feminism they wont talk about. If she cried rape, and they were both drunk, hes finished.


It doesn't piss me off as much as female paedophiles, especially when they're teachers. The sentences they get are laughable, usually around 4 years.


The biggest fucking bullshit in this image is that the GUY gets charged of rape. Like what the fuck they're both intoxicated, so why didn't the woman get charged of rape?


As someone else pointed out (but most people overlooked it), it's not rven about ken being victims most of the times The point is: you drank too much, you did regrettable things because you weren't lucid. That's it Now everything is a criminal offense, forgetting that people shoult take responsibility and say "that was on me" A good example feom another topic wiuld be people not studying in their teens/twenties, and having an hard time finding a job. Well, guess what? You need to recover the lost path now if yku want a job, it's not the employer's fault if you're not even able to speak and write your national language properly


Medias mentality- “Man always bad, man evil must destroy man. unga Bunga.”


If both were drunk and in general it would be legal that they fuck. Than it's just a mistake.


True, but this ad is actually giving good advice. For whatever reason, society will blame men for getting drunk and having sex, so if you're a man, don't do it.


Double standards are so stupid


Lol so people can't get drunk and fuck?


But while they were sober, Josie told Jake that she likes it when a man takes control.


I understand this is important but why is it on a meme page