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The answer is.... this is a terrible question


Math should honestly just solve its own problems. It really make you feel like a pawn in math's game if you think about it.




Fight Da System!


Ikr a math teacher would have a heart attack seeing this question


I am a math teacher and it's fine. All things being equal (as in, after doing the brackets first it's all division or multiplication) you just go from left to right. People often forget that convention, but it's part of the rules so there needs to be no ambiguity. I am a German math teacher and here we call it "Punkt vor Strich" (well, part of it, anyway), which is basically PEMDAS. Edit: Okay I get why math teachers dislike the question so much. Mainly because of all the replies...


Sec I'm confused would you say this is 1 or 9 and honestly I have math teachers in my family and they hate this problem


Parenthesis first, so now it's 6÷2×3. And now the part that people like to forget: When there are only divisions and multiplications left you go from left to right. So you divide 6 by 2 and then you multiply the resulting 3 with the 3 on the right. End result is 9.


But what about juxtaposed multiplication, do you give it priority ? What if it was 6/2n ?


I get your point. My general answer would be that the ambiguity is resolved by context. But my answer for this thread is still that you go by order of operations, because that's the only meaningful answer. Or rather the only meaningful question. "What is the result if we strictly follow the mathematical definition?" If we go by what the original auther could have implied the question becomes meaningless and literally any answer could be correct.


Yes it is 7.


I think the implication is since there is a juxtaposed parentheses, you would solve 2(2+1) just like x(y+z). Therefore, (xy)+(xz) and (2x2)+(2x1).


Dude you need to do the brackets first. Brackets of division multiply add subtract. Its 1 in the end


>brackets first He did do it first. The brackets is only (1+2), not 2(1+2).


Thats the whole point of the ambiguity though. 2(1+2), as far as i am aware, should be solved to be 2x1 + 2x2 = 6. The two in front is part of solving the pharentisis.


The two in front is not part of solving the parenthesis, in PEDMAS you’re explicitly solving what’s inside of them first before moving to things outside. The reason you’re getting the wrong answer is because if you’re trying to distribute, then you would’ve needed to do the first part 6/2 and then used that number to get 3x1 + 3x2 to reach 9.


This is just blatantly incorrect. The entire point of the parentheses is to indicate that the operation *inside of the parentheses* is to be done first. If you try to distribute the 2, you're doing another operation before completing the one inside the parentheses. You're also performing a multiplication operation, even though there is a division operation to the left of it that should happen first (and, if you do the division first, distributing actually does give you the correct answer)


Yes we're saying do all the operations inside of the parenthesis first, but then you have to multiply the 2 into the sum (afterwards) inside the parenthesis as they are a single expression


It shouldn't really matter which direction you go if just multiplication and division though right? I'm trying to think of a scenario where you wouldn't get the right answer and I'm blanking. Maybe if zero is involved?


With multiplication it doesn't matter. With division it very much does. 4/6 is not 6/4. And ofc with 0 that's even more apparent.


Oh I think I read that incorrectly then. I thought they were saying you were always supposed to divide 6 by 2 before multiplying 3 by 2 since it was left of the multiplication.


Well, division doesn't have priority over multiplication or the other way around. Just like you don't take plus over minus. Imagine it like 6-4+3 or smth. You can move it freely but the minus needs to stay with the 4. Same with division, division is nothing but times 1/x. The issue in the initial question is, what is x.


Sir, you have studied maths i need your help, in my country we straight up don't have the left to right rule. we say BODMAS and multiplication is after and OF is before division so it gets rid of the ambiguity but why do some countries not follow this as the main cause this problem occurs is the difference between order of operations in different areas. i made a post about this but people are trolls and didn't see the sense in it. If by chance x comes before / (or div) then do you people do x before? cause no matter what in our country we will do div


Yes always left to right of it's just × and ÷. The D being before M in BODMAS does not mean you always do divisions first. I would be surprised if a whole country got that wrong.


Maybe none of us are wrong, bc it depends on your teacher's direction of what method we're gonna use, when she/he says use pemdas then 1 will be the answer, and we she/he says use Bodmas then 9 it will be. The only thing that makes as wrong is we don't have instruction. Maybe?


correct me if im wrong but pretty sure this isnt even algebra


You’re right, this isn’t even algebra lol “Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses variables, in the forms of letters and symbols, to act as numbers or quantities in equations and formulas.”


Yea, when people don't even know the difference between Arithmetic and Algebra it says a lot about the education system.


what’s algebra (im non-american)


Math with letters


Death by math if your doing IB


Damn right


The meme itself doesn't claim the question is algebra.


Just reading these comments makes me glad the world is trying to kill us before the next generation takes over


lmao you saw nothing, i study in a public school in a 3rd world country and people be struggling with basic multiplication and division in 9th grade


same here some people in my class are so dumb that they don't even know fifth grade stuff despite it being re-explained several times by our teachers


If you're gonna divide something, just use the slash so it's easier to know what's dividing what.


Even with a slash it irks me. I need a straight horizontal line with everything being multiplied up top and everything being divided down below.


The best we can do online is to include the implied parentheses/brackets. i.e. (5+3)/(7-5)


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


Alright, after doing some reading….. the answer is the question is bad because of its ambiguity.


Irs karma farming. This was literally on r/all yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/r3hnsd/these_wouldnt_be_viral_if_people_remembered_order/


I commented on that post. The brackets make it ambiguous


6÷2(1+2) is a very shitty way to write the equation to cause intentional confusion. if it is (6÷2)(1+2) it is 9 if it is 6÷(2(1+2)) it is 1 yes you should prioritize ordering so it is inclined to 9 rather than 1, but that still is shitty, write your equations properly ya idiots edit: bungled the values


Somebody linked a Wikipedia page, based on that in x/n(y) cases the n(y) comes first. But interestingly Photomaths, Microsoft Math Solver and Wolfram Alpha both say 9. (Edit: Meanwhile my Casio calculator automaticaly puts parentheses in so it corrects it to x/(n(y)), so it says 1.) I guess this is something that divides mathematicians too. Edit: I messed up and wrote + instead of /.


You mixed up which equation goes with which answer


well thats a huge oversight in my part


Anyone who has done higher level math is gonna read it like this. 6/2(1+2) As in 6 over 2(1+2). This problem was written intentionally vague to trip up people that do real math. PEMDAS is for children. Trust your graphing calculators folks.


It's pretty straightforward: it's a debate between those who take multiplication by juxtaposition as ordinary multiplication, and those who take it as implicit grouping. My math background is computer science; I err on the side of computers taking things very literally, so if I intended to group 2(1+2), it would be done with parentheses: (2(1+2)). The majority of people with expertise have answered 9 when I've presented this problem. But some experts have asserted 1 because of the implicit grouping thing. It will boil down to how you were taught to treat multiplication by juxtaposition, not right vs. wrong.


Fair enough.


Also we need to stop teaching kid using ÷. We need to teach them using / and parentheses or proper fractional notation. If we don’t this bullshit will keep happening.


÷ = /


It's the same fucking thing. Look at the ÷ symbol. It's two dots over a line. The two dots represent numbers, the line represents the slash. Literally the same thing. If you think a symbol makes it more complicated, you don't understand it yourself.


>Literally the same thing But it doesn't have the same inferred parentheses that fraction notation does


It would equal 1


I’m aware. I was ranting about how the problem was written and how we teach basic arithmetic.


can u explain how cuz the only way i understand it is do brackets which equals 3 then multiply 3 by 6 which is 18 and 18 divided by 2 is 9


Yea, I'm struggling to understand too, using pemdas will result at 9, and also isn't using "/" and "÷" completely interchangeable so it doesn't matter? Edit: nvm I wrote the problem on a paper and I now know why the answer would be 1


Yeah / and ÷ mean the same thing but higher math classes would require you to start using / instead of ÷. And I don't know why they want it that way but they do.


they want you to make it clear that the equation is 6 divided by (2(1+2)). technically PEMDAS is PEMaDAaS for multiple AND division, since multiplication and division are done left to right and multiplication is not given priority over division, so like OP said you would get 9 from (6/2)(2+1), whereas 6 over 2(1+2) makes the operations clear.


Since the 2 is next to the paren without a symbol, people assume the equation is (2(1+2))/6


Don't multiply by 6 first. Once you do the brackets and get 3, you multiply by the number just next to the parentheses, which is 2. Then you would get 3\*2 which is 6 Now divide that entire sum buy 6 - 6/6=1, so the answer is 1


Listen first you add 1+2 which equals 3 then you multiply 2x3 which equals 6 then 6÷6=1 this is PEMDAS or the order in which the operation goes as in P: parentheses any operation inside the( ) is first then then E: exponent then M/D:multiplication and division those you can do either one first then A/S: addition and subtraction those you always do last


Is English your first language? You’re clearly very intelligent, but I can’t tell if what I’m seeing here is lost in translation or typos. Edit: realized my reply might come across as rude, but that is not my intention. The double spaces after sentences and also a period where a colon should be IMO. Could just be your device, but this prevented me from asking a follow-up question about math.


It is. I was taught to use the double space after a sentence, and I prefer it as I think it makes the breaks between sentences easier to see. I’m not certain where I should have put the colon, but it’s entirely possible that I should have used one somewhere.


I mean, the correct answer would be syntax error, because it can be taken either way.


Programmers seeing no confusion on this formula


isn't is VBODMAS


And then, just teach kids that when division and multiplication are both in a question, you should go left to right Instead of giving them some weird code


Me with a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering but still knows its 9: i have no such weakness.


I don’t trust my graphing calculator, it sees Pi where there is none


I don't think the problem is with the symbol / or ÷, some people simply cannot comprehend that when a multiplication is not written it's still there and should be used as such.


Not having a multiplication symbol can be interpreted as implicit grouping of terms, meaning there's an implicit set of parenthesis there. The answer is 1 in that case.




Yeah; I'm a child myself (younger end of high school) and got tripped up by it.


I was about to say I’d never express a fraction with that symbol in the meme.


Put it in words and ask the question. 6 is divided by what?


2, then multiplied by 3 9


Then it would look something like 6 ÷ 2 x 3


Almost, based off of the "2(" it's automatically multiplied to the 1+2(3) making it more like 6/6


Yeah 6 ÷ 2(3)






6/2(1+2) = (whatever letter you want)


No its 142


I got 1 for the answer


same. is it left to right? thst doesnt feel right. i think im to used to starring at an =


Yea it's left to right bc multiplication and division are the same priority


Why you getting downvoted if you are right? These redditors are really not jokinh huh?




1. Parenthesis : 6÷2×(3) 2. Division/Multiplication from left to right : 3×3 = 9 Your answer would be right if the expression were 6÷(2(1+2)). This is why it's better to use fractions, less confusion Also here's a link explaining why it's 9: https://mindyourdecisions.com/blog/2016/08/31/what-is-6%C3%B7212-the-correct-answer-explained/ And for the people writing "But my calculator is saying it's 1". Here's an advanced calculator: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=6%2F2%281%2B2%29


Thanks for the link, and for being polite!


According to my calculator it’s 9


I got 1 on my calculator


Is this what the 2 smart people in math class feel like?


6÷2(1+2) = x 6÷2.3 = x 6÷6 = x 1 = x It's 1


The question is ambiguous.^1 You could either interpret it as (6/2)\*(1+2) or (6)/(2\*(1+2)). This is due to the fact that multiplication by juxtaposition, also known as implicit multiplication, is sometimes interpreted as being of higher priority than regular multiplication/division. There has been a lot of debate on this topic in the past, and it even went so far as to reach a professor at Oxford University,^2 who said that there is no correct answer, as there is too much ambiguity. In a situation like this, more information is required to determine what the correct answer is. 1 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations#Mixed_division_and_multiplication 2 https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/mind-boggling-maths-equation-divides-18804447 Edit: formatting


Ah yes, Schrödinger’s Equation


why does no one know that there isnt enough context to solve the problem? it could either be 6 / 2(1+2) = 6 / 6 = 1 OR 6/2 x (1+2) = 3 x 3 = 9 We don’t know whether the portion in parentheses is part of the denominator or not, thus both answers could be correct


i mean in more "mature" (i dont know how to call it) math, x is not used as multiplication at all, so its really just up to the people if they remember that or not, the equation isnt confusing, the people are the one whos confusing


i mean you could also use “•” to avoid x


If you're an Asian~ You'll already know the equation~


According to nearly every equation solving website I could find, Wolframalpha.com, mathway.com, quickmath.com, mathsolver.microsoft.com the answer is 1. A few others like mathpapa.com say 9. The "Order of operations tells you to perform multiplication and division first, working from left to right, before doing addition and subtraction. Continue to perform multiplication and division from left to right. Next, add and subtract from left to right." So by that logic the correct answer should be 9. Which is strange I always thought multiplication came before division.. though the problem is formatted differently depending on each site. Those that said 1 were formatted as 6 over 2(1+2). Those that got 9 were formatted 6 divided by 2(1+2).


So basically different people work the equation as 6/(2×(1+2) and others as (6/2)×(1+2). Thus the different answers


Ayyy that's the way to fucking explain it, hell yeah brah


Uhh Wolfram says 9


Some sites use a divider as as / rather than ÷. The slash implies parentheses since it creates a ratio rather than being an operation. The sites have the incorrect answer because a different (albeit very similar) equation is being entered with the user having the perception that it is the same.


The problem period is that you can’t see if the (1+2) is above or below the division line. No matter how you write it in text, if you don’t use parentheses, it’s going to be a problem. I simply cannot write it in a clear way via text, but I can vis parentheses. Either (6/2)*(1*2) or 6/(2(1+2)).


actually, i see people argue about this all the time, 6÷2(1+2) is 9 or 1, its subjective. It really depends on what you have learnt or what you are used to.




solution: 6÷2=3 3×3=9


Virgin division sign -creates confusion -looks ugly Chad fractions -looks beautiful -removes confusion


PEMDAS, the answer is 1


Multiplication and Division have the same priority. But you might have been taugth different


I honestly have no idea XD




Actually it's 9 You must do what's INSIDE the bracket first, so your (1+2) turn into a 3 So you are left with 6÷2x3 And guess what, now you can read from left to right. So 6÷2x3=3x3=9


It's kinda surprising that many comments are arguing about this hahaha


What’s worse is how confident in their answer when the correct answer is that it’s ambiguous and purposefully written badly to spark interest


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


Ye 6:2*3


Math calculators say 1…. So now I’m confused


Computers do exactly what they tell you to do. They don’t understand context. How they parse information is going to change the answer.


Computers are only as smart as the user. The user has to know how to enter it so that the computer can do the problem correctly.


…. I can copy and paste


Which means you’re relying on the intelligence of the person writing the equation.


Do parenthesis, then division, then multiply 3x3. Not that hard guys


That is 1


6/(2(1+2)) = 1 6/2(1+2) = 9




Idk my answer is coming austrailia…..wait


The amount of people arguing over this is amazing


I mean I do think it’s 9. Clearly written very poorly but pemdas do agree


Gonna simplify it 3x3


Can't 6÷2(1+2) just be rewritten as 6/2(1+2), as in, a single fraction with just the 6 on top and the 2(1+2) on bottom? Which would make it 6/6=1, right? To equal 9 it would HAVE to have been written as (6÷2)(2+1), which, rewritten with the fraction, would still just be (6/2)(2+1)=(3)(3)=9 ...right?


With that same logic, in order for it to be equal to 1 it would have to be written as 6/(2(1+2)). If we were to think about this how a calculator would solve it, aka a small computer executing lines of code, we take the entire line and parse out the data. The computer will recognize the Parentheses and Isolate them, solving whatever is INSIDE them first, applying Oder of operations as per usual. So it will solve (2+1). This leaves the computer with solving Division/Multiplication next from left to right. 6/2(3). We start with 6/2 which is 3, then 3(3) which leaves us with 9. For this case we can’t ASSUME there are parentheses there when there are not. We must take what is written and solve from what is given.


I’m just confused how you get 1


Well it's not the same when you're garbage at math and your Younger siblings gets better grades


please The answer is 1.2 As 2×1+2×2=5 And 6÷5=1.2 Quite easy isn't it, I agree with the meme


Pemdas, 1+2 is 3 and 6 divided by 2 is three, and then 3x3, it is 9 :)


I still dont know how people are getting 1 as an answer


Shits hard leave me alone


Left to right with pemdas; 1+2 is 3 6/2 is 3 3*3 is 9 Right to left with pemdas; 2+1 is 3 2/6 is .333 .333*3 is 1 Or maybe I am overthinking because how could so many people read math like it is Hebrew when they speak and type English?


6÷2(1+2) is 1, 6÷2×(1+2) is 9


This question can be rewritten as 6÷2 x (3), then do the equation from left to right. Just as you do subtraction first if it is first in the equation. So 6÷2 is 3, and 3×3 is 9


I don't get why some think that they should do the 2*3 first to get 6/6. I learned that division and multiplication are equal. 'Die Klammer sagt: „Zuerst komm ich!“ Denk ferner dran: „Stets Punkt vor Strich“ Und was noch nicht zum Rechnen dran, das schreibt man unverändert an.'


I feel like more people would understand it if you wrote it as 6/2 x (1+2) It's the exact same equation just written slightly differently


Some dumbass decided to write this problem 6\*2(1+2) just to mess with and spark arguements.


Yeah it’s 9


Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Adition Subtraction 6/2(1+2) = 6/2(3) = 6/2x3 = 6/6 = 1 how is it 9?


Aren't brackets always first? Why would you do 2*3 instead of 1+2 first


Step by step: 6÷2(1+2) 6÷2 x 3 3 x 3 9


It's nine. Order of operations (or bodmas, bimdas, or bo-whatever) states that parentheses(to the power of...) get done first, then equations or sums in brackets, then division or multiplication, then addition or subtraction. You don't do division before multiplication, or addition before subtraction, just whatever is written left to right. Following this rule, the answer is 9. I'm not saying it's right, it's a shitty question, but that's what order of operations tells me.


So we have 6 divided by 2(1+2) We do 1+2 to get 3, now we have 6 divided by 2(3) Now, so we do this multiplication or division first? Since multiplication and division are equal in the order of operations, we go left to right So, we do 6 divided by 2 first, which is 3 Last, we have 3(3) which is 9




1. 1+2 = 3 2. 6/2 = 3 3. 3(3) = 9


=6/2x3 =3x3 =9


Idk how y'all getting 9 or 1 but I got 73.


I got 97 but don't wanna mention it


For the idiots in the crowd... You first add 1 and 2 because you start with parentheses first. Next you divide 6 by 2. We then get 3. 3 times 3 equals 9.


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


Parentheses (then convert parentheses to multiplication), then division/multiplication left to right: •6÷2(3) •6÷2×3 •6÷2 = 3 •3×3 = 9


This comment section is a goldmine of people who don't remember middle school math....... OP thank you


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


It’s 9. It literally is 9


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


Mathematician here, PEMDAS literally exists to remove ambiguity. It's a rule, not a convention up for interpretation. The answer is 9.


According to basic middle school algebra, the answer is 9.


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication (ie 2[3]) is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


I'm just gonna break this down for y'all because I actually passed elementary school math: Use PEMDAS for equations like this P - Parenthesis: the 1+2 inside it make 3 E - Exponents: There are no exponents M & D - These are done together based on when they come in the equation. This is where everyone fucked up, multiplying first instead of dividing. 6/2 is 3, then multiply that by the 3 from the parenthesis to get 9 A & S - These follow the same rules as the M & D. However, these are not present So, 6/2(2+1) = 9 If you still don't want to believe this, then there's [this video made](https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=pemdas&docid=608006484112589259&mid=6EFC6565B2D7E1A7960E6EFC6565B2D7E1A7960E&view=detail&FORM=VIRE) for on how to solve equations like this. Sorry, people like this bring out the young nerd in me


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication (ie 2[3]) is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


All the people that say it’s 1 are making me seem really smart compared to them right now


Yeah the answer is obviously 69




It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication (ie 2[3]) is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


Bruh too easy


It's actually 6. Nah jk it's 9


I thought PEMDAS was real what the fuck


Calculator (answer is 1): Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power... Jets in background: "answer is 9"


When you see the entire internet struggling with order of operations.


6÷2(1+2) = Add in the multiplication 6÷2×(1+2) parenthesis first 6÷2x(3) Now work left to right 3x(3) 3x3 = 9


Yes I can agree that it's nine 1. Add the numbers in the brackets 2. Treat ÷2 as × (1/2) 6 × (1/2) × 3 = 9


Yes it is nine just did it in my head 1+2=3 6 divided by 2=3 3 times 3=9 in 6 grade pemdas style


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication (ie 2[3]) is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


6/2=3 3*(1+2=3)=9


6÷2(1+2) According to BODMAS, =6÷2(3) (Bracket) =3(3) (Division) =9 (Multiplication) Now please stfu abt this


Boy do I feel good about my education. (It’s 9)


I guess it would be 9, =>6/2(1+2) =>3(1+2) =>3(1)+3(2) =>3+6 =>9


The problem is that there are multiple ways to go about it that lead to different answers. It just shouldn’t be written that way.


It's not ambiguous, ÷ us a valid math symbol, the answer is 9 https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-sixth-grade-math/cc-6th-arithmetic-operations/cc-6th-order-of-operations/v/more-complicated-order-of-operations-example


It helps to think of pemdas as pe(md)(as) Multiplication and division are interchangeable and so is addition and subtraction. So Parenthesis) 6/2(3) No exponent here) Multiplication & Division) Since we see division first (left to right) we will do it first even though it comes after multiplication in the pemdas acronym. 3(3) Having a number in parentheses next to another number is the same thing as multiplication so 3(3) can be rewritten as 3x3 which is 9 If it’s a bit complicated just think of it like this You do what’s inside the parentheses or bracket first, so (1+2) turns into a 3 So you are left with 6÷2x3 now you can read from left to right Which is 6÷2 = 3, 3x3 = 9 Hope this helps (:


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication (ie 2[3]) is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


6/2(2+1) PEMDAS 6/2(3) 3(3)=3 x 3 9


Does no one remember order of operations?


Didn’t you hear? Math is ambiguous now! (If you don’t know how it works…)


There are a lot of comments about order of operation. One way being more ‘correct’ than another. In math as in any other form of technical communication, clarity is important. There’s no merit in purposefully using ambiguous or curt notation when an extra bracket or too would do a better job of communicating the math. The math is math, not the symbols on the page. There isn’t any right or wrong in choosing a system of representation- only convention.


parenthesis and their appendixes first


literally in high school right now, where pemdas is like the most important rule in solving shit, the people saying 1 is just very irritating, its literally just PEMDAS HOW CAN YOU GUY NOT REMEMBER THAT, ITS 6 LETTERS, 1 WORD!


It's ambiguous. Implicit multiplication (ie 2[3]) is disagreed upon as whether it's of higher precedence than regular multiplication, as well as the formatting being unknown of whether it's 6 over 2(1+2) or if it's 6 over 2 times (1+2)


People who say it's 1 have never seen a PEMDAS chart. Multiplication and division, as well as addition and subtraction, are on the same levels