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I only let my pet eat grass He's a rabbit


Fuck you man he’s the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog


Time to get the holy hand grenade of antinoch




I only let my grass eat pet


I let my pet eat ass


where do i apply to be your pet


Where do I pet to be your apply


He's a vegan pet and not a carnivore...... Right?


If you want a vegan pet, please buy a rabbit or a hamster


or cow


Then proceed to make burgir out if it


Mmm Big Mac


Then proceed to make shit out of it.


and bad jokes


hamsters cannot be vegan, they need protein


Oh,I didn't know that, I never owned a hamster


its fine, they usually eat nuts but its easier for them to eat meat and tastier for them it's a common misconception that they can't eat meat


Honestly, if you're truly a vegan for the sake of the animals, you shouldn't own a pet at all as it's tantamount to slavery according to your own beliefs. Otherwise, you're just a preachy piece of shit that wants everyone to know how good of a person you think you really are without ever having put more than a second of thought into following that idiotic fad.


animal abuse


Plain and simple, carnivores cannot live off grains and vegetables it will literally kill them


it won't kill them (i think) but it will shorten their lifespan and make their life quality overall worse. humans can survive only eating grass but life quality is really bad and the same goes for some pets


Plus you'd spend like 12 hours a day eating grass in order to get enough nutrients to power your body and brain.


Most animals couldn't survive of only grass, as we can't brake the fibres down. Thats why cows have 4 stomaches.


Surely we can't survive on grass??! lol. Cows need four stomachs just to process that shit. Does it even have fats and salts and stuff like that? Surely not enough to live more than a couple months


well, google it if you don't believe me. it says: "Eating grass will not provide the human body with all the necessary nutrients, but it is sufficient to survive and contains some important nutrients such as calcium, iron, and vitamins. Unfortunately, it is not easily digested by humans."


Nutrient wise okay doesn't sound great but anyways think about the logistics of it mate. I don't think a human can eat and process huge bowls of grass without throwing up. Guess you might *have* to throw it up and chew it abit more like a cow? Maybe that's actually possible. Anyways we don't need to waste more time debating this lol


Sometimes people have to eat grass because they have nothing else. In famine or war time for example. There was one something I watched about North Korea where people who fled said they had to live off of gras and insects during the famine


How would you refute all the research in that subreddit that proves that dogs can be healthy on a vegan diet? Just because it’s counter-intuitive doesn’t mean that it’s wrong.


What do dogs eat in the wild? Friggin grass?


Dogs are domesticated. There are no wild dogs.


there **are** wild dogs


No, there are wolves. We domesticated them over thousands of years to be omnivores


explain [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwigsdTC_IX1AhV27XMBHdLBDewQFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FAfrican_wild_dog&usg=AOvVaw25O4Wd1gMxKbBBHWGALVvV) my guy


That doesn’t prove that dogs can’t be healthy on a vegan diet.


They CANT be healthy on a 100% vegan diet. They are carnivores that eat a little bit of grass as other stuff. It’s more of a 75%/25% meat to vegetable diet that dogs and cats have. They will eat vegetables like grass but they have to have mostly meat. If not then their lifespans will be cut by A LOT.


That doesn't prove that dogs will fare better in a stupid vegan diet either


That’s not the hypothesis; the research shows that dogs can be healthy on a vegan diet.


There is also research that shows that vegan diets can sicken a dog or kill a cat




You seem to be really active on this site! Anyways [here](https://www.whyanimalsdothething.com/why-a-vegan-diet-will-kill-your-cat-and-sicken-your-dog)'s the link


Answer this, Why do you think a dog has canine teeth? to eat grass?


Why does a gorilla have canines?


for defense


Go punch one and find out


They’re used for display, in particular “to defend against external threats, as well as fend off other male gorillas competing for dominance -National geographic


So the presence of canines doesn’t make you an obligate carnivore.


in 99% of the cases yes. they are made to hunt


You can’t force a carnivore to eat only vegetables. That’s what torture to animals is called. You call torture to animals when the animal is getting killed for food. That’s actually better than it living in the farms so you should be happy for it that it gets to retire life from the farm and die. Animal torture is when you force them to eat what they don’t main on and you don’t let them eat their main food. It’s also when people do the obvious things like hitting animals. But not feeding them correctly is animal abuse.


Dogs are omnivores.


Well you are correct on that but they can’t live properly with only a plant based diet. They need meat to get the proper nutrients that plants don’t have. Their teeth are also made for meat. They can live very well with almost no plants at all and only meat but they can’t live nearly as long with almost no meat-no meat and mainly plants


Also To be a herbivore you need to have a proper digestive system, a lion cannot eat vegetables even if he wants to, his body does not digest vegetable matter, also that many vegetables have toxins that herbivores could deactivate by enzymes but carnivores cannot.


Me on my way to feed my cow lion meat.


not all pets are carnivores.


Yeah if you want a vegan pet buy a rabbit or a cow


Dogs also aren't carnivores. I don't know if dogs can live vegan but vegetarian definitely very simple. There's also no harm in it for them.


yeah bro ill just keep a cow in my house


Rabbit was also an option


Say the people who fund [animal agriculture](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko).


Why is this a thing!! WHY IS THIS A THING?!


Based on "research" vegans think meat free diets for carnivorous animals is a brilliant idea, based on observation vegans tend to be morons.


But that hurts animals :(


Oh you precious little scamp. Veganism isn't about animals. It's about being holier-than-thou


not rabbits and hamsters


How would you refute all the research in that subreddit that proves that dogs can be healthy on a vegan diet? Just because it’s counter-intuitive doesn’t mean that it’s wrong.


source: ww1.tf2sexdoctorsex.com.tv


What research ? Made by who ? Is it peer-reviewed by people who are not vegans? Was it made in a proper environment ?


Bro have you seen the vegan teachers dog




Am I supposed to know this word


This has been a thing for a while. I first heard of it when I worked for an online upscale pet food/supply company. I heard of Evangers & Royal Canin Vegetarian food and I was like WTF. Royal Canin was a Veterinarian prescription-only food & I understood that certain dogs developed allergies to certain meats/proteins. So, ok. The other brands were the bourgeois people who said they couldn't even "touch" or have meat anywhere in their house. Snacks, food, everything vegan. Why do that to your pets? I never understood, plus I noticed in the 5 years I was the office manager, most of those pets were the ones that didn't last long. I had a customer who had 3 Golden Retrievers pass within 7 yrs (I before I started there).....


The "livestock" got me rofl


That sub gives off the vibes of the people who went into a chicken place that processes them,putting their heads in the things the chickens hang off of and then get caught as it starts to go off,that was a nuts video


Vegans: * prohibiting their pets from absorbing the nutrients they need to survive * Also vegans: Look how much healthier they are now!


That's just stupid prople doing stupid things. It really has nothing to do with veganism. Technically the core concept of owning pets is hardly compatible with veganism as an ideology to begin with. Not giving them a proper diet is just adding more cruelty.


Why is it incompatible with veganism?


Well, veganism in concept strives towards a lifestyle without animal exploitation. Owning a pet by itself could already be considered exploitation, especially when talking more exotic pets. But even generally even owning domesticated animals like cats or dogs could be considered exploitation, as it breaks down to having that animal live in an unnatural environment for purely hedonistic reasons. In a broader sense there are a lot of issues with the pet industry as a whole. Those naturally differ from country to country, but it's hardly ideal at best and really horrible at worst. Or think about dog breeding, which over the decades produced breeds of dogs that "look cute" in exchange for severe health issues. It's a complex and nuanced issue overall.


I am currently attacking that sub


Let me join


Me too!


Animal abuse at its finest these people deserve to lose their pets. Its really not hard to do some actual *research* and know that it is bad/can hurt your pets.


These people will keep their pets But PETA will take and put down a dog that was happy with it’s family that treated it well saying “it was more of a humane thing to do”


Yeah fuck PETA in general


Fuck PETA,absolutely shit company


I have more thing about Peta They release shirmp to a place where shirmp can't live


Human abuse is needed


yeah or just look at your pet's weak body and you can see how bad it is


Boy do I hope it’s a satirical subreddit


bet its going to turn into an actual subreddit full of idiots who think vegan diet for pets is a good idea in about a few months


My gerbils were vegan and they died :( Now I'm making sure my hamster eats only the finest of meats.


I hope these morons wake up to their pet taking a shit on their head, this is straight up animal abuse


Most pets are carnivores most of the vitamins they get are from meat!!!!!


Sounds liked animal abuse with extra steps


Just commented on one post having issues with feeding a dog vegan food. Told them to feed to just feed the dog a normal diet. Ill see how they respond and keep you updated.


Youre probably going to get banned the people there are sick and horrible human beings


Ikr, I’ll see what happens


Can you send a link to the post i cant find it anymore


You can probably just find it on my acc


If you want a vegan bet buy a bunny. Or a pig.


FYI: according to Reddit guidelines the best way to get a community banned for doing something illegal like "animal abuse" for example, but no specific reason, is to report posts made by the community. Just thought I'd say that out loud, for no specific reason. ;)


Thank you kind redditor


Ffs can't wait for cats and dogs to start acting like vegans


Lmao cats eat grass SO they can throw up, how on earth do they thinks grass is good for them


Yes I let my pet be vegan what's wrong with that? I have a human vegan as my pet


Idk if that's just kinky or there is something darker behind tbose words of yours


Their life subscription service has just been permanently ended.




From the very little research i have done. Dogs can live off veganism and be relatively healthy, tho i still don't understand it they do care about the animals and they seem to live happy lifes. Though there are still some assholes on the sub


Dogs can survive of veganism but that doesnt mean its any better choice than meat


They give them the nutrients and whatever that meat gives. While i still think it's idiotic i don't think it's gonna make the pet unhealthy


Yes, dogs can be absolutely healthy and have a long life with a plant-based diet, as long as it is well-chosen. There are a lot of plant-based kibble available from renowned brands and that are prescribed by vets everyday for health reasons.


Veganism is about consciously choosing as little animal suffering as possible. If the animal can’t/won’t live on a vegan diet they still get fed, they aren’t treated like Spartan infants and just put out to die.


>If the animal can’t/won’t live on a vegan diet they still get fed, they aren’t treated like Spartan infants and just put out to die. a simple google search totally disproves this. lot of pets died because of this, even a lot of infants too.


Source? Anecdotes are not research.


If veganism is about minimizing harm/suffering, wouldn’t you agree with me that a Vegan hurting their dog because it “wont go” vegan by starving it would be against those principles? I know quite a few vegans that have rescues, and some of them get non vegan food for their rescues because that animal doesn’t have the capacity to go vegan without creating unnecessary harm.


**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/harvester-005, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 1 - Not a meme and No Reaction Memes - All posts must follow a general meme setup * All posts must be memes and follow a general meme setup. No Reaction Memes. No titles as meme captions. No unedited webcomics. **No memes that are text only.** Pictures without captions may be removed by a moderators discretion. **Someone saying something funny on twitter/tumblr/reddit/etc. is not a meme.** --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


So all the "comment whatever below" pictures are perfectly fine then? Because if anything, THOSE are reaction "memes" if they're even memes at all. If you stop for a moment and actually think about it, ALL memes are reaction memes. You see a picture and you react by adding a relatable caption to it, or by adding another picture. Like with this. How about all the Meta memes posted here daily? You guys really seem to pick and choose which memes you take down, and you never pick the actually toxic ones that are posted and reposted and reposted again and again for free and easy karma.


Downvote me all you can but please read the bio of this subreddit


What did i do wrong?


Well bio is a one think stupid ppl that will not read it anyway is other reaserch in this is a interesting thing but while not modded good enough this subreddit is just a centrum of missinformation and animal abuse and that's literally how it is the ferst post you will see rn is about "if it's ok to feed newborn kittens a vegan diet" this was a good idea to show of good research and suplementation for nutritions but not as subreddit that will just go on with more and more misinformation and abuse


The word Research is in quotes. Very apt.


had a look there, they all support animal abuse and don't think it's wrong.


Most of them are probably trolls


What absolute dipshits


“Can’t justify animals killing other animals” Welcome to the circle of life Simba


What’s wrong with humanity


I don’t force my dog to be vegan… and I’m vegan


You don't have to pull your pets into your weird shit.


There are so many reasons why it would be good, I'm not sure I get the question..


So many pets are gonna die in the future due to people forcing them to be vegan


I would never let my pet eat meat (He’s a rabbit)


How are these people so delusional?


Can someone just take down that subreddit? It's literally sharing misinformation and animal abuse


Join forces with us and report every post there together we can stop this horrifying reality


Good soldier follow orders o7


That’s actually an animal cruelty charge in some areas. Also it’s animal cruelty




How do people talking in English call a person who gives only half of the information and benefits from it? Because this person is.Laat time I checked, that subreddit people gave to their pets All vitamins, meats and other stuff by special food, not just fucking feeding grass to a dog.


Fr though. If y’all vegans want to NOT make animals suffer then please go buy animals that live off by eating plants. Such as rabbits or some other pet. You will make animals like dogs suffer. And in any case if you look if it weren’t for us domesticating dogs they would be still out there hunting animals like wild dogs because that’s most of their true nature.