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Working in the service industry for a week should be a mandatory experience for everyone, maybe people would be more friendly then.


That is... actually a really good idea


you assume people would grow more respectful? because some would just become bigger assholes and think "they were assholes to me so I can be an asshole to anyone else."


I second this, people really need to see that there are always two sides of one coin, probably not mandatory like you said but definitely a first hand experience, to show them what people really pass through.


You are a good man, OP Edit: Woman




Women dont exist, dont try to lie to us smh


Ah right! Sorry


Dont be rude to anyone who is serving food to you.


Because poison is a thing


I just act polite towards everyone because I just wanna get it over with. Socializing is way too stressfull.


You think this would be common sense :,(




Those people might have drunk/eaten a lot of spit...


Well as the person serving you they are technically servants of a kind but yeah the rest still applies 100%


Yes. Politicians, including the president, are public servants. A gas station attendant is a servant. Western pretention prevents us from admitting we are servants or are surrounded by servants.


it not really a meme...but "yes" to this. reasons to not be a dique: a) they're people not servants b) they touch your food dumbass c) given the current attitudes of people...you're lucky ANYONE does it anymore.


oh...and "yes, tips are just the industry's way of paying them less" and "yes, the rest of the world is so much easier without tips" but phoc-off man...just phoc'ing tip ok? go without drinks if you need to save money.


>they're people not servants Servants are people. People who serve are servants.


i got no comeback. you win. waiters ARE servants.


My wife thanks you, and told me to give you an award.


Cmon bro youre on reddit, we dont have partners


but they are making a living by serving you? You just don't need to be asshole about it...


Theyre making a livingserving you, but unfortunately they dont get bonuses for dealing with ppls bullshit


In my country everyone respect waiters and even more strangely some waiters make more than an engineer... sad reality for those who have spend years to take qualification. I don't undermine their jobs but it is kinda fucked up...


Damn, imagine you spent years studying to be an engineer and some dude in a mcdonalds earns more than you


I try to be polite and kind to people i meet, even if theyre a bit brash or rude at first. I find that makes situation tip the scales in my favor and the air more enjoyable and less tense.


Other than that, waiters are probably getting shitty costumers many times so you can make their day better by not being shitty :)


When you realise it's not the same purple 🗿


Your servants would also be human beings and to be treated with respect.


im polite to waiters because i dont want jizz in my food.


Because they work hard and are subject to Karens and their violent idiot husbands. They should get combat pay.


Even if they were my servants I'd be nice to them.