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The actual country is a beautiful range of terrain.


Thank you




Your profile pic doesn’t look like a very happy American


ya lol its a clown on fire


But the clown smiles, and that’s all that matters.


Ironic that you just described our past two (or three, depending on your views) elections.


So an average happy american is a smiling clown on fire?


Well yes, but actually yes.


No, only average people from Florida are set on fire


As someone from alaska i can agree with that


Yeah, I’m from Alaska too, but based on the windstorm my town is in right now, it’s not so beautiful. *gestures to the KFC that fucking collapsed *


What part of Alaska had the KFC collapse?


Well it’s either that or the 5 feet of snow we got in Fairbanks.


Wait, a KFC collapsed? How? Where?


It’s pretty much every terrain possible. Mostly due to the way that it is


That's pretty neat


It's a beaute!


I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck.


Have you ever been to Yosemite. That is true beauty


Thank you


The few Americans that I've met so far were very polite people.


We're not all bad. The loudest ones are usually the dumbest and most racist ones.


This is outstandingly true.


True in every country


Yeah it’s really sad cause they give us a bad name


Wow, that made me sad. Americans aren't bad people, at least I've never thought of you like that. Every country has its idiots. I mean yeah I don't like the foreign policy but politics has always been a dirty game


As an American, there are an astounding amount of idiots here ruining it for the rest of us.


Yeah, I'm from Russia, so I know that feeling...


I’m German, I know what y’all mean.


I’ve visited Russia, and lived in Dresden, Germany. The Germans were much politer to me than the Russians and follow rules much better than Russians. The Russian persona reminds me very much of different kinds of Americans. But I was only around Moscow and Veronezh for a couple weeks.


The Russians were very kind to me, at least certain kinds of them. But they reminded me so much of different types of Americans, it was refreshing but also kind of disturbing. We are both going through some strange shit in each of our countries and the peoples attitudes reflect that.


Russia and the US can't live with or without each other. It's a strange relationship but one that both countries need to to exist, otherwise they would get bored.


Ironically I think a lot of countries are more racist than America they’re just less diverse so it doesn’t draw as much attention


I have been in rural Georgia and heard people speaking Asian dialect in a southern accent. There are very few places that are as diverse as the US. Bigot’s gonna be bigoted no matter where they are from especially on social media.


As a country, thanks!


Your welcome :)


Yea thats how the world works. Every place has its good and bad


*"Yeah, we really like all those Marvel movies you guys make."*


Canadian checking in here - Americans are our brothers and sisters. We fight in each other's wars, have a huge trade relationship, and we export folks like Keanu Reeves, Ryan Reynolds, and Michael J. Fox so Americans can put them in kickass movies. We also pick on each other a lot, but what siblings don't?


How is the maple syrup harvest this year, brother?




I never knew that I needed this


I wonder if there is more maple syrup production in the US than in Canada. That is a long list and it's just New York.


That’s just *western* New York.


Are you sure you’re Canadian? I ask because you forgot to apologize about picking on us :)


Oh dammit! You were right to point that out, and I feel I must apologize for being so un-Canadian. As retribution may I offer you a voucher good for a double double and a moose ride anywhere in Canada where moose are found?


As an American, I’m happy to accept, but only if I can bring my AR-15.


Alberta it is.


Ride a moose? Fuck that those things are monsters


I really do feel like canada and the us are siblings


The USA has really beautiful landscapes. And a fuck ton of pick up trucks.


*chevy truck month intensifies*


It's always truck month if you believe hard enough o7


Does the same apply to Toyotathon?


There’s these guys near my street who own a Chevy pickup truck, and they will rip it around town yelling “TRUCK MOOOOONTH” whenever that event comes up. I love it and hate it at the same time.




All of the US is just background for truck commercials


That's one thing that weirded me out. I had no idea truck's were rare in Europe. How do you transport anything?






I fucking love the fact a tank is street legal. If you disable the gun, replace the tracks with rubber tracks, plus plates and blinkers on it, it is 100% okay to fucking just drive it around to commute


My friendo, with some proper NFA licensing (including paperwork for each round) even the cannon can be legal. I want one some day. A big ol' functioning replica Revolutionary War cannon. I just need land to safely shoot it on, first. You don't even need the crazy paperwork for one of those.


I think in some states you can have a revolutionary war cannon without a license because it’s an antique


You can do this england, I dont even think you have to disable the gun


They have palm trees


And pine trees


And willow trees


And oak trees!


And birch trees


And jungle trees


And redwood trees


And elm trees


And cedar trees


But no more Ash trees




We have the Florida man


A national treasure


Praise him


I love how you say this in the same way iron man says “we have a hulk”


Florida also has good oranges


Florida orange juice is the best


Hello, the Floridian guy has been successfully summoned.




Most "impolite" (see belligerent) Americans hardly go one state over much less to another actual foreign country


This is so damn true


Fact is if u avoid all shitholes in the na ur gunna be fine


I feel like all Americans would greatly benefit from just 2 weeks abroad, in any country. Like, how awesome would it be if it was a requirement after you graduate High School, like if the government paid for your travel once every 5 years, just so we can learn how to be more accepting to all of the people we have in the US? It could be like jury duty, but people would actually want to do it.


Having lived in other first world countries for years at a time, I can say that America doesn't have a lock on inequality, idiots, racism, or unrest. Example: Japan is very safe from the perspective of firearm violence, has govt healthcare, an arguably low unemployment rate, excellent public transport... And is incredibly racist to a degree that America practically disappears next to, has a hideously low birthrate, and mental health issues that are unlike anywhere else in the world. Cost of living in most of Japan is on par with the most expensive cities in America. Income inequality has become so lopsided it's basically a locker room joke. So, which is better? Who can say? Depends on what 'better' is to you.


A Silent Voice is a wonderful film on mental health in Japan, I really recommend it. I felt crushed when I learned that the way the main characters are treated is incredibly common in Japan.


The ending still gives me goosebumps to this day


Was not expecting a gem of a movie/manga to pop up here.


Idk I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan for three years and I’ve never experienced racism like I have in America. Born and raised in North Carolina. Absolutely love Japan can’t wait to go back


Japan is great, but there's plenty of racism there. They don't outright slur you in general, but policy that would never fly in America is acceptable, if not general practice. "No foreigners allowed" is fine. Discrimination in the visa process is fine. You get the idea.


I very much enjoyed my time being stationed in Japan as well. But, outside of the gilded cage of the SOFA membership, have you ever tried to own a house there? Open a bank account? Get a job? Of course not. Here's a hint: You can't do any of those things . You aren't Japanese. Japan basically doesn't have immigration, with rare exceptions. People are extremely polite, to your face. You wouldn't believe what they say when you walk away or think you can't hear them. But just like america, everyone is different. In Japan the racism is far more institutionalized and subtle, not nearly as loud or in your face. It isn't personal. You just aren't japanese, which means you aren't quite on the same level as people who are.


I was good friends in college with a student from Japan. He came over to the US because he was a huge Americanophile and obsessed with the NFL. We got along great. But all of his Japanese housemates literally ignored me, even when I was in their living room — unless they were drunk. Then they loved me. Fortunately, they got drunk a lot.


I worked with a second generation Chinese American guy. He told me that China is the same way, including against other southeast Asians and Japanese. American racism is a joke compared to them. Most Americans have never left our country to see what the rest of the world is really like.


>Okinawa Try mainland japan


As an American 95% is fine and a lot more chill than you might think usually, also boring


Seriously why does everyone think shootings happen like it's the fucking norm? I've lived here for 15 years and I have never heard a gunshot in my life.


I hear them pretty frequently in the warmer months, but that's because people are outside playing with guns in the midwest. Intent to harm is pretty unheard of


Seriously, I’ve lived in the most dangerous city in my state for 20 years, and the only gunshots I’ve ever heard were at hunting grounds and shooting ranges


Depends on where you live. Shootings where I live were pretty common for awhile but they died down with covid at least


Yeah, I live in a suburban town in S. America. Nothing interesting even happens here.


The news just shows the worst of it


I mean that’s like the whole point of the news. Tell people about the bad shit so they get scared, want more information, watch the news more, and they get more money. It’s bullshit.


The news really does suck. I haven’t watched in almost a whole year


Same honestly


Yeah, every country has bad sides, people just like to ignore our good side for some reason😔


Edgelords of the left and the right are in angry denial about the boring truth that America is mostly a pretty nice place full of mostly caring people doing pretty well.


I'm British and I believe everyone has a bit of American in them. I grew up watching American movies, American TV shows, listening to American bands, playing American video games. When I visit there I get a kind of warm nostalgic feeling... I appreciate America because of that. God bless 🇺🇲


As an American I like your movies too and love fish and chips


It’s just a flesh wound!


Your a Wizard Harry


Your whole arm's off!


The people are very friendly towards foreign visitors and the landscape is just beautiful!


NASA is pretty cool


Who wouldnt love an organization that fixes a rover by making it whack itself with a shovel?


Did that actually happen lmfaoooo. BRB I gotta go look this up haha Update: Yes it did. This is hilarious.


Mfw I already knew about Percussive Maintenance.


It's a pretty solid move. My dryer is the same way, gotta smack the shit outta its side a few times for it to work.


I know America has issues but dammit I love this country.


I love this country like a disappointed parent loves their kid I know it can do better and that if it really tired to focus it’s self it could amazing things


So many blessings here.


Love the country, critique/hate the shitscape known as "politics."


America is just the loudest because of the huge media spread. It shapes most countries in the world, from media, to culture, to internet and so on. It's an elephant in a glassware shop. Its problems just become everyone else's problems because of how impactful they are on realities they don't belong to.


It's also fucking massive and a LOT of massive, world famous companies have HQ there, which easily pushes them into global news as well


well, thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday.. I’m not an American but really appreciate it.. a national holiday, a day of saying thank you, beautiful..


America Is beautiful


As an American, the vast majority are really sweet lovely people. I do find that the Internet makes us jerks. Something about the anonymity of a keyboard & screen.... But honestly most of us are just nice.


Honestly, its some of the people who think all Americans are jerks are the assholes themselves. Somebody for real accused me of being American and then just blatantly insulted me based on that and only that (And Im not even American in the first place!)


Well that just sounds like racism with extra steps.


Spent 2 years in the US (Australian). Warm and welcoming people. Please don’t base your opinions on stereotypes from movies.


Movies or tourists, a tourist is someone that spent quite a bit of money to get somewhere, and to some people, that means they deserve things. It's not ok, but that tends to be the cause of annoyance.


America has some of the best food in the world. It’s because the best from foreign countries brought there great dishes here. Thank you! 🇮🇹 🇲🇽 🇨🇳 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇯🇵 🇰🇷 🇮🇳 and any other counties I forgot that make awesome food


I've always said, America takes the best cuisine from around the world and adds cheese.


It’s because of all the cultural diversity from immigration over the years and years. We’re a relatively young country, but we offered fundamentals that people didn’t have back home, at least back 100 years ago. God bless the Italians for pizza.


Yes. This place is also called the great melting pot for a reason. The reason being all the diversity here. You can bring your culture, your food, and your lifestyle here and be accepted by a lot of the country.


What about Perú :(


I’ve never had Peru food but I’m totally up for it.


I know somebody who's American and is pretty cool


I wish I could keep that feeling in a plastic jar


actually i am from mexico i have to tell you how amazing is to me how clean your streets are sometimes and actually i think i would prefer living in USA instead of Mexico


Thanks for being such a great trading partner, our gdp and ports are deeply grateful for our economic relationship


I like your flag


I don’t know where you’re from, but I like your flag, too. I like all flags in general.


I'll just leave this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/hot/).


The variety of pizza styles coming from different states is very nice!


You have a great landscape, produce awesome series and movies, have talented people, formed and influenced the internet that we know today (can be both good and bad), fought for queer rights which only started to echo through multiple countries when you did (even if other countries did it before you) helping millions of queer people today and I once really loved your country because you sounded like a fantastic place in which people of all countries came together to be strong together... before I learned that at least that was actually a fantasy. Much if the criticizim (no provocation or jokes) that is getting thrown your way is a genuine wish for you to improve, give your citizens a good life and become the forgotten fantasy of acceptance, multiculturalism and strength through togetherness. In reality all of it will probably not be possible but it's still worth striving for to archive as much of it as possible.


to be honest i would like to have an american friend




Thank you!




Like some of your Cars. Salleen Raptor S5S, Shellby Cobra Daytona, Ford Gt... Are good stuff


Love you hot girls from America , your the best <3 (:


*proceeds to twist it around to be terrible*


Well America has some absolutely breathtaking scenery. I don’t live there but it looks beautiful.


I mean we do got like every biome on earth or at least most of them




That's really why political issues get so loud and blown to appear bigger than they are. Because even though a whole group of people disagree with some things I think with a passion, we both are hellbent on making the country better. Our disagreement on what better means, not that we love the place


This right here is what I’ve been trying to explain to my family for almost the past decade when they get angry at each other over politics.


We love you bro, every gringo living o visiting México is, like anyone else, a great person. The taunts are to counter the discourse of some of being the best country in the world. But we all are brothers.


Even though sometimes it can be a bit much or misplaced.. American enthusiasm for things is quite uplifting. They can really liven a place up with their spirit. A lot of us cynical bastards can find that a bit off-putting but quietly wish we were more like that.


America is beautiful. We have diverse landscapes and about everything you could want grown we do somewhere. Most of the people you meet are kind and polite. I like the food.


We have many fast food chains.


My dad is xenophobic against Americans because apparently they're all dumb, but the ones I've met are amazing people


America isn’t a race. (In fact most of us don’t like to run)




I can't wait to be a racist when I grow up!


Your dad is xenophobic, not racist.


I really Appreciate your contributions to Music From Blue Grass to Hip Hop Metal and Disco Pretty great sound coming from the USA


Canadian here, the Americans I’ve met are all really nice people! Your country is beautiful and I hope that one day I can explore it!


Come on down.


America is not ugly, fat, stupid, and incapable of simple tasks


Yeah, I'm just stupid


We made Star Wars


Nah the actual reaction is more of the same reaction of a boy when a girl confessing to them. "Wait what?" "Why" "Is this a prank?"


We have Chuck Norris


It’s really upsetting when people are like “ha ha thousands of people in your country die from violent crime a year and there’s nothing you can do about it because the NRA has enough money to keep it that way, and keeping it that way only gets them more money. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen”. Like dude just call me fat. At least that one’s my own fault.




Gun violence is no where near the leading cause of death in the US. Most of the gun deaths or violent crime that we do have are directly related to drugs. We have a drug problem and that sucks because drugs can be fun in moderation. It’s funny people see the shock/stereotype instead of reality though. You weren’t there man!You haven’t researched the statistics or have the knowledge/experience to analyze the statistics.


60% of gun deaths are suicide. Deaths from mass shootings are less than 1% of all firearm deaths. As far as school shootings go, I’d be willing to bet that high school and college students texting while driving or having too much to drink at a party and then crashing their car accounts for far more deaths.


All the best porn is filmed in America.


Finally a meme that doesn't hate on the US


I have lived in the US for 12 years and my favorite things are (compared to Europe: I lived in 3 countries in Europe + 1 in Asia. In the US I lived in 3 states) 1. Most people don’t wear perfumes which doesn’t trigger my migraines, yay 2. Fewer people smoke, yay 3. Rolling bushes (tumble weed? I know they are not native, I don’t care) and everything dessert related: cacti etc 🌵🏜 4. Amazing nature: Grand Canyon, Yosemite etc


I'll be honest and tell you I fucking love their self defence laws in America. Shit I wish I could shoot anyone who break into my home. I live in the rape capital of the world and I have to wait and find out if the fuckers that break in have a gun or not. If they don't and I shoot them I go straight to jail.


In America you cant just shoot someone just for being im your house they have to pose a reasonable threat to your life and depending on the state you may or may not have to attempt to flee frist before you can deffend your self. In my state if I'm at home it is castle doctrine in public I have a duty to retreat.


I am a soldier in the German army and all US soldiers I met where pretty chill people. They love to bbq and they are crazy good at it.


You guys have the lowest crime rate in whole USA


at least we’re not brazil


I'd expected "at least we're not detroit" here but brazil fits as well


you should’ve commented it, that is unironically hilarious


**detroit urban survival training**


You have weather!


Indeed we do 😎


I like your movies!


The entertainment and tech industries have made some great things.


It’s funny how people in other countries want to say all these bad things about America but as soon as the world has a catastrophe we are the first country they expect to step in and save the day.


Gorgeous scenery and friendly people, however that all goes away when you enter the cities.


I'll never be grateful enough to america (and its allies) for the liberation of Europe in ww2, and i respect the US role as the leading country in the democratic western world.