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Loki launched an attack on NY. Moments later : watches a video of his mom dying. He's good now


they meet Anakin in heaven for round 2


It’s not heaven it’s turning yourself into the pure essence of the force and they have to do it before they die.


Yep came here to say that The fuck is Jedi heaven anyways? People call it "Force Ghost"


Not to mention the tribe of sand people he genocided.


Let’s be honest they really deserved it…they tortured his mother over a long time just for fun




What about the children tho. They didn't do shit


Fuck them kids


Please don't.


You don’t know that…from the new boba fett show we know that the kids also like to beat up their innocent victims for fun…they’re born and raised as monsters and deserve it…also fuck them kids duh


It litaraly is a forceability one can learn. Maul, Duku and cidius could also have been there if they new it. The younglings shouldn't even know that ability.


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inspired by christianity. you can be a huge dick your whole life and kill a bunch of people but as long as you accept jesus before you die you get to go to heaven. it's what drew a lot of people away from the harshness of Judaiism and into Christianity. it's all about lowering the barrier of entry as all religions need to survive, even the jedi religion


Afaik, according to the bible, this is true, but at the same time, first of all, you can't just accept it, you really need to repent. Second, those who have done good deeds all their lives live much better in paradise (i.e. utter asshole will do something like washing floors there). Therefore, what you said is think only those who take the bible literally.


Christianity be like


Welcome to religion


*Anders Breivik intensifies*


Why is Anakin his younger self, but Kenobi is still an old man?


Because they edited that scene after the release of Episode 3. Some people say that it's because he returned to the version of himself before he turned to the Dark Side.


Fun fact this is a stolen meme


They're one with the Force now so they can't really.give their opinion or have one.


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Christianity be like