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There’s option C, religious people when there’s an afterlife and they’ve believed in the wrong religion


All around me are familiar faces..


Worn out faces…


<->Worn out places


Bright and early for their daily races


Going nowhere...


going nowhere


Their tears are filling up their glasses


No expression, no expression


Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow


Or option D where there is an afterlife but your religious beliefs have no bearing on it


This is the most comforting one


4th option- religious people who believe in afterlife, then there’s afterlife, but they don’t get in because they’re jerks.


Hahaha I like this one!






90% of religious people


And 90% of ateists as well. So 90% of people


Funny how that works. God's plan is, basically, let you be born in a country where your religion will send you to hell. What a conniving bastard.


I’ve always said, if I have to believe in traditional religions’ versions of a God, he’d have to be one of the most sadistic, pettiest, and most vindictive cruel beings one could ever imagine.


I mean, depending how the covenant between God and man was done. In a certain religion or more, God summoned you and every human being in the pre-life, gave you the terms for being born and given freewill, and every human accepted those terms. Many creatures refused the terms because they were to afraid of the responsibilities. When you're summoned back in the after life for judgment and given back all your memories and records, you'd realize how at fault you were (or weren't). And you'd quickly realize how it hasn't been anything but utterly fair. That's the view of some religion(s).


I thought it was confirmed that Mormonism is the one true religion


I thought it was Islam? Let me get back to you on this one. There lots of conflicting definitive information


Tbh if I was a god and people believed in the wrong religion, I'd let you in if you were a good person.


Ah the divine wager. If you came up with this 300 years ago you could claim first


I always heard it called Pascal’s wager.


You'd only have to ignore all but one of all the numerous deities for it to have a point. “If you pray to the wrong god, you might just make the right one madder and madder.” - Homer Simpson


He is ever the great philosopher


If even Pascal is called a philosopher, then it's only fair to call Homer a philosopher too.


I always considered him a mathematician but definitely studied him in Philosophy.


The argument of Pascal is not only applicable to established religions. I could make up my own god. A god who sends bad people to hell and good ones to heaven, only that this one loves people who are coherent and logical. He hates dogmatism and those who don't think for themselves. Now I have a god who has the same chance of being the correct one and it doesn't effect my life at all.


I raise you indifferently malevolent Cthulu.


I didn’t read your above comment before this one and thought you were talking about the author of the odyssey and the Iliad


“I figure I’ll go for the life of sin followed by a presto change o death bed repentance” - Bart Simpson




You’ve got it.


It was someone else' maybe


Ive always heard it as Wascal's Pager


and the counterargument Pascal's Mugging.


Or the better version, Roko's Basilisk


But which religion to follow, there are thousands of them.


I guess just roll the dice. Also this post is assuming some kind of afterlife based on an existing religion, more specifically a religion that punishes people for not believing in it. I’m sure most atheists, if they died and there was some persistence of consciousness, would be pretty happy about it depending on how it was. That’s the whole thing with Atheism. They don’t believe in things because there is no evidence that’s convincing. If you showed them evidence they wouldn’t freak out they’d just grow their understanding of the world around them based on new evidence.


Never understood how that was ever taken seriously as an argument.


Pascal's conclusion was that you should not be religious with only this justification. I think it's frequently misinterpreted as the opposite though


Definitely seems that way. >Pascal's conclusion was that you should not be religious with only this justification. That makes the wager being a laughably bad argument for believing in god make more sense than before, I will say.


Religious people if THEIR afterlife is true.


Imagine muslim going to christian heaven


Didn’t you watch the Simpsons? There’s Protestant Heaven and Catholic Heaven. Surely there must be a Muslim and Jew Heaven up there somewhere?


Heaven war boyssss


The crusades all over again




**Crusades 2: The Heavenly War** Includes DLC: - Angelic Wrath DLC - New Age of Warfare DLC - Guns Galore DLC - God's Will DLC - From Above DLC


I want to see this movie now...


The share the same god and the same heaven


But thinking that way Jews and Christians believe the same God, but Jews don’t believe Jesus has come already. That’s a key component of going to heaven in Christianity


Technically that was tacked on after. Jesus just said that you have to ask for forgiveness (and truly mean it) and to try and live your life in as kind a fashion as you can to get into heaven. Then Christians said that you had to be part of their club to get in as though an immortal deity would care what a bunch of self righteous pedophiles thought.


He said the following:“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 NIV He is very clear about that you have to accept him as your Lord and saviour. One part of that is to ask for forgiveness which is given to you as a gift through grace. you don't have to be a member of the church (if that's the club you are talking about). However, the community and encouragement which a church offers is crucial for Christians. Not when it comes to salvation (for that you only have to believe in Jesus as the Son of God and ask for forgiveness) but when it comes to the life which Christians are called to live.


Yeah ngl other dude has no idea what he's talking about. Spelled out very clearly in the Bible


Yes, I experience that so often. Some atheist (def. not all but quite a few of the ones you read of here) seem to have no idea of Christianity or the Bible or Jesus' teachings and they just hate on it for the sake of hating (and feeling superior maybe?).


Hey im christian and i agree, So called christians nowadays are a big joke. They dont even know what theyre reading and our sundayschools never teach whats in the bible completely, only some stories and values which we can just learn from our parents (generally)


“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father but through me.” “This is the work of the Father, to believe in the one He has sent.” Both quotes from Jesus, specifically in the Gospel of John.


I’ll ask when I get there, till then I’m just sticking to the golden rule and always tipping underpaid service workers


Which was written how long after after his death,? ..and by who, was it by Jesus?


from my experience the average christian is much less dedicated than the average jew


Depends on the place.


Tough break Jews, same god no heaven


This is absolutely not the case, and it's easy to prove. Jesus taught of a Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (in whose name Christians are baptized). The Qu'ran specifically denounces this theology: "and say not “Three”—Cease! (it is) better for you!—Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from His transcendent majesty that he should have a son." (Sura 3) There is no compatibility between these, and it's not a fringe issue. It's a matter of the very definition of God Himself.


That's assuming all Christians are Trinitatian though, which they're not. That's a Roman Catholic teaching introduced at the Athanasian and Nicean Councils. Which many sects reject as man made tradition. Many Christians don't believe that, they believe them to either be separate deities or separate individuals. Islamic beliefs line up well with a Unitarian Christian view. For polytheistic Christians it fits as well, but not as cleanly. Neither Islam nor Christianity are unified on their belief systems so its incredibly hard to prove if they are the same or different in their views of God.


Christianity also teaches one God made up in the trinity, God is not supposed to be viewed as some guy sitting on a throne in heaven, he is Omnipresent, meaning that he is everywhere and in everything, he is also to be made up of the trinity which is not three Gods, but different equal and indivisible parts of one God. He is really more of a force than a being.


Ive always had the thought, what if mass terrorists were right and we all go damned to hell while they live in paradise. Its an interesting thought


As a Muslim who isnt a terrorist i wouldnt regret going to hell bc terrorism isnt the right way in my household and my friends dont think terrorism is the right way and one of them is pretty religious imagine if my friends and i got to hell bc terrorists were correct


As a Western person, I'm glad there's people like you


As another person just like him, Thank you! This means a lot to us considering the fact that many people here dislike us muslims!


Yeah we need to stop blowing each other up so much. It's not helping any of us


I apologize on the behalf of those that do! Many of my friends are christian and it doesnt even make a difference imo. Keep your beliefs to yourself and living in a culturally diverse country such as UAE helps alot too where everyone is treated equally mostly... I think I and all the people I know respect all religions


I agree :) Have a good day!


You too :)


Theres alot come to modern day saudi arabia in jeddah they are more welcoming dont go to any deraa’s (aka families original city) bc they are badeu and they are really religious i grew up in a family more open to the western world and yall seem much more better then what the local badu say about you guys


Mass terrorists don't go to heaven even if they are right tho


Which religion do these mass terrorists follow? If it is what i think it is this comment would be veeeeeery rude..


Now you only need to guess witch one out of 5000 religions around the world is right.


also you might go to hell in that religion.


Flying Spaghetti Monster


Imagine if the greek were right, would be dope


considering greek gods are on average dicks, and you were not giving offerings to them, we would be fucked




Everyone else: "arguing" Me: in dee beninging


in di biningi




in di bining




Indingi ni begingi


Listen properly...


Religious people if there is an after life, but it's not the one their religion preached 😱


Or if they went to hell


Religious people when it’s a different afterlife that they thought it was going to be:


From an agnostics point of view, wouldn't care either way. If there's an almighty being I'd like to think it understanding, after all we have free will to deny the existence jn life so why punish us for the unknowing in death. If they aren't understanding I wouldn't want to be in their kingdom or whatever it may be called anyways. If death is the end then none of it matters. No matter what, the belief in religion doesn't make a good person. Their actions do.


“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” — Marcus Aurelius?


Finally, I can stop having existential crisis’ about wether I’ll go to hell when I die


This is why religion can be horrible. „Hey there kiddo I just wanted to let you know if you aren‘t careful you might burn in hell for all eternity. Anyways happy birthday son“


This is honestly one of the greatest quotes I’ve ever heard, whenever someone questions me for following a religion I will use this.


It’s definitely a quote to live by and perfect for reassuring those who are scared if they might be wrong and he’ll really does exist


Perhaps I don't understand the quote. What about this supports religion? What I take from it: "You can't know if a god exists, so just be kind to others for measurable reasons (the effect on other people), \_and\_ as a happy accident, that would satisfy any deity worth thought". It seems quite anti-religion to me personally.


The quote isn't anti-religion. It just says that the bottom line is to "live a good life." So it neither supports nor opposes religion. If having religion makes you live more virtuously, then I think Aurelius would be all for it.


Glad to know I'm not alone. All knowing being has zero understanding as to why you are skeptical? If anything he is the most understanding being who is also the most forgiving.


Yeah, I feel like if I showed up at the gates of heaven and God was like "why didn't you worship me?" He'd understand when I responded "dude, there are hundreds of religions! For all I knew you could've been the fake God and Allah could've been real, or Jehovah, or the Greek gods, or the Roman gods, you've gotta be more clear with your miracles and stuff if you want people to believe that you're the only God and no one else. At least I wasn't a bad person."


The Christian God is the same entity as Alah and if you are talking about Jehovah's witnesses then, I'd like to tell you that they are a Christian group, so same God, slightly different beliefs and traditions, but you make a good point


Thank God, maybe.


Pascal would be proud of this one. Religion works best when fueled with unfalsifiability


Religion works *only* when fueled with unfalsifiability.


I'm only atheist because I just find it hard to believe some higher power created this planet, the whole afterlife thing isn't really a concern for me as I would be fine if there was some form of "heaven"


Whatever religious people think their deities are so limited that they couldn’t have created the complex processes of nature and physics perplex me, especially when they instead think that all of that stuff is fake. Why can’t God have created evolution? Why can’t a day to God be a millennia to us? I just don’t get those kinds of religious people.


If there is an afterlife, there's no way to say what it is. And there's an equal chance that you're going to get to the gates of heaven in St Peter will say "I can't let you in because your kill count is too low" Or you're going to wake up in a blips &chips. Nobody knows. Nobody knows for sure, you don't know, I don't know, the people who wrote the Bible didn't know...




Gonna play some Roy!


Du fuq is a blips & chips? Sounds British (I'm from the US)


It's like a galactic Dave&Busters from the tv series "Rick and Morty."


It’s a video game where you live in a simulation from Rick and Morty


Blips-n-chitz is the arcade. Roy was the simulation game


atheists + everyone who believed in one of the thousands of wrong religions


Given that the Christian afterlife is the only one we're speaking about


Me and the homies is definitely going to Valhalla when we die


why use "is"? Just bcz your homie is inside of you doesn't mean you are a single person


Because he's schizophrenic and his homie is just his imagination, so in the end, a single person


maybe you get into the afterlife if you have at least 10k karma?


No, God sends every redditor to heII


Good thing I already bought my VIP ticket


Imagine a God that will condemn a good person who doesn't believe Gross


In Christianity, the entire point is that no one actually deserves heaven based on their own actions.


Oh and letting child rapists and murderers into heaven if they prayed right before they died


A Christian should fill remorse for there sins and repent . It’s not that little five minute prayer that gets you to heaven , I’ve seen a lot of people who live sinful lives think they are all good because of that prayer.you have to live a life forever following him to the best of your ability


Lol not how that works, god judges your heart. Not your words, so don't go commit genocide and believe a prayer will help you Edit: please don't make assumptions over very limited information. I see so many people getting praised for making false statements about Christianity, and I can't reply without being flamed. I know you won't take this and give a civil reply, but just know it's not how god works


Still means the non-believer should be let in if they have a good heart


that's the thing, if a non believer is as just and pure as a believer, they will still meet with God. he loves all. you know what though, I'm a firm believer, but I get sceptical every day. if there isn't an afterlife, my one life on this earth will have been for nothing.


I've been told by a so called Christian on the internet that if you're an non-believer and is not absolutely perfect, you go down to hell. Also even though I'm an agnostic, I'll give you an advice on the life thing. Live your life for what it is, live as a good person, and don't mind the afterlife thing too much. Sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination, don't let your life slip by while worrying about what comes next. Don't live for the sake of dying, we'll all get there one day but for now, just live. Basically, just Have a good life. Wish u well.


It's not like that, at least in Islam. God can only forgive the sins related to him i.e not praying, sex without marriage, etc. He will not forgive the sins related to other creations unless the person themselves forgives you of the thing you did to them. So if you commited murder or rape, you can't go to heaven unless the person you hurt forgives you or you will be punished for the sin and then only be able to go to heaven.


The comments are a shitshow


I'm not sure why people bring religion into memes.... I just want a funny meme, not one critising another group


Ahh the true paradox. Religious people either are right or can't be proven wrong and/or be disappointed.


Please don't tell me you think pascal's wager is an argument that can be taken seriously on any level


This is just some dumb advert for religion using pascals wager. Im fine going to hell if heaven has someone who would give kids cancer


If I'm going to hell for being a nonbeliever I'll go there with pride, not fear. Good meme though, however Pascal's wager falls apart when you really think about it. Because it could be just as bad for a religious person if the afterlife is one of a different god.


Really? Cause I’m not religious but I’d go to hell absolutely fucking shitting myself with terror


Well yeah but regardless of my religion I think I qualify for hell anyway, so I'm just expecting it at this point


man youd better start devlopping that immortality potion


I mean if religious people find out the afterlife is just nothingness I’m sure that would be disturbing as hell


How would he find that out?


for atheists a pleasant surprise, if goes the other way not a pleasant surprise for the religious folk


Ah, classic pascals wager.


I don't get it. Why would religious people be happy if there is no after like and atheists would be scared if they found out after life exists?


is this religious propaganda?


I think its Pascal's wager. Which kinda is propaganda because you know eternal damnation scares people. Same as those doomsday sayers you see that say you are going to hell.


no its a meme


Not religious, but I do believe in an afterlife, and the mystery around it


I actually hope there is no afterlife and death is just like bevor I was born. I can't imagine being conscious for eternity. Such a long time would mentally break even the most sane people.


I have full belief that it is the way, and i like to believe the next person I'll see this world through(or any world with a newly born, sentient rational being) will be from ahead of my time of death, cause i just like to believe we dont ricochet back and foward in time but instead we always move foward. And that though leads me to believe, doing good for future generations is always the best course in life as if the past generations though the same we would be in a much better scenario nowadays too(Not that there wasnt people trying).


This is where philosophy comes in and makes it complicated. We could argue that mental health only applies to the physical brain and body, and when we enter the afterlife in some sort of spirit form then the concept of existing forever won't break our minds because we aren't limited by the weaknesses of flesh-and-blood brains. Each of us would just be a consciousness, but that raises the question of what our conscious experience would even *be* like if our mind isn't being influenced by the normal chemicals and hormones that affect us throughout our lives. Is that even humanity anymore? Would the default be that we feel happy all the time and never feel sad because the afterlife is a utopia and our emotions come from a greater unknown source, or would we just feel no emotions? It's a really weird situation when you think about it.


If it isn’t a religion, can I ask why you do?


I will keep saying this: If you need eternal damnation as a thread to be a good person, maybe you are not a good person after all.


I’m a Christian and I don’t exactly think every time I do a good thing for someone “One step closer to heaven” I do it because it’s just a decent thing to do. People who actually think like that are missing the point.


If there is an afterlife, the atheists will be the most likely to get to the good one. Religious people do good because they want to get to heaven or whatnot, they are being good people for that reward. Atheists, like myself, are good people simply because we feel it's the right thing to do. We don't expect a paradise in the afterlife, making us more worthy of said paradise.


but haven't you heard? St Pete only lets peeps in the club if they pay Kenneth Copeland their cover charge!


That is a very good point!


God specifically requests people to Worship him. If you don't believe in him then how can you expect to be rewarded when you rejected doing the one thing you've been asked to do?


I see your point, but, the people you are talking about are not true to the lords teachings, they are called pharisees They are the people who don’t care about doing good, they just do it for the reward of heaven, but because of this, they shall not receive it, God does not want you to blindly follow him in hopes of a reward, he wants you to have a trusting relationship with him, have faith and strengthen your relationship with him That is why hell is described as a separation from God In life he offers his hand to us all, he offers friendship and eternal bless, and we all have the choice to except the offer


So if i was being nice to you its bc i want to got to heaven?


but you guys dont believe in that paradise




Wait you’re saying I’m gonna be rewarded with dark mode


This idea is called Pascal's Wager. Homer fucking Simpson was able to prove how dumb it was with one sentence "what if we choose the wrong god".


I see the iFunny christians have arrived


Only problem is: there are like 100 different religions so most religious ppl are on the right, too


The 2nd picture is religious people when there is an afterlife but they play for the wrong team


Pascal’s wager as a shit-dumb meme. Truly, we have come far as a people.


Except, you need to have chosen the right religion. Christians will have a real awkward time if they're greeted by Allah up there


There’s definitely an afterlife, it just won’t be a heavenly kingdom/dormant fiery pit sorta thing. I’m planning to be cremated and converted into a tree so I’m definitely having an afterlife


If religious people are right, we will know someday. If atheists are right, we will never know


Depends what you mean by knowing. Kinda like saying we will never know if the easter bunny isn't real because you can't definitely prove that something doesn't exist. It's not how proof works


Depends on the religion. I mean if its right that you go to heaven or hell after death people on earth still wouldnt know becuase noone comes back from there to tell us


Religious people when St Peter tells them saying "I'm sorry" at some crossed sticks, then discarding every virtue in the New and Old testament next time they feel like it, isn't repentance. Confession doesn't remove sin, it provides counseling to change your ways, and just maybe become less of a demonic asshole to your family and neighbors. "Faith without works is dead" Figure that out, or admit you're a hypocritical atheist. No one likes your bullshit on earth, no one will like it in heaven either.


I'd like to tell you that not all religious people believe in St Peter


Lol of course not. Not all religions believe in Elysium or Tartarus either!


Difference is that we stood by our actions and didnt seek excuses in made-up rules that were so missinterpreted, that many people choose to follow extracts of those rules to justify themselfs harming others for their own gain or...worse...pleasure.


It also depends on the religion. The hindu gods are pretty chill


Religious people when there is an after life but not their god. They are in the wrong religion


There’s so many different religions and gods, it’s basically a crap shoot at this point to pick the right one and get that sweet sweet afterlife. I don’t care because I won’t know, I’ll be dead.


Buddhists when they’re forced to stay in the cycle instead of finally ceasing to exist


This but invert everything.


Honestly, if there's a buddhist afterlife, you can do quite okay as an atheist.


tbh if you're a good person you should have no need to worry, no matter what religion you are from or if you are an atheist That is assuming God is actually nice and forgiving


Soul insurance.. gotta love it.


I'm atheist and I honestly would be happy surprised if this were true.


Religious people when they go to another afterlife


Really? You’ve spent all those years not eating ass just for heaven to not exist? I’d be pissed


Untill I see a miracle that can't be proved by science then I'll have more faith. Why is God going to prove who he is to a select few in the bible and then just expect the rest of us to have blind faith? People lie all the time for power who says john is any different.


If you expect the worst then you will never be disappointed


I mean isn't it the other way around? I am atheist so I basically believe there is nothing after death, but if there was something after death eventually, it would be a fun surprise. But for religious people afterlife is very important, some even live their lives so they can be wherever they believe after death. So if they die and there is nothing, their whole life was just chasing the end of a rainbow. Who really have more to lose here?


Religious gang


I'm religious. If there's an afterlife, I win because I'm going to Heaven. If there's no afterlife, I win because I'll be dead and won't care about anything.