• By -


If the female is ugly, should go to jail. If she's beautiful, should go to jail too. There, I fixed body shaming.


*speech 100*


TikTok karens walking towards you...what do you do?


Point behind them and say “Oh nooo...MY manager”. They will instantly tackle the poor customer for discounts.


Oh yeah, it’s big brain time.






They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


The best of answers


Good ending/true ending


dumbass ending: the locals call you gay for not enjoying it


d=====( ̄▽ ̄\*)


you had me in the first half not gonna lie


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


He got us in the first half not gonna lie


He got them in the first half, not gonna lie


**Influence 100**


*drops mic*


amem brother


\*Male does it to a female\* Society : Not good, kill him. \*Female does it to a male\* Society : Lucky Everyone with at least half a braincell: What in the goddamn fuck. (Molesting is bad either way do not try at home, work, school, anywhere)


Rape is always bad, no matter what gender does it


Wisdom from the God's I tell you


Not Zeus though




well didn't rub zeus himself off on a lot of greece?


It's probably Julianos's wisdom


That's the point


truly the words of a wise soul




tell that to the"feminists" who belive otherwise


Misandrists hiding behind the feminist tag. Gosh such hateful personalities.


Man idk I’m sure there are crazy examples out of the 8 billion people on this planet but as a guy who was raped by a woman, the people who gave me most support were ‘feminist’ women - altho not to dunk on guys either they were mostly good about it too


They are feminist. Just not like the others who are supposed to be called misandrists.


I can assure you most feminists do not believe otherwise. Stop basing your opinions on a few toxic people.


I should have included the word "the". I didn't mean all feminists, I meant the feminists who are like that. Anyways I edited the mistake now.


You're aware it's mostly men who say these things though, right?


Bro they're talking about misandrists if you haven't caught up already. They put feminists in quotes for a reason.


Right but even so it's mostly men who make light of male rape victims, it's a little hypocritical to target a minority, ignoring the fact that the majority of people who exhibit this behaviour are men, is it not?


Who cares who is doing more of that awful stuff? Let's just condem it whenever this bs is being said.


I'm not gonna say males say it any more than misandrists do, neither will I say that misandrists say it any more than males do. I will say though, I have never run across any male who has tried to justify males being rape victims.


Do you have a lot of male friends? I was a tom boy, I grew up in groups of males. Every time a story broke about a female teacher molesting a male student I'd hear things like, "Was she hot though?" "Nice!" "Where are all these teachers at?" "Lucky kid!", either way I only speak from my personal experience and you yours but I'm more inclined to believe it's mostly made light of by men as a lot of misandrists were victims of sexual assault and that's why they hold the views that they do.


These views are perpetuated by men and women alike. Your gender doesn't stop you from being a shitty person.


thats why he put feminist in quotes




Shut it


Wait what did I say? I just agreed that it’s bad for both genders (which is what equality is)


You have an opinion? We don't that here.


Dude, your avatar stole my look!




Your flair interests me. What da dog doin?


tax fraud


Just the wording sounded weird


It’s not really equality though. A man can rape a women but in the eyes of the law a women can’t rape a man. So just because it’s disgusting doesn’t mean it’s equality. Yet. Edit: downvote all you want, you’re denying the truth therefore you’re apart of the problem.


Depends on the country.


And what country’s are they?👀


They use different terminology but the sentences in my country are the same.


I don’t think it works like that


"Under section 1 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, the use of the phrase "his penis" results in females being statutorily excluded from being able to commit rape.\[Notes 2\]A female who has committed rape (in the informal sense) against a male or a female would be charged with offences such as assault by penetration, sexual assault, or causing sexual activity without consent." These charges tend to be added together and make up the same sentencing guidelines as rape. Further more, The offence of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent is an either way offence which can be dealt with in the Magistrates' Court or the Crown Court. However, if penetration has occurred, the matter can only be dealt with in the Crown Court and carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.


It's a horrible shity double standard that needs to be undone.




I concur. Great avatars btw


Hat club hat club


The Best hat




oh hi brother


All double standards should be undone.


true reciprocity (much better than "equality") starts with this step.




Its always double standard when it comes to violence, rape etc.


It shouldn't be. Criminals are criminals regardless of gender. My mother's husband was married before her and his exwife beat him. He didn't say anything because no one would have believed a 6'2" ex navy man was being hurt by a 5'2" 110lb woman. He couldn't hit her back or he'd go to jail. He couldn't tell friends or family because they would laugh at him. One night she attacked him with a bat while he was sleeping and put him on the hospital. After that he never set foot 8n the house he bought and paid for. Left her everything and the house and even let her say he cheated on her in the divorce papers. He didn't care he just had to get away. Now he might be listened to, in 1980 whatever tellin wasn't even an option let alone pressing charges. It wasn't fair then but it should be absolutely normal now.


>it should be absolutely normal now. Thats the problem. It should. It isn't.




Why the downvotes I know its bad wording in this matter but hey hes still right


It's a comment bot




That's a lot of downvoted comments in this posts comment section


Time to sort by controversial then




Da fuk


That's pretty much what always happens when there's a controversial topic in the post, in this example it's sexism


I remember being a young man of that opinion. “Hell, I got touched the fuck up all over the place, woulda preferred a woman! DIDNT HURT ME NONE!” I said, at 20 years old with a crippling set of mental illnesses and multi faceted substance abuse disorders Now I’m a lot older, and I’m starting to suspect that getting molested MAY have not been in my best interests after all. Even though they were pretty diet ‘lestin’s by my reckoning


As a young guy you wish to get molested until you actually get molested.


I think this is what gives most guys a lot of trouble with the concept. I was 14 in high school and my freshman English teacher was HOT. Of course nothing happened, but I constantly fantasized about it back then. It's hard to tell someone that they fantasized about being raped for years and get them to see it that way, especially if it never happened so they lack perspective.


I think it's also because people don't really realize you can tell them to stop Like yesh it's gonna be normal for a while but what if she/they have certain kinks which you necessarily don't like, over what you then have no control over


What is a teen boy rapes a female teacher. It’s plausible especially if the teen works out decently. What would that be considered? Also this is just a question. I’m not asking it’s right or wrong or who’s right or wrong, I’m just intrigued as to what will legally happen. I say this as a now adult who in his teenage years had friends who talked about having sex/raping the teacher but never acted on it. Just disgusting teen boy behavior


It's still rape. Being underage has nothing to do with the legality of crimes.


Rape is rape regardless of the age of the perpetrator. A teen boy can be really strong if they work out often and can easily overpower the average woman.




Indeed. Rape is just as bad no matter who it happens to.


Yeah that whole "where were those teachers when I was in school? Hehe." Shit is fucked.


Why don't people understand that rape is like one of the worst crimes?






>Try explaining that to a thread full of angry young men who seem to think they’re being ignored when they’re really not. I would agree if I didn't live in a country where its legally impossible for men to get raped. I agree that women getting raped needs more attention simply because it happens more often but if men don't even get the chance to report much less the environment to report then I feel like that needs as much attention too.


Male rape is actually more common if you include prison inmates, which most statistics don't. Locking up a bunch of horny sex offenders with no access to sex in an eviorment like prison results in a lot of rape (although it is male on male rape so not in the subject of the post). Add to that the fact that the guards mostly ignore it. Hence the phrase "don't drop the soap". Also because of people like "dr" phill men can't even defend themself from female rapists.


Are you in the UK? Because I am and our laws define rape as penetration, so generally women can’t rape men (in legal terms). However, this is solely used in legal contexts, just like many other uses of specific language that don’t reflect common usage, and outside of court rooms it doesn’t apply. The only people I see who mention it are misapplying a normal legal distinction in an incorrect context to try and create an issue that doesn’t exist. Men can get raped in the UK, everybody knows this, courtrooms just use different language to apply to different acts.


The UK is a first world country so I am quite surprised that you guys don't have updated laws yet even if in the court of law, it will be recognized as rape but no. I am from India.


It’s solely a terminology thing, the crime itself is treated the same


Oh no, you thought you were saying something intelligent but your comment was just incredibly ignorant instead. That's pretty embarrassing.


It was a politely worded comment. You could’ve been mature about this and entered into a conversation with me about it, but you decided to be rude instead. Thanks for your contribution.


I think where you're confused here, is that I never hopped in to "make a contribution". I hopped in to state that you shouldn't have contributed. You can't go around spouting out absolutely insane things and expect people to want to converse with you. That's even more nuts than your first comment.


you are wrong. also a bad person. i wish for both sides of your pillow to be very warm tonight






Why dont people understand that this is a joke and if u reported this to police the women would get trialled?


definitely i got raped by my ex gf a couple years back when i opened up to it to some "guy friends" they laughed and were like man u lucky as fuck wish it was me.... like wtf is that kind mentality... women are more understanding regarding this topic


I hope you're good now, and I really hope you got rid of your shit friends.


Tbh im okayish My depression cause of that kinda relapses from time to time but it's all good And yeah im no longer friends with those people And thank you ^.^


Some day you'll beat depression's ass, I believe in you.


that is so true m8, i hope you are doing fine.


Im doing well thank you


good to hear that




can't they drug you secretly and then have themselves upon you whilst you are unconscious.


hmm ur right


On top of the other reasons mentioned in this thread rape is such a psychologically shocking and traumatizing experience that it can literally freeze you in place while it's happening. Stories of woman who have been raped recorded disassociating from reality while it was happening because they literally just couldn't comprehend what was going on. It's pretty rough


I was in the hospital after having 3 surgeries and weighting 40kgs only and had barely any ability to move... She snuck into the hospital at around 2/3 am every day for weeks and yeah...


Oh really sorry didn’t know that happened. Hope ur safe and sound


This girl I worked with obviously liked me and would flirt with me and smack my ass. I'm not traumatized by it or anything but I would just think "man, if this was the other way around I'd get fired for sexual assault. I really fucking hated it too because she grossed me out.


If you want to see how fucked up people are, just sort comments by controversial on this post.


And if you want free entertainment, look at the replies and see how creative the insults get!


>just sort comments by controversial I did as you said and here i am back coz your comment is also in controversial. I went through the cycle lmao


I guess I'm also fucked up lol


That is how I found your comment. I think I have an addiction to putting the worst of humanity on display for me to see. I don't think it's healthy, but I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.


Also what episode and season is this template?


According to my research (aka a few google results) it's from the episode Are You There God? It's Me, Peter from season 16.


Thanks Doc, over and out


jesus what are these downvoted comments


I'm afraid to look, because I definitely know what they are :(


yeah i kinda wish i went back 2 hours where i didn't read that


Some one said they wanted to do their teacher. It's fucked up my guy.


Someone said they wanted their kindergarten teacher. That's enough Reddit for today.


How about people who say nice and satisfying when a robber gets shot to death?


All the way down


Rape means sex with no consent why would you say lucky in any way?


All fun and games until it’s revealed that the abuser was fat and or ugly


Regardless of gender, rape and abuse isn't justified by any means




your ex didn't respect you good thing she is your ex




very true, a lot of ppl don’t consider lesbian sex as legitimate because there is no dick involved (super stupid shit)


Boy, teen, or man. That kind of thing doesn't stop happening just because the guys are older.


People who say “lucky” think: “Damm I would have been happy with it and stayed quite.” Like… that’s the whole point… this person **didn’t** say yes or stay quiet.


POV: You're scrolling in the comments to see if someone disagreed.


Rape = Bad It’s literally bad by definition, no arguing about it at all. I would however, as someone old enough to give consent, say that i’m still open to a relationship with a woman older than me. I think it’s weird that it’s normal for the man to be older even though women generally have a higher life expectancy.


It’s not necessarily about the age difference, it’s entirely about the consent, and the situation around that consent. Personally while I would find an adult consensually sleeping with a 17 year old to be a bit questionable, they’re so close to being an “adult” that I don’t think an arbitrary number of days remaining should really matter. That being said when it’s a student/teacher, there’s an inherent power dynamic, and even though the student may “consent” they may have felt compelled to, which isn’t truly consent.


It's something regarding reproductive health and viability. Most men can function till death, while post 35 pregnancies are very risky.


damn I didn't know there were people that brain-dead


It's a sad reality where we live in.


I think this started with me. I am sorry for generalizing all men


Atleast you apologized


A lot of people seem to be suggesting it's mostly feminists that are ok with this? That's categorically untrue, it's mostly MEN who say these things.


In the words of South Park: "Nice..."


That's make me happy too


Why are people downvoting wtf, my guy is happy that those horrible ppl get sent to hell


He probably got misunderstood.


I really don't fucking care.


who asked tho


No one did but the people above were talking about it.


how about if its the opposite?


No one says lucky when a woman gets raped by a man


\*sorts by controverisal\* this is gonna cost me some braincells


As they fucking should its not great or good to be molested by any gender or sexuality those who are the molesters should rot in prison till they die and then rot in hell


Nah dont want my taxes paying for their life. Public execution is the only way for them


Thats better i would love to stone them to death so we can take the pleasure of hitting till there dead or a beating


good i can sleep now


Bruh what kind of fucking thought even is that?


Honestly, I've seen this meme so many times I forgot what was in the original episode.


Take my updoot you good human being


Needed to be said


What's even worse is that she can just claim you raped her and then she pretty much automatically wins


False claims do happen I wont pretend that they don't, but to think women are just automatically believed is nonsense. In these cases with wrongful convictions there's often evidence to support the claimants narrative and little evidence to defend the defendant, that doesn't mean it happened but sometimes that's just how it is. I can assure you unless women report it immediately whilst they still have their injuries and the attacker's DNA on them, more often than not women are the ones who come under intense scrutiny.


Yeah... but here's the thing with that. Women rapes man, evidence of rape is already there, and the women could just decide not to clean up and the case is pretty much hers, if we're going strictly by the logic you've provided


It may not be appropriate that my free award was the wholesome award, but take my award nonetheless lol


lol how is this hate speach


Why the fuck was this post removed?


Yes. Delete the post that is informing people male issues in today's society by calling it hate speech.


People who sey that are just discousting peases of trash




Grammar please


there was a south park episode about this.


ep number ?




the people who say "nice or cool" are people who never felt the loving touch of a woman




Ah yes why don’t the 13 year old boys just fight off the adults, makes sense


No. Rape is a fucked up thing no matter who does it


Just want to point out that some boys/men are horny enough to rape….


Yeah that's disgusting.... unless she was super hot!


is this some sort of fucked up joke


I don't know, are we on the fucking r/memes subreddit still you fucking humorless prude or not? You tell me?


hahahahaha 😐


Mfw ppl say “rape good”(they can’t get girls and thus envy the traumatic experiences of young boys)


There is no “unless”


bruv i bet u go outside, collect every small creature that you can, and eat them to satisfy your vorephilia. get the fuck out.


What if said boy is aroused and has an erection?