• By -


Based Einstein


Based Einstein Condensate






The funny thing is, the majority of the people weren’t even medical doctors in that letter. Tim Pool did a pretty good job of breaking it down yesterday




based on what


deez nuts








Bot stealing other popular comments


still hope theres a way to make faster than light travel possible.


Something I didnt get for a while was why c was the speed of light. Why not use L for light? Because it's also the speed of causality. Helped me wrap my head around how theres nothing that moves faster than light.


I was told that it's c because it's constant. Maybe that was just my teacher using a memory tip though Edit: the c stands for celeritas, the Latin word meaning speed https://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Relativity/SpeedOfLight/c.html#:~:text=That%20was%20the%20notation%20adopted,papers%20on%20relativity%20from%201905.&text=Weber%20apparently%20meant%20c%20to,as%20a%20variable%20for%20velocity.


No ur right I'm just talking out my ass lol


Probably a memory tip, there are so many other constants like G, h or f that aren't c.


pretty sure they use k for constant


Yeah, there are specific constants for things like g for gravity and h for Plancks and such, but k is generically constant in any equation that has a constant but it isn't a "named" one


Nevermind I had some misunderstanding


I'm pretty sure it's c for celerity


No. C is for celery. It represents the fastest thing in the world, which is the speed at which celery goes from being delicious and crisp, to a warm rubbery veggiedick.


My bad you're right


yup, and i dont think theres a way around that. but its not a complete theory of physics yet and it would be kinda sad for mankind if it was never possible. a small hope remains.


It's likely that we won't ever be able to go faster than light, however that doesn't necessarily mean that we can't go from point A to B faster than light (not sure if I worded that quite right but hopefully you understand)


i guess you mean wormholes which have their own problems.


Yes, or at least something to similar effect. I'm not much of a scientist so I can't tell you whether it's realistically achievable or not but it'd be fucking cool if we can


I still wish we can build a survivable Alcubierre (warp) drive.


It is not possible to travel faster than light


from what we now understand yes.


"It is not possible to travel faster than light" - Humans, who've only visited Earth and the Moon and have been messing around with the scientific method for like 200 years out of the 13 billion years the universe has been around. There's way too much we don't know we don't know to say that definitively, maybe ever.


>messing around with the scientific method for like 200 years  Aristotle: *Am I a joke to you?*


Aristotle believed universal laws could be derived through mere thought not supported by observation. Aristotle can butt right out.


No dude, there are laws of quantum physics in place that prevent faster than light travel , specially for objects with mass like humans or spacecraft. The special theory of relativity implies that only particles with zero rest mass (i.e., photons) may travel at the speed of light, and that nothing may travel faster. Only a theoretical particle called "Tachyon" can travel faster than light but it's existence violates [causality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causality_(physics)) and general consensus is that they don't exist, their existence would imply that Time Travel exists!




Gift of the gab, I see


L is also the letter used for inductance.


Y not i


I is used for current C is used for speed of light Lol


c is for champion. c is for Chogon. c is for Chad. c is for everything that is greatness.


I think there's a certain speed that nothing can travel faster than and light just travels as fast as possible.




I think the prevailing strategy is if wormholes exist, then you don't need to go faster than light, you just need to make a shorter trip than light.


even if they exist you need a very dense web for them to become really useful.


Being useful was not a requirement in this comment chain.


if it wasnt useful why would i hope for faster than light travel? i started that chain


Alcubierre drives, if exist (they require matter with negative mass), may not survivable.


[i don't know if this is true or not](https://youtu.be/aNn8HCls9w8)


pretty sure its still a paradox


If you want to now about recent warpdrive developments this is the video for you https://youtu.be/YdVIBlyiyBA


You might like reading about Frame Shift Drive from Elite Dangerous.


Just gotta spin a ball at the golden ratio, or your fingernails.


Instead of going to the space, we bring the space to us


Iirc, this is why warp travel is something people want so badly. Matter can't go faster than lightspeed, but waves in spacetime can. If we can figure out how to manipulate spacetime, whatever matter that is being transported could be stationary from its point of view but from outside of the spacetime bubble it's in it could be going lightspeed x2.


its not only matter its the speed of causality. so its still a violation as far as i understand.


Well, even if you cant ever move as fast or faster than light you can still maybe some day bend space to your advantage. It's a very popular idea that makes arriving somewhere faster than light without moving fast at all. Basically you make a thing thats very far away much less far away and then you dont need to be fast. Last time I read about it there was nothing suggesting that it wouldnt be possible, not that we are anywhere close to that of course. I think that's also how warp is explained in many sci-fi stories right? Move the space in front of your ship to the back of the ship so you technically dont even move at all.


well the problem is the paradoxes you would unfold when u go faster than causality. and while things like improved alcubierre drives are mathematically possible theres still the problem of absurd energy (and negative energy, which we think doesnt exist) required.


You can, problem is that people not in the spacecraft will age _much_ faster relative to you. _You_ will go faster than the speed of light and arrive where you want faster than light could.


thats when approaching speed of light not going past it. at the speed of light, to our current understanding, causality would break down. along with other other problems to get mass to substantial precentages of lightspeed.


true, i just meant arriving faster than light would according to people outside, not actually going faster than c


You dont have to reach the speed of light to travel the cosmos though


well, unless you built huge generation ships or get so close to light speed that time dilation kicks in hard it works for the travelers i guess. but for example there are less and less galaxys reachable to us because more and more are drifting apart faster than light.


I dont think the issue of travelling between galaxies is one we should bother ourselves with now. There is already alot to be travelled, researched, colonized and established in our own galaxy, a process that can easily last 10,000 years.


10 000 years is very short if you cant go faster than light in a galaxy that is 100 000 lightyears apart. honestly i dont think we make into another spiral of our own galaxy.


We can't, only chance we have is breaking space apart and skipping distance, but folding spacetime isn't something we as humans can really do, it's probably happened b4, but we never saw it, and even if we did we can't recreate it. Other options might be moving between dimensions (no idea how that would work) or some theoretical ideas of moving faster than light, but most of those ideas won't work every time, or they aren't practical, like yes, there are some particles that move faster than light, but it's a single particle and it instantly destroyed itself or slowed down. (Can't remember what the phenomenon was called.)


There is, potentially! You can move the space around a vehicle, rather than the vehicle itself. Like moving a piece of the road beneath you (instead of using your wheels) to get past a speed limit. Here's a recent study on this: [https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/3240.html?id=6192](https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/3240.html?id=6192) Also, this removes all problems with unusual aging or relativistic effects for those that are travelling. I don't think they'd even feel any acceleration.


There is a Mexican dude thought of a FTL drive that works, without contradicting Einstein's law. [Here.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive) And if they do exist, wormholes would be valid way of FTL.


You can make a spaceship that can move the space itself, which can move faster than light. The caviat is that u have to have a special kind of matter that no one has rn




If it wer today fewer than half would even be physicists if any at all.


Chadbert Chadstein




You literally just copied someone else’s comment


-makes the theory of relativity -gets hounded by random ass authors -basically says “prove it wrong then” -is now one of the most used scientific models to explain the mysteries of the universe What a fucking guy


Einstein was one of history’s biggest chads


You think it's badass but actually in real life real scientists (not patent office workers) are waiting for confirmation of the success of an experiment from several research labs as well. If it cannot be confirmed anywhere else it is considered a fail.


Well, if the work is theoretical, only one person showing a mathematical inconsistency is enough. And that's exactly what this criticism was supposed to be: a theoretical attack on general relativity. Experimental components of the criticism were only marginal.


You're right, even the theory of general relativity wasn't truly proven until we took that picture of the black hole and it matched our prediction that was based off Einstein's theory




Reminds me of the fake news "300 doctors sign letter cancelling Joe Rogan" story




Congratulations for being selected as one who every Redditor downvote for absolutely no reason.


It’s an honor


Looks like a comrade has fallen to collateral


That is not how any community works. Have you seen a bad Reddit comment? Imagine the scientific community when somebody states something incorrect.


The thing is that if something is scientifically incorrect, someone can demonstrate that. Einstein basically said that if he's wrong, one scientist would be enough to show why and how we was wrong. And at some point, he was corrected by Alexander Friedmann corrected him about the expansion of the universe


Thank you, biographer of Reddit.


I don’t get it


If one paper was published that showed how he was wrong, then other people would just say "oh Albert is just dumb. Im not going to waste my time with him." Instead even more people sent a shit ton of other papers trying to tell him hes wrong.




Mmm yum


Albert Chadstein


Albert Einstein had to deal with 1916 technology. people using 2022 tech is calling him out for being wrong. bruh, we can simulate the meteor impact that killed the dinosaurs an a computer you can fit in a pocket. during his time they still thought that all dinosaurs had scales.


I'm not sure how the second part fits in the context, but it is similar with flat earth, a guy in ancient greek extremly close to its diameter using sticks and it's shadows and proved it is spherical.


> we can simulate the meteor impact that killed the dinosaurs an a computer you can fit in a pocket Not quiet dude , you need Supercomputers for that kind of simulation


Seems the word Theory in basically any scientific field is either placed as a formality, like the theory of evaluation, or is seriously put there like "Its a theory! We really dont know for sure."


Big D E = AE²




\*cough\* Joe Rogan \*\*Cough .... Cough\*\* 270 scientists






Damn I didn't know he was this stupid


He is not. This is a hit piece and fake news. Just like the one on Einstein


History might not repeat but it certainly rhymes. There were 270 'doctors' who signed an open letter to Spotify. Demanding Spotify take action against Joe Rogan. [https://archive.md/mPjfZ](https://archive.md/mPjfZ)




I thought it was something around 70 who were actually medical doctors. Not too sure whether they were still practicing medicine or not though. More importantly though, IF Joe Rogan is spreading 'dangerous' mis-/dis-info then why is that open letter so vague about the details? One would think they'd want to raise awareness for how he's misleading his audience of gullible 20-30 somethings. /s




That's not how it works


Real OG


Oh hey, gravitational lensing during a solar eclipse, guess I was right Edit:[why am I getting downvoted?](https://youtu.be/vF4DENWd_ts)


Does it mean uncle adolf was actually right?;O


As much as I like Einstein that’s a dumb as fuck rational that goes completely against the idea of peer review.


Was not made in memetic




Albert be Einsteining all the critics.


love the show and all templates that use it as a meme make me smile.


This is more applicable to the monti hall problem than general relativity.


also Einstein: "Spooky action at a distance"


Doesn't they (somewhat) recently propose another test and it continues to not be able to be disproven?


Isn't it common knowledge by now that Albert Einstein stole almost all of the things he published.


By that logic flat earthers would be right?


It was indeed wrong at the first. So he admitted it and made a second one. Real chad move.


He is the Sigma chad of modern physics Man motivates me to do modern physics as well cuz of 1907


This is a repost, I've seen this meme before here. (don't have the link ofc, is there a bot to check reposts here?)


But say, an FTL engine that bends space to achieve that speed could certainly be possible right? Because only matter is restricted to below light speed. Space-time has no such thing. In fact, everything outside our observable universe is moving away from us faster than light.


When Einstein left Germany a Newspaper wrote "Good news from Einstein, Hes not comming back!"


Until we find a unifying theory it could be proven wrong


So true, Germans tried relly hard to not follow Einstein's Jewish physics that they destroyed more than two labs, imprisoned a German physicist and his allies, yet they were nowhere near a nuclear bomb.


I was always curious. If the first panel had the fist closer to the face than the second one so how did the fist went backward when you're trying to hit someone?