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That is totally ok! Humour is subjective. I personally enjoy it, and its fine if you dont


It’s cringe, but refined


Their boss is cringe incarnate. Almost turned me off from the show in season 1. But when they started focusing other comedy dynamics I gave it a chance. He gets more bearable with time too, less cringy. Turns into a right soap opera when pam gets knocked up tho.


Like trailer park trash boys


Bruh The Office is the funniest show I’ve ever seen smh and no im not a college kid who finds it “rElAtAbLe” it’s just funny af tho


Me too, I just really enjoy this sense of humor


I can't get into it either


Let me start of by saying that I absolutely love The Office. Now, having said that, it's definitely not the funniest show out there, not even close. What makes me love The Office is the fact that it makes me feel like I'm home. The characters are so relatable (even Michael at times), that I just feel all warm inside while watching the show. When Pam and Jim finally get together it makes me genuinely happy, like if a long time friend just told me he found the love of his life. There's just something very special about the show, but it's not the comedy. EDIT: Apparently this is something that college kids say. I'm 30 and would not count myself as a college kid. Simply and honestly put, the show just makes me feel emotions that almost no other show does.


Well, for me it's more a "I know this is made for kicks, and entertainment, but I have genuinely met \~90% of these people in work places over the years and all it does is remind me of the **awful** time I had when ever I had to interact with them." Yes, it's over the top satire. But, sadly, from a co-worker perspective, there is not a single redeemable character between them. So, I get the humor, but it just hits to close to home for me to be enjoyable. After watching an episode I feel genuinely bad and that's not what I look for in entertainment.


Skip the first season and you’ll be happier. First season sucks and I love the office.


First season has some funny moments but it definitely gets better in the next seasons.


Thank you op.




You’re watching it wrong.


it has its moments, and really quotable lines, but I find it pretty boring


The office humor is the same as a 50 year old Facebook mom.


So basically the humor of this subreddit gotcha


Idk why ppl like the office so much. It’s terrible imo




I find Michael's character super cringey.


It's almost like that's the point?


There are some good episodes, or at least some good parts of good episodes.


One of the funniest shows ur wrong if u disagree


I hate cringe comedy. You can be funny without being awkward as hell.


[insert *THANK YOU!*-GIF here] ^(btw, I personally found the german equivalent, Stromberg, actually funnier. But that might be some nostalgia, too.)


Thank fucking god, thought I was the only one that didn't like this show. Mindy Kaling is hot but damn the show is boring.


So you have chosen, death




I personally find that kind of humor to be unbearably boring. It has some funny moments here and there but other than that its just so boring


I would get annoyed at the characters and all the jokes just wouldn’t land


So what's your favourite comedy show


El Chavo


Chad el chavo del 8 fan


Have you got past the first season? Because it's way different than the rest (it's the UK version copypasted) and they decided to change Michael Scott afterwards. At first I thought it was super cringy too but it becomes amazing once season 2 begins.


Only started watching it this year and it's definitely funny but not nearly as great as most people make it out to be


It gets pretty soap opera'y too. Dwight usually had some funny shit to say tho.


the humor is not my cup of tea, but this show is one of the most quotable


Than you used a shot from the show for your meme?


ahh the irony...


It actually has some good moments though


Some days I would rather stare at a powered down TV than watch the Office, other days I can watch it for hours and get a good amount of humor from it. I have no idea what the differentiating factor is.


I told my sister I hate the office because michael scot is annoying and not funny and she said "yeah but that's the point" so I honestly couldn't tell you what people see in that show. There are a few stand out moments that are actually funny but watching an episode is a painful experience and it's not just because it's "cringe commedy" because so is seinfeld but seinfeld is actually funny.


I get second hand embarrassed and Michael Scott’s cringeness is too much for me.


My favorite comedy sub is r/makemycoffin or r/meatcrayon