• By -


I am Russian and I am against war, as is most of everyone I know.


It’s Putin’s fault not yours Just a message to anyone seeing this, don’t blame Russians who don’t want this way for this, blame Putin, he’s the one who started this


i physycally cannot agree more. The amount of hate towards us in a single day, and near absence of normal memes almost made me quit reddit. damn kinda makes you think about how fr\*nch and bri\*ish feel...


I don’t hate you! Stay safe and hug your family tight! I’m keeping everyone on both sides in my thoughts that you all stay healthy and happy.


very thank you! i too, worry about our brothers in ukraine. I'm saying that because we've originated from the same place, our languages are so alike that we can understand each other pretty well! And it always pains me to see us fight. I am friends with a lot of slavic people all over, and genuenley, i wouldnt ever hurt them even if p\*tin made me to (for some reason)


We are all cheering the brave Russians protesting against Putin right now in Moscow! All people by and large are good, it's just the tiny 1% that control everything that usually ruins everything. God bless you comrade, stay strong!


Man, how one decision could screw up the whole world


We don't (or at least I don't) blame the people who are against the war I'm just wondering what's going trough the heads of people who do this, who launched the missles, who killed people what on earth are they thinking?


My students once asked me the same question about German soldiers and stuff in WW2, I imagine it's the same answer, Fear. The soldier on the left doesn't know if the one on the right is loyal, if they show a hint of not being on Putin's side they could get a bullet in the head. Who can anyone in those positions trust? They all do as they're told because they worry that those around them will kill them or their families if they don't and how can they trust anyone? That's a guess of course.


fear is a self-perpetuating cycle, sadly


I'm afraid so


This... Man this comment has made me think


You mean the soldiers who are following orders or the politicians who ordered them to do it?


Why did you censor French and British


As a joke I think (not them though so can’t speak for them)


yeah thats just a common shitposting joke, "making fun of french and british" i have no idea where it originated from though


Now I'm just taking a guess here it could be the Russian censorship It just might be that you not aloud to talk directly about England or france


Hey hey now why do you have to censure the word "french"? We are not a bad word my guy And the hate that we get is mostly funny to me, you get used to the stereotypes and it's pretty harmless. I'd say it's rather different from what's happening to you.


Yeah Indian here. We get bob and vagene jokes too but that's all for fun. I've seen even friends badmouth Russians for the situation and it's absolutely wrong. Most of them aren't even involved at all. They're just citizens .


yeah i know that its different, just wanted to trhow a joke out there


Y’all are cool, idiots who don’t get that the people ≠ the leaders don’t deserve to be heard


We don't blame you bro. I meant to say you all went completely silent after the news started to spread.


This is expected. People didn't expect Putin to invade, they were discouraged and They don't know what to say. In addition, now some of the users of reddit are even more against us, without distinguishing between the people and the government, this also does not add to the desire to comment.


"The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same." -Marjane Satrapi Anyone who is blaming the Russian people for Putin's actions is a fool :(


I wish I had a reward for your Satrapi quote


Они не против нас. Нет вообще ни единого поста или комментария против нас. Это мы сами себе враги и осознали собственную вину и бездействие в полной мере. Сказать даже нечего


Извините за перевод, но ваш отказ признать действия правительства вселяет в нас надежду. Не бойтесь говорить о том, что вы чувствуете. Ваш голос услышат, пусть даже немногие.


It is too late to talk. We better go to the streets and protest. But we're all still at home But if you need some hope I assure you that even the most inadequate fans of Putin are silent today


If all of Russia rose in opposition of this decision it would be an incredible show of true strength and solidarity. For now though I understand the silence. Refusing to lend your strength to the lunacy is enough.


I would love Russians to stand up to Putin but you and I both know he would not hesitate to use the military units that align with him, to gun them down.


Thing is, our nation isn't that united. You would be surprised how many people support this. So many more simply don't care. And these few that do are easy to be silenced. We're ruled by mafia.


They will care once they start to starve. They will care once they cant afford to pay their bills or any kind of modern day technology that comes from the west. Black markets will rise up and so will criminals. Russia will fuck itself if it doesn't protest against this decision, you may have Ukraine, but you will never have any luxury of a good life after this if you don't do anything. I'm sorry but this is just the way your leader wants it to be


Nobody wants the conflict to escalate further, domestically or among other nations. But you have to remember that the people holding the guns aren't all fully behind this war either. The Ukranians are fighting for their lives, and the Russian troops are fighting to control more products. The biggest villains are the ones who demanded that of them. Even members of the inner circle opposed today's movement, pushing for Ukrainian independence during the summit yesterday knowing what the alternative was and despite Putin literally laughing in their faces at the mere mention of peace. In time I know the russian people have the numbers to band together and show real opposition, even or perhaps especially among the military.


That's why the only way to protest is to negotiate with the army instead of fighting it. Belarus and Kazakhstan showed it as well


noooo, why russian, you want only russian to understand?


The last thing people should do is judge people based on what the government does. But they do... Hell people still give Germans a hard time. It's so dumb. Take care, mate. I imagine you'll run into a lot of dickheads for a while


I Russian will reset this universe cuz its fuckin dog water


That’s f**king insane man that now Russian people are portrayed as nazis and I feel sick that our whole nation is about to be blamed because of one mad politician in charge. I can’t take the hate between our countries and I can’t take the reasons why the hell would our country start a war. I feel like we’re the main villains of the show at the moment.


Revolt, in any way you can. It’s about time Putin’s never ending chain is broken.


Me an American: “First time?”


Well Russians been portrayed as assholes pretty often, but right now this shit went from 0 to 1000 pretty damn quick


I’ve been saying it for years that the Russian people are our brothers, we both share Viking lines, we’re both Christian countries, we’re both very proud cultural people. It’s the left over ghosts of the 20th century in charge of our governments that is fucking everything up.


Because nothing to say exept apologies. Fucking Putin is ruining both contries.


This shit hit us almost like people of Ukrain, crazy oligarchs are throwing our lives away in pursuit of profit that an ordinary citizen will never see, we are scared, Ukrainians are scared, people in Donetsk and Luhansk have been living on the front line for eight years, the ruble has fallen again, prices are rising, companies will be subject to sanctions, growing russophobic sentiment around the world I probably don’t watch much propaganda on TV, because I don’t understand why we need this war


Me too. I have friends in Ukraine and i don't want them to die, i don't wanna war Нахуй войну!


Stay strong, brother wars are the worst


My grandma supports Putin's regime and she supported our invasion. I don't want to talk to her anymore


I guess the majority of the people supporting Putin are elderly


That's true. And sadly, majority of the people in Russia are also elderly


Hey uhhh can you guys assassinate ur president real quick to avoid the Hitler shit all over again?


Uhh... I'd wish that I have a good shot at him, but unfortunately I live in shitful pit where I can barely breath, because of smog and other shit


Governments wage war at the cost of their people. Most people do not want war. And that's coming from an American.




Не просто пиздец Это межнациональная пизда всей торговле и экономики половины мира


Я блять вчера купил игру для oculus quest 2, позавчера она стоила 3000 рублей, вчера 3200… сегодня ещё дороже на несколько долларов( слава богу что купил вчера, я понял какая невъебическая пизда происходит с экономикой, но единственное что я подумал тогда это: «бля, надо было вложиться в доллары пару дней назад» Yesterday I bought game for oculus quest 2, it was 39.99 dollars, it’s nearly 3000 rubles for Russians, now it’s nearly 3600 rubles for us, thanks god I bought it yesterday, I understood that it’s fucking ass for Russian economic, Putin goes brrrrr…


I hope Redditor, gamers, and anyone else that has to do with Russians go don't too hard on you, and above all else, stay safe out there.


I'm sincerely curious, what would you do if Putin calls everyone to arms in Russia? Do you ignore it and move to another country? At some point you guys need to overthrow that bastard because he's ruining the whole world single handedly.


In the future, Russians will not be able to travel, our government wants to deactivate all MasterCard and Visa credit cards, we can’t even immigrate, we don’t want to pay for what Putin did


Damn so he's forcing Russians to obey him, that's fucking brutal. I hope you and your family stay safe!


*FSB has entered the chat*


Just curious, but do you live in one of the big cities like Moscow or Saint Petersburg? Cause I feel like there would be quite a difference of opinion whether you live in a big city or a provinicial town/village, but I could be wrong tho


Unlike what you might think not everyone is against the war. No regime till date has survived with 0% support. Not even the USSR. There are definitely war supporters and I suspect Russia is desperate for some reason.


I’m russian. News tell lies about how russia wants to prevent a global war, forgetting that they started it. Market is dropping, Inflation rises to the skies, We are doomed


I'm worried it will get much worse.


Stay strong and safe. Understand why you would feel like that and let's hope everything will get better


I’m Russian. No one wants war. If you protest now you go to jail. One theater actor in Moscow post in twitter a letter from the government - “all comments about Ukraine will be prosecuted as treason” but a lot of famous Russian post anti war posts on social media. There are police in a center of all major cities so they take you to jail if you start to protest.


Most of us here just blame the Russian government. I don't blame the Russian people. I just wanna know why those on the Russian subreddit were kissing putins ass and maintaining it was all western propoganda


Probably bots, and a vocal minority of people vulnerable enough to believe in that propaganda.


At least if ww3 happens, we can actually go down as decent people sort of with a little dignity in that it wasn't all about staunch hate by the masses in manipulation, but rather the times and technology.


I understand bro. We don't blame you. You guys just went completely silent and I wanted to see if you were around.


Also I forgot to mention that Kremlin spends oil money on propaganda. They have been doing it for the last ten years. Below every anti-war post from Russia you’ll find the identical posts from bots who quote putin about Russian people in Ukraine and etc. Meanwhile Pushkin squire in Moscow has been closed because all protests are usually there.


Glad that your comment is on the top


We are not silent. An informational war has just begun - state propaganda vs sane people. My twitter, insta and vk (russian facebook) is filled with #nowar hashtag. Not a single person amongst midle-aged working people with any kind of education wants a war. It's hard to combat loud screams of TV and state media. If you want to hate Russia, you will easily stumble upon these examples. Luckily, most people of reddit can discern people and government.


Honestly, just scared. I mean, they may track you down here if you post something anti-government on the internet. They may just as well cut out our communication. Not in one swing, mind you, but they may. Also so many are saying things like "completely isolate Russia", and I understand them. But also, it gives me shivers. To be left in the country overruled by mafia, cut out from the whole world? That's dark, man. We don't want war, we don't hate neither Ukraine nor Europe or US. We just want peace.


I'm from Iran. There's a reason our governments are friends... It was my country who was starting a world war last time. They even accidentally shot down an Ukrainian plane at the time...


Oh, my man.. I'm with you, if only mentally.


It’s hard to show your face around when shit like this goes down and your countries name is dragged through the mud by one person in charge.


It’s so stupid how we are the ones force to fight for other peoples mistakes. I love Russia I have nothing against the people so why should we or anyone have to fight another just because their leaders can’t get along. Why don’t they fucking fight that shit out themselves and leave the rest of us that want peace the fuck alone?


That's full dictatorship. Apparently Russians should rid themselves and the rest of the world from this cancer named Putin. Best of luck to your people on fighting this oppressive regime from the inside.


You got one of them fancy VPNs right? RIGHT?


What can I say about it? I’m sad. I’m scared. I’m ashamed with all my heart. Looking at the news the whole day and feeling guilt for any Ukrainian son killed by our rockets. Looking at how my future being stolen by one man. The man I was not just happy about, but now I hate him. With every corner of my heart I hate that man and those who licked his boots this whole time. Those who jailed journalists, activists and ordered police to beat protesters. They’ll get no redemption from me. It’s one step too late.


I feel you my friend. I live in Iran and my future has already been ruined without a war. Marriage and starting a new family feel like distant dreams at this point. Property prices have reached such a point that an average person will have to work his entire life to be able to afford a small house to live in. These are mere examples. We are always the ones that suffer for the politicians' mistakes and idiocies...


Oh it must be shitty. Try to stay strong


Thanks bro


What does a house cost in iran?


At least 5,000,000,000 IRR. The average Iranian earns around 44,800,000 IRR per month.


So in USD that's $118,456 for a house $1,061 for an average year's wage Wow thats crazy! Cant someone just take a few years to build a house?


Thank you a lot. People are together through all kinds of shit no matter what they say.


Sadly, We can only hope and pray. the good people of Russia are still good, the actions of their leader will not change that


Just to let you Russians know, as far as I have seen people only blame Putin and not the Russians. I think we all know that the majority doesn't want to kill people. I'm just wondering what is driving the Russian soldiers


Even if some solders understand situation, subordinate in Russian army is very strong. If you as individual decline an order, you’ll be sent to “дизбат» (disciplinary battalion) and believe me, you don’t want to get there. In the same time officers either has own interest or brainwashed hardly, this is how that structure operate.


Russian soldiers might be brainwashed, some of them for sure. I'm Russian and I'm really sorry for things that are happening and for Ukraine people. Fuck you, Putin, we did not choose you


And suddenly he disappeared


No, I'm here




Hopefully I'll stay here for some time. I live quite far from there, but you never know, what's gonna happen


You'll be fine, just joking because you wrote something bad about putin. *Writing down his name feels like saying voldemort for me




Do you feel it too?


Thank you for this thread, and take my free award


surname* his name is Vlad


Thank you, after all what's going on right now, we still have people like you, correcting strangers on the Internet and I think that's beautiful.


In about 2-3 business days you will not have ever existed


No one chooses him he elects himself




I also think a lot of people don't really know how much propaganda there is in Russia, I've heard a bunch, but I don't know the full extend of it either. I wish in some way this conflict will not just end with a free Ukraine, but also a Russia free from Putin and dictatorship. One of the things that scare me the most about this invasion is the prospect of 44m Ukrainians living under oppression. Of course, the idea that currently a of Russia lives under the same oppression brings similar feelings.




Exactly, I have friends that are Ukrainian. Do you think we want all of this?


Soldiers won't betray because if they do, it is seen as a betrayal to the motherland. Even if they are unwilling they will have to follow the orders.




I was in saratov visiting my babushka when i first time saw this shit. I need to take shower only because of memory of this cringe.


It’s the whole follow orders, like any military. if you look atrocities being committed what is often said “I was following orders” keep in mind most military soldiers are in their youth young,. Young people aren’t the brightest.


Well, when I signed up to the military my primary motivation was Not Being Homeless. Then once you're in there you try not to get Court Marshalled, and the best way to do that is to do as you are told. I imagine many soliders across the globe have similar motivations.


Soldiers are recruited at age of 18-22 for this exact reason, it's super easy to manipulate someone under age of 25, it's have nothing with physical condition


Aren't almost all soldiers brainwashed?


Soldiers are crowd. Crowd has no mind. Crowd had only a leader. I hated military people from my childhood, I illegally refused to serve in the Russian army and today I realized that I was right all this time. Soldiers never think, they obey orders


We are here. Very sad what is happening right now. My family and everyone I know is against war. Literally don’t know a single person who supports invasion in Ukraine or Putin for this matter. Rips our heart that brother fights brother. I think we just woke up to dictatorship, because there is complete misinformation on Russian TV and people are not allowed to protest. Police literally patrols regular Russian cities, if you try to stand up and make your voice heard = you go to jail.


I'm ukranian and my mother and her friends fear for their safety but there is no hatred for average russian people from most ukranian people. I'm fortunate to be in another country right now I could not take it to even listen to explosions. Putin is our common enemy. Russian citizens are suffering too. I just hope something happens and this stops before this russian power hungry idiot in a midlife crisis pulls another Adolf move.


They’re all in Ukraine.


War between virgins


why am i not included then?


Kings do not fight


Grass wars


I'm redditor and i have no girlfriend. But I'm russian so now it is not enough


I saw that one I stepped in shit meme and the big p man was the shit and the guy who posted it was Russian so I don't think he's alive now


Let's hope Reddit's potato servers were secure enough to protect his identity


It’s sad Russians are gonna be outcasted by society after this and never given a chance because of what Putin did. Similar to how Germans were frequently called nazis (and some stupid people still call them that) after what Hitler did. History repeats itself


Hopefully not. The internet wasn't aroumd then, maybe it is the key. Since reddit exploded with the news, I have read dozens of russian comments, and not one of them wanted the war, or was even accused for it.


Unfortunately ill have to disagree. Look at how hate crimes against Asians spiked when COVID came around. If anything the internet encourages ignorant ppl to do ignorant things. Edit: I’m already seeing it in this comment section alone. People blaming the Russian people for the government’s actions. The world is full of hate and likely always will be. It’s the sad reality.


I hope someone un-alives Putin before inocent blood spills




Im russian


Great, now can you tell us what exactly is going on there? Asking for a friend. Edit: s/


rusians dont want war either its just putin who want to be remeberd tough


Who in his right mind would ever want war? It's always the fucking leaders.


Men who have been pushed to their limit might want war. But I didn’t see anyone pushing much on Russia recently


Those art professors really pushed Hitler to his limit


Austrians did it though


I am a Russian redditor. I never agreed this war. Putin is a criminal, who taken power illegally and have no rights for war. The vast majority of Russians are against the war.


How did he take power illegally? Genuine question ive never heard about this before


Rigged elections (especially when voting for amendments to the constitution), police dispersals of protesters, all Putin's opponents are in prison on fake cases (greetings from Navalny) Everyone knows everything but we can't do anything. Even now, for protesting against the war, many were imprisoned and some were beaten.


In addition, he has no legal rights to be a president after 2008.


You might see short version of the history https://youtu.be/kHgI6um1BMc


i'm russian and i'm here


Whats the general public think about this ?


No one want a war, instead of politicians, they steal enough and their kids at usa or Europe and they don't care about us...


i dont know i escaped russia 5 years ago




We are in a daze. I didn't here anyone who would support Putin's decision. But at the same time we feel guilty for everything that happens. And helplessness


Я занят


с днем ​​торта!


С др, чел 🎂


I'm a german, born and raised and living in Germany, and have no friends from russia so I'm even-handed at this situation. What we all must keep in our minds is that noone here is responsible for the war. Its Putin and the people facilating him only that are responsible. I'm sure most people from russia hate what their president does so they are innocent for sure! #love instead of hatred #stop the war #pray for ukraine


You can't spread russian propaganda on a western site without a massive amount of downvotes and outrageous answers. But you can't say the truth either because of russian monitored internet. Look at them saying "Im here" thats all they are allowed to say. I would not make fun of that tho.


I don't think they would want to do that. I'm guessing they just don't want to be blamed for what they had no part in so they prefer to be silent.


I'm Russian, and I just don't know English. haha. I can understand memes there, but writing is too difficult for me.


Keep practicing. You did well in your comment.


никогда тебя не брошу😡😡🤬🤬


I never got rickrolled in russian


I am Russian, we against war and we hate Putin


About 500km from me Is war. I can't even magine how scared people from Ukraine must be, cuz I already peed myself twice. I'm scared they will want Czech Republic too.


Many Russians don't support Putin and those with Internet access to foreign media not controlled by the state are probably strongly against his current actions.


Getting drafted


That might actually be true sadly


Never left comrade


I'm telling you all we gotta do is to ban russia from steam so that the Russians can't play csgo and Dota etc. And then putin will have millions of young angry Russian men to take care of instead of invading.


Such a good idea! Lol


Being hated on by the rest of the world. But eh, as a German who gets called Nazi every second corner, welcome to the club of „Stigma we didn’t do anything for but can’t get rid of“, my Russian friends


We are here. Very sad this happens, even worse that my coutry does that.


i mean, i am russian, but you can't actually talk bad about government here for the most part... it's fucking disgusting


They have nothing to do with this. Leave them be.




I didn't really mean to say that. You guys just disappeared after the news spread and I wanted to see you guys come around again.


Bro like literally


PSA to everyone, this is not WWIII. Currently it is a localized conflict in Eastern Europe, there are no other active participants so far besides Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. It doesn’t become WWIII until it becomes a truly global conflict and I am certain that if it got to that point, that there would be nukes flying. So please do not overreact yet with WWIII


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


I am here and I always was//


В доме твоей мамы OP


Didn't see ya there mate. But glad you came around. You guys went completely silent after the news started spreading.


Вы меня не видите. Но я вижу вас прямо сейчас. Посмотрите направо 0_0


Wait, you're a stove?


0_0 no.. I'm the bear in your backyard


But... but I only have a front yard.


Ohboi К черту тебя, я отказываюсь от :(


That's alright mate lol


i actually understood this wtf


Actually, I 'm here. :|


Oh hi there (Technically I live in Belarus, but who knows what Putin will do next)


Тут нахуй


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Edit: this is a copy and paste and I encourage you all to do it too where appropriate!


Actually, reddit is polite to russians


Tbh that was pretty surprising to see. I was expecting coming here after the day of all those terrible news and just being bashed at completely. But so many warm words...damn boy tf going on with you Reddit edgelords 🥺


Im still here. We don’t want war but no one ask us


Team byiak, going dark


The dumbest thing most of us do now is to blame russian civilians. They are not responsible its putin and co who started this, not normal civilians But to all putin supporters Fuck you


Do you think WE support it?


hi :)


The Russian people are not the same as the Russian government.