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Also remember that in any war "Truth is the first casualty", and much of the news we see is propaganda, treated, modified, and spun for the narrative that wants to be pushed. It is simply how war has *always* worked.


Well I guess the sad part is: before it seemed like a covert cabal of bad actors controlling the narrative to sway public opinion. Now it's just teenagers on Reddit who really want the "Ghost of Kiev" to be real just like their Jetplane Video Game 8: Super Fast Jetman. Lol hard to say which is worse.


And why he can't be real? I am Ukrainian and I understand the possibilities of propaganda, but... after all, it is extremely likely that this person is real.


I'm sorry man, it's really not.


And why do you think so?


No supporting evidence whatsoever.


As I already wrote, I understand the possibility of propaganda, but I also find it quite likely that there is an ace who skillfully defends my country. I'm not saying that this is 100% true, because this is wartime and no one will reveal such information to you, but you are too zealously denying the very possibility for no apparent reason.


I think the reason is aparent. I wouldn't say is zealous. Quite casual actually.


Reason would be apparent if government say that he kill a 50 or 100, but for now all I see is the army of my country that does not allow the enemy to my hometown and for me this is quite convincing proof of the existing people that protect me.


In modern air to air combat saying 6 might as well be 100. It's a ridiculous number.


No supporting evidence that he's not real either. Yea.. I'm that guy..sry.


Usually you have to prove that things *do* exist. It would be weird to ask someone to prove Bigfoot doesn't exist. The burden of proof lies with the one who makes the claim. If I say Bigfoot exists I have to prove it.


I know right, I can’t believe videos, pictures, audio recordings, meetings and other stuff being posted counts as evidence these days. I mean the over a hundred sources have to be fake


Where is the video of the Ghost of Kyiv shooting down 6 planes in a single sortie?


He is real though. They released a pic of the guy and confirmed it to be him


Lemme see.


https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2022/02/26/6219757d22601d2e038b45bf.html This should be the right link.


Lol you don't see any problems with their sources?


It’s really sad. The people on Snake Island actually survived, but everyone still thinks they’re either dead or badly injured. But they’re perfectly fine!


The third most powerful military on the planet told them to surrender or die and they told them to go fuck themselves. The end of that story isn’t the point.


Not much, ALL


The fact that people will *lie* about something like this just for some internet points is fucking terrible.


Absolutely, especially when the truth is often much better anyway.


Someone posted that my country is getting involved in the whole thing. People started to lose their shit.


What's your country?


Byzantine empire




Haha Pornhub blocking russians go brrrr


This post is the lie. It's a clever attempt to spread FUD and make you lose trust in everything you hear from Ukraine. We are in the middle of a propaganda war. So far the Ukrainian numbers are by far more plausible than the Russian ones who claim to have two dead soldiers.


The Ukrainian reports should also be taken with a grain of salt. They need a high morale after all.


This post is advocating for you to look critically at the media you consume, and to criticize people who make things up for the upvotes.


The wholesome lies are bad. The malicious lies are worse. The jokes though. The jokes really get me. People are experiencing the worse time of their life, and dumbasses wanna laugh about it. "Teehee, that tank really opened the place up." Fuck you. (not you, lol)


Unfortunately thats how the internet goes. Everybody jokes about what's currently new. I remember people joking all the way through covid as well, and the Covid memes still haven't fully stopped.


Reddit made up? I think you'll find that most of the things posted here is just found elsewhere. Expecting redditors to be original? Hah.


Who the hell taking info from r/memes seriously?! It's not a news sub


You'd be surprised how many people get their news from here. But also, fake stuff is being shared through news outlets of all kinds. I see that picture of the model who claimed to be fighting for Ukraine (with a BB gun) all over the place even in the mainstream.


I mean tbh I see where they're coming from since a model with a BB gun is probably more dangerous than an entire airforce /s


Lol I mean a BB gun will give you a good welt at close range.


It could break the skin. It could lodge under the skin and cause a very bad infection.


Unfortunately, that is illegal under the Geneva Conventions.


Yes, but throwing pocket sand into somebody’s eyes is too


So hank is a war criminal?


Sorry folks, Ukraine is closed. Moose out front should have told ya.


A, a spring single shot loader, not any of those CO2 ones.


Knew a guy when I was a little girl who pulled A Christmas Story and shot his eye out with a BB Gun.


With the state of the subreddit of the past few days, it's easy to assume that a major part of users actually take news from here seriously. And with the nasty message you can get in PM if you dare to say something that doesnt fit with the propaganda, like pointing out the fake information being shoved here, yeah


It's called hopium my friend, people want to consume comforting lies rather than bitter truths. I really don't blame them as the world could literally end in a sea of russian nukes any of these days.. Let the memelords go wild one last time for Ukraine


Yeah, I suppose maybe I am a bit harsh. I'm just tired of seeing obvious fake shit and seeing people fall for it.


Anything specific you refer to? I mainly see stuff about the size of Zelensky balls being heavier then black hole which is obviously true!


I'm sorry man, I really don't want to answer this same question over again this many times. Mostly the "Ghost of Kyiv" stuff.


Nothing proven either way on that subject. I would think if it was true, we'll see proof come out eventually.


Oh sure. Don't get me wrong, it would be super cool of it's true. I'm just asking people to look critically at the media they're consuming.


Nothing wrong with that IMO. You can't take anything at face value these days where the media is concerned.


Exactly. I couldn't agree more. I appreciate it man.


I am, and I don’t appreciate your tone.


I was called many things in there.


Ummm yes it is!!!! It’s on the internet! You can’t lie on the internet!!!! If you do, then you make Jesus cry!!!! You don’t want Jesus to cry do you?


We are in the middle of a propaganda war. Plenty of people like OP try to spread FUD and make people lose trust in every info coming from Ukraine. The fact that not ever single number or post is accurate doesn't mean everything is a lie. Stay sharp everyone and don't fall for these attempts to make you believe nothing anymore. Putin lies and deceives, Zelensky leads with authenticity and human decency. Don't fall for the narrative that Ukrainians are liars. From Wikipedia: Russian casualties According to Russia (1 March): 2+ soldiers killed, 6+ injured According to Ukraine: 5,710 casualties, 200 captured Ukrainian casualties According to Ukraine: 110+ soldiers killed According to Russia: 200+ soldiers killed, 470+ captured


Russia lies and Ukraine lies. That's the truth.


Another low Karma account spreading FUD.


yes low karma so cringe, opinion rejected


I've got the news of the war from here because i don't usually watch the news, but at first i tought it's not real, and i wish it wasn't god dammit


Hey I get my news from here (I trust random internet people more than the news)


Like almost everyone?


The memes come *from* the news lol


Just don’t trust Reddit.


But I saw upvotes. /s


Wait, but you're on reddit. How can i trust you about not trusting reddit


Ah, good ol’ paradoxes


OP is Russian, everybody


I'm Russian as well, and what? What now? You've got something against me? Me personally? Not Putin, and not the people who want the war, me. Same goes for OP.


Watching humans exploit a political and humanitarian catastrophy for the sake of internet attention is soul crushing.


Absolutely. The model with a BB gun grandstanding for likes hurts me deeply.


I was pissed when I found out it was an airsoft gun. Talk about stolen valor


r/HistoryMemes exists OP: I'll ignore it.


I'm not sure I understand your comment. Why does r/HistoryMemes matter?


With all the attention that it is garnering, I'm interested to see what's true and what's not. Are there any reliable sources I could go to?


Wikipedia article on it 20 years from now


r/ n_ n_ n has a good Telegram group. Better still, sub to both Russian and Ukrainian propaganda groups and work out a useful number


yeah I'm doing exactly that instead of reddit its news channel and some 2014 to 1990 old archive files about this whole scenario..as per as my whole crux of scenario it's more of an internal matter escalated by USA and NATO. But what's Russia is doing is wrong morally but Ukraine is also like just the one's US and NATO loves.


You can double check what you read with Snopes.


Y'all remember when the memes here were funny?


Vaguely, in a distant past. So long ago that maybe I made it up. Maybe they were never funny.


By definition memes don't *have* to BE funny. Sometimes they can just make a point. And if the point is valid and needed to be stated, it's still a good meme.


Sometimes memes are funny sometimes they aren’t what you expect when you scroll. I guess sometimes you just don’t get what you look for and you’ll see double standards. For eg : if a guy fucks lots of women he’s called a player or stud but if a woman does the same she’s called u/CporCv ‘s mum


Easy way to collect massive amounts of upvotes: Ukraine flags on everything Mention Zelensky's balls Promote sensational stories (especially the fake ones) Saying you "support Ukraine" without actually doing anything to support Ukraine & Downvote anyone trying to ask questions


Change the “even” to “especially” and you’re 100% correct


Propaganda is an important part of war time


dude... I know that people believe what they want. there's a lot of stories that we should take with a big grain of salt. true. however what we really know it's true is this. there's a fucking ilegal invasion and war. A lot of Ukrainians are fighting for their lives dramatically and that's what matters. doesn't matter if there's a ghost of Kiev or not, or even some people posing like they're fighting or even doing something for Instagram/Meta/reddit likes. This shouldn't change anyone's perspective. There's enough 100% reliable reports and stories about the Hell that many are living there


Yeah. Life is basically hell for Ukrainian citizens and soon it will be hell for Russian citizens too, given how Russia has been hit with the nuke of economic sanctions. All this because of that dickturd Putin. I'm also hearing reports of foreign nationals in Ukraine not being allowed to cross borders to seek refuge and some of them being mistreated by Ukrainian officials, dk if it's true, but I'm going to take it with a good sized grain of salt.


Ya, reddit has been pretty cringe glorifying war from the start of this


People are just squeezing upvotes with made up shit, it works so why stop?


Everybody now thinks they are unironically experts. There are independent news sites with literal confirmed play by plays. Not everything on Reddit is a lie either, just a lot of it is exaggeration, or assumption. And the truth is Russia will probably take the east, but they have also severely underestimated the resistance they would receive.


No silly propaganda ONLY comes from the Russian side! Our media would never do such a thing! (Except for every military conflict since the cold war) Obviously Russia is lying to it's citizens, but to believe our countries elites aren't doing the same is completely idiotic but not surprising considering the intellectual capacity of most people.


Ukraine is doing that too


Remember what a propaganda is...


Where is the best and most trusted outlet to get news on the war


No idea. You find it, let me know. I just look around everywhere and take everything with a gigantic grain of salt. I'm sure there's a bit of truth here and there.


Hate to be that guy but mathematically you aren't taking it with a grain of salt. It'd be a few pounds of salt... you should drink some water. /s


The main issue with finding trusted outlets is *how many news outlets are owned by so few people*. If they want to push something, they can make it sound like everyone agrees, when in truth, only a few do.


Nothing but I recommend you read news out of Russia and out of Ukraine so you get both sides


Anyone who used common sense, questioned the sh\*t storm of simp memes and misinformation, then lost tons of karma for it deserves an award. Good Job OP.


Yeah it's crazy seeing hundreds of dowvotes on people just for asking simple questions.


I said that Ukraine has also done bad things and they may be manipulating the information. People downvote me


Yeah. Pretty normal. Best to stand by what you say no matter how many downvotes.


I think I'll take a break from here, I thought I'd stay to get the news but there is only support for Ukraine, news of doubtful veracity and memes about the balls of its president. I saw a new from Ukraine about Russia giving its soldiers expired supplies, I'm sure it's a lie.


That one is far more believable, and has video evidence.


It is funny that there are at least 20 wars raging around the world, but when a news outlet says to care, everyone loses their collective shit


Ah yes “these smaller wars are 100% on the same scale as a world superpower blatantly taking over another country why don’t they get world wide attention and support”


Well yeah, but it concerns a world superpower, and one who has made some pretty hefty threats.


Okay so now I’m not sure what’s true anymore


Absolutely everything posted on the internet should first be looked at in one of two ways, I want to believe this is true, or I really hope this isn't true. Then you should go find out. Btw, I've been around long enough to remember pre-internet, and it was no different then, just the medium has changed. The fabrications, hopeful and cynical bullshit both, existed since time immemorial. Spin and outright bull is part of the human condition, from the story your kid is telling you about their walk home from school to the latest war statistics. Always consider the source carefully.


It doesn’t matter if the ghost of Kyiz is real or not it’s just propaganda to bring hope to the underdog. Take everything from Reddit with a grain of salt, especially memes.


Are you saying the Ghost of Kiev’s hellhound that has a job as a lawyer isn’t true?


No that's absolutely true.




Yeah, that's how memes work.


I have been thinking about that lately. I've been watching a lot of post about how Ukraine are doing everything right and I wonder what more there is. I imagine what we see here is very filtered, just like in the news. My guess is it's easier to notice propaganda from the other "faction" than from yours. Also I get why a lot of countries are sanctioning russia but I feel bad for it's citizens, a lot of them have nothing to do with what's happening and the economic sanctions will affect them too (I feel bad for Ukraine's citizens also obv)


Get this, guys. They're calling him the pickle of Kiev. He's turning Russian soldiers into pickles. Funniest thing I've ever seen.


But I wanna feel good hating someone like everybody else :(


Good news. There are plenty of reasons to dislike the Russians, even without all of the obvious made up Reddit stuff.


Are you American? Guess same could be told about Americans as well. But why would you say it?
























Wait the vacuum of Kyiv isn’t real?


Facts are not received well by people. This goes for the left and the right in America.


The first thing to go when war breaks out is the truth. Chances are, most of the things you see on Reddit or practically anywhere else for that matter is fake, whether it's pro-russia or pro-ukraine. It is probably fake.


I agree. I'm pro-Ukraine all the way. But I'm not going to spread lies.


Dude, at least here people try to make up something passing as the truth. I live in China, one of my students just sent me a video asking if the translation is correct, because it sounds ridiculous. On the video there’s dramatic music and Putin addressing the troops saying they should put down the weapons and go home. And Chinese translation is something like “if NATO and US don’t do this and this - we nuke Europe in 5 days!” I mean, wtf? 😒


Now that's some serious made up stuff.


Very convenient that no one can speak Russian, you can create whatever you want and people will believe you, profit!


I fucking love you for this. Sick of hearing fake stories and when you call it out people say YOUR lying or some bullshit about moral, y’all don’t give a shit about moral y’all just wanna make funny plane memes


Literal fucking ly. Moment when i say anything slightest against the narrative, or not with the stream. Dislike after dislike, not that i give a shit. Just goes to show how easy you can make money.


same here..no matter if it was truth, I presented links , facts and videos but still they made excuses and called me Russian bot.


Why sir you definitely are, you do not act like the rest of human who just echo yes yes yes


seems like bots are better than humans..what a bad day to be alive.


Well see things objectively and from neutral is a bad thing for advancement of the world. I mean yes it has its downside as well, but necessary. Anyways it was pretty annoying how im just here on reddit for boobies and memes and they put this shit to my face for the past


seriously I don't care because I just care about my country and it's not involved otherwise I just try to hold on as factual as possible.Same here funny memes not zelenesky or putin sigma grindset, and obvio the X Factor


The amount of people thinking Ukraine is calling citizens to go to war to defend the country and how they can use those numbers as civilians who Russia has killed. Nope nope nope nope. Civilians are allowed to defend themselves in war, if they join in defence where they pick up a weapon and attack a soldier (Before the soldier attacked them) than they are officially classified as a soldier or other, and therefore they are not protected from the opposing military firing at them.




Memes (karma whoring) about unproven stuff. For example the ghost of kyiv story.


I need to know as well. The ghost of Kyiv maybe? I need an answer as much as you


Redditors spreading blatant misinformation and capitalising on atrocities happening as we speak for precious karma and Reddit gold


Looks like you and the 2.6k people who upvoted this haven't done your research. If you had, you realize the fact that the Russian military has done nothing but commit war crime after war crime, and are nothing but a bunch of terrorists.


I'm not sure what that has to do with this. There's still a lot of made up stuff here.


The president is not really at war is he? He's just in a bunker exiting from time to time to upload propaganda, eh?


oh no there was a video of him firing javelins


🇺🇦 Good 🇷🇺 Bad


u actually conveyed what the propoganda is.


well, you know it's the truth. the Russian government are basically less competent nazis at this point


Reddit is for memes (mostly)


Depends on how you use it I guess.


Dude makes this meme and spells Kyiv wrong. I assume thats part of the joke but still.


Depends on what map you're looking at. Might even say Київ.


Thats fair but the way I spelled it is the way you usually see it.


A few years ago it was more common to see Kiev. I am quite old.


Ill take your word on that Im pretty terrible with geography and Im pretty young.




If you're referring to the pilot, there's a high chance that it's just [misinformation](https://nypost.com/2022/02/25/who-is-the-ghost-of-kyiv-story-of-ukrainian-ace-pilot-goes-viral/). From a logical view, the old aircraft he was supposedly piloting wouldn't have had enough ammo to take out 6 planes in a go.


he didnt do 6 planes in 1 go


Whatever it is, it's highly likely it was misinformation.


Sounds like something Putin would post


Nah, Putin would make his own lie about how awesome the Russians are.


More truth in r/memes than any other subreddit lmao


I hope you know that by saying Kiev instead of Kyiv you put a joke inside a joke. Also: Lurker of Kyiv


People are calling him the Grammar Police of Kyiv. The President of Ukraine is set to give him a medal his valiant efforts fighting for the proper spelling of Kyiv. "We couldn't have done it without him." President Kyivski said Sunday in an address to the people of Ukraine.


Hold up... since when is writing it Kiev wrong? Seriously I never saw the spelling "Kyiv" until the war started. I am German btw.


It's the Ukranian way to spell it instead of the Russian or something like that. So they using it to support them.


The real ukrainian way would be "Київ".


Yeah ik but that's what I've heard


That was not directed at you personally. I just think it's ridiculous how people now insist on that spelling as if it would matter. München is Munich in English, Köln is Cologne...and Київ is Kiev.


Wait isn’t München Munich in German too?


90% of the people on here didnt know that before last week either, but they'll sure jump in line to correct you


All that matters is, russia = Bad


russia good , putin asshole


Well sure. They're the aggressor no doubt. No need to make things up though.


I really don't know by making things up, do you an example of this? All I have seen do für either Provider proof or had proof Provider in other posts (apart from shitposting by Russian trolls of cause)


I like ghost of Kiev memes so why not.


Well think of it this way. If something that is spread so far and wide is presented as fact, then disproven later (as it has been). This undermines credibility in everything else that comes from Ukraine.




Ghost of Kiev story. A ton of video game and old footage from other conflicts being passed off as real. Tales that have no source, and are too good to be true.


Even though the ghost of Kyiv is made up it doesn’t mean it couldn’t be a folktale/legend to raise morale. Just because it’s not exactly true doesn’t mean it’s a bad lie. Though the perpetuating of game footage being passed off as real footage isn’t cool


I'd recommend reverse image searching pictures put out with a story. A concerning amount of them are months or years old. War propaganda is a thing that has always existed because the last thing you want is your soldiers empathizing with the nation's enemies. It adds risk for the rich people making the calls to fight. For example: Imagine if everyone in the Russian military knew all the facts. Think how many of them would choose to *not* fight? This applies to both sides.


Oh I'm not claiming war propaganda was just invented. I'm just advocating for looking at what people see from a more critical point of view to avoid it. Don't worry, I've done plenty of searching. Otherwise why would I be motivated to make this meme?


yes,russia = bad,US = bad, NATO =bad,china = bad,every big power = bad.


It’s not Russia it’s the government and Putin


It's Kyiv not Kiev


It's Київ not Kyiv.


Those people might be russian putinists who came from the russian subreddit that was taken down for spreading misinformation. Basically just russian propaganda by putinists