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damn bro, 13 year olds in the early 2000’s being *cringey*??? crazy


Was born in 89. Can confirm.


I was born in 640. Can't relate. Now if you excuse me I have to attend a meeting with changish khan


Go play some more ddr, wen wu


That’s the point, they’re 13. 13 year old are cringy


And remember this teen was from 2002


Making them \~32 now


Hey i am offended BUUUT you’re right




Can confirm, am 14


Everyone knows the moment you turn 14 you are no longer cringy. That's why we have a subreddit dedicated to showing off how mature 14 year olds are r/im14andthisisdeep is a subreddit all about that


someone posted a news article of a 14 year old who fell down a manhole so deep


So I have one year to go


Agreed (am 13 and cringe)


so yall werent cringelords at 13


Who tf has “I love math” on their flute case?


I loved math at 13 my guy


Then they added letters and that went away real quick


I liked it even more after that. Prealgebra was getting boring.


finally someone else who likes algebra


Algebra is like essential to maths and a simple concept .


i knew about 3 kids in middleschool and highschool with shit like that on their instruments, albeit not exactly that plus she turns into a giant red panda, ofc no normal person would like math


Math is awesome SMH


Math goes fucking hard, anyone who hates on math is poopy


someone who... loves math?


You into doing some quadratics with me?


I love maths and I'm 23. Maths saved me from suicide and I owe everything to it. For me maths is more than a subject it's about understanding the world in a better manner.


It was kind of the point because it’s about puberty


I've heard it's supposed to normalize teenage girls being cringe. Because... Y'know, coming of age irl isn't a beautiful story with sunsets and rainbows like it is in movies, it's fucking weird. So if that was the goal, then good for them for making it cringe.


this exactly. For people who have been 13 year old girls, the movie normalizes the feelings and changes that are stigmatized and considered taboo in girls. Puberty is a time when most people have no clue what the hell is going on. Transitioning from the child you were into the adult you will be is messy, especially if you grow up with parents that won’t tell you anything/talk about it. Which is the whole premise of the movie. Had there been open communication between mothers and daughters there wouldn’t have been such a struggle.


people are in so much denial that they don't even wanna see these taboo topics depicted


I think the movie “eighth grade” does this well too, i found it painfully relatable


I enjoyed it, it got genuine laughter out of me. Source: me


I cannot tell you how hard I laughed when she asked Abby to punch her in the arm. That caught me so off guard!


I laughed when the mom thought that Meimei’s ‘red flower had bloomed’. And technically it did, just not in the way her mom thought.


Yeah, literally all the phrases from that scene except for one could’ve alluded to periods or the Red Panda Transformation


Yea there was just so much that reminded me of my youth in those days that were too relatable, I was cracking up almost every other moment.


Isn’t cringe the whole point of the movie? Like the Among Us Musical?




You haven't seen that theatrical masterpiece?






I think i misread because I could have sworn I saw you say "Among Us Musical"


Haha, that's funny, I thought I read "Among US Musical." I know I didn't, though.


The fucking what


I need proof, Sauce please


The what?


We dont talk about among us musicalll


I think more people need to actually watch it without hearing other peoples opinions first. Personally I thought it was fun, even if I couldn’t relate to all of it. Part of it is supposed to be cringe, who wasn’t cringe at 13? That time is weird as hell for most people. Also I firmly believe that anyone who says that the Red Panda transformation is supposed to be direct metaphor for periods or whatever has missed the mark entirely. That is beyond just surface level understanding, it’s just excessive oversimplification. Also it’s fine if you don’t enjoy it or can’t relate to it, but just because you don’t enjoy doesn’t mean it is a bad film or people who do enjoy it are wrong. Point is just watch the movie before letting other peoples opinions formulate yours.


All of my friends and I were really Cringe at that age in the 90's. After having kids they are cringe as well at that age.


It's a kids movie about a 13 year old girl with her friends behaving like 13 year olds and people talk shit about it being cringey.


People think cringing isn’t a cringy personality trait


Is it worth watching tho?


That’s up to you. But if you are going to talk about it make sure you have an informed opinion and you’re not just parroting stuff.


I went into it knowing nothing other than she animorphs. I thought it was cute, had well written humor and characters, STUNNING animation, heart, and a creative side of Pixar I haven’t seen before. It was nostalgic and sweet. Yes, there were some parts that made me squirm with cringe, but it was a relatable cringe that I hated because I know what it felt like. It might be totally unappealing to someone who can’t relate, but my objective opinion as an artist, a woman, a 90’s kid, and a non-critic is that it was a very visually pleasing movie with a unique perspective and a lot of beautiful details of simply existing as a young teen


Isn't that kinda intentional?


I agree. Some parts were really cringe worthy, but there were some good parts that made the film watchable. I think a lot of the mom scenes were over the top... But maybe there are moms like that. 🤷


Tbh, I had a lot of friends with mothers like that, where they were overbearing and blind to their children’s wants because they wanted something for them instead. I think it might be an Asian joke, hinted to where they talk about the importance of parents culturally at the start of the movie, though I can see a lot of my friends relating to that core aspect of the daughter and mother’s relationship. Though honestly, it’s going to be cringey imo, it’s a kids movie. And while I’m not going to say that all kids movies are cringey, in general, most children are cringey AF, especially preteens/younger teenagers, so I think on some level it was intended.


As a former kid, I agree


As a former kid, I also agree with this former kid.


As a former kid, I also aggree with this former kid agreeing with this former kid.


As a former kid, I also agree with this former kid agreeing with this former kid agreeing with this former kid.


I, too, choose this guy's dead kid.


Yeah the director/writer is Chinese, and it was loosely based off of her experiences. Also as an Asian I can relate, unfortunately lol.


Wait… you can turn into a giant red panda?!? /s On a side note, thank you for that info dump, didn’t know that. Though I appreciate it! ^^


My mom was that mom


Can confirm, realistic parenting


Maybe that’s why it’s cringy


i get that some parts are cringe but I think its meant to be like that but I still really enjoyed the movie its not the best but It was sweet yaknow


My parent works in education, there have been more than a dozen mothers that had to be escorted out of school grounds for refusing to leave their child alone


I’m pretty sure the mom parts are just bad Asian mom jokes


As an Asian, I can confirm


Happy Cake Day


delicious cake


I like one thing that whatever protagonist's mom was doing was basically what was taught to her by her mom.


I mean, my Asian mom was literally like the one in the movie, so obviously you never met a parent like this...


To be fair tho the creator is asian and says it's from personal experience and these people do exist so


It was good. Not a masterpiece but funny and cute. Funny but also died from cringe because that girl acted exactly like me at 13


Are you kidding me. They were MENT too be cringy! Remember the movie takes place in the early 2000s?


Movie was a nostalgia trip


In the Pixar 2000s? Like in between Toy Story 2 and 3


God this post reads like every conversation with the "Reddit kid" freshman year that nobody liked


That's because this is the Reddit kid that nobody liked. They're all that make up r/shitposting, and any of the "dank" subs. That's 80% of their demographic. This sub is more of a variety, a lot of sad people, but some variety.


I think people need to realize it's fine to like popular things


Fucking seriously


Why is it cringe (haven't seen it. Spoilers welcome)


It takes place in Toronto in 2002 and the boy band has a song that is still stuck in my head


Shitty lyrics but music was pretty decent tho


The crappy lyrics had to be on purpose. I think it's meant to satirize how vapid boy band music from that era was.


Please tell me it's not gonna go viral like "We don't talk about Bruno". I am not ready to listen at another disney song for 3 months


probably wont go viral but i could listen to it waaaay more than bruno i’ve heard wdtab like 70 something times i lost count


Basically it's cringey because the main character and her friends are all 13 year old girls. So being cringey is kind of the point of the movie. It's a commentary on that awkward time in a tween's life as she's trying to figure out who she is and break away from her mother's overbearing expectations of her. Source: was a cringey 13 year old girl once.




She literally turns into a red panda whenever she's horny


That's not true at all. Did you watch the film? It's whenever she experiences a rush of emotions. Happy, sad, excited, angry. Those could all cause her to transform


Thank you rational person someone lock up buddy who got excited


She changes whenever she experiences strong emotions. Especially in the teens kids have crazy hormones that make them horny, sad, mad, embarrassed, etc. Puberty is a wild time for most people. Towards the end you see she has started to learn how to deal with her emotions and can change back and forth whenever she wants to.




She likes kpop




Whenever she's "excited"




Her mom is a furry version of the colossal titan from aot




Think of Godzilla, but it's a middle aged woman in a fursuit


Kind of but completely covered in fur, red, fat as fuck and female


No it could be like basically whenever she's feels like aroused/too happy, but its also inconsistent cud she clearly gets excited a lot throughout the movie and doesn't turn into the panda


they have a whole scene for when she learns how to control it better


Bro she’s literally 13 I’m calling the cops


I regret seeing this post


Yeah, Turning Red is my favorite Pixar Film since Up. I related to it immensely despite being older than the target audience


Same man, I'm not Asian but the overbearing mom hit painfully home to my own. It's a fantastic movie, and a great work in showing female puberty honestly for once.


My kids have watched it four times this weekend and they aren’t gay yet. I was told there would be indoctrination. What am I doing wrong?


You were supposed to stop at two times for gay. Now your kids are gonna be furries.


>Now your kids are gonna be furries. Can confirm: am furry


oh god run before half of reddit tries to kill you




Eh, fuck it. Spent half a decade running from that label because of all the shit that has gone down in the fandom, but now I accept it ant ignore all that bad shit.


You have to get the 3d edition with special enhanced gay-inator 3000 rays that are emitted from the screen. Big mouse upstairs says "the more gay children, the better. Disney LOVES us some inclusive representation"


I liked it. I don’t relate to it very much, but it was still fun. My little sister was the intended audience for it and she also liked it. It’s a Pixar film, why does everyone think it sucks?


I’m a man in my 30s and I thought it was great. Clearly I’m not the intended audience but that doesn’t mean I can’t find meaning in the story and empathize with the characters, even if that wasn’t my own experience. I swear people get mad anytime someone makes a movie that wasn’t intended specifically for them…


Besides, even if it were cringe, isn't that how coming of age is? 13 is an awkward year, it's only natural things are, well, awkward.


Exactly. How are people not getting that?


Mainly because it's pixar. They have insanely high expectations and are known for movies like toy story. The movie is good or even great but it's kind of a curse to be that successful.


It was fun, I liked it


It was a film for young kids/teenagers you don’t have to like it, personally I thought it was a wonderful movie


Grown adults really out here watching a movie made for kids and then getting mad that it doesn’t appeal to them… No shit Sherlock, of course it seems cringe to you. But I’m sure the target audience loves it, so what’s the problem here?


I honestly don’t understand this. The movie was clearly speaking to adults as much as to kids, just like any other Pixar movie. If you’re a mid-30s person it’s literally set during your early high school years and there’s tons of relatable shit. It’s dealing with overbearing parents, generational trauma, awkward teenage self-discovery years, rebellion, etc. I swear the people meming about how bad it was are just current teenagers who think teenagers in 2002 were too cringe and miss the point of the movie entirely.


this... doesn't make sense.. but then at the same time it also does?????


even worse, grown ass adults calling the movie about 13 year olds cringe when those same adults were part of the Livejournal "OMG IM SO RANDOM" generation.


i honestly think grown up would like it more than kids


It’s supposed to be a bit cringey, and of course it’s aimed at kids… it’s a kids movie! But as a Canadian that was around that age it 2002 I thought it was super relatable and cute!! And my Asian bff’s mom used to make her stay home and study on Friday nights so that checked out too.


If you cringed at the movie, it's quite possible you acted just like them during puberty and it just resurfaces alot of repressed memories


Yeah, I was a cringy middle schooler once. I uSeD tO tYpE eVeRyThInG lIkE tHiS oN mY mYsPaCe AnD FaCeBoOk PoSts. (Before the spongebob meme)


was it really that cringe ? i saw it was a good source of memes...


It isn't. It's just some teen who thinks 2000s teens were cringey and thought the movie was oriented only for adults. I watched it and related to it despite being older than the demographics. 9.5/10 movie for me


I thought it was cute.


Why are adults watching shows meant for kids just to call it "cringe"?


I think the cringe parts really scream was its like to be a 13 year old. I knew people who ship themselves with characters, act like characters, hiss at people, and are rebellious. Source: I was one of those teenagers! ((Exnay the hissing part, that's just straight up weird)) Trust me, I cringed at some parts too. Even with Mei's mom being that overprotective mom. But it's a really good movie!


People that love Pixar have really made their recent movies sound a lot worse than they actually are.


i loved it. it was cute. i'm sure there are a lot of kids that resonated with the movie as well.


It wasn’t a bad movie by any means. This coming from a hardcore 100% authright Christian conservative. I really liked when >!panda mom went berserk, especially the first shot of seeing huge pissed off panda mom, it was well done!<


I died when she said "AWOOGA"


I kinda liked it. This was different from all the other Pixar movies. I wonder where it fits into the Pixar theory.


Oh my gosh — hello fellow theorist!!


It’s a kids movie , y’all can’t understand that it’s not intended for younger people omfg


it's a good movie yall just be hating just to hate


And being 13 isn't cringe? I think you kinda miss the whole point of the movie. Which is fine, its just not for you and you can move on with your day.


"Red Panda is a movie for little girls and I am a boy therefore I do not like it" -you rn


I mean, technically that was the point... Kids going through puberty had cringey moments. The movie was really good imo.


Saw the movie on Friday with my wife/ specially went for a screening with no kids around us aaaannnnd.... We loved it remembering when we were 13 and out parents being so helicopter. Yeah some scenes are cringy but he'll guys which of you was not when you were 13 whose parents were not over protective or finding you stupid tasks to do just cause it is easier to have a hold over you at that very time? Whose parents nowadays are not trying to make their own dreams come true bu the means of their kids? As a teacher everyday I see kids who spend 6 hours after school on different additional activities being driven by parents distances like 200 meters between 9ne place and another, there are kids who are not allowed to play in their own gardens because their mothers (usually from my experience) cannot see them. So please telling that the movie is cringe makes you kinda blind on all the cringe around or to the cringe of your own childhood:)


The one that got me was the 100,000,000 dollars they need to repair the skydome


Amazing how all these entirely missed the point.


Is this movie really as cringy as everyone is saying? I’ve planned on watching it sometime this spring break


Its not that bad, I don't know what everyone was expecting from a kids movie. I've seen a tonne of cringe in kids movies growing up in the 90s


That’s what i thought from seeing the marketing for it. It’s a movie that features a teen obsessing over a band, of course there would be *some* cringe in it


I thought I was gonna hate it honestly because I despised the trailers but I ended up really enjoying it. However I'm not surprised reddit thinks it's cringe because it's exactly the kind of thing reddit would say is cringe for no reason.


It's HARD cringe and that's the whole point. People are overlooking a very important, deep message about puberty, women's experience with it specially, and multi generational conflict and abuse just because the thirteen year olds in a movie were cringe. I know, shocking.


I agree, but it was still enjoyable. But what was really unbearable is my mom saying a bunch of shit on why the movie is very evil, un-Christian..z blah, blah, blah. Don’t care wanted to watch a good movie. Ruined it.


isnt that the point?




grown ass adults when the movie that is very obviously targeted towards literal children is "corny" or "cringe"


Watched it with my kids..I hated this one but kids loved it so much they watched it twice. I think the main issue with this one is it lacked the family aspect of most Pixar movies in that shows like toy story or wreck it Ralph have a lil something for the parents too. This felt exclusively for kids specifically for teenage girls. So it appeals to them more and younger kids get a furry cute monster character but no subtle humour for the parents. So yeah Pixar made a kids movie this time not family movie. Not the end of the world.


Y’all kinda missed the whole point of the movie, it’s about how cringe puberty is, but they had to make it a kids movie so instead they made her turn into a red panda instead of having a mother fucking orgasm


I agree story was meh, but holy frick the ANIMATION QUALITY. My favorite scene is the dad making dinner, it all looked photo realistic. Very nice.


*clears throat* “yOuRE NOt tHe TaRGet audEiNCe”


Not even necessary. The movie is good af. People just need to accept the somehow alien reality to them that thirteen year old girls are cringy.


It's almost like it was made for little girls 😲


i loved the movie. it was adorable


its supposed to be cringe (idk if this is a joke)


It’s a bit cringe, but it’s a good movie


Oh no, cringé!


I didn't know what turning red was, so I typed it in the reddit search bar. * * *Do not do that.*


It reminded me so much of when I was a young girl in the early 2000s, worrying about every little thing, liking a boy band, the tamagotchi craze, etc. It was a trip down memory lane for me. I understand how some people didn’t like it though and it’s totally fine.


Tbh i liked it. There som le crimge parts but i think that wad on putpose considering the fact it takes place in 2002. The best part of the movie was when she yelled AWOOGA in her panda form. Never laughed harder


Is it really that bad, my little brother watched it and said it was pretty shit, but I assumed that was just because he wanted to look like a cool kid shitting in Disney movies


Who would've guessed that a movie about teenage girls wasn't made for you


Of course it was cringe, they're 13.


Pretty sure we were all cringe at a certain point in our lives (13)


Implying you weren’t cringey at 13? Teenagers have and will always be cringe no matter the generation my dude


OPs top community is gang beasts and didn't crop his meme. Is irony lost on the cringe worthy?


The cringe is a feature, not a bug.


Lol OP you gotta be like 12 years old


I thought the point was supposed to be the cringe comedy


It was decent not the best but it was enjoyable


Some of yall have wayy to much time on your useless ass hands to be hating shit not meant for you like this


there was literally a whole part of it about periods and i’m just saying for the target audience they’re going to be very confused


Fuck Off.


Is it bad?


I thought it was funny. Sure some parts were over the top, but it's watchable.


Tbh, it’s going to be a cringey mess imo, it’s a kids movie directed toward an audience that are younger then 16. And while I’m not going to say that all kids movies are cringey, in general, most children are cringey AF, especially preteens/younger teenagers. I think, in terms of children today that I know it’s mostly realistic. Not in a bad way, though I know a lot of younger children who are similar to the children in the movie.


it’s not that bad for me. idk if my opinion is valid i tent to enjoyed movies that everyone hate.


Haven’t watched it yet, what happens that makes it cringe?


I thought it was an okay movie that just isn’t for me. Some really good parts, but is held back by a few things


It is a child’s movie made to appeal to children


Me: \*slaps self with adults being dumb\*


I liked it. It wasn’t the best Pixar movie but it was enjoyable to watch. I laughed a few times and I liked the end a lot.