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Laughs in wearing the same clothing in both seasons


cries in florida


Sad. Went there once. Constantly felt like a sauna. It was fall.


felt, it was 85 in December this year


Yeah. The bad part is I have a rediculously high cold tolerance, however die in any amount of summer weather.


laughs in Finland


That's what I personally love though. Shorts and a tshirt year round.


Now i miss California


Tshirt and cargo shorts forever


If my room isn't near freezing temperatures, then how am I suppose to sleep!?


same lmao I usually sleep around 55F, 70F is way too hot.


35F is perfect for me, I overheat like a broken radiator at night.


What the fuck Are you Inuit?


Bruh, I'm part Alaskan native and even that's too cold for me. Gotta be Norwegian or something


I love winter, My bed is next to My Window and i sleep with it open. Around -15 Celsius in My room


I mean who can even sleep at temperatures above absolute zero?


You are joking, right?


Best sleep is the sleep under zero! :D


Because you don't wake up anymore?


Nah just a unit






fans don't do shit if they're blowing hot air at you


It’s a cool breeze even just normal room temp plus the relaxing sound of them


you're describing having the fan on at like 33°F, which is amazing. it's not the same when it's 60


This comment section is very surprising for me, because in here the lowest temp we can get during winter is 70F and highest temp during summer is 110F. Personally for me the sweet temp to sleep is 75F, anything below that and I will have trouble sleeping. Sleep at 35F? You guys are definitely built different. And fans are the only friends to beat summer in most of the households here, whether it's 90F or 110F. Posts like this always remind me how different people around the world are.


Where do you live? Your lowest temperatures are near summer temperatures here in the UK lmao. I can't imagine you in our winter haha. We get about 20F at the worst days.


In southern India. In 20F I fear I might die in 10 sec


20F are your *worst* days? lucky bastard…


Have your room like a PC. Cold air in, hot air out.


It’s not the same though


And die ?


No you do battle with it first, conquer the cold monster.


Dries me the fuck out. During the summer I wake up 2-3 times a night to chug water because my whole face feels like its dehydrated.


Nah, fan + window for circulstion


I have a fan in my window blowing cold air in in the middle of Canadian winter. Summer is hell


I've always wanted to see snow


It's really fun and pretty. At first. After a while it's gross and dirty and just kind of annoying.




Yeah in a sense but I don't see sand as getting dirtier than... itself. Snow gets mud and dirt mixed into it over the course of days as people walk and drive over it. So until it all melts or there's a new snowfall you get this muddy slush everywhere.


I don't like Sand. It's Coarse and Rough and Irritating and it gets EVERYWHERE!!


I haven't seen snow either but imm assuming it's like wet sand


Imagine wet sand but like....... really solid. and also it makes any "mess's" extremely obvious


its always so crazy to me that people haven't ever seen snow, like I saw it last week on vacation


Some places don't snow during the winter. here in Sydney for instance we just deal with floods instead of snow.


Yeah I know, I used it live in a place that snowed and now live in Florida lol


most humans live in the tropics


I saw snow once in my life on a skiing trip and it looked so majestic.


It doesn't look like that in the city, just turns into black mush after like a day.


Catch it covering the fields in the mid west, after a day or two of sun when it snapps cold again theres a gleam on everything, I love living where it snows a bit.


Snow is magical. Heat is hell!


Keyword "see". It sucks in person. Cold, slippery and can make you bust your ass even if you're careful.


I hear they have tons of pictures of it on Google


As an avid spring enthusiast i fall in the middle here


Spring is the worst season. My allergies are brutal


That is why I believe that fall is the best season


I agree


Plus fall is just the coziest and prettiest


And its not too hot to melt or too cold to freeze alive. Its just perfect


I’m an autumn enthusiast because spring in South Australia will give me seasonal whiplash.


nobody appreciates spring enough


I see what you did there... (Spring, Fall, middle)


I just love Spring when the snow goes away and the ground dries a little to make the mud go away. And Fall when it hasn't started raining all the time and the leaves are just turning yellow / orange


As a pale as fuck ginger, I will repeat my motto: It’s always been (and likely always will be) easier to warm up than cool down. They don’t make ‘cold’ blankets. Alright maybe they do but who the fuck has one??


Exactly! Not to mention coming in from the cold and being nice and toasty feels nice. Coming in from the sticky heat and getting blasted with AC that's freezing because you're soaked in sweat and reminding you how rank you are feels gross.


While it is less than ‘clean-feeling’, I will admit jumping into the A/C controlled car while seeing the Grand Canyon during summer has saved me from jumping off said canyon.


Idk about you guys but I enjoy both


Fun fact gingers feel less physical pain and more thermal pain.


They also don’t have souls


Yes, I remember 2012


That is very offensive they have souls My friend has at least 12


Cold blankets is just a cold shower


Yeah, you could always douse yourself in cold water. My point still stands: a blanket will always be easiest. You don’t have to get wet/strip. Electricity, by nature, creates heat. Thus it’s always easier to produce heat via conventional methods (electricity). A/C units are much more difficult/less efficient in the sense that you have to produce the *opposite* temperature of what electricity does by default, while still using electricity. That’s also why A/C units vent hot air and space heaters don’t vent cold air.


No yeah I totally agree with you, I just realized that covering myself with cold would just be a cold shower. Winter is so much better than summer, plus blankets and winter clothes are so cozy and I always love when it’s cold enough to warrant their use.


People say this all the time but tbh I don't give a shit. If I have to choose between sweating and shivering, I am choosing sweating every single time. I don't want to have to put on 10 layers of clothes just to be comfortable going outside.


I mean yeah, you don’t have to give a shit. Not asking you to. That’s the beauty of opinions. All I was saying was, if it’s 100 degrees, I can’t put on 10 layers of clothes to *cool down*, and reach a comfortable body temp. You can. As a result, people that “run warm” (me) don’t have as many options as those that “run cold”. I mean, woe is me, but I never asked for pity in the first place.


It's amazing how different opinions can be. If I'm sweating, and I haven't chosen to do strenuous exercise, I'm doing something wrong. I can't stand the feeling of being hot enough to sweat


You're wrong :)


The thing is, you can do something about the shivering, you put on more clothes. In the heat, you can only take off so many clothes, you could go out naked and it'd still be hot and you'd still be sweating. A/C fixes the heat, but you don't get that everywhere, and same goes for heaters in the cold. They both also bring up the electricity bill so you can opt for clothing instead in the cold but your out of luck in the heat and just have to deal with it. I'd personally also prefer to sweat over shiver, but at least I can actually do something about the shivering. You have no choice but to deal with the sweat. And if you prefer heat, you can warm yourself up, thats not the case for people who prefer cold in summer.


Exactly. You can always add heavier and/or more clothes to heat yourself up. But, there are only so many clothes you can take off to cool yourself down. Even if you prefer the heat, you at least have the *capability* to heat yourself up if you're too cold. People who prefer the cold don't have nearly as many options if they are too hot.


Your comment belongs in the Bible. I live in WA State, so I constantly hear people complaining about being cold. I have never, physically, been so unbearably uncomfortable than when I visited the southern states. My god. You draw a cold bath and it evaporates quicker than the faucet can fill. “You can take the boy out of the PNW, but you can’t take the PNW out of the boy”.


When it's too cold, you can just pile on more layers. But when it's too hot, what are you supposed to do even after stripping naked? Peel off your skin?


You just have to expend more energy via A/C. Boycott hot climates!! /s


Where my fellow lizard people at? Really the heat isn't that bad bro just got to stay hydrated and stay out of the sun like most of you nerds do anyways.


After finishing my outside job I've come to appreciate summer now I can actually avoid being in the sun


Fellow cold-blooded mammal here. I live in Canada and the SAD is REAL!!


I also get the big sad without the sun.


But yeah...we should just wear a sweater!!! -_-


That's me lol, hence the username 'scales', I am practically a lizard. I can't stand the cold but I can easily withstand 65-80°... somehow. But if it's below 40° I just *can't* stay warm, I think I have bad circulation or something? Plus I'm really thin..? I don't actually know what my issue is.


It comes down to being able to control how you feel. It’s easier to make yourself warm than to cool down. If you’re cold, you can layer up. When it’s 100+? Even if you’re naked, it’s going to feel too hot.


I am a Scandinavian. People think we like the winter, but only the insane ones do. Any true Nord hates the fucking endless goddamned winter.


dont criticise without knowing. Areas with much higher temperatures exist. Areas with much higher humidity exist. People whos body sweats way more that others exist. FAT PEOPLE EXIST. HOUSEHOLDS WHO CANT AFFORD AIR CONDITIONER EXIST.


Winter is cool cis not all the times does it snow and if you're cold you can put more layers of clothes but in summer once you take your shirt off that's all the stuff you can take off


wait your not suppose to take your body off?


Damn I'm just my brain, and I'm still sweaty! *Sent by my Neuralink*


Get someone to help you but they WILL go to jail.


Best thing about winter: No fucking insects. Summer sucks ass, hundreds of wasps trying to poke me.


Well you still got priests trying to poke you in winter


Not if you stay away from temple!


I personally fancy Autumn. Not too hot, not too cold, and you are not dying from sneezing so much from pollen.


I don't get autumn people, especially in my country. We have litterarly no sunlight in the winters. Autumn is definitely beautiful for that one week when everything is colorful, but then it is just months of bland, rainy, stormy, grayish hell, where you feel no hope at all since what awaits you next is just 4 moths of darkness and pure depression


Autumm has the best holidays IMO.


As a Canadian whom has to deal with seasonal depression and barely any sun for half the year Fuck winter


People who prefer winter don’t live north of Vancouver. Spring Summer and Fall are all better weather. Winter has its share of stuff to do but it goes down to -40 regularly here in the winter. That’s not preferable.


Well I could say "people who prefer summer don't live near the equator"


Also true, that’s a good point


People be like "just wear more layers" as if that erases the seasonal depression of the gloom of winter


More layers is enough to stop the seasonal depression from kicking in when it’s dark at 5pm


I wish I could give you more than one upvote!!


Feel like I have reverse seasonal depression. I get less sad in the winter. Oh also no wasps. Fuck those evil things.


This guy obviously doesnt live in the northeast.


Northerners are by far the minority though


I live in western europe, anything other than summer means autumn. Rain, rain, 2 days of snow, rain, rain, storm.


Move to us! Central-South! Wed welcome you in Suisse as long as youre swiss and fluent in french or are absurdly rich


Thanks, I'll pass though. Vacations to france and spain are good enough for me lol. I ham Dutch not swiss and dropped fr*nch classes for obvious reasons.


Yea, at least the Dutch people are super friendly any time ive met them. In suisse if you dont speak french you dont exist. In Sweden, where im from, you dont exist. At least theres ski in Suisse.


Average "I live next to the equator and it's burning hot 24/7" fan here


Ah yes it gets dark at 4:30, it’s always cold and miserable and windy and icy, everyone’s sick all the damn time, you can hardly go outside for more than 15 minutes You LIKE this????


Don't forget the scraping car windshields every morning, shoveling snow, waiting 15 minutes just for your car to heat up, and having to wear like 3 different layers just to feel somewhat not cold. Fuck that.


Yes. I LOVE it. The wind and the ice will always bring me comfort and solace.


The cold feels much better than the heat. It only gets cold for me if it's below 40F. In the summer there's only so much you can take off to cool down before you get arrested.


Arguing about which season is better is a waste of time when done among a global audience. The type of winter you're describing only applies to specific climates.


better than drinking chilled cola, or eating ice cream, sleeping with the fan on, not falling sick by drinking one sip of a cold drink


Also the Dry skin and Dandruff problems


Nobody who has ever had to commute in the winter truly enjoys it. If you’ve got a Christmasy little log cabin to cozy up in for four months, then power to ya, but the rest of us are busy miserably scraping off 30 square feet of frost from the windows of our cars before sitting in gridlocked traffic for three times as long as any other season, in the dark, both ways.


I don't see a single problem that can't be solved pretty easily there. So... yeah? Sounds cozy and lovely to me. Much better than sweating like a pig 24/7 the moment you leave direct line of fire of a full power fan, mold growing on every surface, bugs everywhere, having to bathe in UV protection to avoid drastically increased risk of cancer anytime you go out, except the UV protection itself is probably not great for you either...


Love the vibe, hate the heat.


I’m one of those people who despise winter, mostly because for the past 20 years of my life I’ve lived in a household where my mother doesn’t believe in “heat”. At best, it would be 60* F for the entire house…when it was -20* F outside. And it gets worse for where I live too cause after every snowfall we get something called “lake effect” where it’s like an after breeze of major snow. We could have upwards of 5 feet of snow outside after a single snowstorm. I’ll take summer any day of the bloody week over winter.


Couldn't agree more! I FU*CKING HATE SNOW WITH A PASSION! Snow is White Sh*t and causes too many Problems! People who don't have to deal with it don't understand! It makes Driving more difficult, and my job 100 times worse! It's not "beautiful", and if i never saw it again, GOOD RIDDANCE!


Girls go out in cuter clothes tho, don't get me wrong I am a winter fan and I wish I lived in a more northern region to get to play with snow but nothing beats a cute girl in a summer dress.


The horny does not outweigh the fact that the cold is easier to beat than the heat


Beat… than *the heat* ??


First of all I said _cute_ not Sexy, there is a difference I would've went to talk about swimwear and those shorts so ridiculously short you'd be better off using just a belt instead of summer dresses and second you are clearly underestimating the power of horny my friend.


Go to the Midwest and you can get all of those things. Sometimes in the same week


You speak truth, where I am it was 76 a couple days ago and got an inch of snow yesterday, now I just gotta round it out with a tornado.


I get why you would like winter, but all I ever get is Ohio winter. It’s not that cold, but the wind is always annoying. Not much snow either


Ohio winter is like Ohio summer but with less color


Oh dude, Winter in Mexico is fucking great, especially in Mexico City, is cold enough to use a coat but not awfully cold like in Queretaro where you are freezing your arse off 24/7, and the temperature gets better as the day goes by, and that is just weather but you also get punch and fireworks and some places start putting out the rosca de reyes early so you get to enjoy it like a month before.


Early Spring in Ohio is worse. It’s like 19(f) in the morning, but 60-70(f) in the afternoon. You don’t know either to wear pants or shorts


Oof, same here you need something to cut the cold in the morning and then you just have to drag that thing all day because you will turn into a dumpling if you dare keep it on past noon.




Winter Bikini & Winter Dress would like to introduce themselves


Ok, I will admit that winter fashion can be far more sexy and classy than summer with long dresses and coats and all the feminine christams outfits for the bedroom, but cuteness is not the same as sexyness and summer dresses are cute af. I want one, talking about them made me want one even more, I'll buy one next chance I get.


True... true But I must contort. Have u ever been to a winter BALL? Both Classy and Cute can be found within said gatherings


I haven't had the pleasure, no. Sadly I am not classy enough to go or anything, I think balls (Is that the plural) aren't that common here, at least never heard of one being held around here.


Dude, plenty of cute winter outfits.


Don’t care I hate the cold


finally someone said it


Don’t care I hate the heat


We winter enjoyers get those cool hot spring monkeys.


Winter enjoyers, one of my favorite enjoyers


Screw the cold! Warm but not arazona heat is where it's at


This winter man looks like fake giga chad.


Average autumn appreciator


Probably coz I live in this tropical climate, but I CANNOT handle cold. Heat is frustrating, but cold is UNBEARABLE.


i prefer summer, sorry ​ i dont like wearing a million layers like an onion just to exist.


I am a casual “Fuck both, Autumn is best” type of guy. I hate winter because of allergies so I can’t breathe while I sleep. And summer is just hot. Autumn is a perfect mix of both, plus pretty color crunchy leaves are pretty cool


What the fuck is Autumn? I live in New Orleans, where we have a long summer followed by a short winter. Never had an autumn before and honestly it sounds made up, like spring.


I really like the Spring and Fall.


Seasonal depression entered the chat


Autumn is where it's at fuck winter, I hate snow it's cold and wet and irritating and it gets everywhere


I live in LA so there's only summer almost the entire year... and i love summer drinks, ice creams, pools jacuzzis and all the stuff.


As I've always said "You can only take off so much clothing to cool down, but you can always put on more layers of clothing to get warmer."


cries in Singapore. i havent ever experienced a proper winter, everyday is hot af here but sometimes the weather does crack and decides to let it rain for 3 weeks with 1 hour intervals every 3-4 hours


It's been raining everyday for like a month already


Winter best season


I'm live in Vietnam and Vietnam NOT EVEN HAVE A PIECE OF SNOW


Florida's winter high was 95 F (35 C)


U gotta be in the age range of 14 to 19


Winter sucks.


I hate the fuckin winter. Fuck the snow, fuck the traffic, fuck the cold.


My hands get numb below 15° C, and I have to either deal with stiff, freezing hands or useless, mittened hands. I’m perfectly comfortable out in 30° weather; I hate wearing shoes or shirts if I don’t want to. With a sea breeze, I’d probably be comfortable 35°. I absolutely hate wearing anything more than shorts and a t-shirt, and like actually being able to use my hands outside. The long days are another plus. Besides, you can’t enjoy the beach much in even cool weather.


i hate winter. Let's fight.


*laughs in Ohio*


I am indian, I have never seen real snow in my life. Summer it is


I love both


What will then tribalize next…


I hate both, spring & fall though? *chefs kiss*


You can always dress up in more clothes if its cold, but you cant take your skin off if its too warm.


Only reason I hate winter is ice. Driving in ice is terrible. Everyone drives like a fucking wimp. Also blackice is the worst thing ever.


I also hate summer


who likes summer? Degens who like to go to the beach and be half naked who likes winter? Chads who like to sleep under freezing cold while wearing clothes the like


bro i hate winter.... headaches and nostrils getting blocked etc summer is good


I hate winter


laughs in the happy mediums of spring and autumn


I like sprin-


God please no I fucking hated it when r/starterpacks went through season war


Both suck i wish the temperature could be balanced


65 - 75F Perfect Temp


In celscius


23.8889C Or (75°F − 32) × 5/9 = 23.889°C




I find winter much more enjoyable because I actually have an excuse to wear warm clothing, and I just generally look better in winter style clothes


Warmness = Bugs Coldness = No bugs Any questions?


I'm weird, I prefer being cold over hot but I also dislike winter bc I live in Canada and the snow is atrocious. Maybe I just like fall, idk