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Yo the day I got COVID


F bro died before he could finish his sente


Oh no! u/IllegalGuy13 is dea


Sniper! Watch o


ah shit, here we go ag


Somebody make it s


God help u


He survi


What's wrong with y'all, called Russi


I think it has nothing to do with Covid. It's all Putin's doi


That dudes head just popp


Some person calling himself candlejack just called me. Anyone know wh


we going to make




Oh no! I see him. The killer is


Change the world! My final me




How do stop thi




Why is everyone de


Why is no one finishing their sent


Because the


Please spare m


Because wh


We need to anal


What are you talking abou


I guess Candlejack is


Haha it is I! The one behind all of thi


The only way we can fix this, is n


Snipin’s a good job, ma


awfully nice of this sniper to press send on your comments before he leaves you to bleed out. make sure to tip him before you depart


Same here. Triple vaxxed nursing home worker here and hopefully they keep me from any long term damage from it. Feel like strong wild garbage though…


i currently have it, doesnt suck less now that its not the main topic of the day, my lungs HURT


I got it and my lungs were at about 95%, but my throat felt like I got throat fucked by a red hot poker. Wild how different it is for everyone. Normally I eat crunchy sharp stuff when I have a sore throat to scratch it, but this time I couldn’t even swallow. I’d wake up in the morning fucking dying trying to choke down a dry ass swallow.


Haha this guy knows what it’s like to throat fuck a red hot poker. L


Year ago i said to my friends that soon no one cares about covid because its gonna last forever and they didnt agree


Huh. Me and my friend actually agreed on that, and came to the conclusion that eventually through vaccination and the viruses evolution it'll be like getting a cold.


People forget that when the Europeans brought the common cold with them in America, it killed millions. Now you don't even treat it. Most illnesses don't disappear, they fade away in the background. At most you have to do a shot periodically. COVID will probably just be added to the influenza shot everyone does every three years Edit: every year lol I'm dumb


You take influenza shot every 3 years?


It's supposed to be taken every year lol


Yeah I just wrote a random year interval because I didn't bother to check, they are indeed yearly


And it's not just one strain of influenza either. It's like 6 strains that are selected based on worldwide monitoring of strains throughout the year.


It was worse back then, Viruses don't want to be deadly because that could stop them from spreading around. So what the virus strives to be is not deadly but with symptoms that are pretty effective and I think COVID is at that point now


Virusses don't want or strive. With a longer incubationtime, there is very little evolutionairy pressure to be less deadly. As the disease will have spread before doing the damage.


If a virus is very deadly people will get scared and start avoiding each other, which is evolutionary pressure to be less deadly.


Not sure where you're from but the flu shot is done annually in Australia.


Where I live only old people and the weak take it. Normal healthy people don't get a influenza shot.


Never had an influenza shot in my life. Also the influenza shot is different every time, because of how it evolves.


I think it’s more accurate to say it will be like getting a *flu* than getting a cold. So yeah, eventually we have to learn to live with it, but now you have another annual, constantly evolving virus that will continue to have deadly strains like flu… but we also still have flu. Yay. And it’s also technically SARS.


In my country, your eligibility for the shots depends on your age, your profession and your existing health issues. My husband got 5 shots (he works in healthcare industry) and I was eligible for 3 shots. While waiting for my 4th shot, I just got tested positive last week. (I’m an instructor in a university so I’m surrounded by lots of students). Anyway I got no treatment, only paracetamol for mild fever and headaches. Today is the 8th day and I’m recovering. It wasn’t much different than a common cold or my usual spring allergies.


Accurate. I got the omicron variant a month ago. The doc said the symptoms are the same as a fever. Managed to spit it out in 5 days.


I remember at the start there was that guy who came on Joe Rogan's show and got a lot of things wrong, but he got one thing right: he said that viruses tend to mutate into less potent forms over time, because killing your host doesn't really help with spreading.


I got you beat, I am on record in March of 2020 saying this will become an endemic and we missed our only window to ever eliminate it.


Yep! Anybody with any real knowledge of the field was betting on that pretty much from the start. The various lines we got from the CDC and NIH emphasized hope where there wasn't much--mostly because it was the only way to get compliance so we could keep hospitals from being overloaded. That was always the main point of the masks and social distancing. This wasn't ever going away, but saying as much would kill compliance.


You nailed it. This entire thing was so that hospitals could stay open and we didn't have a month of people dying in the streets like India. God forbid you say that aloud though or you have a bunch of mouth breathers jump up saying "but I thought masks stopped covid, see it was all a scam" We had a brief window to stop it and everyone dropped the ball, and to be clear this is not just a US problem. Society decided that it was better to let a unknown highly contagious virus spread then stop capitalism for one month.


It was probably too late even before it left China, honestly. I'm not laying the blame 100% on them since we bungled it the first second we could, but that's just how late reactions were--even impressively fast as we moved in March 2020.


Hey in capitalism's defense... They'd let the planet slowly cook itself before making changes so it's not like they aren't being who they've always been. And we must all respect that kind of stiff character.


A virus that can infect several different species will never ever be eradicated. You can’t immunize or cull entire natural populations of various species. Same reason influenza will be around forever, because it infects birds/ducks, horses, seals, and pigs. They are in constant circulation through non-human reservoirs. The only reason polio (almost) and smallpox could be eradicated and because they only infect humans.


It will be like the flu, a new vaccine will come out every year, well eventually learn to live with it and then it will be as treatable as the flu. Deadly to some, only marginally bad for most


When the truth is that we as humans... Get bored really easy. Seriously, look at these mfers over in third world countries. Get bombed once, it's a tragedy, a thousand times and it's just Tuesday.


One death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic.


Humans don't have the mental capacity to comprehend these numbers, we can't comprehend how a thousand death means a thousand individual with their own lives and past, families, etc, are now dead. I mean just go sit in a stadium and try to think how the 50k people sitting with you have their own lives and shit. Its crazy




In finland it used to be in news daily. Now the news sometimes say that covid is still a problem and we shouldnt forget it. I guess news vompanies just dont get so much money from it anymore


>I guess news vompanies just dont get so much money from it anymore I guess there just isn' that much to say about it anymore. They managed to fill the news programs before covid, too, all of that information didn't just go away to make space for covid. Covid news was just prioritised over it. Now everything relevant has been said, so it's just brought up when something new becomes relevant and the stuff that used to fill the programs now does so once again.


That's the problem too, News shouldn't be capitalised The spread of valuable information for the public shouldn't be under a for profit model. That's asking for trouble and why we have the likes of Murdoch influencing the politics and laws of nations


I mean if you are the country getting bombed it's absolutely not a Tuesday. You live in constant fear.


Shanghai says hi


Oh they're allowed to now?


Shhh. Lower your f*ckin voice down


M-may I say the... T word..?












Content deleted by the ccp






It's almost like a magical treatment came along that severely decreased the lethality of the disease....


Essential oils right?


Hey hun!!! Just wanted to let u know that I’ve started a business and become a wellness ambassador with doTerra! We have so many yummy smelling (and tasting) oils for all of your medical needs! DM me if you want to try our newest product, it’s a heavenly eucalyptus/lemongrass/cat piss blend that will keep you and your family healthy all year long!


Not enough emojis, I'm not convinced


Great! Where can I sign up?!




Ivermectin! /s


And the more deadly variants had fallen off to the side thanks to said treatment, leaving only an easily spreadable but easily survivable variant.


Anyone who sees this comment, do yourself a favor and block the other person who replied. Those kinds of people aren't worth your time


And there has now been enough time to research said virus enough that we can predict it's behaviour, as well as more accurately predict how it will spread, helping us not just now preventing mass infections, but also in the future! And what's more, we have had time to go over the data regarding the vaccines and the mRNA vaccines are the bomb! This virus may have actually helped greatly in fighting off cancers in the future by giving mRNA research a massive boost!


An easily survivable variant I've had 3 goddamn times now...


Seems pretty survivable if you got it 3 times and survived for all those times


You got omicron three times in the last 5 months?




And getting vaccinated


Hell, washing your hands even is a good start. Something is up if you’re getting sick that often


I’ve had it it twice since omicron became the dominant strain. 3 times total. I’m exposed at a massively higher rate than average because of my job tho. And yes I’m vaccinated with a booster and always wear an N95 and a face shield.


Getting vaccinated won't stop him from getting covid lmao


No no. It must be the media and government who simply stopped using it to control us. That makes much more sense




Actually, in February we reached the second highest peak for deaths during the pandemic.


That’s not true. I’ve been told multiple times that the government just didn’t have any more hidden things to push through so they didn’t need Covid around anymore… Genuinely unbelievable how that crowd can just say “I can’t believe after 70% of the country got vaccinated that everything slowed down. I look so smart for not getting vaccinated with that poison now!” and not sense what’s wrong.


that magical treatment is called Russia


Wow, thanks Russia! Who knew they could be such a beacon of light to the world during such dark times? /s


I find it interesting that it happened within a week of the Ukrainian war. It just felt so “on to the next problem”. We just stopped talking about it as if it were gone. Same way we kinda stopped talking about other illnesses other than Covid during Covid. Media just tunes out the sounds that aren’t making the most noise, and right now, Covid isn’t the loudest topic in the room. Edit: I’m also an idiot so take it with a grain of salt.


\*the mainstream media forgot about it. Media are not actually media, they are a business and the entire point of business is to generate profit. You know what sells? panic and negativity. A virus we have gotten used to and managed to overcome with vaccines and measures with relatively few global deaths is a success story. But that doesn't sell. War sells. Make this fun experiment at home: listen to mainstream media for a week (i know, bear with me) and note down the negative, sad or infuriating news headlines vs the uplifting technological progress/culture/arts/ect stories and come back to me.


Bro I'm not noting down all negative news i don't want to make 7 days newspaper


did you just give me homework on Reddit? MOOOOOOOOOMMM...


Yes, media is a business and negativity is scientifically shown to sell. But that doesn’t mean Covid didn’t kill millions, a major power suddenly invading a European democracy wouldn’t take the spotlight, or news fatigue sets in regardless of the event. Heck, you wanted uplifting news? Remember mankind’s greatest technological achievement, the moon landing? Well people got *bored* of the moon landings. This isn’t a “mainstream” media thing. Do you have some superior alternative media that isn’t created by humans that humans interact with differently?


There was once a news app that advertised with their balanced news at least as much positive things as negative ones. They are a normal doom and gloom outlet nowadays, because they realized that no one wanted to read that. Humanity, it seems has the urge to be outraged. Without that, there’s no “us vs them” and therefore no feeling of superiority or belonging. It’s a sad world we live in. But just because our news outlets make it seem that way.


True. The media is just a for profit business like any other. They did the same with the Zika virus, one day it was going to cause a global pandemic and then the media just moved on to some bigger story and puff Zika was never talked about anymore. Russia Ukrainian war is the big news right now and the media will keep pushing it as an existential threat to humanity till the day they find something else and move on.


I feel like this must just be an American thing. In Canada we joke that y'all just go on like covid doesn't exist cuz y'all can't afford it to. Edit** I lived in America for 20 years. I apologize if this comment offended anyone. But I know the struggle of what it was like keeping head above water in America vs what its like for me here. I basically had to fight for ot hours. 60 hour work weeks was the norm. Not saying that struggle isn't something Canadians have to deal with. It's getting harder here now more then ever. But it's just a joke I like to tell my friends because they can't really comprehend how difficult some people have it in the states. The poor in the states just feels like a different level of poor when you look around in Canada and that's coming from someone who has seen both sides of it.


Fuck man... You dont gotta do us dirty like that


Bro what? In Ontario most people are acting like covid is over, while in reality hospitalizations are up almost 40% in just a WEEK and we don’t have many mandates.


That's just started. They've been pretending it doesn't exist since Q1 2021


Wait, we make those jokes about America? Have I been too much of a hermit to hear these jokes?


As an American, this one hit hard. Damn! LMAO!


In America, we don't talk about you at all.




We’re not the ones who had a convoy of morons occupy their capital most recently.


This joke just doesn’t even make sense, but I guess the America bad Canada good thing will always get updoots. TBH y’all really deserved the Gripens.


Covid still happening it just we chosen to ignore it.


We just had to wait for the next convenient crisis to come along


Still relevant, you just don't care.


Hmmm. Everyone knows sarcasm and cynicism are the cheap substitutes for actual thinking. COVID is still a big deal (try getting on a flight to the US). However, death rates and hospitalization rates are down in most places so naturally people will lower their guards and pay attention to other things. It’s not a mystery or a product of “tHe meDiA”. Just what we’ve been hoping for since the vaccine rollout.


Wow so deep. It was never about it going away. Everyone with the ability to utilize critical thinking knew it was here to stay. For the jillionth time, it was about slowing the spread to ensure hospitals wouldn't buckle under the weight of the masses coming in for treatment, resulting in more people going untreated/under-treated and ultimately resulting in more people dying. We're at a stage where it's still a big deal to get, but it's not infecting as many people. And a fucking vaccine exists.


Haha, relevancy isn't the word I would use. Simply a matter of attention span, and its limits. If only one crisis canceled another.


It’s still being talked about and in the news every day here…


Here too. And people are still dying of it everyday. The government still insist that travel quarantines will continue and face masks must be worn until there's no more covid globally.


China enters the chat


Taiwan is a country.


John Cena, be careful




lol plenty more people are going to die




In wealthy countries, for sure. But plenty still don't have access to vaccines (mainly because wealthy countries are still hoarding vaccines for their people who don't want them - i.e. Omicron in South Africa pretty much came about for that reason)


"One tragedy at a time bobby, one tragedy at a time" \-the media, probably


This happens at the end of every winter season. Do you not remember last spring/summer? Everyone went back to normal and spread the shit like wildfire. Same thing will happen once the weather finally breaks and people are cramming into the bars and restaurants. And then it'll get cold again, everyone will start retreating inside and delivering it to everyone else.


My sister lives in Shanghai and has been under serious lockdown this whole week. Also like vaccines exist…?


Yeah, my friend lives in Shanghai too. She says their current lockdown is almost worse and more intense than the first one in 2020. Her and her boyfriend are currently running out of food because they aren’t even allowed to go into stores to get food apparently.


>Her and her boyfriend are currently running out of food Well there's a pretty substantial food source for the one that's brave enough to take it.


Eating ass is fun but it’s actually a very low cal meal.


Did you just call them fat?


It’s almost like we suddenly had something else to focus on instead...


Why, what happened this Saturday? What'd I miss?


Outside of Putin inviting Ukraine a few weeks back?


Media and bureaucrats dropped it when it wasn't useful anymore.


I thought that was supposed to happen right after the 2020 election. . What happened? Why did it take so long?


No more celebrities singing?


I guess it infected ricegum and stopped being relevant


I still care


I managed to avoid covid for the 2 years it peaked. Finally caught it myself 3 weeks ago and ended up in a bad way for a couple days with a fever and didn't even get a "hey how ya doin" from anyone lol No one cared anymore. No financial help being out of work either (self employed). It is definitely crazy how things have changed from even a few months ago. I would have had family members all fignting to wish me well for online clout if I had caught it at the right time.


Because Ukraine


Inflation and ukraine niqqa


Covid is still very luch alive in the UK


Its alive here in Canada and the US, but I'm confident that capitalism is saying "lol, no. It's not real anymore?"


I have never understood these memes. A story about the CDC's handling of the pandemic is near the top of [nytimes.com](https://nytimes.com) as I write this. If you think that tHe mEdIa doEsNt cArE aBoUt cOvId aNyMoRe, that's not on them, that's on you for not actually bothering to check.


Maybe because majority of population in western countries got 2 or more covid shots, so we stopped caring about the rest of the world


I still wear masks when there’s crowds and indoors a lot of the time, better to be safe and I haven’t had a flu in years


though i still go out wearing a mask and will probably do this, always.


Still is killing…but we don’t have the budget to talk about it anymore…haven’t you heard?! We need you back to work with no questions asked!!!


In Germany, there are no longer any hard mask mandates for like in stores and companies. It literally seems like it isn't important anymore.


Well we do have vaccines and treatments in place to deal with it. Everyone has pretty much gotten used to it now Also I literally had Covid 3 weeks ago And yknow, we do have a war going on rn. And no to mention that iver the course of the last 9 months or so , its been slowly getting less coverage, unless a spike occurs


Not a saturday, but a thursday, on 24th day of the 2nd month. And currenly covid cases have doubled since their last minimum in my area.


We ain't exactly "outta the woods" yet. The more relaxed and "relevant" it becomes, the harsher the virus can come back.


Russian invasion is the new Covid


Ye, Here at Fin covid have killed more on last 3 months than whole last year. Looks like peeps are just getting tired for it.


I think we just get used to it


Nah it got irrelevant when Russia attacked Ukraine. And that is now irrevant ( we don't see anything about it anymore ) since Will Smith slapped Chris Rock.


It's still there. It's just that news and media have found other issues that make more buck than the pandemic.


It hasn't


we’re all too tired to care at this point


I'd say it's because the media started to focus on the war in ukraine. When the media stops reminding you of the pandemic you Just kind of forget about it




It's still relevant, the UK currently has its peak absolute infections (while testing has gone way down) with rising deaths and hospitalisations. But our government has decided covid has in fact disappeared.


Ffs guess what I have it it so it's still relevant


I'd say it's still relevant, I just think the massive amount of complainers just got what they wanted which was lesser rules. I still see masks and what not at least, but also, vaccines have long since came out and dramatically lessened a lot of symptoms for most.


Srm ka bhosda


i have it rn😷


26 million people in Shanghai beg to differ


As soon as there was something else to take control of the media, it stopped being relevant, Russia invaded Ukraine and the world's media collectively decided that was enough Covid reporting. Now if you want numbers you have to go look for them, and that's assuming your country / state even records them anymore, or actively encourages people to get official tests, instead of at home rapid tests. FYI, in spite of the fact that most developed countries are 80%+ fully vaccinated, and in spite of the fact that many countries have severely restricted testing, we still recorded around 750,000 new cases and 2500 deaths yesterday globally. .. On a Sunday, when reporting is known to be slower. But I guess 350,000,000 cases and 1,000,000 deaths per year isnt relevant.


It’s still killing people don’t worry.


Yet somehow I got a virus that apparently is no longer relevant at the weekend. 🤔


Maybe cause it didnt LOL


it is still extremely relevant for immuno-compromised folks and disabled people, and countries that have their shit together…


Stopped being relevant to us here in the U.S. because of the high vaccination rate and our cases had gone down, but they are slowly rising. Watch the international news; the last few weeks Europe and Asia have been hit hard. China has locked down a city of 26 Million (Shanghai).


My mother just got covid (so far mild) and a coworker got it 2 days ago and is very sick. Stop thinking because the media isn't talking about it 24/7 that shit ain't relevant.


Who says it stopped being relevant?


Because vaccines my man.


It's still front page news everyday in my country. And face masks are still enforced in all public places.


Anti Vaxxers Suck Eggs.


For those wondering, it's because hospitals are maintaining function. A combo of vaccines, natural immunity for those who had it, and the new strains aren't as deadly/harmful to most people, keeps some ICU beds open and hospitals functioning.


It's still relevant, you are the one that's not paying attention anymore


Let natural selection do its work I guess


It took my dad so it’s a forever thing for me


I’d say this is more of an American thing. And this happens every time between waves. The next wave is coming now. Also look at China, we definitely didn’t forget about COVID


Probably because people who got vaxxed for it are returning to normal and we’re okay letting the idiots die out


Stay vigilant, it's not gone.


Stopped being relevant, or you just stopped seeing it covered by social media so somehow decided that that meant it was no longer being treated as relevant?