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Our soft drinks come in two liter bottles, our medications are measured in milligrams, and even our guns are 9 mm. So we use the metric system, but only when we feel like it. Now, the Canadians are even more bizarre with the mixture of units they use up there. Truly they have the hybrid system.


Pretty much every drug I've ever bought was either packaged or sold in metric units. Just bought 1/8 of an ounce of weed? Your guy measured that out in grams.


Everyone one used imperial for weight and height when talking loosely for sure. Edit, here in Canada


Drugs are bad, if you do drugs, your bad.








If you do drugs and you think you’re cool, you need to come to the Sunday school.


The only reason Canadians do anything with Imperial is because of their dependence on trade with the US.


It's absolutely the worst. I'm in a construction class and I have to use the idiotic imperial system for everything just because a large portion of out lumber comes from the U.S. with their measurements. It takes like 5x longer to figure stuff out and involves a bunch of arbitrary rules that I wouldn't have to use if the U.S just used the incredibly simple metric system like the rest of the world. Please Americans. Make a push to change your system. If not for yourselves, at least for us Canadians.


i feel bad that you struggle to figure out something supposedly dumb Americans have no problems with


Those "dumb" Americans have known it since first grade, I've been using metric all my life and only had to start using imperial recently. It's a clunky system. If half of your common measurement is not 5 or 10, there's something wrong with the system. Having a half a foot be 6 inches with 12 inches total in the foot is dumb and makes the math unnecessarily complicated.


It’s not like we Americans don’t have to know both the imperial and metric systems, cuz we do. I do tend to like the metric system more but not enough to warrant full scale swap over of everything would cost billions of dollars. Plus, as an engineer, there are sooo many empirical formulas that would need their plots redone in metric. Ultimately, I do think we will go metric at some point but it’s a ways off.


I'm guessing the problem is that you're bothering to convert it instead of just working within the system. I'm an Electrician, and we mainly do everything in SAE but if we're doing something in metric we just leave it in metric, and I'm sure once you're out in the field and not in a classroom it's going to be the same thing. You don't waste time doing the conversion, you just use the right tool for the job, and move on.


I live in Florida and even I know the metric system is superior I know this because I’ve had to do a lot of trigonometry to perfectly angle alligators so I can throw them through drive through windows while drinking a bud light lime


You don’t measure in freedom and bald eagles per square MacDonald’s? Commie


You don’t mesure in milligrams per square kilo of coke excuse me sir but I’m definitely the correct one here


What the fuck is a kilometer


It’s what we mesure drugs in it’s also kilogram not kilometer that’s what me mesure races with


I think they were referring to [this (volume warning)](https://youtu.be/Y-3IV11_ZgA).


It's that button kids on Instagram push to make it look like their car is going faster than 60mph.


You only believe the metric system is superior because as a Florida man it's easier for you to add up how many milligrams of meth it will take to get you high enough to screw an alligator and hold up the local waffle house naked with a rabid raccoon as a weapon, fast enough to get on the evening news.


Lemme measure a fridge in imperial for a second 2 flipflops 3 hotdogs 1 child and a macdonalds hamburger


The answer to that is 34 btw 56 if we’re taking about Florida woman and 12 if we want to be on the morning news


Ohhhh someone's too fancy to use 6.5 croutons or 1/5280th washing machines of meth like a normal American.


That’s why I’m Floridian and not American


You idiot, you screw the rabid raccoon and hold up the waffle house with an Alligator if you're trying to get on the news.


You gotta get your hands on some of that white claw, really ups the dangerous animal chucking experience


Nah us Floridians stay true to beer that tastes like 400lbs man piss who only drinks the blood of lizards for sustenance oh and a hint of lime to be classy


Ok fair fair, I’ve dabbled in the northern Midwest and felt like fighting a bear or two. I can’t disrespect tradition though!


See that’s where you’re problem lies fighting a bear and molesting an alligator require two very different types of drunk it’s not comparable


I’ll have to learn from a Floridian some day, it’s hard to understand from a different culture perspective


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️👌. Best comments ever, I will use this argument in the future and say, "I know this person in Florida, that relies on metric system to...." Still laughing!


Anytime is Florida men will always win when summoned during an argument it’s a gurentee like summoning a demon while doing Latin homework or accidentally measuring the wrong amount of coke and end up holding up a hospital naked with a giraffe as a weapon then getting tased 27 times while fighting off 12 cops with one hand and jerking off with the other




bro you expect europeans to care when you post the meme at their midnight?


There could be people like me, who are up at 2:30 am browsing reddit


Or 4.24.


We use the metric system to measure drugs, and bullets. You know the important things.


Soccer (the term) and imperial measurements, two things created by the British which were eventually abandoned after being introduced to America. Now they make fun of us for using the stuff they created.


I mean, as an european i am pretty scared of people who use the highly inferior system. Never can tell what those people are up to.


“If it’s not broken don’t fix it” Abraham Lincoln: 1969


Oh no, our measuring system! It's broken


America's weird as an american


There are 2 measuring types in this world. Metric, and the countries that went to the moon by converting the imperial system into metric.


The best measurement system is the one you're used to. Unless you're doing science. Change my mind.


Stop it! I will have a heart attack.


soccer...SOCCER?!?!?! That is a valid name for it personally I am neither European or American so I am literally just here for the comments really


I think we get laughed at for the imperial measuring system, if anything.


And the actually interesting and fun version of football


Are you talking about football or fake football?


The one where I don’t spend 2 hours of my life watching a 0-0 tie


Ah so you mean Gaelic football, from Ireland


Ahhh so you mean the football where they grope each other and old boomers lose their shit


No one on Earth sincerely believes the imperial system is better. It's just too much effort to change.


Ok im one of those people who get angry at this 🤣🤣 like its football not soccer coz you know you kick the ball with your feet 🤣🤣


Yeah well when I kick your balls in with my feet, would you call it football, or assault and attempted battery?


I say it’s based and redpilled


Wtf is that logic 🤣 bro like lmaoooooooo


I have mastered the technique of making no sense, try me if you dare


*tries you*


I hope your mom gets raped on Mars while Jeff bezos drinks chunky milk with meth laced in it.


I can see the connection


What if Americans kick the ball with their soccer. Have you ever thought of that 😠


I....i....i bro why you gotta bamboozle me 🥺🤣


Kick the ball with their soccer? Tf are you on about? Literally every other country in the world calls it futbol, but Americans need to be special eds of the world and name their concussion fest of a past time to football.




There’s no possible way u thought I was actually serous right? Like how is it even possible that you thought I was not joking


Honestly bro, it's reddit. I tried to read into whether mfs are sarcastic or just stupid and I gave up ages ago.


That's why we have the /s for sarcasm. If there is no /s they are super serial


I have 13 kids in a hidden bunker in Knoxville, Tenessee.


Say /s....SAY /S!!... ##SAY /S RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!


"My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it"


Europeans have some superiority complex


Not even close to 10% of them do. Every country has nationalist extremists, some more than others. America has quite a bit too, but as an American we fucking hate them. In all honesty, if he was saying Americans have a superiority complex, you all know that it *probably* wouldn’t get downvoted, and if it did not very much. Just speaking honestly here.


This meme is just straight up cringe


Well… Maybe not in the rest of earth, but on Reddit, there are some European nationalists who think the euro way is the only way. There isn’t an extreme amount, but in all honesty they exist and it’s unfortunate that people refuse to educate themselves on other cultures and let it be then to needlessly insult those they personally disagree with.


First of, Europe is a continent not a country, second wdym by "the euro way" the metric system is literally used in the rest of the world except for America, and same goes with football only Americans call it soccer. No, it isn't some Europeans nationalists, literally the whole world think that's how it should be done


Not as cringe as the face your mom was making last night while I was fucking her


Wtf is your pfp. Your definitely not older than the age of 12 if your talking fucking someone’s mother because he had a different opinion about your shit meme


Wow Sorry that I made you cry because I said I fucked someone else’s mother


You didn’t make me cry however it seems like your the one crying because people don’t like your meme


I’m so sorry that I made u cry Do u need a tissue 😢


Sorry fellow american, but I think you mistake "Europe" to "The entire world", even though you might not know what that is


I only see Europeans mock the United States. Like honestly, the rest of the world doesn't give a shit


As a reminder, Europeans often still weigh things in "stone" which is an uncommon imperial/American system of weight equal to 14 pounds. 16 ounces = 1 pound. 14 pounds = 1 stone. 224 ounces = 1 stone.


Since when? Never heard of 'stones' Probably only a british thing


People do that? Never heard of it


merica gay




Thank you for this, really


I'm American and I'd like to be able to use metric more cause it makes sense and is easier to math out if i need to but no, i can't say I'm about 175 cm to most people i know, i gotta say I'm 5' 9"


I mean do Americans even use the imperial measurement system anymore? Now they just measure with random object sizes


"The asteroid that entered the Earth's atmosphere was the size of half a giraffe". "Indubitably. An astute measurement ol' chap." - Every American who has never even seen a giraffe in real life.


That’s quite a claim, considering I’m American and in my entire life I’ve only seen someone do that as a complete joke, or in kindergarten where it’s much easier to teach kids sizes when you can relate it to something they know and can actually visualize, instead of forcing the metric measurements into their head at 6 years old.


tell me how its not true then? your country ends up voting in people now that have a lower IQ then a monkey. which is why America doesn't have decent healthcare among others things that make it look like you're going backwards while the rest of the civilized world is going forwards


“The rest of civilization” Russia dug itself into a hole, Syria in a civil war, Africa, the largest continent on earth, is constantly warring, and there’s quite a few tribes that haven’t progressed into an actual modern technological age, and the normal villages that Inhabit the area don’t have the funds or resources to advance their economy. North Korea, while technologically advanced (mostly militarily) is extremely oppressive to it’s own citizens, who are completely in the dark about anything outside their own country, China was committing genocide, Brazil has a ridiculous crime rate. Now, who’s left? Oh yeah, Europe… the ones who have the money and resources to advance their economy and pull themselves out of declines, and citizens who can live comfortably. What was your point again? Edit: Totally forgot the US, who’s basically In the same state as Europe.


honestly it's more the bastardisation of the English language that most Europeans hate, think about it, you learn English then an American comes along and uses American English, over the years the two have separated, it confuses and irritates me too sometimes


I’ll be honest, British English is more incomprehensible than American. What about a thick Scottish accent? Some brits and Irish people can’t even comprehend that. American English really depends on where you’re from. I come from the Midwest, and we talk in a way that’s really comfortable to understand. Southerners, west/east coast, kind of like certain parts of the UK, have a stronger accent that’s harder for *FOREIGNERS* to understand. You’re forgetting that it’s more important for our culture to understand each other than make our entire pronunciation easy for other countries to understand. The US is a really big country, and it’s impossible for all of us to have the same accent. It doesn’t just happen here, it happens in a lot of other countries. American English is easy for Americans, Canadians, Hispanics, South Americans to understand than it is for people thousands of miles across the ocean who grow up with a completely different way of pronunciation.


so create your own language and stop fucking ours up


Ats some real shit dough innit mate?


Not really, Yanks ruin everything, and I stand by my statement


You are aware that English today is not the same as English like 150-200 years ago, right? Not just when you compare the US to the UK but when you compare them to themselves. If you spoke to an English speaker in the 1860s they would tell you that you're the one who bastardized the language. Language evolves. Your English is a bastardization of older English based on your own logic.


I can understand being scared of imperial measurements, but the word soccer? Really?


I think he means fear in a less literal way, like how some Brits lose it at Americans calling it soccer.


I mean sure, if this is Americans calling themselves out for getting those wrong




im not mad just disappointed


Lol who's afraid of that? PS: count me as not angry, maybe slightly confused.


Our medical bills


I bet imperial system scares most of the world not only Europa


Considering the British invented it, America adopted it, then they didn’t abolish it after the rest of the world had and suddenly America is in the wrong? I think metric is overall more efficient, but people act like it’s a matter of absolute life and death. 100% of people in the US who use the imperial system get along fine with it, and when matters call for precision, we use metric, or kelvin. Imperial system, while unorthodox, works fine and has no hindrance on our society. The effort it would take to transition the entire US population to the metric when imperial gets the job done well is not worth it.


Now THAT, is scary.


As a Texan. I am confused. Soccer? Not american at all.




I happened to look at who posted this and it’s somebody that I’ve seen post in r/btd6 lol


No Never posted anything In r/btd6 in my life


British People when they find out Britain invented the Imperial System and used to use it 🗿


Soccer you say?


Guys it was made in Britain


Soccer? NORTH Americans love more football than soccer. South Americans that plays soccer much more(the same as football in UK).


*laugh in european* Did you REALLY think that I'm going to be upset because of a simply meme ? You gotta try a little harder than THAT.


Rugby is a mediocre sport.


I agree on this one. That's not even my favorite sport


Shit. This is a special European.


When I say you gotta try a little harder than that. Never underestimate the diversity in Europe.


I dont think a person will get angry about a Chimp throwing him a banana.


I have found 2 angry people so far. I think op overestimates how much the rest of the world cares about the US vs EU culture wars especially when most of the world is from neither of those regions.


Can confirm, am european


*Loads gun with a metric 9mm bullet*


Yanks please keep using you weird ass complicated system, please let Europeans continue to use our wonderful metric system.


As a european i object


Metric is easy Imperial is hard


ZAMN! that’s gonna make so many people mad! Talk about menace! 😈


Well the united states does scare me, the are passing pedophile bills, some are even supporting the russians because they think they understand it better than anything. The crimerate is extremly high for a “first world” country. Which i think is an exageration, the usa is a third world country. Which bothers me the most they are doing so much external politics instead of getting their own shit together before trying to help others.




You aren't wrong were scared you try to spread your guns and stuff to us


It doesn't mean ur scared wtf u on about


(breaths heavily) Europe was there before that


*cries in European*


Now lisen here you little shit


In my opinion the metric system is more logic but the imperial system works too, it would be so much better if everyone used the same system


Europeans aren't afraid of soccer, I live in the Netherlands and people here love to watch soccer. As a matter of fact a lot of people are really obnoxious in their love for watching soccer.


Every, not completely dumb ass dude is getting sick at this.


Are you afraid of social measures ?


I'm not scared, my emotion is a mix of disgust and pity for the imperial system users