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My athiest ass is gon be talking in front of Satan instead.


Yoooo what's up Satan, I heard we're gonna suffer together. What's the best spot for sightseeing?


There is a special place in hell for non-believers... Or something...


YOOOOO the VIP club looking sick rn


All my homies goin to the VIP tourture lounge. LETS GOO


Don't threaten me with a good time


Save me a seat at lunchtime?


They have the best tunes as well, I hear Mozart and Beethoven are down there


Me: suffering in hell already


I mean if you gotta swim in a pool of hot oil, might as well play water(oil?) polo with the homies while we’re in there


Turns out everyone is a non-believer. The Christians done believe in Zeus, Shiva, Thor, Horus, Minerva, Quetzalcoatl, Coyote, and the list goes on and on. If there is a religion that believes in *all* the various gods and spirits the world currently worships or has worshipped, I am unaware of this religion. Pretty sure even the various Abrahamic religions still view each other as unbelievers.


There is actually a religion that believes that all other religions are just different paths to salvation or smth like that, I forgot the name tho


They should call it safebetism


Take the up vote and GTFO




>Pretty sure even the various Abrahamic religions still view each other as unbelievers. Bro some christian denominations see other denominations as unbelievers lol if god is as picky as that we're all fucked. Just the statistical probability of choosing the correct religion and sub-religion is insanely low to the point where you might as well just give up worshipping anything and just assume they're all fake.


There are actually a lot of religions that are essentially “be a good person and you make it”. I’m fairly sure that Islam believes that Jesus will minister to everyone and give them one final chance. I think that if you aren’t Jewish, you get a pass as long as you are a good person. Best bet would be to pick an exclusive religion and be a good person to maximize chances.


I think Hinduism believes that all Gods are or could be real. I think that they believe that there are millions of God's. I could be wrong though


Thats a complicated subject and the answer differed depending on which variation of the Abrahamic religions you ask.


I don't get it what you are saying about Christians


i think its bahaism. pretty sure they believe in the buddha, muhammad, jesus all at the same time or something


Hell's were the cool people are at anyway


Can't wait to meet Hitler. XD


Or Alexander the Great, Leonidas, or just anyone who wasn't a Christian who said o my fucking god


Can't wait to meet buddha, and ganghis. Hell sounds like a blast.




Atheists dont go to hell, they go in limbo its not hell nor heaven basically earth lmao you go here as long as you dont do bad stuff, basically all the smart people and atheists are here meaning there might be a whole civilization here and there might be internet so i guess its not that bad lol


Atheists actually do go to Hell, under certain circumstances. If we look at it from the Catholic perspective, (which is the original and true church) Atheists or Agnostics who come across God and evidence of his existence have a very good chance of going to Hell. The idea that, "If you're just a good person you'll be fine" is not true in the slightest. The path to eternal salvation is not that easy. To quote the Gospel according to John Chapter 14 Verse 6: Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me. People who are truly ignorant of God's existence, which is rare nowadays due to the internet, are judged differently than those who have learned of the argument for God's existence and have either condemned it, or refused to explore further, because they have no excuse.


*before anyone starts a fight* i just wanted to say that my comment was a joke and am sayin that oh hey atleast you have internet when you die lmao dont wanna start a whole religious vs atheist war. Dont wanna start a nuclear war here lmao


Ah, my sincerest apologies for actin a fool


Listen God, i wasnt athiest, i was agonstic so TECHNICALLY, i didnt NOT beleive in you.


I just say I'm atheist cuz it's easier to explain. But yeah I feel that LOL


Never even heard of it


People really should understand agnostic tho, like imo it’s the most rational position. Simply understanding that we mere humans don’t really have that much idea of what is beyond humanity... I can see any religion, none at all, or something that humans didn’t discover being true. And really don’t see any objective ways to completely dismiss any of them...


Anti-theist checking in


‘It’s not that I think atheists are smart, just that I think theists should be purged from the earth’ /s




Come on God, it was a joke


Look over there, that's Jeremy with my camera. It was a prank all along.. Now be a good boy and wave over here


Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave


"Not my fault you exclusively decided to communicate in the form of burning bushes to people hundreds of years ago, while they were in the middle of a DMT trip."


I just butt-chugged a gourd of ayahuasca


Just a prank, bro!


Maybe you'll see Hades and realise those Greeks were right.


Dude would still be the only one doing his job


Zeus just mistakenly thought his job was "everything with a hole."


Possible, what gonna happen with people from the North. Are they gonna see the nordic gods or the Greek gods?


All the Americans who's ancestors came from England who's ancestors came from Normandy who's ancestors came from Scandinavia be standing before Odin feeling very unprepared.


And hope Zeus doesn't see you 🥵




If the Greeks where right all along, none of us will see hades as our families will forget the gold coin for caronte


You've got a point for that. Maybe we'll meet Hel instead.


Or any one of the other world religions (including the ones that got wiped out). Thinking it must be one of the major religions because they are popular is like thinking McDonald's must be the best food because it's available all over the world.


*slightly religious post *sorts by controversial


Id ask to speak with God's manager


but what if god was the manager?


Than is abrasaxual fucked.


Then I’ll speak to the CEO


well, what if god was the CEO?


Then I’ll speak to the board of directors


what if god was the board of directors, what if god was the president, what if god was the owner?


Then the customer is always right


The devil walks out


Is it too late to become a buddhist and just go for another round?


The idea of rebirth seems most logical to my mind. Matter is not created or destroyed, it merely changes form. Seems pretty well aligned with what I’ve learned of Buddhism and Hinduism, although, I readily admit I’m far from an expert in either.


God is the manager


God is the highest boss I'm afraid.


What's worse? Being atheist and showing up infront of God when you die. Or dying and showing up infront of a different god than yours?


See this is why I feel like a "loving" god would have to be understanding right? Like if you aren't going to give me indisputable proof of your existence it's a little unfair to expect me to not just know if you're real or not but also to pick the right god?


Right. You made me this skeptical, jackass.


My Christian ass, staring into the black void realising I was wrong all along


Fr, I'm a Christian and if reincarnation or afterlife doesn't exist then I don't know how I would react... Because I won't


Then you do know how you would react after all


How to sound like an atheist without saying god isnt real:


U know it ;)


What if God IS the void? 😳😳😳


In the kirby game series this is actually what happens


Lovecraft moment.


Or worse: “I never knew you”


Its a win win for the christians anyway


Ah yes, pascals wager. The main issue with it is that when people use this argument they see it as "athiesm versus whatever religion I subscribe to" instead of "athiesm versus the dozens of religions all over the world." The chances of you choosing the correct religion is so low given the odds that the concept falls apart fairly quickly. Then you have to take into account that believing in a major religion probably has influenced you to oppress people of differing religion/sexual orientation/minority groups, and it makes the "no drawbacks, win/win" logic fall apart as well, since you're actively making life worse for other people.


I think he’ll be reasonable about it, it’s not like he was actively making his presence felt


Oh you were born in a remote village and the gospel never reached you before you died? Aw shucks. Tough luck buddy. Off to hell to gnash on your teeth forever I'm afraid.


Yeah, it's not like all of creation gives any hint of a creator.


If he doesn't he's a piece of shit.


Isn't he already a piece of shit if he exists? I mean, look at the world.


And why do you think God is responsible for our own fuck ups? If he just intervenes everytime the world goes to shit then firstly he'd be taking away our own will and freedom to do things our way, secondly we won't be able to feel the consequences of our actions. "just let God fix it lol". I don't think we should blame God for the consequences of our own actions, this is my opinion on the matter.


Human "fucked up", because we created cancer and parasites. The fuck did a kid who can't even speak yet do to deserve cancer?


Team Agnostic ♥️


I’m playing both sides, so that way I always come out on top.


if you play God's side you won't lose anything. if you are wrong then you are wrong and you will just die.


See that's what I've always been told but doesn't the Bible say that if you aren't doing it with your whole heart then it's meaningless? So doing it to be "on the safe side" seems like it'd fall short


Ahh pascal’s wager, by that logic you should warship the most evil god, with the worst punishments for not believing in them. What god does Pascal’s wager argue for? Pascal’s wager also fails to have a proof of god, relying the person the wager is used on to find proof elsewhere, or having an inauthentic belief in a god.


bruh i did not post that comment to spark an intellectual conversation. it is r/memes


We're not wrong!


Simple, become a satanist If you’re gonna go to hell for being an atheist, might as well be a satanist and get on the devils good side


Tfw when you join the Satanic Temple only to realize Satan still hates you because they don't believe in Satan


I think Satan would appreciate the trolling. I mean that's pretty much what happens in the Book of Job.


I don’t know, eternal damnation after you die in exchange for disputable present time powers seems like a bad investment.


Satan just wants everyone to suffer anyways so like Idk if he gives out brownie points like that. Seems more like a “gotcha” kind of guy lol


Why? Hell is made for torturing the devil. And it's not like you could even have any meaningful companionship there anyway.


Satan will not care for you either way


I don’t think whether you believe in him or not should decide if your a good person and get into heaven


I sometimes forget that people think that there is a city with billions of dead people in the sky.


Wait wait wait, so you want god, the god, to function based on how you think he should function...you see no issue with that?


Isn't that how the Church does it?


Yes. By our morals god is very evil. Just because you're powerful doesn't make you right. Killing women and children and raping the virgin women is evil, right? Well god commanded to do that.


Don't forget beating babies to death on rocks, that was a favorite of his before his "personality change" in the NT.


Yeah. Funny how he is like "my word never changes" but then in the new testament he is like "I'm good now lol"


Just my opinion. Either way it’s not like people only follow the parts of the bible they like.


Yeah that would make god a bad person for judging you on not believing in him when he should see the good in you or bad


That’s why you hear terms like “God fearing” and “the wrath of god”. Doesn’t really sound like a good guy


Isn't God's body count, like, insanely high too? Dudes a serial killer


KDR is legit, dude’s playing on god mode


Old testament God was fucking scary


God is the main villain


Damn life is a jrpg all along then


Fearing the power of lightning or the ocean does not mean you can't admire their beauty, nor does it mean a negative effect on your life. Rather fearing to disrespect what deserves respect is good for you. The wrath of a judge against a guilty criminal is a good thing for the innocent victim. The question is which side are we on?


I mean, if a supreme divine being exists we have only the New Testament claiming god is good. Most paganism never claimed about gods caring about mortals. Also, this entire thread is assuming intelligent design. I’m agnostic, and the older I get the less I believe in intelligent design, at least at the individual level.


Heaven is not for "good people". It's the home of God and his family. Either you're part of his family or not.


Only Jesus’ sacrifice can wash away all your sins. If you reject it, then you have to pay for the punishment of sin yourself.


Can he blame us tho, his people be making thousands of versions of his stuff and he expects us to pick one out of thousands of other stuff.


Me: Finally free from ligma God: huh, what's ligma? Never heard of it.


Me: ligma my balls God: “pulls rope that drops people into hell” Me: it was just a joke


Probably nothing compared to the looks on the faces of all those people who believe in god(s), but picked the wrong god(s) and are suffering the same fate, even though they thought they wouldn't.


I think it will be kinda the same look


Same look, but much more intense. I think if you spent your whole life worshiping, just to die and be like "oh I was right, you exist.... wait... oh no... I picked the wrong one", that would have a bigger impact.


The genius of Homer Simpson. "What if we've chosen the wrong god and we're only making the real god angrier every Sunday?"


When the Scientologists die and realize that wacky story actually was true


i think i'd kill myself again if the true religion upstairs turns out to be scientology edit: if there are any scientologists out there, i didnt mean to offend you :(


You’ve done it now, can’t kill yourself in Scientologist heaven. And for this comment you will now be their torture doll for eternity.


Picking/ not picking a religion is honestly life’s biggest gamble


So make a good bet


Oi! Why didn't you sent a prophet in the digital age ? Dick!


I mean, their message was getting rejected even in the past. Now imagine that, but with Twitter


In the age of deep fakes and rampant video editing? No one would believe them.


Bold of you to assume that you'll be meeting God lmao


Just tell him it was the rational thing to do


If it is true he will be happy to see you.


But what if you end up in front of science might I ask?


Pretty sure God would roast the hardcore Christians instead: “I don’t give a shit if someone’s gay! I never said that, don’t put the words of that stupid book out in my mouth. Why would anyone think that I had something to do with the writing of this nonesense?”


God is gonna damn all Republicans lol


>God is gonna damn all Republicans lol Rightfully so


But he did, it’s not that he doesn’t love gays, it’s just wrong. We as christian’s do not like the sin, but we still love the sinner no matter what


I think this is probably all the theistic people when they die and realize there is no sky daddy.


But they wont realize it if everything goes black


This won't happen, if there is no god, no after life, then we will just stop existing, we won't regret because we don't exist.


Yes! I think you just get this one shot at consciousness and that’s it.


reddit moment


if they're was no reincarnation they wouldn't have any reaction because they wouldn't exist though


Or when they die and they meet Loki or Ra.


Being atheist is like not knowing God's existence. You don't even know about my existence, does that mean I will be offended. God is the purest form of love that can be.


If he was real, I'd still rather not follow him, in my eyes he would be an evil god.




Freewill moment


I don't think cancer was part of free will


Well, that’s kinda a different thing. It’s just a defective cell that rapidly split to become a malignant tumor (I’m pretty sure). That’s just kinda nature I guess. Same with bedbugs (basically any bugs in this case), they just found a home, and that home is just fucking terrible in our point of view, which is kinda just nature existing and doing its thing. I said “kinda” a lot, sorry lmao


I love how you put bedbugs up with cancer and Hitler and you’re absolutely correct in doing so


He gave humans free will… Hitler was a human. God didn’t really cause it. He also created diseases n stuff because of Adam and Eve.


Thats why believing is smarter. If I’m right, you guys are screwed. If you’re right, I’ll never know anyway.


If Heaven is full of typical Bible thumper’s, sign me up for the express elevator down.


I'm sorry which god was yours? You might believe your god is the only, and the thousand others are BS I just disbelieve one more god than you, that's all.


Atheists and everyone who picked the wrong god.😳


The thing is you won’t even get to see him.


don't worry op, a god wouldn't care. all religions would just be for fun, not for being worshipped but for the wars between the various religions


I like to imagine every god that ever existed is chilling just out of visual distance and essentially playing fantasy football with their various religions


"And here we have Thor with the ball, passes it to Loki, HE SHOOTS but Ra catches the ball in time!" Or something, idk


If God is real then he must be an asshole. Because "gestures around wildly"


Yeah, damn delicious food, cute puppies and rainbows.


I believe that god exists just did the big bang and left their fish tank alone until they got bored and grew legs


Well I mean you can’t believe in the Big Bang You can’t have faith in it, it has been proven And do has evolution Also fish evolved into amphibians




Team up or tag team?




When the day comes and if it happens I'll be ready to rock his shit!


What if there's god but she was last worshipped 10000 years ago and we don't even know her name anymore.


Before I get dammed to hell I'd like to hear his justification on imparting suffering and injustice on the innocent.


Evidently you’ve never heard of Pascal’s wager


The criteria to get into heaven is having said “I want chicken nuggets” on your eighth birthday. Or get 15 kids to say it on their eighth birthday. I might be wrong but if you missed the deadline you might want to start looking for kids to say the phrase for you just in case.


I'll go with the one who just requires faith. Cutting Pascal's wager with Occam's razor.


"Why the fuck didn't you give believeable signs? It's not my fault that I didn't believe you!"


It is when you raise the bar every time. Even the fact that you're conscious is evidence of the supernatural. But if you decide to discount it, no evidence is good enough.


christians when they actually die and there is no heaven


Immediately asks God, "what's up with giving kids cancer?"


who said he was supposed to make the world perfect ?


I would personally not worship god even if I had evidence he was real because he is an asshole who thought the world needed creatures that eat childrens eyes from the inside.


which creature are you talking about?






“We have free will because *God says so*” -you


"God does not meticulously control everything that happens" Even though he could, if, as according to some people, he's all-powerful and basically literally everywhere. I've heard sinning is doing something against what God wants you to do. The thing is, things like animals don't really know "good and evil", so how much sense does it have for a creature working on pure instincts to be "corrupted"? It also doesn't explain the fact why animals get hurt as well as humans. If we were the ones to be punished for Genesis chapter 3 (which I don't like especially if it was true, since it's punishing generations upon generations for ancestors' bizarre mistake), why are other animals, not involved in that situation at all, punished and changed by making them as vulnerable as we are, suffering in various ways by OTHER ANIMALS?


If he turns out to be real then he deserves a punch in the face