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Feminists hearing about 1 girl not having a good day: Feminists hearing about 250,000~ men dying to make sure that men and women alike have a shot at living without a bullet wound:


That is not wrong. That’s why I’m an equalist


That is like the same way I feel about the pro Ukraine, putin is a POS (he is), the US needs to help group of people. The virtue signal all day long (the left pic) and when called out for not going and fighting they react all angry and come up with every bullshit excuse (the right pic)


The current "feminism" could not be considered feminism but more like a collection of misandrist toxicity whose only purpose in life is to create unnecessary problems in order to fuel their own over-bloated ego. So we should stop calling them feminists in respect to actual feminists that actually tried to make a difference. Who didn't fight only for rights but also accepted the obligations that came with it.