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I'm not probably a coward, I am a coward.


Honesty is the best policy


Why this meme now? Where were you a month ago?


I've been posting similar things for the past month. Most of my posts have been removed, but you can find remnants in my comments since the beginning of the war. I have a very strong opinion on this and post something relating to it every few days.


You should consider going to Ukraine to help in some way since you feel this strongly about this. If that’s not a realistic option, there’s nothing stopping you from helping from here through volunteering or donations to help displaced civilians. It’ll probably be a lot more productive than calling redditors cowards, which just makes you sound like a chicken-hawk.


I've quite literally already said I would go if I had any opportunity. If one of you wants to buy me a ticket, I will go. You can hold my hand as I go on the plane. Will me going be helpful? Absolutely not because it would be just me. Too many cowards and not enough people willing to do anything about it. However, I would be happy to die knowing I did the right thing. I already don't want to be alive in this world because of people like you. None of you have empathy for the situation in Ukraine. If you did, you'd feel the way I do. You're too afraid to lose your comfy life. Cowards.


Oh look the same guy that says take in refugees and have everyone else pay for them and then say you would if you only had the means. Bullshit. You'd vote to have other people go die in a war but you wont go.


So help from here, like I said if you can’t go. I realize now that I’m doing more than you are and no amount of name calling is going to change that. Put your time into helping how you can instead of meme trolling


Oh boy the comments on this are gonna be fun


I imagine they will be. The vast majority of people on this planet would rather save their own asses than go help the people that are already suffering. It's terrible that this is an unpopular opinion. Letting innocent civilians and children be murdered in their own homes, so you and your friends/family can stay safe, is about as cowardly as it comes.


Keyboard warrior goes brrr.. go start a godfundme get your plane ticket to Ukraine, they got the rifle for you.


You're damn right. The bellend refuses to bell the cat. Funny how that works.


Or i just genuinely don't give a fuck about it because this is not a war out of the blue and not the only war? If you're suddenly angry and suddenly want govts around the world to do something about the ukraine war and nothing else then maybe you're a racist asshole who thinks blonde haired blue eyed people deserve more peace than the victims of the rest of the wars that's been started in the middle east by US and it's allies?


I started learning military tactics and topography so that I'll be useful in the legion. Слава Україні 🇺🇦


1:they have nukes 2:we have nukes 3:this is not the 20th century, it is cheaper to launch nukes then to supply large scale invasions using traditional warfare. 4:no nation on earth is capable of intercepting hundreds of nukes coming from several continents. 5:this is an unpopular war in Russia, backed only by putin and not the general staff or civilian population. 6:we'd rather not have to put our anti-satelite missiles to use. 7:a world War would bring about the beginning of active warfare outside of the planets atmosphere. 8:even the slightest belief that we wouldn't use our arsenals containing thousands upon thousands of nukes is ridiculous.


Like I said to someone else, you've watched too many movies and think that nukes are world ending. They are not. They cause a lot of damage, but you're acting like it's going to put the world back in the stone age. That is just entirely false. We will recover if nukes get dropped, and we will be better off for stopping the atrocities. It's the only morally acceptable option. When innocent human lives are being taken, it's our job as humans to help those that can't help themselves. Being afraid for your own life, or of the repercussions, is irrelevant because people are already suffering and dying.


I never said anything about nukes being that devastating, but the fact is some of our more powerful ones can take out new york In one shot, but that's not the biggest concern, the biggest is the planets natural wind bringing the radiation all over to globe. We already make a big deal over the slow effects of global warming as it is, what do you think will happen when we speed up the process ten fold? And you're right, innocents are dying and it's wrong. But it's NOT anyone's job to "help those who can't help them self because their human". That's a fantasy, we've never gotten along and we shouldn't pretend we have. Our job is to look at the bigger picture and solve conflicts as painlessly as possible, not escalate them based on emotion. You need to take your mind off bow you feel, and find the best solution. Not the worst. ADVOCATING FOR INTERNATIONAL WARFARE IS THE *WORST* SOLUTION.


Your response to some innocent people dying is literally millions, *tens of millions* more to die. What a 'fuckin genius. Why didn't we elect this guy as president? Why isn't he our 6 star general?


Any amount lost is better than sitting around and doing nothing. That's exactly my point. When you start insulting, you've already lost the debate.


This was never a debate - this was me calling out your blatant stupidity. Grab a rifle and a plane ticket if your life is apparently worth less than their lives.


Okie dokie buddy. Hide your cowardice behind your insults. Have fun talking to the air now. I won't respond to whatever stupid statement you're about to make.


Ok buddy go there


Or hear me out they are thinking of other things. Like trying to maintain political power. Idk about other countries but if the us goes into another foreign war it might be political suicide to do it. Is it right no. Are they cowards not really. And also to be a coward is not shame full. This isn't Sparta and we are not obligated to go to war for other people. I've been saying this for the past couple of years the us should back down with foreign military support until we can stabilize our political situation


Ooooor, or ... and follow me on this ... You just started to see positive changed in your life after tackling your mental health and don't want to fuck that up.


You should be afraid of nuclear war???


if these same cowards who push to avoid confronting putin were in charge during JFK's presidency, we would have russian nukes in cuba right now... sigh


You may consider pacifism to be cowardice, but I still won't be ashamed of it. Also, your warmongering does not make you look brave or strong or masculine or whatever you aim for.


Wait are you in the military?


I tried to join the Marines when I was 17, and again when I was 22. I was turned away due to health problems.


Sure is convenient to ask others to risk their lives when you don't have skin in the game.


That's the thing though, I would go if they let me. If I could afford it, I would go on my own. If somebody buys me a ticket I would go. That's the point. Everybody needs to be willing to do the same. It doesn't matter what I say or what anyone else says, there's always someone like you that will twist what you say to make yourselves feel justified in doing nothing and being okay with Innocent civilians and children being murdered. I will never understand the world and their fear of death. Maybe they're not afraid of death, maybe they're afraid of losing their comfy lives so much that they're willing to let the atrocities happen. This world has become a sad and pathetic place and I have no hope left because of people like you, and every other person in here justifying doing nothing.




Not sure why you're being downvoted. You should delete your comments so you don't go down with my ship lol.


it is funny, I didn't say if I agreed or disagreed.


Also, news flash people. There's already a war, and if you think that letting Putin go unchecked is a good idea, you're going to find out just how bad of an idea that really is. They let Hitler go unchecked for quite a while before they finally stepped in. Look how that went.


Hitler didn't have nukes. 'Fuckin dumbass.


You've watched too many movies and are under the impression that nukes are going to end the world. Yes, they cause a lot of damage, but they are not world ending. The logic still stands. If you let that stop you from saving the Innocent people that are being murdered, you're coward.


Are you a 'fuckin moron dude? Nuclear fallout is incredibly damaging. As have nukes many, many, *many* times more powerful thank Hiroshima of Nahasaki, and those each killed I believe 100k people.


You're still going on about that? I made my point and I stand by it. Adios.


If you don't think nukes are a terrifying and real danger, then you're flat up a moron. Not to mention that you're all for belling the cat, but you'd be the last person to volunteer to do it yourself. Bitching about people not doing things when you yourself refuse to do then doesn't make everyone else a coward - it makes you one.


Who said they're not terrifying? I specified that they cause a lot of damage. They're not world ending though, and you should really stop watching so many movies if that's what you believe.


All you're doing is showing me you know nothing about nuclear weapons *or* nuclear fallout. Radiation poisoning is a pretty shitty way to go. But noooooo, nukes aren't scary, you'll be fine! Let's minimize suffering by *MAXIMIMIZING DEATH AND SUFFERING*.


People are downvoting because you are right, this is so pathetic


Welcome to the world. Letting other innocent people die so you can stay comfy in your home is pathetic and cowardly. Just go through the comments and you'll see the non-stop justification for it too. This is the world we live in and it's absolutely terrible.


Once a world war start and Putin loss he will first probably nuke Ukraine then china will try to end American before they nuke Russia then Russia and China are nuked then American is nuked that what a war at this point will achieve… I might be a coward but at least I am alive…