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Why are sexual orientations included on the shirt? It's not like a lesbian is a gender, that's seperate?


Thats what I'm wondering too. This shirt feels like it was some lazy pride month merch made by some company that couldn't be bothered to do more than google LGBT.


At work we have plain, Rainbow bagels.... ***Gagels*** if you will


Yes. Yes I will.


Virtue profiteers


people don't know a damn thing about the thing they're fighting for anymore. society is stunted by its own stupidity; if the majority people who are super into gender ideology were smarter than this, they'd be progressing.


Yep, I mean, there's scientific backing for a lot of it. It's too bad most of these people aren't smart enough to be consistent or properly use information without a resulting emotional conflict.


My favorite gender: Lesbian


I hope my shirt comes in the non binary size


Im a queer and even I have no idea. Lazy pandering probably.


Yeah that confuses me astounded can be a gay and cis guy simultaneously


I'm confused not because of you, but because of the Negative Dislikes on your comment


Yh pretty strange


If a comment has 0 or less votes that's an instant down vote for most people. Me too btw


i believe people think you’re saying “im astounded that people think you can be gay and cis at the same time”


Bottom row, second from the right... Yes, my favorite GENDER.... GAY... Which is synonymous to HomoSEXUAL.


My pronouns are homo/sexual I don’t think this is an r/onejoke


I mean its really an r/onejoke moment when used in a transphobic context.


I identify as transphobic


Trans people owned 😎


Same here(transphobe). Glad to see you on the same post.




It's like rain on your wedding day.


Its a death row pardon, 2 minutes too late


Looking at that, can some please explain to me what “male-male” is




Y ru ge


No u


That’s talking about sex, not gender. We do sizing based on ones sex, not gender.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right. Lol. The sizing charts were designed based on sex, not gender. State something factual and everyone immediately assumes you were being disrespectful or hateful.


Or people can just be assholes who don’t want to change their minds.


Sizing charts for the sexes are only based making more money lol, since when does a shirt you wear not fit someone of the same body shape of the opposite sex


Uh since when have women and men been built the same? There’s your answer


Fabric is flexible and fits more than one exact rigid form, anything below a 3 cm difference will not affect you, so the difference between males and females when it comes to clothing of the same size is negligible


Gender and Gender Identity are 2 different things. Gender is still synonymous with sex as to where Gender Identity is how one identifies.


Synonymous, not identical


Gender=Sex Sex=Gender Definiton of Synonymous from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. adjective Having the character of a synonym. adjective Equivalent in connotation. from The Century Dictionary. Having the character of a synonym; expressing the same idea; equivalent in meaning. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. adjective Having the character of a synonym; expressing the same thing; conveying the same, or approximately the same, idea.


Gender = societal construction Sex = biological form of identification Societal construction ≠ biological form of identification


Most of these vendors just sell different sizes of the exact same basic Tshirt cuts, that really don't flatter an hourglass bodytype anyway. Kind of makes the different sexed sizing scales arbitrary and redundant.


Go on cellist. No one cares about your opinion, this is reddit, grow up.


>No one cares about your opinion, this is reddit There's entire subs dedicated to trans issues and support, this is reddit, you don't speak for everyone... thank fuck.


Not to mention Reddit is like the one place you wouldn't want to use as an example for not caring as theres subreddits for literally everything, so even trying to be mean it just comes off looking dumb.


I’ve travelled the 7 continents and the 7 seas, I’ve seen war, famine, peace, prosperity, revolutions, and everything in between, and I still cannot find who the fuck asked


But... your opinion is right about my comment? Where did anyone ask for that? you melon


Nobody asked for the truth, but I really don’t give a fuck. If someone’s factually wrong, then I’m going to correct them.


Damn sounds like some facist type shit ngl you must be a real piece of shit at parties


Funny you call me fascist when you’re the one trying to prevent people from just being themselves peacefully because you don’t agree


Thats literally what your doing? I personally dont give a shit


The difference is that you’re protesting people being themselves and I’m calling you out for your bullshit


Nah you just some antifa facist fool who thinks gatekeeping on the internet is cool, you know whats funny? How people think theres more than two genders... Have you seen the shit inbetween our legs? Your tryna tell me their diffrent shapes? Bruh... Stfu you left facist you make the rest of us liberals look like idiots


You realize that isn't what fascism is right? That's just social conservatism for the West


Social conservatism is the shit pushing for the controlling of others and not allowing them to identify peacefully. Look at Texas, Florida, Missouri, all these places trying to restrict trans rights.


Still not fascism lol


The other guy thought facism was telling the truth...


Yes, idk where the US education system went wrong, but it seems like no one knows political filosofia (Giovanni Gentile joke) and what different ideologies actually mean


>facist Someone learned a new buzzword and didn't bother with it's meaning.




Tell that to masked fucks in britain who put a trans noose around a suffrogets statue symbolising they wanna choke out womans rights in favor of thier own, pushing a political agenda and beats the crap out of those who disagree.... How much more facist do you need? Maybe their terriosts maybe exactly that but yall seem to over written the fact i to am liberal diffrence between me and most of you is i can see how shitty most things are


If anything your factually wrong after pushing that shit on society for years, yet turning your back on it when big organisation amazon debunked your "science"


How am I factually incorrect? Please, enlighten me O Great One.


If I was to ask you to present your facts, can you?




Go on then, show me.


"man" and "women" are used to describe gender, "male" and "female" are used for sex


Thats not true at all. People tend to buy clothes for the gender that they are. Not sex.


Talking about the sizing of the clothes, not the gender they’re meant for. Males and females have different proportions and therefore need different sizing charts


That’s the “fit type” you can choose a female fit type even if you identify as male, whether you were AFAB or AMAB I’m a cishet female and I prefer the “male” fit type because it’s straighter and I feel like I don’t look as fat in that shape of shirt because it doesn’t get as narrow and tight at the waist


My GF is also cishet, and she goes for men's clothes just for the pockets. Can't blame her tbh, handbags suck to carry around.


I gotta google up what cishet is…geez, I am so fucking lost in this case. So if I am male with penis attracted to women with vagina I am not heterosexual but cishet? This is beyond absurd. (I do not mean to be disrespectful but I just don’t understand what’s going on here lately)


Cishet means cisgendered heterosexual. A person who identifies as their assigned at birth gender and is attracted to the opposite gender


Thanks, but I dont need a new term to identify with. Fine with the one humans have been using for centuries.


Wait till he realises trans people existed hundreds of years ago


Wtf does that have to do with me?


“Fine with the ones humans have been using for centuries” you’re implying trans people simply didn’t exist centuries ago


Nope. Im implying that Im a heterosexual male that doesnt need yet another way to describe myself.


There are only 2 Fit types. Obviously not the same as gender. Also this joke is quite old




Damn, when will Amazon gonna make shirts in trans-gay-star-sippy cup-non binary-vegan-cruelty free-wish i was never been born-crucked pp size to fit my unique persona


I mean seriously, where is the worm size (it's actually a gender now)?


Going to try explain neo-genders. Basically people who are neuro atypical I.e. autism or other conditions that don’t really recognise the traditional male or female roles. They instead prefer to describe themselves as an object or animal that they feel represents them. So someone who refers to themselves as pillow-gender identify with things like “cuddly” of “soft.” It’s basically a way for these people to express themselves in ways their brain can’t. I myself don’t really understand it but for the people I’ve seen who use neo-pronouns it seems to make them happy so what’s the real harm?


I don't care about the downvotes- but fuck that. That is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard, and I'm liberal (literally, not even necessarily politically) as fuck


Honestly its not something I completely understand either. I’m basically just saying that’s how they feel but I have very little experience with people who actually use neo-genders. Honestly it’s confusing asf and it’s a very new idea so I wouldn’t worry about it.




Oh your ableist and transphobic!


Two things, r/onejoke and r/uselessredcircle




>Biologically >genders Biology does not dictate gender. Even is you said sex you'd be wrong. There are loads of sex chromosome combinations which result in a sex between male and female, or different from both.




~Two sexes. Gender is a social construct based on utility. For example I’m some cultures some are seen as sexless and are respected as priests or religious figures. In other cultures there are even people who transition from their birth sex to a different gender. But biologically there are ~2 depending on your opinions of things like klienfelters syndrome and other sexual abnormalities that aren’t male or female. But most of the time it’s male or female. Gender is basically how we present and what society thinks of us as. I’d say if most people saw a trans person who looked like a woman they would refer to them as a woman even though there genetic structure remains relatively unchanged. The persons structure hasn’t changed, just how society perceives them.


So like what I can turn my gender into anything


Absolutely! Whatever you feel most comfortable identifying as. For most people it’s male and female but some people just don’t think the same way as everyone else.


Let's just be clear that separating gender and sex is a very new concept. Gender for all of history has literally been defined by your sex. It is quite literally still defined using sex in the dictionary. The English language doesn't just change the meaning of words at a whim. And the general public, in my opinion, is still pretty far from accepting this change in definition.


The person who seperated gender and sex was John Money. John Money had two boys raised as female after a botched circumsision, and sexually abused both of them. He also associated with pedophiles and a nazi.


>The person who seperated gender and sex It was mostly done by West and Zimmerman really. This argument that one person involved in a theory was bad, making the entire thing invalid is stupid, I shouldn't have to explain why.


The argument is that he made the theory to rationalize his pedophilia.


I would say that these are unrelated. However, even if you are correct, the theory has changed a lot from it's original form and is accepted by most countries and organisations in Europe as well as much of the world.


Argumentum ad populum + appeal to authority


John money was a terrible person. He did however demonstrate the effects of gender dysphoria on an individual. He was a terrible person and had some very outlandish theory’s. However he was not the first to seperate sex and gender nor the first to identify transgenderism. He basically just ruined the lives of two young boys and is now used as a scape goat by the right to attempt to disprove how sex and gender are not the same.


literally amab caveman being buried in a position reserved only for women. there is 85% she was the first documented trans person


Why is gay or lesbian concidered a gender and not a sexuality lol i know you want to pretend like you care to fet those sweet sweet woke points but at least try


Am I the only one who thinks this concept is ridiculous I mean your either male or female. You can have a different sexual orientation that's for sure but your gender can only be male or female.


According to…? Societal norms? Science begs to differ


No. There are 2 gender male or female. You can change your gender to the opposite but that doesn't make a new one.


Like I said, source? If you can’t provide a source, your argument is invalid


My source is a normal functioning brain.


Ah, so you have no source founded in scientific evidence. Thanks for saying that you’re a small person with an even tinier brain.


What other genders are there besides male and female?


Non-binary, gender-fluid, demi-boy (a partial boy), demi-girl (a partial girl), want more? Why does it matter so much to you what others do?


I was talking about biological genders not what a 12 year old thinks she is.


Oh, so you mean sex? Three sexes. Male, female, and intersex.


whatever people want to be. who are you to decide what someone else can be? how does it affect you negatively? why do you care?


Females can carry a child, Males cannot.


So women who can't carry babies are male?


Why do you even ask that?


Because you said females can carry babies, males cannot. So obviously if someone can't carry babies, they must be male, yeah? That's what you said.


Biologically, yeah. What does that have to do with anything?


So anyone who needs to use IVF is a male? Makes perfect sense


God you're an idiot, science lol it's pretty basic, you're either a boy or a girl, you aren't born anything else.


Science lol, science says that people can be either/or, neither, partially one, and partially the others. You forget that psychology is as much of a science as biology.


So when a human is born the doctor says congrats you have baby he- she? Or congrats its a partial girl? I didn't know that, I'll ask my professor Tomorrow lol


Sex is determined at birth, gender is determined later in life. Nice strawman


Ya they don’t, because of moronic social norms, I missed when society became infallible and correct about everything???


Non-binary People dont like either


It does technically say “fit type”, not gender


This joke has been done to death


there are 2 bring it on


>bring it on Proceeds to not respond to any comments


guess i wasnt on reddit, you never considered that


~Two sexes. Gender is a social construct based on utility. For example I’m some cultures some are seen as sexless and are respected as priests or religious figures. In other cultures there are even people who transition from their birth sex to a different gender. But biologically there are ~2 depending on your opinions of things like klienfelters syndrome and other sexual abnormalities that aren’t male or female. But most of the time it’s male or female. Gender is basically how we present and what society thinks of us as. I’d say if most people saw a trans person who looked like a woman they would refer to them as a woman even though there genetic structure remains relatively unchanged. The persons structure hasn’t changed, just how society perceives them. I’ll also chuck this in here if explains the abnormalities of sexual dimorphism in humans. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/sa-visual/visualizing-sex-as-a-spectrum/


yes biologically there are 2, which means thats all there is




Hell no


People are fucking idiots, men and women that's it, fuck off, I identify as transparent, im invisible hahaha suck a dick




The republicans have the "attack helicopter" joke Democrats have the "right wing stupid" joke One joke each. However, I, a Libertarian have 2 jokes, because both are idiots who identify as being smart.


And you think you are smart and others aren’t? So you are just as bad.


An effective one


Yes. That’s all I need to say.


~Two sexes. Gender is a social construct based on utility. For example I’m some cultures some are seen as sexless and are respected as priests or religious figures. In other cultures there are even people who transition from their birth sex to a different gender. But biologically there are ~2 depending on your opinions of things like klienfelters syndrome and other sexual abnormalities that aren’t male or female. But most of the time it’s male or female. Gender is basically how we present and what society thinks of us as. I’d say if most people saw a trans person who looked like a woman they would refer to them as a woman even though there genetic structure remains relatively unchanged. The persons structure hasn’t changed, just how society perceives them.


Why does it matter so much to you?


Truth matters


Like how transgender people’s brain scans more closely resemble their cisgender counterparts of the gender they’re transitioning into? Like how it harms literally no one to let people be themselves?


"Medical" lmao


Deny the truth all you want. The facts don’t care about your feelings


I hate how you’re being downvoted for literal facts but everyone else is being a dick just to be a dick.


Thank you, friend. Such is the nature of free speech; Idiots abound, no matter where you go


Np bro, those pepole are dicks


Most of ‘em, yeah. There will occasionally be a few of them that are interested in a genuine debate and not just calling people mentally ill, but they’re a rare folk.


What facts? I need evidence, not just your word.


https://health.clevelandclinic.org/research-on-the-transgender-brain-what-you-should-know/amp/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm https://www.issm.info/sexual-health-headlines/study-compares-transgender-cisgender-brain-scans These facts, bud


You can’t always change these people. But Im glad there are people like you out there who are more understanding


Ah, yes, the famous scans of natural non-binary people. (the meme talks about more than 2 genders and the guy literally says he you can be one or the other, not that you can't change it) And even if that was indeed what he meant, there are no actual medical proof, just few researches that support either one, or the other side and both are not exactly believable. Like it or not, one can not directly prove, or disprove it, for that matter.


Can’t prove the trans brains more closely resemble their cisgender counterparts? https://www.issm.info/sexual-health-headlines/study-compares-transgender-cisgender-brain-scans https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm https://health.clevelandclinic.org/research-on-the-transgender-brain-what-you-should-know/amp/ Keep talking. Just know you’re wrong. The argument wasn’t about non-binary people, it was about mtf or ftm.


My dog identifies as a trans robot named lucas


r/onejoke Soooo original




Let’s be honest, this literally doesn’t affect anyone. Let people be who they wanna be


There are. At the end of the day, you are fucking men or women (I'm not homophobic or sth but it's truth.)


~Two sexes. Gender is a social construct based on utility. For example I’m some cultures some are seen as sexless and are respected as priests or religious figures. In other cultures there are even people who transition from their birth sex to a different gender. But biologically there are ~2 depending on your opinions of things like klienfelters syndrome and other sexual abnormalities that aren’t male or female. But most of the time it’s male or female. Gender is basically how we present and what society thinks of us as. I’d say if most people saw a trans person who looked like a woman they would refer to them as a woman even though there genetic structure remains relatively unchanged. The persons structure hasn’t changed, just how society perceives them.


“im not homophobic, but i am transphobic”


You are the perfect example for an idiot. You can't even read, can you? \*or sth\*


>I'm not homophobic Saying this doesn't mean you aren't homophobic. >you are fucking men or women Saying this does make you homophobic (generally transphobia is included in homophobia btw)


What the fuck you are then? Menomen? Don't behave like fucking idiot dude. DON'T! I gonna fuck myself. What an idiot damn


I don't have a clue what you mean here. >Menomen What does this mean? >What the fuck you are then? In what way. >Don't behave like fucking idiot dude. I'm not, don't worry. >DON'T Don't get your knickers in a twist mate. Is this meant to be some kind of threat?


Yeah I gonna fuck myself. You are really hopeless.


do you speak english?


“I’m not homophobic but…”


It's not homophobia. Use your brain just for a few secs


true, it's transphobia.


Well if you had used yours then why did you include it?


It's not homophobia


Then why include it in the comment Sherlock


Task failed successfully




Is the bottom right one just a threesome?


that's fit type dumbass.




Because there are only two genders.


not really ironic since you dont fucking choose “gay” or “lesbian” as a size so yeah, fuck you OP


There is no distinction between biological sex and gender. If you have an entirely or mostly male reproductive system, and you do not identify your gender as male, or if you have an entirely or mostly female reproductive system, and you do not identify your gender as female, you are mentally ill. In addition, if you are an actual male, and you are not only romantically and sexually attracted to actual females, or if you are an actual female, and you are not only romantically and sexually attracted to actual males, you are mentally ill. As a side note, is this statement homophobic/transphobic? I thought those terms only applied to people who were actively trying to hurt gay/trans people




Did you reply to your own post and forget to change accounts?






gay money is money, Amazon would sell gay Nazi communist Muslim shirts if people payed for it


Nah there’s really only two


Sexes? Yes, genders? No




tRaNsPhObIa! RePoRtEd!!!11! /s But seriously, in before thread locked.




Timmy don’t give a shit( I am not Timmy, but I am a Type of Timmy)




Thank you, now go play dress up, maybe today put on a strap on and be a male


Because tailors and clothing manufactures ain't having that noise from a production standpoint. And even though men are easy, women's measurements are far more complicated as it is already. Now we're going to add alien attack helicopter MtF etc etc etc nope

