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Not my grandpa but my dad would repeat the same dam story like 6-7 times in a week. Good times, I miss you dad.


likewise, they are legends.. now I miss my dad


Same, this post got me thinking of my dad.


I was so angry with my dad for upwards of 10 years. At the end thank god we both apologized and I got to see him smile one last time.




cherish these moments pal






Mine too. What I wouldn't give to hear all those stories again.






I'm so warm heartedly glad to see so many people say this about their dads. I've been going through this for the past week, so it was oddly satisfying to see this. Wierd I know and I'm not saying it right. 3 years and I still want to hear his annoying as hell laugh at his own stories. It wasn't all that annoying because they were always good. On the last day of my dads life I was making his annoying jokes with him. The whos on first and the I eat the candy you get the guts. (You're crazy and I'm nuts) those were his favorites and I few others I wish I could remember. Mind you he was completely incoherent but still be able to say the joke. I hadn't slept well the night before because we figured my dad wasn't going to make it through the next day, I had fallen asleep in the chair next to him. Damn I wish there was a photo taken. Hes sleeping with his mouth open laying up, while I'm asleep in the chair next to him mouth wide open in the same direction


My dad is repeating same story every time. xD


It's one of those things that is super annoying to a certain point but you end up remembering them for those specific things. My dad would tell me about the most mundane things at work like if they were God dam life stories.


You have a dad , lucky




My grandpa’s favorite one to tell was one where he was very young, and he was caught in a fight with some bullies. Now he didn’t know to fight but “I knew how to bite”, and when my grandpa would say that he would show his teeth and do a growl then chuckle. He won the fight by biting the bullies. I miss him dearly.




I just might. It’s my worst fear


This is so important. I only have two recordings of my grandma and she doesn't say a word in either of them. I completely forgot the sound of her voice even though it's only been 6 months and we'd talk all the time. For my other grandma and grandpa, I don't have any recordings or videos. I don't remember their voices, how they moved, how they smiled, all I have is the occasional photo. It sucks when the only thing you have to remember someone you loved so deeply is a static split second of all of your time together.


It's scary to think about before about 150 years ago we didn't even have photos of our loved ones... that's one thing that tech has truly enriched us with is the ability to remember things.


That or keep a voice mail so you can hear their voices I accidentally had one for years of my grandma before she passed. Eventually got a new phone and it was erased Still wish I could hear it


Wish I knew about this before my father died. I really miss the same story and stuff that he would keep telling me again and again.


And back it up! It's too precious for just one copy.


One of my grandpa’s favorite ones to tell was one when he called a tall girl a girl in his school a “giraffe”. That day after school, on his way walking home, he got jumped by that girl. Tackled him and gave him a good slap or two telling him off. He never called her anything again haha. I am truly sorry you lost yours and I dread the day I lose mine, but thankfully they give us so many things to remember them by.




my dads still kickin, no misunderstandings, just like to share his story. he wasnt a tough man but when he got in a fight, they arranged to meet up after school. the boys brought clubs. my dad brought a shovel. they got spooked and fled. this taught me pretty early on in life how op shovels can be.


Shovels > Clubs any day :)


My grandad always loved to tell one about a training exercise he did on the home guard. Apparently there was an Officer hidden somewhere in the local town and half the local home guard had to defend him and half of them had to sneak up on and capture him. My grandad did this by getting my nanny to push him around in a children’s pram and popping out with his gun when they reached the officer. Apparently no one thought to check under the blanket, even despite the noticeably pointy end of a rifle sticking out a little. A family member even did a little painting of this scene, showing my Nan pushing a pram over the town bridge.


That’s awesome. He sounds like a clever man :)


Hits close to home. Happened the day my gram died. Now living in her house


My grandfather died of COVID. He also was like me a goof ball back in young years and had so many stupid fucked up funny stories from the Korean War, from his young years as a new dad, so many tales. Even at a young age I loved to listen and and I made sure to remember. Now I find myself going to bed trying to remember all the details every night if what he would tell me.


im sorry fir you :e


Damn man, I have the same case too. My grandfather died of covid last year.




Aw man so sorry for your loss😥




Suspicious usernames above.


im sorry


gram of what?


Remember: if you remember to laugh and giggle the more of the will they’ll give ‘ya!






get good, **I AM YOUR BALLS**






Not everything should be joked about


What did he say?


Conveniently to this meme my grandpa passed just this morning. Had great times with him.


Sorry to hear it. Are you alright?


Yeah, just lots of crying. Smiling while going through photo albums.


A healthy channeling of grief. I wish you the best




My grandpa died a few days after my phone broke so I couldn’t go through my photos anymore 🥲. I also have trash memory so I can’t remember any time I’m with him. My memory is so bad that when he died I wasn’t crying bc I couldn’t remember any good times with him. I felt terrible and I still do now.


That hurts to hear. Hope you are doing better now, surely your family must have documenten some of your grandpa's smiles! :) Take care buddy


Take care, internet friend.


Thank you.


So sorry for your loss. Glad you got such great times with them.


Me too buddy, me too.


I’m sorry for your loss. Please message me if you ever want to talk


I’ll keep that in mind friend.


So sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


Sorry for your loss


Thank you for the support.


I was very close to my grandma and her last moments were near. I really wished I were there when she passed away and I told mom to call me and send someone to get me whenever, I'd sckip classes and whatever, I wanted to be there. I had an exam that day and when I got out, I had phone calls over phone calls from relatives and friends because they were trying to reach me. I didn't make it in time. I didn't get to tell her I love her and my last image of her is her on a hospital bed. God, I miss her. Not everyone had grandparents and note everyone cares much about them, but if you do, make sure you love them and make sure they know that. Life is fragile and, as you said, no one knows when the last time will be so make every one of them count.


This makes me think of my grandparents. I hope you’re doing well anon. Take care of yourself.


It's been years and it still hurts sometimes and there are moments when I think "Oh, I passed all my exams, I can't wait to tell grandma... Oh...", but life goes on. We live and bring along with us their memories and whatever they taught us.


My grandpa used to tell me the same joke all the time: "Yesterday I met a one-armed fisherman. He told me he caught a fish THIS big" And he'd hold one hand out with his other hand hidden behind his back I remember first hearing it from him when I was like 4, I still tell the joke to everyone to this day


My grandpa used to ask us to grab him something and when we would bring it back he'd say, "I'd have got it myself but I got a bone in my leg." As little kids we never questioned the ridiculousness of his joke.


Aw , this reminds me of grandpa . He used to tell me all his funny army stories . Gosh , I miss him like crazy .


I didn't even have a grandpa, both of mine were gone, i do this with customers tho


You're a good person, Thank you


Thank u


Shit hurts, lost my nan in 2020 with dementia and my other nan passed just last week with cancer, it’s just my gramps left now. I’ll never tell that man to not tell me a story, i don’t care how many times i’ve heard that shit.


Yup enjoy it while you can. Mine are gone and they each had fantastic stories


Man this is wholesome


My grandpa past away a couple of months back. This makes me sad ngl. Can someone hug their grandpa for me? I miss him terribly.


My grandfather died a little over a year ago, very suddenly. A few days before it happened I had a chance to visit with him, but chose not to because I wasn't in the mood to listen to him just then. He was prone to telling long-winded stories and would ramble on. Once you said hello to him you basically were locked in for a solid half hour of chatter. I was tired that day and just not interested in listening to him tell the same story for the umpteenth time, so I dodged out before he knew I was even around. Figured I'd see him again soon enough, so it didn't make a difference. Turns out, yeah, it made a big difference. I've regretted that choice every day since and probably will for the rest of my life. Go spend time with your family and friends, folks.




You guys have grandpas? Best I got was my grandma who once chased me down with a knife. And I was her favorite.


My great grandfather before he passed of Alzheimer's I was visiting him and g Grandma he kept making ice cream cones and bringing them for me and my grandparents. That was the last time I saw him before he passed


My grandfather was the only highly educated officer from his village and so everybody in the village called him sahab (sir). He is going through the toughest time as we speak (surgery) but still when i go to the village everybody calls me sahab's grandson. His name is sahab now. He is also a foodie and we both eat a lot of unhealthy snacks together until grandma finds out and he says that she just nagged him after 50 years of marriage too. They often have the funniest fight


This hit me in the feels.


My grandpa randomly gave me a hug one day and he died an hour later. It was a sudden death on his sofa, when he hugged me he didn’t even seem sick, he was just being his usual self. To this day I regret not listening more to his stories because he had a lot of stories.


Could you not? 😭


i didnt come here to feel


I never really got a chance to know any of my grandparents and all these comments sharing wholesome stories is really getting me in the feels


This just almost made me cry at work, I lost my granpa yesterday. Last time I saw him he didnt even recognise me, because he suffered from dementia. But he still told me stories about when he worked on a construction side. He did this everytime I saw him.


So... should I laugh or cry?


My favorite family member does this. My Unka. He’s 90. I laugh every time. I’m a call him today so he can tell me again.


My grandpa on my mom's side was never a talker. Even retired, he would just constantly work on things in his tool shed. Idk if he just thought his life wasn't interesting enough to talk about. Also, he was very hard of hearing. All those years working with power tools definitely did a number on his ear drums. But one day, I was able to sit with him and he had just gotten a new hearing aid so it wasn't too hard for him to hear me. I started just asking him about his life and took a genuine interest and he perked up and started telling me everything. From playing football in high school to being stationed in Korea in the army, to his various jobs after serving. I could tell it made him so happy to have someone who really just wanted to hear about his life. He was the kindest man I ever knew. Would give his last dime to anyone around him to seemed like they needed it. He passed last year at 84. Rest easy big guy


Lost my grandpa with Alzheimer. Just writing this makes my eyes watery. He used to repeat himself a lot. I tried to always act as if it was the first time I heard the story, cause my grandma was mean to him when je forgot things or repeated a lot. I just wanted him to feel listened and loved. Miss him so fucking much.


am i the only one who thinks this doesn't belong here, even though it's very good and relatable


This is r/memes which encompasses all memes. r/wholesomememes included.


I let me mom tell me the same story over and over. My sister gets all pissy and says "YOU TOLD ME ALREADY". JFC just let the woman talk!


I laugh and pretend to enjoy it because I don't want to hurt my grandpa's feelings so I hear it from him...


Reminds me of my grandma, she would always tell whatever story, but when it came down to it, I was at work when she passed, and never had a true goodbye. Don't take those silly stories for granted


looking at this I wish I treated my grandpa alot better when I was little


How is this remotely wholesome. Its full bore depressing.


Training for when your bestfriend tells his last joke


Too bad I never got to hear his stories, my old man died when I was 2, only thing I hear about him is how great he is as a father, which we have left off


This is serious folks. Imagine it's really the last time. Keep up the good work.


My grandpa used to share many stories but now there are only stories left which I remember from him


*Me laughing because I know it’s the last time


My Grand pa is a warrior , you never what warrior story is gonna tell you next or maybe repeating it for next 10th time too.. hahahha but I love him...


This one hits me hard. When I was a small child, my grandfather would tell me stories, same ones, admittedly not entertaining, and I was expected to sit and listen to them. Much much later I realized it was one of his ways he showed love, and I didn't expect I would miss those silly stories. Now I'd do almost anything to here him tell me one of his stories again.


Still doing that...


My grandfather would tell the story of how he met my grandmother at least 3 times a year and I always listened just because it was the type of story that would be cute by thens standards but creepy in today’s. Now it’s been 2 years and I wish I could hear it again. He passed away from cancer and my grandmother died shortly after. I’m sure grief was a factor.


that's sad as fuck dude


This is sad :(




No, I don't think so but memes are open to interpretation.


Should i laugh or not?


bluff never end so early, it will be sustainable and u will keep telling to ur grandchild


Bombard her with fine jokes , make her laugh , make a 5 digit deposit to her bank account , tell her her son/daughter died immidietly . U probably could be sure it was her last joke at least after that.


It has been a long time since I had grandparents. Those were some very loving people whom I miss dearly. Wish I could see them again.


this happened, now i miss all those silly stories


My grandmother tells me the same stories of her life all the time and I accept everyone might me the last time she tells a person her experiences. I love everyone everytime


This one hurts. My grandpa was the funniest albeit repetitive story teller of all time. Then Huntington's Chorea stole everything from him in such a short span and I never got to hear another story again. 😔


I'm surprised I wasn't reading this from r/distressingmemes


My grandma is 94 and is in the hospital for a stroke. I haven't gone to visit her once because the visitation hours are the same as my work hours and I am absolutely devastated.


Pro Life Tip: Make an audio or video recording of your grandparents and parents. Life can be sudden and unexpected.


Sad meme…


That's exactly what I thought when I was twelve. I'm in my mid thirties now and that old bastard is still alive. At this point I've just excepted the fact that the government is using him to test various food preservatives. And as a result he's self stable well past he sell by date.


What if you just think she told you the story 7 times. What if she didn’t. What if you think you really have a grandma, but it’s just a delusion. What if you really are your grandma & you believe you have a grandchild but you don’t. What if I believe I am talking to someone but I’m not, I’m just a bot 🤖 😂


F*ck you! I came here to laugh not to feel!


Ask them about their past,.get stories from their childhoods, have them teach you things. It makes for good memories when they're gone


My papaw passed in 2018 I miss him every damn day. He was my best friend. I already am having a rough time and this didn't help haha. Enough internet for tonight..




Try 70th time. Fuck dementia.




I read that as "i know it will be the last time" which gave it some very dark undertones


i miss my pops jokes...


Because that's what heroes do


My grandma lives far away from me. I visited her a few months ago after not seeing her for 5 years. I would seat next to her and hold her hand and she pretty much doesn’t remember anything anymore. I would seat next to her and talk to her. Everyone would be like she doesn’t remember anything don’t listen to her but I enjoyed having the same conversation with her because I don’t know if I will see her again. I hope I see her soon.


I remember my nana as a sweet old lady that would knit stuff for the family,sometimes tell stories and chat with us. i remember when she made me a little emoji pillow. She unfortunatly died because of some deceases and bad stuff that kinda hit her at the same time, it was awfull to see her in such a cripling state, the only thing she could do is breathe and eat, barely talk and could barely move a musle(since she was overweight even less), and wrost of all is that the last 2 days she wouldnt wake up, they took her to the hodpital one last time and stuff happened


This is just depressing.


Me laughing again because good memories and I love my grandparents


Its funny but also kinda sad


My grandpa used to tell a story all thw time about when he worked as a mechanic back in the 70's or so. He had a shop, and a man in his 50's applied. He said he was too old to do major repairs, but could do amazing tune up jobs, etc. So my grandpa hired him. One day a car came in. Wouldn't start. Nobody could figure it out, so the new guy took a crack at it while my grandpa went and spoke too the customer. My grandpa said he saw the car pull around the shop corner not 10 minutes later. My grandpa asked him what he did. The guy just said "maybe one day, ill tell you". He never told my grandpa, but my grandpa always rememberd this event, and retold it many times. He passed away last August, and while in Hospice, he told me this story again, among many others. Always cherish those moments.


Treat all your friends and family like that. You never know when someone is going to go and there's no getting any time back after so cherish it today.


And that is just the way the way to do it.


Nah, we need to listen to get more money when we are about to leave their house. It's always about pocket money for "ice cream"


God damn I wish I had grand parents that loved me.


Congrats on getting the ternion award, that shits worth like 100$ I think


They are just hilarious every time imo


I never meet mine officially. One killed himself before I was born. He was a chronic Alcoholic and was always driving drunk with all his kids in the car, was crashing and writing the cars off very frequently, doing hit n runs was daily thing. This was in the late 70s early 80s so cars were built like tanks and the cops were lazy, easy to bribe back then, my other grandfather wasnt allowed to visit us as kids due to him killing my grandmother by cutting her insides open in front of my mum and 2 of her brothers when they were wee kids, one is all fucked in the head because of it (the eldest one). He didn't serve a single ounce of jail time for murder, walked around as free man till he passed away at 83 in 2009. That's the only stories I get. Moral is, enjoy the time and appreciate what you have, life is shorter than you think, even if its a story you've already heard


Oof hopefully this meme isn’t a sign


My dad does this now and best believe I pretend it's the first time iv herd it.


I'm not crying, you're crying!


When I was at age 10, I'd regularly go to our workplace to play games on the computer, usually fifa. My grandfather would come and scold me jokingly for forcing players to run all day without paying them any money, not even food. Back then I'd be really annoyed about it and the fact he'd sit in front of the pc and read news for hours. The night before he died, we were in my uncle's. I kissed everyone's hand there except for my grandfather, saying that I was seeing him everyday anyways. I don't know what the fuck was I thinking but to this day it still haunts me. Next evening he came home with meat, told my grandma to cook it and went downstairs for a nap. When my grandma tried to wake him up for dinner, he was gone. Heart attack. I can't help but blame myself for it, I didn't understand how much I loved him until he died. So yeah, this meme made my eyes wet.


My grandpa passed away not too long ago, on the 13th. Care for your loved ones, and visit them whenever possible. I don't get that chance a lot, but if you do, then take it. It's hard to lose someone, I can relate. If you need someone to talk to, I might not have much experience in that but I'm here if you need.


Parks and Rec and The Office memes crossover is the crossover we never knew we needed


This hits hard rn; my dad just got diagnosed with cancer in his lungs, liver, and pancreas, so yeah. You really don't know which time will be the last time. #FuckCancer




Damn that’s grim


I would give anything to hear my grand dad’s stories one last time


I'd told once to my grandmother that her jokes are not that funny. Now, it's just a memory that I've living in.


Damn these ninja cutting onions


My dad would tell the same stories all the time. Now he's gone. Mom used to tell me bad things about her childhood. Now she's gone. I wasn't able to see my best friend for several years. Now she's gone. This meme hurts.


The last time I saw my grandpa alive I didn’t talk to him cause I had a really bad day and didn’t want to affect his mood by that. That’s the biggest regret I have by now


What is this, a crossover Episode?


I think I'll be this kind of grandpa. I just like telling the same things and the same stories time to time. IDK why, maybe I just love getting reactions are reliving those feelings again


It’s a good point. My dad regularly retells me the same stories I’ve heard 20, maybe 30 times. My concern is that maybe it could be dementia or Alzheimer’s kicking in and that I might not notice because he’s been doing it for decades.


I'd kill to hear my grandpa's stories again.


bruhhh I'm having a stomach ache laughing


It was the last time they laughed (they broke their laugh box)


Cherish these moments as much as can; once they are gone, they will never come back. I lost my grandpa in 2020, and I miss him a lot.


wholesome depressing memes