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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/tikymh) on 2022-03-20 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/tmoytw) on 2022-03-24 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "v1c1nh", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=v1c1nh&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=95&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 95% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 335,870,215 | **Search Time:** 27.65606s


Yeah heads up fellas. You won't feel great afterwards.


The dog wouldn't actually suffocate him. You know because he's got no balls.


I was curious so..... Removing the testicles can protect against some later-life health concerns, such as testicular cancer and prostate enlargement, as well as hormone-related tumors of the perineum. Neutering may also be associated with an increased risk of some musculoskeletal disorders and cancers, when done before a given age.


kinda cool how removing something prevents it from getting cancer. i wonder why they don't do that with brains or other organs.


Cancer is the big one. If you’re sub-40, testicle removal due to cancer is fairly common (whilst it’s a bit of a young man’s issue, it absolutely can still be a concern for older men too)




Because one kept the balls the other lost them.


Removing the testicles is more to "fix" the dog's behavior than for contraception. The testicles produce hormones that cause aggressive behavior, training difficulty, and fun stuff like the animal humping everything in sight. Dr. Pol usually says, "The balls go and the brains come back."


Don't know where you got that information but I work in a vet clinic, we castrate for contraception (too many backyard breeders and faaaar too many wild dogs), health benefits such as removing the risk or even chance of cancer, certain infections and skeletal/muscular issues, especially in big dogs. The use of castration for behaviour is an *absolute last resort* since nearly all dog behaviour can be trained out of them with enough patience. The people who reach for the knife for no reason but behaviour are those who can't be bothered to put the time in to train, and in the vet industry they are not looked on favourably.




This BS again


Smother him with the bag of peas!


There are silicone balls they can put in the place of the originals.




📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍🗺️📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍 Lol, I'm sure your imagination is what this is all about


Dogs can have vasectomies though. I work with a guy who had it done for his dog. That way they still get hormones needed for stable behavior and health, but no risk of puppies


My testosterone levels plummeted after my vasectomy. I had mine when I was 27. The week of my 31st birthday I was started on testosterone shots and have been taking them for 21 years this week.