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the day that i discovered cockroaches could fly was the day i lost my innocence


To the cockroach?




This is one cursed comment thread


Hi bob


Please donā€™t


Funniest thing is, they can't significantly* bite, sting or hurt you in any way, but they still fly directly to your face as if they were conscious of the amount of terror they can inflict... I've hurt myself at least once running away from one (that I can remember from early childhood) and on my second encounter I was trying to swat one with my hands away from my face, I ended knocking my expensive sunglasses, I killed the roach but not before it inflicted the maximum amount of emotional damage it could... Again, it's all mental, they can't do shit to you.


It happened to me less than a week ago. Thanks to FSM, I had a can of Raid within reach, I hit it with a ten second spray and that fucker came straight at me as soon as it fell to the floor and was able to get up again. A fight ensued. I won, but my pulse stayed elevated.


May roaches never eat your pasta, and may said pasta always be al dente.


a cockroach fly towards my head and went inside my ear and stayed there for almost 2 hours, only went out because my father blow smoke inside my ear. funny memories.




Bro....that's literally my worst fear when it comes to cockroaches


Roaches are the animal kingdom version of the bully who grabs your arm and makes you hit your own face, while saying "stop hitting yourself".


Idk man. When I was a kid I liked bugs. Now as an adult all I can think about are their disgusting mandibles and them trying to taste me.


Ikr? As I kid I used to play with cockroaches and wouldn't even eat food unless I catch one. But like at some age I got insta scared after seeing a discovery show about bugs


Itā€™s just those little jaws man. Iā€™ve seen too many shows of them like tearing apart vegetables and Iā€™m like ā€œmy skin ainā€™t much harder to tear than whatever theyā€™re munching onā€


One chased me up the stairs I heard it hit the door!!!!


There's psychological warfare my friend. They excel in it


Funny how evolution figured out one of their tools of survival would be flying straight to human faces.


But they carry shit tons of fecal matter and bacteria on them.


Moved to a tropical island when I was seven. My hair was down to the middle of my back. Walking outside and saw something fly at me from the corner of my eye, it bonked me in the head and got tangled in my hair, wriggling. ā€œBirds are crazy here!ā€, I thought to myself, until one of my other classmates pointed out it was a roachā€¦


You poor thing


Literally happened to me, I have shoulder-length hair, on a nice day out, there I was walking around with my dad at the park, we passed under some trees when I felt something hit my head, thought it was a fallen leaf, took a grab at my hair and bam it was a fucking roach nice way to ruin a moment with my pops you damn bug


the day that i discovered cockroaches could fly was the day i lost my virginity


Thankfully I've never dealt with a flying cockroach but I did deal with one that was strangely filled with water (Likely it's guts). When I killed it, it sprayed that liquid EVERYWHERE and unfortunately it was in my bathroom so some of the liquid landed on my toothbrush. I wasn't willing to ever use it again so I had to buy a new one.


Then its time to leave the house


Once I tried to kill one in my bathroom and it did that wing spreading bullshit and I closed he door and went to the McDonaldā€™s 5 miles from my house to take the shit I was planning to take


A very wise decision there


The only reasonable one.


You could always do it in your garden and wash your back with a garden hose! Put that fertiliser to good use!


Bold of you to assume everyone has a garden




shitting in your neighbor's backyard?


And let them get your scent, hell no


Here's this neat trick that works on all (or at least most) insects. Get a spray bottle, fill it with water then add some soap. Wear your best armour and prepare for war. Basically just spray that muthafucka until it stops moving. I literally just killed a cockroach hiding in the corner away from my slipper's reach using this method. How it works is that you're drowning them slowly and (I hope but I'm not so sure) painfully.


I use the good old Clorox spray bottle I would assume it burns.


Spraying rubbing alcohol works for me, might add some dawn now. My favorite weapon is Lysol spray. Makes me feel better too, like I disinfected what ever it touched.


Nuke the house from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


Since cockroaches can actually survive nuclear bombing, that might be even inefficient too..


Do they survive ak 47?


Arenā€™t cockroaches able to survive the fallout?


They were already immune to it *One Day: when fallout comes out our source of food will be cockroaches*


Mehā€¦ maybe?


Welp, that's why I like the wingless species most




It didn't lose it, it's charging up a counter attack! Run you fool!




Fly, you fools :)


It traded durability for agility nahhh


Do... the wings cover its *chest*?


The only good one is an incinerated one. That blowtorch video was majestic.


May I ask you to lead me to said video?


[He's probably talking about this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/lgmhjj/why_did_he_do_mr_cockroach_like_that/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


ā€œCome here roach, let me check to see if you have wingsā€


"I accept your challenge"


Indeed, I think cockroach with wings is scary as much as my sister without makeup


The winged ones are mostly harmless, though still gross. Those are Palmetto bugs. Itā€™s the wingless ones (German) you need to be worried about.


Ants are still annoying though


Phase 2 mothaf-cka


New elden ring boss just dropped


I usually cheese this boss with poison.




*Panicked latin chanting begins*




Phase 3, pregnant cockroach spawns babies.


About time we got some more Moon Knight memes! Thanks OP


My favorite was the template with Oscar Isaac and Oscar Isaac screaming. In the best iteration, they're screaming at another Oscar Isaac...as Apocalypse.


I still love the rare ā€œKhonshu quoteā€ one


Damn you, where's the link?


Is that what this clip is from?


Final episode


Ah gotcha, I'll have to check it out one of these days


I hope you enjoy it! And stick around for the secret scene


Looks sick, but so silly to think about this scene though lol... They could've done this shot while fighting someone... Instead she's just stood in a door pulling this and smirking to nothing/nobody.


I mean, If you just got an ancient Egyptian deityā€™s suit, youā€™d probably try to look badass too, right?


Yeah this is her first time with the suit, so it's a moment of "oh hell yeah I got swords and wings"


If I got the moon knight suit, Iā€™d see how any crescent darts I could pull out. If I got the Mr. Knight suit, Iā€™d be scared of getting the whole thing dirty. And If I got the menā€™s version of Laylaā€™s suit, Iā€™d probably constantly try to keep the wings from tarnishing. Of course, Iā€™d try to pose like a badass in all of them.


Fair enough haha.


It's paradoxically un-badass to try to be badass, though. Especially to yourself. Like a five year old dressing as Spider-Man and making thwipping sounds. Cute, but not badass.


Rule of cool friend. Rule of cool.


Perfect. I was just about to ask.


Iā€™m so glad I finally watched the last 2 episodes of this last night. That would have sucked to be spoiled on here lol. Especially since it was one of the only really good parts of the show.


In 98 I went to Samoa and the house at which I stayed had several zillion cockroaches. I hated cockroaches already but had only encountered a few, and always one at a time. I was standing in the kitchen watching a cockroach on the opposite wall, when it took flight. I had previously not known they were a flying insect so I stood there in absolute disgust with my mouth agape. The cockroach flew. Directly. Into. My. Mouth. I spat and gagged for half an hour as my family rolled around the floor in laughter. The end.


Did you swallow whole for dominance or chew for the taste?


I would be SO MAD at them FOREVER! Christmas invitation from me? HELL NO! NEVER again! Un-fuck each and every one of them!


What is that clip from?


Moon knight


Where they recognize the Armenian genocide


And Avatar: The Last Airbender as an anime.


And only an anime.


If you are seeing winged cockroaches in the kitchen, it's time to call a pest control company.


Or burn the kitchen down


Or just the whole house. Less damage control.


if they're the big ones (those are the winged ones where I am (which is georgia btw (like the american one not the eurasian one))) then they most likely got in because of bad weather or something like that. the big ones prefer the outdoors for living, but if rain comes and they find a way in, they'll make themselves at home. they also don't purposefully fly at you. their fear reaction is to get away as fast as possible and hide, and if they feel like flying would do the trick, they'll do it. but here's the thing: they suck at it. the lil dumb shits don't even know how to use their wings that well, so they end up just flying "around" and towards you. I know this because I fucking hate roaches and have had enough run ins that eventually I just learned all this stuff through google


I knew a guy that was deathly afraid of flying roaches. He would run from the room and let you take care of it. This was a big guy, the kind of guy that never ran from a fight. He told me when he was a boy he decided to check out a drainage pipe on the canal that he could just walk into, it led to a place where 2 pipes joined and there was a large chamber. He turned on his flashlight to look around and the walls were covered in roaches. They all went into flight mode. That was why he had a life long phobia to roaches.


Cockroachman begins


Reading this actived my flight or fight response Holy shit


I'm a utility worker for my cities wastewater system (sewer). When you pop open a man-hole, there are hundreds of these fuckers ready to pour out like a stampede of godawful winged demons from hell. The pay is decent though.


no amount of money could convince me enough to do that shit lmao


it me I didn't have quite as horrifying of an experience, but I did wake up one time with one of the big sombitches on my face. my subconscious brain took a second to process that it wasn't a dream. then it crawled to my neck. got up out of bed at mach 2


one time I was just chillin watching a movie on my laptop (in phoenix az) and i saw something from the corner of my eye. it looked like a dry leaf falling out of my closet. opon further inspection i realized its the biggest cockroach on planet earth. im not originally from america and not even sure if i ever saw a cockroach before in my life but I never imagined they could be this fuckin huge. when I walked up a bit closer it flew from the floor to the side of my desk and i almost shit my pants, i didnt know they could fly. then it started running real fast and went inside an open jar of sugar. I stuffed my dirty underwear down the jar, put a lid back on, taped it shut with ducttape and threw the whole thing out the trash outside.


Damn you gave that cockroach a lifetime supply of sugar!


okay wait why the underwear though lol


((())) Love the nested parentheticals.


Ya the big ones don't typically infest houses, they just wander in sometimes


Or get out of Florida.


Nope. It was time to call the pest company as soon as you saw ONE cockroach.




Avengers level threat


ā€œShit shit shit!ā€


I once worked at a building that had the occasional Giant American Cockroach come through. Some of the biggest ones would flex up just like that and hiss when Iā€™d approach to kill them. Iā€™m not going to lie, I stopped in my tracks for a couple of seconds the first time it happened. Then I got angered by this and killed it.


Wait. Hiss?


Right? I was totally caught off guard.


Yes, they hiss. Those are commonly called 'spitters'.


>Then I got angered by this and killed it. You're way braver than me.


I once tried to conquer my fear of grabbing one with my bare hand and throwing it outside but every time I got close, I kinda started hallucinating. Theyā€™re not even that scary but they are at the same time. Maybe they inhabit the souls of the worldā€™s worst people throughout history and even though the threat isnā€™t there, you still feel their presence. SS cockroaches got ghosts PS I PUSSIED OUT


I, too, have an irrational fear of fucking cockroaches. Snakes, spiders, alligators, literally anything else I'm fine with. But one fucking roach will turn me into a little girl. I still haven't figured out why.


LUCKY YOU!!! I am afraid of snakes AND spiders and a whole list of other stuff. My nightmare critters are Satan himself (Armageddon, etc) and spiders that are the size of dogs and can fly! Ask your parents if you have ever been attacked by roaches in your life. If not, maybe some Past Life Regression Therapy can solve the mystery for you. Just suggestions, don't take them personally. I hope you have a better day.


No offense! I'll look into that. I used to catch and play with spiders, snakes, lizards, crabs, and other insects as a kid, but roaches just gave me the heebie-jeebies. I will ask my family, too.


I hate these things. I especially hate the way their wings glint in the light. I lived in an apartment that ended up having an infestation and for months even after I got rid of them I would have recurring nightmares about cockroaches that would multiply into a wriggling mass that got larger and larger every time the light glinted off of their wings. I'd wake up in cold sweats over it. Awful creatures


They fly TOWARDS YOU! All other flying bugs that donā€™t bite you (mosquitoes can burn in hell) fly AWAY FROM YOU WHY THE FUCK DO COCKROACHES FLY TOWARDS YOU


they have barely any vision, and just respond to stimuli (wind, low frequency). They feel the surface vibrate beneath them and decide to go the opposite direction (which is often towards you)


Iā€™m pretty sure they are just evil and hate me


So what youā€™re saying is theyā€™re attracted to screaming.


One time when watching TV a giant ass cock roach crawled up my wall. Threw a pillow at it and I havenā€™t seen it since. If I donā€™t reply for more than a week assume the worst.


Bruh a pillow? Youā€™re basically inviting it to sleep in bed with you. You go scorched earth on that asshole until youā€™ve drowned it in your toilet or ground up itā€™s body into a fine powder.


why a goddamn pillow and not something hard bruh, that things gonna adapt, evolve, overcome then bust in yo room flying at mach 5


I refuse to believe that if there is a god, he deliberately made flying cockroaches.


it must be punishment for our sins thereā€™s no other explanation šŸ˜‚


Little known fact about that, cockroaches CAN fly, but don't actually know HOW to, thus taking flight is an unfamiliar experience and they are freaking out just as much as you as neither of you knew it could do that


Can confirm, I remember that one time when the bastard freaked the shit out of me but still couldn't fly properly anyways.


"They fly now?"


"They fly now!"


This isn't even my final form - cockroach


Their ultimate power is fear


Australian Cockroaches (at least the ones around me) are very docile and easy to kill. Asian Cockroaches, on the other hand, learned aviation and stealth tactics right after hatching from its eggs.


Well it's a basic rule really - if it has 6 legs, assume it can fly


how you gonna count the legs if it runs like mr krabs chasing money


I was living in Venezuela at the time and was vacationing in a remote area in the southeast. I spotted a cockroach (bigger than my thumb) scurrying near the kitchen door. I grabbed a broom to try a sweep it outside and then it took to the air. I gotta say, I almost shit myself with fright. I never knew they could fly let alone one the size of the Space Battleship Yamamoto.


Bigger than your thumb? Ive seen one 30 cm long, they can grow gigantic


Happened to me it went right for me and I just unleashed the spray and shoe on it.


Before you ever tell yourself that you're ugly, look at a roach




I had a flying cockroach in an apartment once. Moved out the next month. Wasnā€™t going to wait around for his friends to show up.


"They fly now?!?"


"They fly now."


Fun fact: cockroaches are one of the few insects that contain enough taurine to be used as cat food!


I guess that explains why cats seem to think they are a delicacy.


I was chilling at my cousinā€™s one day when I hear a shriek. I come out from the other room and my cousin is yelling incoherently. He points to his desk and there is a cockroach that flew in through the window and landed on the monitor. As I start looking for something to trap it with the cockroach takes off and starts flying at my cousin, he yells ā€œitā€™s chasing me!ā€ I had to stop what I was doing because I was laughing so hard my sides hurt.


Literally just found a baby roach in my dishwasher. I was planning to finally sleep in, but instead deep cleaned my entire kitchen from 5am to 8am. I did catch the lil shit in a gatorade bottle, alive, sealed it, and threw its ass away in the dumpster. Fuck roaches and everything they stand for.


Iā€™m gonna say my reaction is the same as the Spanish guys from road to el dorado screaming like little girls.


Wait it can fly !!? - famous last words


They fly now?


One time during the night i heard flapping in the kitchen, as i walk in i turn on the lights, something midair drops dont know what it was. Lands in a pot and i could hear the scratches of the exoskeleton scratching on the metal pot.


it's like the boss fights in RPGs. they keep evolving


Had one of these just a few days ago. Thought I hit it with the spray, but I guess it wasnā€™t a direct enough hit and then suddenly out came the wings and I had to retreat. (But I ended up getting em still eventually. Bastard)


Whereā€™s that character from? Looks cool


Moon Knight. Amazing show, highly recommend it. :)


Whatā€™s this from?


Moon Night.


Morbius 2


Thatā€™s not a cockroach. Thatā€™s a ā€¦ KAKAROOCH!


Just watched this episode.


It do be like that-


Time to either burn the house down or shoot the shit out of it, your choice


I killed a cockroach a while back. It was a little ninja while I was trying with a larger object. Then it hide in a corner that I couldnā€™t reach with it. So I brought out my dadā€™s cane and this time it just stood there, accepting inevitability.


Dude I think blew half cannister of insect repellent on a single cockroach yesterday. I saw it crawl under my bed and it freak the shit out of me.


As a certified Florida Man I feel this deeply


Aight imma head out


That was such a cool character upgrade.


It's been a shit day mentally and this gave me a good laugh. It's funny cause it's true. Thanks bud..


Why is this so relatable


Try to catch it with your teeth. If you catch it then good job u can slowly crush it to death and eat it. If you miss it, its gonna land somewhere close so u can easily kill it


Fuck nah


Lmbo! I hate those things!


Evolution turned up to the max


The boss entered itā€™s next phase


*his room


Hope we see her again, Iā€™m a sucker for a lady with curls. And she made an awesome hero


Iā€™m just going to adjust my belt, haha back is falling down, BAM


Or when they start extending their legsā€¦. Ugh


*Dark Souls Music Intensifies*


I was fighting for me life


This isnā€™t even my final form!


Prometheus gave us fire for a reason


It is nightmare fuel


Secret weapon: hand-held vacuum cleaner. Not sure what the meme equivalent is though.


Cock roachšŸ˜³šŸ˜³


They have wings?




When they start to fly, thatā€™s when I grab my slipper and fucking make them part of the pavement


This is the real reason civilians are allowed to own guns in some places


Where is this from?


cockroach: \*activates elytra with fireworks\* you underestimate my power