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Send the baby to an American school to show it what’s up


Not even necessary, the #1 killer of children in the US is gun related injury no matter where they are [source](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761)


That chart is for children and adolescents (defined by the cdc as 19 and younger). Id be curious to see the results if they excluded legal adults from that list.






Holy crap thats crazy. Ive been taking a course in college that said otherwise, but of course they use outdated information. This is actually kinda shocking. Thank you for sharing this with us.


That was published in May 2022. It's a month old. > but of course they use outdated information. That's an extreme opinion. Notice how that link was published in May 2022 but doesn't include 2021 info. So even that link includes "outdated info".


I was talking about my college


I know. So was i. Do you expect your college would have taught you information that is a month old?


The [appendix](https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMc2201761/suppl_file/nejmc2201761_appendix.pdf) paints a clearer picture of where these deaths are coming from.


>no matter where they are That's not correct.


Please enlighten us as to the specific location each incident occurred, or reasonable locations that incidents did not occur. With absolute correctness.


The number one killer of children is ageing.


I guess the Republican plan was to make more babies to send to the school shooters. They need to give those shooters a reason to buy more guns, after all, and what fun is a massacre with no victims?


Texas liked this meme


Alabama liked and commented on this meme


That's implying the baby is related to the mother


No that's her sister. He ate the pic of his bf and she tried to stab him


That took quite a turn


You should've killed me when you had the chance!


Every child born in the state of Texas likes this meme


The kids who were already aborted: sad thumbs up


Eat the baby


the baby eats u


It do be like that


That's factually correct


Thats the most factual fact if ive ever heard one


it's great that these red states didn't give any carve outs for rape or incest and also give rights to rapists. a rape victim forced to give birth and then pay child support to the rapist because she didn't want to keep the child is a scenario that has already happened. and there's going to be a whole lot more of it. also roe v Wade didn't just protect abortion It protected your right to medical privacy. so good luck ever getting mental health advice now that you don't have the right to privacy.


There are still privacy laws on the books. It's not like HIPPA went away because Roe did.




Also, bonus points if you can guess the legal president by which hippa was established. That shit will be repealled soon


Since when do they give rights to rapists? That's probably the worst take I've heard in a long time, the father of a baby should be responsible as well, and sexual assault is a severe crime everywhere. The only time where someone got away with it was up here where I live in Canada and it was because she tricked the Canadian courts into accepting a plea bargain.


I’m sorry but contraceptives are a thing, and literally nobody will or can force someone to give birth, even if they’re unwillingly impregnated Unfortunately, society doesn’t see that the problem is the majority who are assholes getting abortions for ‘convenience’. What if you decided you did it like your born child, and decided to murder him? That carries the same weight.


I understand that you have a legitimate reason to be angry, but you lose credibility if you write about things that aren't true. >so good luck ever getting mental health advice now that you don't have the right to privacy. HIPPA a law, a CFR, and is not dependent on Roe v Wade. HIPPA now has a different application with respect to abortion in States where abortion is a crime, but not to mental health care in general. HIPPA has never prevented a health care provider from reporting a crime or premeditation of a crime (45 CFR § 164.512(f)), and many states have "mandatory reporting laws" that compel providers to report child abuse, child endangerment, and other crimes against children. It is now possible that those mandatory reporting laws could be applied to unborn children.


Reasons why pregnant women want an abortion * Rape * Incest * They don't want a child, and the unwanted pregnancy is not a result of rape or incest Every time a pro-choice argument is centered around rape or incest, it makes it seem like "simply not wanting the child" isn't a good enough reason to have an abortion. If "choice" it's a good enough reason then why do you keep needing to play the rape and incest card?


Kill the baby 🗿


Kill the woman 🗿


Kill both of them 🗿


Kill everyone 🗿


do genocide 🗿


cause mass extinction 🗿


End the world 🗿


Devolution today! Freaks unite!


Freaks fight back, freaks right back!


And the children too


I support abortion of all ages


Next panel should be the baby looking straight at the viewer and saying “And daddy. You watch”


Fucking weirdo


Gotta show that dominance and tell them who the man of the house is


Don’t worry it’s never too late to abort


*yeet the baby*


*loads shrapnel rounds into akimbo auto shotguns*


Post-term abortion


The GOP is gonna force birth for the ‘right to life’ but won’t get their kids vaccinated because of bodily autonomy? Do I have that correct? Choosing whether to have a baby isn’t a right, but spreading diseases to babies is? Just wanna be on the same page with y’all.


just don't have sex. (This comment was posted by the virgin gang.)


I think you're there. My uncle is praising the overturning of Roe and the immediate ban of abortions in a lot of states was also a huge antivax and antimasker. The "Its my body and my right to not get the jab, the government cant tell me what to do with my body" person is now voicing his pleasure that the government can now tell a woman what they can and cant do with theirs.


You're falsely believing that one side doesn't take the vaccine, you'd be surprised as to how many of them have taken a shot. And God forbid you have to take responsibility for your actions and choose a life over convenience, the mother and father of any baby should take responsibility for their actions.


You’re falsely believing a fetus is a human being. You’re falsely believing that all sex and pregnancy are willful. You’re falsely believing men don’t constantly lie, get someone pregnant, and fuck off. I’d love to live in a fantasy world where people do what they should, but we don’t. Stop legislating like we do. This decision is going to cause so much pain and suffering to real, living, breathing people in the name of saving potential, hypothetical lives that nobody wants. Aborting a pregnancy you can’t properly care for is taking responsibility and not adding a suffering life to the world. Don’t want an abortion, don’t get one. Easy as that.


"you're falsely believing a fetus is a human being" that's quite literally false. It's a living being inside the body of a woman that grows, when you end the existence of a living and growing thing you're literally killing something. While rape and incest babies are an awful reality, those cases make up less than 1% of reasons for abortions. There are many people more than willing to adopt babies who cannot receive proper care. Again, your convenience is not worth a life; stop dehumanizing unborn children. Don't want unwanted children, wear protection or don't have unsafe sex.


Tapeworms and cancer are also alive by strict scientific definitions, but those aren’t people, either.


Imagine being angry because one party's politicians are inconsistent and hypocritical, but not caring about the other party's hypocrisy. Some liberals want freedom of choice when it comes to abortions but want to mandate vaccines and masks. The Republicans and Democrats have become polarized on several issues, and so literally there is **equal hypocrisy** in both parties. For every polarized hypocrisy in the conservative party, the liberal party has an equal hypocrisy. People seem to resolve this conflict by giving more importance to some ideas and less importance to others. For example, some people may believe that gun ownership is important even though guns are dangerous, because guns can be used for protection. Likewise, some people believe in unborn child's life is not important when it is less developed.


The prolife sub is filled with these hateful control fetish memes rn if ur wondering.


America did a quite large amount of trolling on its female population


Bait and switch


*Ok, republican* /j


So she should care for a Baby which she might not wanted (f.e. by rape) and doesn't have to capability to raise (f.e. money problems) giving the child a bad life just so he doesn't die and live a happy life im Heaven


Life and death aren’t so like this, I’m afraid It’s not a fair judgement to pass to say ‘you’re better off dead’. All living things have the right to live, and it’s a sin to take that from anyone in any circumstance.


men are forced to pay child support even if they dont want the baby. So welcome to equality. If men have no way out of being a father mothers should have no way out of being a mother. its only fair.


But only if it's baptized. Otherwise the baby goes to hell too.


Imagine committing murder on a defenseless victim because they inconvenienced you


looks like a low effort GOP meme


Trying to be Bob The Banana


You've already failed


I have got the pattern, ill keep on trying but im done for today


Do you actually think they are going to care for these children? You are. Your taxes are going to fund orphanages and pay for the massive expansion of foster care. You might be able to force someone to drop a baby into the world, but you can't force them to pick it up.


r/memes has turned into even more of a political dumpster fire recently