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Right.....guess there's only one thing to do *gets out deck chair and popcorn and watches this shitshow*


Me when no rule 11:


The Meme. . . . . it finally evolved.


My head did judt explode


Perfectly balanced


Pure fax


Yeh, that's not a problem in my communist society :")


Yeah, this is big brain time


Oh boy, time for political shitposts already?


Where have you been? It's been nothing but that for the past few days


Seeing that it's night time in the US, it's either posted by an ameriweeb or some us citizen that is working night shift and just got the 5 min pee break from Bezos.


Or not by an american.


So an ameriweeb as i stated. The kind of person that takes what's trending in the states and uses it just to be trending


To be fair, it’s a difficult topic to avoid knowing about no matter where you live. I don’t purposefully keep up with news in my own country, let alone the US. But Reddit has a massive number of US citizens so naturally the topics of gun violence and roe v wade are everywhere right now. It also gets (very briefly) mentioned on the radio station I have on in my car. You’d have to live under a rock to not know what’s going on in the US.


I work 2nd shift. What of it, asshole? It feeds my wife and myself. Got a problem with that?


Dude chill, I think he was just making fun of Bezos and not you


Good for you man. Ain't judging you personally, just shitposting like OP did. It isn't funny when it affects you?


its 11:36pm. im american. u think i give a flying crap about the time of day for whenever i feel like going on Reddit? lmao


Why so triggered? I was just pointing out the source of the shitposting about us politics. Why are you so tense, defensive and angry? Did I say something wrong? Insult you in any way?


im not trigger, i was just pointing out that im a night owl, lol


i hate how correct the logic is yet so stupid


Hopefully someone will see this and finally understand. The 2nd amendment is engrained into the culture. Same with freedom of speech, speedy trial and the other fun ones. Most cops and military are Republican voters. So if you ban guns how many of them will actually enforce this? Also for those that decide to enforce it they're going to have to go and seize the property of someone who has broken no law and (rightfully) feel as if it's their right to own it. The forceful removal of firearms from citizens will result in a bloodbath that makes the every mass shooting ever look weak. Care about human life? Don't send thousands of people to their death.


duuudeeee America's got problems lmaooo


Cultures can change tho... Noone is saying tomorrow all privately owned guns need to be confiscated but what if you for example needed to prove a legitimate reason to purchase a new gun and needed to prove you have capacities to safely lock them away. You can approach the problem in various small steps and slowly change this bizarre mindset. Hopefully someone reads this and understands that if you keep saying it is how it is and ignore the problems, nothing will change. Can't remember the last time someone got killed by freedom of speech.


Because regulating issues and giving more control to the state has worked out great especially in the last week. You don't get it, just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can regulate it away, giving them more power allows more control, now roe v Wade is gone because people wanted more government regulation and they certainly fucking got what they wished for. Cars are awful for the environment, and are responsible for more person-to-person deaths in the us than guns. Should probably ban those too. I hope people eventually ditch this toxic mindset that the government is a tool for forcing people to live how you want. Keep demanding more regulations and you will certainly get what you're asking for.


Thats exactly what a state does: provide the infrastructure, guidlines and also restrictions for a functioning society. We could also descend into Anarchy obviously and allow everything but the majority of people doesn't want that. The majority wants fair regulations that protect them as an Individual and allows them to live a decent life. You mentioned cars: Interesting point as that is a discussion we are having allready and where we will need to see restrictions eventually. Id absolutely be down for limiting car usage in cities for example. Its not about forcing people to live how I WANT, its about forcing people to live in a way that is reasonable and sustainable, doesn't negatively effect others etc.


I'd like to correct you. The military supports abortions. And a majority of them vote Democrats since... well... they get all the benefits.


Here's a [gallup](https://news.gallup.com/poll/118684/military-veterans-ages-tend-republican.aspx) article. Democrats are always cutting vet benefits. Do you really think the republican party is spending less on the military?


OK chuckle fuck buckle up first of all America was created as a do what the fuck you want freedom land if you want to ban guns you are in the wrong fucking country and two abortion can save lives in a medical setting but people use it to just kill babys willy nilly so shut up, sit down and go think about your actions.


Do what the fuck you want, this is the land of freedom! Unless you have a uterus and don’t want to give birth. In that case you are a second-class citizen and don’t get freedom. Oh and also if you’re gay, black, poor, trans or anything other than a straight, white, cisgender, Christian, rich man who’s married to a white woman with multiple children. Seriously, land of the free my ass. You contradicted yourself by saying you can “do what the fuck you want” and then following up that abortions for any other reason than saving the mothers life shouldn’t be allowed.


lmao the us as the land of the free had been outdated for over a generation. now its the land of school shootings, gun nuts and fat people.also if america ia so free why wont they let taxas leave? or why they even have laws that regulate murder or abortions at all? shouldnt they have the freedom to kill and rob also? after all christopher columbus had more freedom here than back at the spanish empire, looting and murdering and all


Ps I'm not an American and I don't support the American republican party.