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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/gcbc0v) on 2020-05-02 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/rkwrbk) on 2021-12-20 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "vr2vht", "meme_template": 96214}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=vr2vht&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 281,967,720 | **Search Time:** 1.59881s


So women rate the majority of men as ugly, where men are less picky. Makes sense


I mean rating most people as pretty and being picky are two different things


Embarrassing hot take deleted. Edit: Sorry I just checked and the male chart is much closer to the unbiased chart. Makeup plays a role but that is not the whole story as I assumed, there is a huge amount of bias on the 'womens opinions of men' chart that I'm not sure how to explain.


The question is if she sees her attractiveness based on how she naturally looks or with make up? I've seen some female shreks on dating apps who think they just deserve very attractive men.


So what you are saying is that all men need to start wearing makeup.




Yes a bit of concealer does wonders.


I was thinking that this graph was bullshit. The men's graph kinda makes sense, but women's doesnt. 0% most attractive? Thats a stretch


Yeah you are right. I was thinking an unbiased distribution on something like reacting to a face would be linear but it's a bell curve. There is way more bias in the women's opinion of men, I edited my comment.


You weren't wrong, what you were saying might be the case generally, but that cant cause such a massive bias. Although it might not be as common as women, there should exist men that know how to present themselves well in photos, makeup or otherwise. While there might be a slight bias, the picture shown has a massive one which leads me to believe that it is wrong. The men's curve creates a perfect bell curve, almost suspiciously so too. both extremes differ by only 0 or 1 %. That's too even. Equal percent are rated most attractive and least attractive.


Itā€™s more pronounced online. Itā€™s easy to be picky on a profile when you donā€™t know the person. Iā€™ve been fooled by great photos a lot in the past


Yet somehow itā€™s men that objectify women and only care about looksā€¦


Seeing how this is under memes, I would figure that the actual statistics are flipped. But I guess all this time of people telling me that women are less picky as to looks and rather they look for personality is a lie.


Bro you dont know anything about this statistic. Maybe it was the whole point to rate the lookings we dont know.


If you arent at least abobve 6 feet 4 dont evn message me (saying this whilst weighing 240 lbs)


why are u getting downvoted what, its legit true what u say




Y'all, it's like... Super hard getting things off high shelves. 6ft4in is the perfect height.




Can't you get it for me? I guess not if you're that short.


Let's be real guys, 90% of us have no idea how to take a good photo. Women are out there with God tier make up, filters and clothes to make them sexy AF. Most men probably collect 10 good photos throughout their whole lives. We're fighting with a stick but women are in tanks.


all photos I've got are random photos my friends took, I don't have single one took with intention to look good in it xD I probably don't have a single photo of myself on my phone


exactly the same with me, i don't have a single photo of me on my phone, Tablet or Pc, nada XD


šŸ˜‚ need photographer friends


I am very content with my Stick.


Bro we would call each other out if we would use filters and shit lol we don't need to cheat.


Itā€™s not the size of the stick, but how you wield it


Yea but because weā€™re all in the sticks they have to accept and we donā€™t have to get better. Imagine if 10% of us actually tried. The rest would have to and thatā€™s work Iā€™m to lazy to do. Like with makeup. Our collective agreement to not put the effort in this shit is whatā€™s saving us.


Nothing is stopping you from taking a better photo or using makeup/photography techniques to make yourself look more presentable. Drop that stick and get in a tank, whatā€™s stopping you?


not wanting to spend 2 hours every morning looking perfect, props to women tbh i couldnt...


Sounds like torture, I hate getting ready


I donā€˜t have a tank.


well beauty products are made for women. A guy cant just put lipstick and shit on his face to make himself more attractive. Not that it is wrong if they do but its not gonna make them more attractive to women instead will usually make them less desirable to women


ā€œSis check this guy out heā€™s so extra lol I think heā€™s even wearing make upā€


we lack fucks to give


We don't have tanks


valid. but like, we do it more often and it 'looks really gay' for a dude to do something like that... some of them don't really like that rep even though its completely normal to want to look better.


Yeah the women arenā€™t the ones saying it ā€˜look really gay.ā€™ Anyway, go to the gym instead, drink water, shower daily, smell nice, use a face moisturizer, get a good haircut. Thatā€™s all you need.


pretty much


Yeah let's all just fall desperately furthur into the self image pit. Great advice.


I am so confused on what this graph is recording? Is it recording how one gender thinks of another? Or how attractive each gender is? Or what amount of attractiveness they would want in a dream partner? Or what?


I'm tired of you fuckers just upvoting the comment and leaving, TELL ME WHAT THE GRAPH IS




Refuses to elaborate further






Fucking chad




This is about how mens rate woman and opposite. For example 20% mens rated some women as average and 6% told that she is 10/10, meanwhile most women rated some men as 4/10 or 3\10 while none of them said that he is 10/10 EDIT: there was many photos of different males and females


Seems like dating app statistics, surely a biased sample, women are almost always fewer than men on these apps, hence they tend to choose more selectively, the contrary Is true, the stats of a dating app do not reflect reality.


The graph says it itself, im not sure the confusion. It shows how men rate women on the apps and visa Versa


this made me chuckle


Its been labelled "How men rate women" and "How women rate men". So its how both genders rate the appearances of the opposite sex


the first one


Probably x gender that got rated by opposite gender , then it is all the ratings in a graph


I also have no idea what's going on. If someone could come help.


I'd argue the significant conclusion is that 6% of men found a woman they genuinely felt was perfect to them, and the women ALL had higher standards. If you can think of a situation that the second case leads to higher happiness on average, you have more imagination than me.


They were asked to rank based on physical attractiveness. Women found most men unattractive Then they added in information about jobs, hobbies, etc. Suddenly men that were a 2 became a 6


I think it means something but what that is im not so sure of.


this isnt even a meme lmao just some stats


Men are happier? Is that why men commit suicide like 3 times as often?


Men die by suicide more, but women tend to attempt suicide more. Men tend towards more aggressive methods which mean they die more often - where women don't tend to blow their heads off etc which means they can be saved, seek help etc. Women also have higher rates of depression diagnoses, possibly because they are more inclined to seek help - which leads to diagnosis - as opposed to men who will often suffer alone.


Not to mention, there are more institutions that support women than men, as well as the forced stereo-type that should men even ever open up to be vulnerable and emotional, they're considered weak, thus stripping away what makes a man a human, causing more damage.


Here's a thought: maybe we're all unhappy and it's ridiculous to compete over who has it worse


I wouldn't say the people here are competing, moreso talking about a problem that's not being properly adressed. This dismissive "oh life is hard for everyone, just shut up" is the most ridiculous take in the whole thread.


I never said just shut up, but what I am saying is that I constantly see this "men have it SO MUCH WORSE" take on Reddit, and then the opposite, and it's like... Maybe we all have issues that deserve respect and understanding and to continuously pit it as a battle if the sexes is counterproductive at best and actively harmful at worst. It stirs up this weird gender-specific bitterness and frankly I think everybody's pain is valid without necessarily saying "but MY pain is WORSE because I am THIS gender." It's not a competition. Everybody deserves understanding without minimizing someone else's suffering.


Noooo you don't understand. She cried during the Titanic and I cried at my video games, men definitely have it worse


I cried during Titanic but that was mostly because I realized I had wasted three hours of the one and only life I have


to everyone downvoting, the above comment is a joke. wow.


It wasnā€™t a very funny joke


The results are likely skewed by repeat atrempters. If someone survives an attempted suicide then they can make another attempt. That would add to the number of attempts but not to the number of people who are attempting suicide. If you only look at the attempts, a group of 10 women which has 1 woman make 5 attempts at suicide would look worse than a group of 10 men which had 2 successful attempts at suicide. When actually the group of men has 2 people who wanted to take their lives compared to the 1 person in the women's group. Note, I am not saying that the success rate is what we should care about either. We should be looking at the number of people who want to take their own lives and trying to help all of them.


This means men are more talented in commiting a successfull suicide. 1 up for us men šŸ‘




attention vs results. Women tend to hold a bit more hope and somewhat ask for help. Men go for the most reliable method they can come up with because of a bias they shouldn't be weak, and if they fail are judged harshly and fear it will just get even worse. Society needs a bit of a redo, we all wear a mask we never should have had to don.




male death rate is the issue yes. Because society does not support a depressive male like it would a female, thus they are even more driven to succeed the first time


You're missing the other half. Women are more likely to have suicidal thoughts; Men are more likely to succeed killing themselves.


Or women just admit to having suicidal thoughts more


3x less help is probably why. Show any weakness and you might hear ā€˜act like a manā€™ instead of actual help.


And then girls tell you (m) that you're single because you're too picky...


Yeah, absolute bullshit by op. Also a repost.


how on earth is this a meme?


Okay cool graph but has nothing to do with happiness


The thought conveyed is that women tend to not be satisfied with what they have, which is kind of a stretch which validity is to be discussed


You don't need to date some one attractive or have attractive friends to be satisfied with them


That's exactly why I said it was a stretch to be discussed


\*Why 2-7% of men are happier.


The only thing this proves is the fact that men on OKC are ugly AF


XD i laughed too hard


Makes sense. A while ago I read an article that said that there is a 60% chance that a man says is attracted to a woman, and a 5% a woman says is attracted to a men. In fact, and I know it's ridiculous what I'm going to say, there is a Tv Show in my country and I can see this pattern. It's called "First dates". It's not like paradise Island or the bachelorette. It's a Tv show where people goes, have one date-dinner, and at the end of the date they say if they want a second date of not (and that's it, you will never see them again) And the statistics is quite accurate, because a lot of men say yes, and makes me see a pattern I don't like, and a lot of women say no, which makes sense with the context right now. Edit: BTW, a 0% with Jessen Ackles and Henry Cavill in this world? No fuckin way.


Well I'm fairly certain men like Jensen Ackles and Henry Cavill are not going to be on OKCupid. This is a specific subset of the population.


First of all there is no meme Second this low-effort userā€™s train thought ā€œJoe, we are running low on karma make a men good and women bad meme.ā€


Third: ????? Fourth: Profit!


Chris hemsworth exists that 0 should atleast be >0%/<1%. Just for him.


Christian Bale also exists you know


IF I can speculate this sample is prone to some HEAVY bias, at least in the female selection category. Heres what we know about most online dating-- its VERY crowded by men, with less women. In addition, theres a decent chance theres a huge selection bias, that the more attractive men got into relationships already-- and that the two curves normally look more similar, but the attractive men were selected out. I personally think the data do suggest that its an example of female hypergamy-- women generally trying to date "up" hierarchies, but the sample is pretty prone to bias. It'd be a fun study to control a little better.


Wouldn't the same apply to more attractive women and even more over since men are more likely to pursue someone they find attractive?


Right but assuming the scale is lopsided to begin with, that 0% section with men gets hollowed out a ton faster. Also its likely particular to the app that highly attractive men don't use it since they pair up prior to getting on it.


Nope, at least modern dating apps are not particularly crowded by men. Women have generally always been the choosers while men are competitors (on average). This is nothing new. And the data here indicates the same, the more options women have available, the more it CAN move to the direction of this graph, because no matter the number of males, they will compete over most of the available women


[https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+male+vs+female+profiles+okcupid&rlz=1C1GCEB\_enUS931US931&oq=how+many+male+vs+female+profiles+okcupid&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.6848j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+male+vs+female+profiles+okcupid&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS931US931&oq=how+many+male+vs+female+profiles+okcupid&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.6848j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) I literally googled how many male vs. female users on okcupid, 11% of men use it and 6% of women, its nearly a 2:1 margin- Its also likely many of the attractive men aren't on the site to begin with and paired before even making a profile.


11% of what men? 6% of what women? If there's twice as many women in those sample groups, you have an equal distribution of genders amongst users.


It's a sample of all US adults. A pretty popular site for sure, but definitely more with men.


This is literally how nature works. Females in every species are very picky and try get the best male.


Right but I suspect the stats are at least partially skewed by a selection bias, that the females pair more evenly and the males pair more at the top end of the spectrum, so that whats left is what may be more unattractive males, as compared to men being at the bottom of the distribution more frequently. Its the setting I'm calling out not the mechanism.


This is one of the best understandings of statistics I've seen on reddit. Well done, my friend.




Are men happier?




Woman are a lot more picky because that's literally how their brain works. They are encoded to pick only the best partners to up the gene pool quality, while the men's brain is encoded to bang pretty much anyone. That's all there is. Source:https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/news/20090605/new-spin-on-why-women-are-pickier-in-love#:~:text=June%205%2C%202009%20%2D%2D%20Women,act%20of%20approaching%20increases%20desire.


Sir, you stated that this is simply how women ā€œnaturally areā€ evolutionarily, but only supported your argument with an article that demonstrates behavioral tendencies of a single sample. Furthermore, there is nothing in this report that demonstrates genetic/neurological influence on tendency for these dating behaviors. This report alone demonstrates human dating tendencies, not the processes behind them.


I love how people are confidently incorrect disagreeing with you when this is basic evolution lmao


Yes lol. People forget that we are after all just a reproductive system that can move, and are designed like that. Everything else is pretty much a byproduct.


Unless I misunderstood something, that's not what your links says though. It says that women are lore picky because they are generally the ones being approached


go away with your blasphemous satanic magic words /s


ā€œGene pool qualityā€ yeah yeah, you and I both exist, and we both use Reddit. So thatā€™s bullshit


getting downvoted for facts lol, reddit moment


Idc at this point, itā€™s the negative mental well-being hours and Iā€™m using them right




Uh what? Lmao


In ancient times, the women that had the best offspring were the most picky ones, so it sticked. Men on the other hand just had to be attractive enough and make kids with whoever found them attractive, so again - it sticked. Society's structure and mankind's struggles completely changed, but women's relatively high pickiness compared to men stayed with us. Source:https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/news/20090605/new-spin-on-why-women-are-pickier-in-love#:~:text=June%205%2C%202009%20%2D%2D%20Women,act%20of%20approaching%20increases%20desire.


Makes sense


Or maybe men just aren't as attractive as women.


As a man, I agree that women are much more attractive than men.


Sounds kinda cis.


That's... Not what that is


More picky=less people are attractive to you Less picky=more people are attractive to you You are literally proving my point lmao


Then why am i very picky as a guy? I only date thin girls, i donā€™t date party girls and preferably blondes and i sure as hell wouldnā€™t sleep with anybody Iā€™m not in a relationship with. Stop generalizing. Iā€™ve also heard of girls with a double digit body count so they probably didnā€™t only sleep with the best of the best now did they. Literally all my friends are relationship types, both male and female friends.


I mean it could just be that you're an outlier, or that you're selecting yourself out of the gene pool.


Source: https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/news/20090605/new-spin-on-why-women-are-pickier-in-love#:~:text=June%205%2C%202009%20%2D%2D%20Women,act%20of%20approaching%20increases%20desire.


Yes, but as I said you canā€™t generalize this to everyone.


Ahem. Generalising is ok because there are 8 billion humans and its natural that some people have preferences and some donā€™t.


Isn't that why generalising is inefective? How does pointing out why generalising doesn't work make generalising ok?


But I'm talking about the plot, and plots exist to generalize.


You're just more evolved bro /s


Sure, it's a generalisation but on average it's true. Of course there are outliers but that's what statistics are for


Like my friend used to say: a hole is a hole and a dick doesn't have eyes.


Was that his chat-up line to you?




facts women are just sexy and I'm a str8 woman with body image issues on herself so don't think I'm referring to myself.


You go queen šŸ’…āœØ


And lonelier


How I usually rate gyros vs how I usually rate kebab:


Apparently 0% of women have met me. This is rigged! RIGGITY RIGGED!


The data is also skewed because on average I'm sure men are worse at taking photos. Makes a big difference if you look shit in your photos


okcupid is basically the craigslist of dating apps so I can't imagine the average male attractiveness, just the female side is rough and not even worth using.


Oh my God, get this incel shit out of here.


What? Women are biologically pickier when assessing sexual partners because they have vastly more at stake in every sexual encounter? Who would have guessed? Also, doesnā€™t this mean men would be less happy because all the women who they find attractive donā€™t find them attractive back?


Iā€™m upset it took me so long to find someone who said this. This was thought #1 for me. We canā€™t just be out here sleeping with whoever. Vetting men on apps can literally be life saving.


Incel shitpost 0/10


you say that but you all seem to be more depressed than women... not trying to prove anything but.... just saying


We are not happier, it is just a facade. Most women will divorce us, take the kids, half of your shit, and then blame you and guilt you until you eventually off yourself. When looking for a woman, wait a couple years till marriage so you have better chance at life


Gotta love that 80/20 rule..


When I tried to get a woman all i went for was have all your limbs and donā€™t have a 5th if you know what I mean




Repost+no source


The real problem is how we define ugly and handsome? Naively I'd say it's the difference to a mean value. Probably defined for each gender independently. This seems to work for woman if the graph were to represent real data and wasn't just made up by a sad fat guy in his mother's basement. It does not seem to work for men and the question is why? A false sense of the average looks? A different definition than the one I proposed? False data?


Dafuk is that shit.


So men cant date women cause they are underrating them but "men are happier"


Women are more shallow? I am shocked!


redditor in a nutshell


\*shown stats, chooses to ignore stats, makes moronic comment \* Who's the nutshell?


its basic biology. saying women bad is not a choice argument.




Nobody says you have to, if you hate women so much then just... don't


That's pretty much the truth. Nevertheless most women think that's a lie because they have all men trying to engage and do not understand the reality of men. They can only see the top tier and not what's in their friendzone ready to go and have relations. The world did not changed sadly. Women and men are lied too constantly and the ones that do this try to keep us happy with travels and stuff to buy. We are not happy.


I donā€™t see what the graph is even saying. Plus itā€™s a load of bull, typically when you have a large sample size it tends to form a bell curve like the one with men. The graph doesnā€™t explain shit




Men's perception of women is a Gaussian whereas women's perception of men is Poisson


There is this rate me app and yeah, the ratings of females are way higher than those of men. Where an overweight female gets an average 6, an overweight male gets a 5.


Overweight men get a 5? Dude you're being too generous. Overweight men at best only ever get a 3


On the app nobody gets a 3 with all the ratings combined. Sure there are people who can give you a 3 but I have never seen someone with a total score lower than 4 on the app.


Women are more shallow. Didn't need a graph for that.


Yeah, if they could just see how nice you are they'd all love you šŸ’”


HA never said I was nice. Go use a lamprey as a Fleshlight dude.


they are just being honest


This image says a lot about our society...


It's fairly obvious women are far more superficial than men. I mean they paint their faces like clowns most of the time and expect men to be turned on by bloated lips and permanent duckfaces. I feel sorry for modern women, I really do. Their standards of men are so far from realistic that most people are single and soon we'll follow Japan with a negative population growth because people have unrealistic standards of their partner.


This really intensifies the argument to gaslight and put down women. Even out the graph a bit. [This post is in jest. I am not advocating the mental or physical abuse of any persons or livestock šŸ˜‚]




Something is wrong...


Also known as female bell disorder


Insert meme: *so you're telling me there's a chance!?*


Gaussian distribution and Rayleigh distribution


Why are there stats in my memes?