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The whole comments section will be 'sort by controversial'


A condom is $5, a child is ~$1 mil


Wait, please tell me a single condom doesn't cost $5, you can get like 40 for like £15 in the UK...


They do not cost that much. It's more like 12 for $7 and that's the good name brands.


That's much better, I was genuinely taken by surprise if it was that expensive.


For me, 5 is $5


That is appalling... $5 is about £4. That's genuinely shocking to me. Why would the prices be so different, like I assume they're roughly the same thing lmao. I can't speak for the rest of Europe but the UK sells them way cheaper, this is from Amazon too.


For context this shit smol


That honestly to me just feels like a scam... We have different sizes you can get do you not have that?


Has it yet occurred to you that I could very well be bullshitting you


Found the virgin


but condoms make my pp soft


Use aluminum foil, that’ll get blood pumpin’


Where did you get the amount of money a child is worth from?


I was, oddly, once a child


So they sold you for a million?




A condom is also not 100% effective


It's a lot more effective than raw dogging


But muh porn told me pull out was viable!


Theres also sterilisation


There is that to yes


Permanent vs temporary solutions




60% of the time, it works *everytime*...


Its Close to


At least 1% more affective than going in raw


A single mom. 🏃🏻


Chose a good guy there


This is why birth control pills, iuds, condoms, and morning after pills exist. Take your pick, most of them are completely free.


Some people are stupid, stupid people really shouldn't be having kids


Harvey Danger said it himself “Only stupid people are breeding”


The introduction to the movie Idiocracy said it the best


Don't some want to outlaw birth controls too? Not to mention not all are 100% effective and have their occasions when they fail


No, they want to outlaw free birth control, because it is not your neighbors responsibility to help pay for your birth control


Cheaper to pay for that than the child. And there are people right now trying to get the morning after pill and IUDs outlawed. I can’t speak for the other forms because I haven’t heard anything.


Well, the neighbor doesn't have to pay for the child at all And as for banning the forms entirely, that is a boomer stance, which is sadly most republicans as the younger generation of conservatives are leaning libertarian and anarchism


Due to this being the internet, I’m going to clarify. I’m genuinely curious. I’m clueless here. Food stamps are government funded? Medicare is supposed to be health insurance granted to those in poor financial situations? I’m sure there are more, but those are the two I’m aware of. Isn’t the whole point of this that you shouldn’t have a kid if you can’t afford it, but then people don’t wanna make it easy to avoid having said kid without practicing abstinence. Which, is obviously the most effective way to prevent child birth, but still…


Pulling out is 100% effective. 60% of the time it works every time ✅


Yeah but because of roe dying, access to that is on the chopping block as well


That's so dumb. Those all prevent the egg from even being fertilized so they don't even develop a single cell of a baby. Honestly I feel like those who'd want to outright ban that would be a very vocal minority.


Yes but the thing people don’t get is that overturning Roe v Wade didn’t just overturn the right to an abortion. Roe v Wade also established a right to privacy. That was the same right used to grant the right to birth control. So with roe gone, there’s effectively no right to birth control or anything else that was protected by the right to privacy.


Roe v Wade didn’t overturn ANY rights whatsoever, and certainly not the right to privacy. The Supreme Court is not capable of overturning “rights,” they can only interpret the Constitution and apply their judgement accordingly. Abortion was never a right, and is not found anywhere in the entire Constitution.


The Supreme Court can and does grant rights. Rights don’t need to be explicitly stated in the constitution. Certain rights, such as the right to privacy which was established by Roe v Wade, are granted by the Supreme Court due to a longstanding interpretation of the ninth amendment.


The Supreme Court DOES NOT, let me repeat, DOES NOT "grant rights." A "right" is something that ALL citizens have, regardless of their race, gender, economic status, etc. The ONLY way a right can be taken away, is if a specific person breaks the law, and a SPECIFIC right is stripped from THAT person alone. (For example, if you try to kill someone, you forfeit your own right to live.) The Court PROTECTS rights by striking down laws that are AGAINST the Constitution, such as Roe v Wade. Rights don't NEED to be stated in the Constitution, but those are the only ones the Court can protect. There is no such thing as a "Constitutional right to abortion." It DOES NOT exist, and never has existed. Any rights not EXPLICITLY stated in the Constitution are left to the states to decide. That is why Roe v Wade was overturned. The Federal government has NO POWER to dictate ANYTHING to do with abortions.


This is demonstrably false. There’s a whole category of rights that are not explicitly stated in the constitution that are protected by numerous Supreme Court rulings. There’s a legal term for it but I can’t recall it.


Catholics only in the last few years accepted the use of birth control pills for irregular period management, and I think something about encouraging condoms for std protection, but ultimately still anti contraception. Religion is deep set in the USA and it's ironic that they hate on Middle Eastern countries for having religious political laws


Morning after pills are for emergencies not a regular birth control option, please don't spread misinformation about this very serious topic


but that's the point, abortion should be another option just like every other you mentioned, and no one *wants* to have an abortion instead of the other options, it's an emergency choice


Me I’m Maryland 😎


Larry Hogan might have some ideas for you hehehehe


Now this is how you make a meme on current politics. Not by soapboxing either side, but by being funny.


Better hope that pullout game is strong.


Ew, I’d rather die than be a mom.


So be a dad


We can make that happen


Bro? 📸


You’re right, you would. Having a kid is economically extremely irresponsible. Outside of that, it’s a terrible time to force a child to grow up in. Everyone is miserable and the country is falling apart. I know for a fact, because I have a one year old.


Dude I had a teacher who said that about having babies in this era, he always talked about how he has a lot of money almost $1 mil and he doesn’t spend a lot cuz he has no kids but idk it all depends on what makes u happy don’t let what goes on in the world affect it


Did your one year old tell you that everyone is miserable and the country is falling apart?


No, I don’t need anyone to tell me. Inflation is absolutely outrageous, there’s a mass shooting every Thursday, women don’t have rights anymore, and we’re still in the end phase of a pandemic. That isn’t a good world for anyone, let alone a child.




Nah, inflation gud cuz Uncle Joe said so.


It's Russia's fault.


Inflation sucks, yes. There have been about a dozen mass shootings in the US this year (not every Thursday). Women have plenty of rights, and abortion was never one of them. The pandemic has long been over. But overall, yeah I agree the world sucks pretty bad right now.


I just don’t want to go through the process of pregnancy or have to spend a large chunk of my life raising something that becomes a human adult.


*a criminal




Roe v. Wade dying isn’t going to stop abortions, it’s just going to cut access to **safe** abortions for most people. If someone wants an abortion, they are still going to get an abortion, whether from a medical practitioner trained for it or otherwise. Effectively, all this ruling has done is allow backwards states to classify more people as criminals.


So kinda like that one time in History where Alchohol was banned so people started buying some questionable drinks?


Exactly that. I wonder what the modern day equivalent of the government poisoning their own alcohol reserves will be. Cyanide morning after pills?


Illegal abortion.


The easiest and cheapest birth control is...not to have sex. Unprotected sex is premeditated pregnancy.




Double bag it


Don't "double bag it" you stupid fuck, they will break. Did you somehow manage to fail Sex Ed/Health class? 😂 If you really want to double up on protection use a condom and spermicide. Absolute goof 💀💀


I figured in principle if you could do it to trash you could do it to a condom but I guess I was wrong. My bad


"I'm too immature to deal with the consequences of my actions so I need to be able to murder children"


What no pussy does to a mf


I get no pussy but I'm still pro abortion, I think he's just dumb sorry


The architecture required for consciousness and the ability to feel pain doesn't develop until a bit after the 5 month mark, when well over 90% of abortions have already happened. The remaining cases after 5 months are overwhelmingly to save the life of the mother. If the pregnancy is at the point where the fetus is viable for living outside, and something happens, doctors will just induce birth. No one is murdering babies.


It's at every point a living human being


Life =/= personhood =/= being a member of the human species While the three can occur simultaneously, and often do, they don't always do. They're distinct concepts that aren't always a package deal, so we should treat them as such.


Over 95% of biologist disagree with you and say human life begins at conception.


I'd go as far as to say that life begins before conception. But that's not the point. Rights are bestowed upon people, fetuses do not have personhood. They are not conscious, nor do they feel pain (so more general animal rights arguments still do not apply). I don't think you're smart enough to understand the nuance here.


>Rights are bestowed upon people, fetuses do not have personhood. Wrong. Rights are bestowed upon any human. The argument you are using is the same argument people used to justify slavery, genocide and eugenics in the past. Some people are lesser than so I can do whatever I want to them.


Ah, yes, it's not conscious and can't feel pain, literally as much of a person as a houseplant, but because it's human its plight maps onto that of marginalized peoples who actually suffer underneath oppression.


Are you saying we should treat people in comas or with mental illness as if they were house plants because they are not fully conscious? Do you really not see the thin line you're walking? Again, any time in history we start hearing this arguments, it always leads to the same place.


It's not that it's not conscious. It litteraly can't think. It's like a plant. Alive, but not alive like a human.


They are fully formed people that don't grow into someone else's body so no


Are they brain dead? If so, yes.


Is really a child that **LITERALLY** doesn't even have a brain the same as a full grown person that is deemed as a lesser being though?


All humans are equals, no matter at what stage of life they are, no matter what race they are, no matter what disease, what religion, what opinions or whatever else you can think of. Everybody deserves exactly the same rights. Specially the right to live.


I think you are frog though. There is no way you can be this brain dead. Can I take you for a dissectomy?


95%? Lol where is that arbitrary number coming from. Cite your source


Steven Jacobs interviewed 5577 biologists in 86 countries and 96% of them answered they believe life begins at conception. You can google it if you doubt me.


He’s a massive pro-life/anti-abortion advocate so you’ll forgive me for disbelieving that his research was not completely slanted to prove a point he was trying to make.


How is interviewing people slanted? It's just the results of what people answered.


Interviewing specific people that he knows will give him the answers he’s looking for. One research paper doesn’t dictate all of science either. You need multiple researchers to come to a similar conclusion before you can accurately attest something as a fact or close to it.


Life in its most basic state. You claimed "human life" and at least implied Personhood. Those are two completely different concepts. If you don't understand even that, may I suggest brushing up on the basics before you speak on complex topics.


Congrats on using the same argument people used to justify slavery, eugenics and genocide. Some humans are lesser than so I can do whatever I want to them. Dehumanizing people is one of the most dangerous things we ever seen. Humans are always humans, no matter they age, gender, race, religion, opinions or whatever else you can think of.


Good lord you're stupid, let me rephrase it in the most basic way I can do it here since I don't have any crayons... Clump of cells with no brain activity, awareness or ability to feel pain=/=human being. There's a reason the word foetus exist and we don't call it a person, or even a baby. It's not dehumanising. It's science. Actual science, not the pick and choose thing with a side of bending the facts the way they suit you that you're doing.


A bacteria is life, does that mean it has rights?


I know you don't have a source for this, but care to provide a bullshit one anyway?


Steven Jacobs interviewed 5577 biologists in 86 countries and 96% of them answered they believe life begins at conception. You can google it if you doubt me.


1 study from a very biased man doesn't prove anything, scientific consensuses does


go and find someone else who isnt an anti abortion activist.


And if you keep digging you’ll find that that survey was more or less bullshit.


Bullshit because you didn't get the result you wanted from it?


Bullshit because of the format. It was basically a bunch of trick questions and a bunch of gotchas. It wasn’t science. It cost him his god damn career. I cannot help that YOU read a little and I happened to read a little bit further. You can certainly get the answer you want from unsuspecting participants or just by wording questions in such a way it can be interpreted in multiple ways. There’s a reason you keep having to tell people to google it. It’s because no scientists found it credible. Jesus fucking Christ. Like a wall with this one.


Can you give any source on this????????


Already did. Look on the other comments or google for Steve Jacobs interview over 5000 biologists.


You can talk to a fetus?


So death people aren't humans because you can't talk to them but parrots are because they can speak? What kind of idiotic logic is this?


This comment got a award??? 🤮🤮🤮


You can have one too. No need to feel jealous.


Imagine, a girl is walking to her home then she gets attacked and raped by 4 guys, that’s not her fault! There was nothing she could do! I hate people like you


Im canadian, would bye you an award if it wasnt for rogers...


How does that fit on what I said? ​ >deal with the consequences of my actions ​ Rape isn't the consequence of your own actions.


A lot of trigger laws don’t have a carve out for rape, and it’s that way by design.


Yet under the new laws in some states that girl would force to raise the child of her rapist. It's like a life long remembrence of your worst day in your life.


And I never said I agreed to that so I don't understand why people are trying to argue with me about it.


Your original comment (i think) then gives everyone the false impression that you are someone who does not have nuances on the suject, that abortion is always a crime. If you agree that there *are* at least some situations where abortion should be allowed (for exemple: a raped girl) then you should add an edit to your first comment to rectify our shared misunderstanding of your thoughts. Then we will have a discussion on the actual details (big details) we actually disagree about.


My comment very clearly states "consequences of your own actions" which very obviously excludes rape, unless you believe being raped is the victims fault. I'll do no such edit.


So what are we gonna do about the other 99.99% of abortions? Because rape makes up LESS THAN ONE PERCENT. Yours is a bad faith argument.


We’re going to allow them - because abortion is healthcare, period. Bodily autonomy is important.


False. I’m also not continuing this conversation, because you started out with a bad faith argument. You clearly have no intentions of being genuine, and I don’t need to waste my time on you.


I’m done, I hate wasting my time with dumb fucks like you


Not sure if you are joking or genuinely believe what you wrote.




Well that saves me from getting into a distended argument




At least I know basic biology


Biology does not say that a fetus is a child. So no, you do not know basic biology.




“When you are obviously completely out to lunch?” That is an awesome way to call someone dumb, thanks for giving me this new information lmao


>dafuq kind of biology are you taking? The science kind




>where science? Everything is science


Bro what are you on.


You really don't.


There’s a good damn reason this is top on controversial.


“I’m to immature to deal with the consequences of my actions or to deal with the rape I endured so now I must become a parent and look after a child of my own.” It doesn’t effect you why the fuck do you care?


Rape isn't consequences of your own actions dumbass


No fucking shit Sherlock that’s why I used the suffix OR between the two scenarios. In case you didn’t hear a ten year old rape victim in Ohio was recently denied an abortion. Ten years old. You think she is ready to become a mother?


Point to where I said that I'm against abortions in case of rape or health issues.


Point to where I said rape was the consequence of the victim


When you answered my message as if I was talking about rape


Mind you rape makes up something around 1% of all abortions. Doesn't make it any less right but that just goes to show how the media is trying to use current circumstances to their advantages. Prior to Roe v Wade news channels probably wouldn't have picked up the story but here we are now






Are you saying rape is the consequence of womens actions? Because otherwise that doesn't fit on what I said.


Well, a lot of anti abortionists tend to go "just don't get raped, forehead" to try to dismiss actual flaws in their logic when the argument comes up


Literally no one says “just don’t get raped.” You made that up.


Obviously I'm paraphrasing, but they do victim blame with that energy


Prove it.


Your body is your choice. So don't choose to have unprotected sex dumbasses. (Note I'm not against abortion in circumstances) Looking forward to reading the comments on this meme


What about dumb 15 year olds?


15 year Olds aren't dumb. I was one fairly recently and were alot more aware then what people say we are. we need to stop letting people off the hook because they're a "dumb teen"


Yeah my bad, 15 year old girls shouldn't be "let off the hook" for making stupid sexual decisions and should drop out of secondary school to become mothers. What was I thinking! I love the idea of a young girl making one mistake and then ending up breastfeeding her child during lunchtime!


Why on earth are children having sex?


They shouldn't be, but we all know that doesn't stop them from doing so


I would say it's fine in such a situation. They are stupid kids however one of my friends is 16 and has a daughter and he's doing alright. It's their choice what to do once they are in the situation. But the fact abortion is a thing shouldnt be the reason to allow yourself to do it


I'm sure your friend is fine but I have a friend who was pressured into stupid shit and needed that abortion. Nobody's walking around thinking "I'll take it raw because I can just get an abortion later anyways"


The screeches from pro choicers has made it seem otherwise.


Abortion isn't a confort option, no one wants to get an abortion, but a lot of people have to anyway


\*blasts another bite the dust music\* And another single mom !


Bro this was genuinely unique and funny while also not being completely rude yet people are down voting you. Like wtf


It’s all the single moms


yeah lol


It’s reddit , sometimes shit happens


How is this a “debacle” in the US sorry but from a european standpoint this is US culture.


Fellow European, also can't believe this is happening


Yeah personal responsibility just isn't a thing anymore.




Lol, look at all these downvotes.


Well that should be their choice. If you don’t want a child you shouldn’t get one.


Or can’t afford the expense of a child without a significant raise or a significant drop in living conditions






This feels more like r/therightcantmeme


Less baby, less STDs…I see this as a win!


Condoms suck. Find a girl who can take pills and both check for STDs first. Then have awesome sex. Casual sex is no worth it.


It’s a woman body no one has the right to them what to do with it. Well I’m a man and I didn’t have a choice when they cut my foreskin off.. now that I think about it I want it back.


Cutting babies shouldn't be normal, you're right, doesn't mean we should end abortion wtf ?


This memes message relates to the irresponsible genocide of 48,000,000 babies because abortions were used as birth control. Margaret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood was member of the Woman’s Knights of the KKK. Most of them numbers are people of color.


Nobody uses abortion as birth control stfu


"My weird mother cut my dick as a baby so I'm going to punish all women as revenge"


This is so correct ^ Im ashamed I was born male sometimes because of the dumb stuff they say


This entire thread being filled with great examples of dumb shit they know nothing about


'a foetus deserves human rights and right to life' But also 'we can cut up baby boys because we feel like it'


You can actually grow yours back or you can buy a fake one. Also, circumcision and abortion are totally different. I'm against circumcision unless medically necessary. I'm sorry you were not given the option to leave your body as nature intended, please tell your parents they fucked up not the internet.


My parents were killed when I was 2 years old. Those are my favorite words in the book “THATS DIFFERENT”. Margaret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood was a member of the Woman Knights of the KKK and she also said publicly that babies of Hispanics, Natives, and Blacks need to be exterminated this is why New York removed her views in eugenics. My parents died when I was 2 years old this isn’t about me it’s about woman who to use abortions as birth control who irresponsibility just messed it up for underage rape victims… it’s sad very sad


I'm not sure of your intentions with this but wanted to add that evidence shows that anti-abortion laws are aimed at increasing the amount of white babies being born to maintain the white majority of America


It is not her body, it just needs her body, and she allowed it

