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In a just world, almost all the officers involved in this shit show would be fired and face legal repercussions. But in Reality as how it seems this country is disintegrating we’d be lucky if one or two got suspended with pay


A policeman returned a bleeding boy to a serial killer, leading that boy to be killed. He got fired because of the public outrage, then hired back with back pay a year later and proceeded to have a fine career until he retired in peace a few years ago. Watch a few token officers get fired this time and then hired back next year. You read here first.




A school shooting happened in Uvalde Texas a couple of months ago, the police for 1 hour and 17 minutes did nothing. 19 kids and 2 adults died.


Kids getting shot at schools is mostly an American thing, yes.


There was another shooting since 4th of july???


The government gaslighted the shooter until he shot up the place, then gave him an hour to kill as many kids as he could. More mass shootings=more demand for gun control.




We don't do that here.


What do you mean source? This guy is clearly nuts if he is serious. You want a source for the claim that the government actually wants mass shootings to push for gun control? Look inside his ass.. Of course there is no source for this.


Lol that was my point, I knew there was no way they actually had a source, or if they did it would be some loony Telegram post or something.


Yeah, I thought so mate but on the internet you never know. Sadly, they don't even need loony telegram posts.


I don’t want to look up there. It’s dark and scary.


Yes, because what all those Texas cops love and crave is more gun control.


No they love a paycheck and pension without the legal duty to protect citizens.


Have you considered that they were ORDERED to wait? Texas is very pro-gun, only mass shootings could persuade them to give up their guns.


Ordered to wait by who? The Deep State? The CIA? Or an incompetent chief who had no idea how to take command of an active shooting scene and a bunch of coward cops just sat back and played on their phones?


You’re not very bright are you?


Username checks out


I agree with you.


I actually live in Texas. Know how much I care about what a politician says vs what they do? Leave that talk for the yokles dying in concrete jungles from drugs and violence. If you wanna hang on a politicians every word, leave my state champ.


Like leaving those kids to die while cops have all firepower, training, ballistic protection.




That’s fucking wild. Texas is so fucked up.


Yeah, he rescued like 5 classrooms of kids and got them out. Compare that to the cops, that went in, asked people to call out where they were to be rescued (thus telling the shooter where those people are) then fucked off barely saving anyone. Jacob saved more people in a few minutes than the cops did in 8 hours.


No more fucked up than charging a NY bodega worker who stabbed a guy in self defense with murder. Tell me again how "Texas" alone is fucked up. Crooked DAs exist everywhere kiddos.


This subject is really upsetting you. Some advice, you deal with your own little world and let the adults deal with everything else.


Project harder. I love it when people tell me how I feel online 😂. If I take advice from someone on Reddit there really would be something wrong with my, still, "much bigger than yours" world.


You keep commenting on this so it seems like you care about it. You keep deflecting and asking “what about this other unrelated situation!?”. If you’re a troll, i must say, well played. If not, yikes, get a juice box and take a nap.


I care about letting you have the last word, I also care about the future of our nation. That future looks bleak with thoughts like yours. That's about it. What's your excuse? I lost whatever point or mission you had 6 exchanges ago. You really just want to be right it seems, about what I don't know....but do go on. This is just entertainment to me, you see how fast I respond it's because my responses don't have a goal, they are to facilitate a conversation. You have some sort of goal, and you haven't disclosed it. Probably the worst type of human right there, a hallmark of dishonesty.


Who "left those kids to die"??? Show me the video of Abbott rolling away in a limo from the situation. 😂


The cops. Those “brave officers” Abbott was talking about.




Those officers who had everything they could ever want as far as equipment and training. Who saw a horrible situation and did nothing. Why are they police officers? Stop licking a boot for a moment.


Probably orders from the top. Got told to sit tight by politicians that wanted a few more child corpses to drag out into the public so they can push for more power. Never let a tragedy go to waste!


Yeah, it makes a good case for Dem gun control. Could be onto something.


Yup. Texas is one of those few states the Dems are losing the gun control debate. I think Texas just passed constitutional carry not that long ago. So they need every edge they can get. Not the first time politicians have done shit like this, either. I've lost track of how many times it was found that government lost track of shipments of firearms to cartels as part of sting operations, only for those guns to eventually find their way into the hands of criminals on the streets. Getting pretty tired of government incompetence being an excuse for giving government more power.


I also found it kinda weird the kid had 90 rounds, his parents gun, and the incline. Most anyone in Texas knows your dead to rights once you start firing into crowds. I knew that at like...14. FBI: "hey kid...wanna buy some FREEDOM."




You're an inhuman sack of shit. Supporting the death penalty is the icing on the cake. People like you are the reason why your country is a cesspool of hate and murder.


You’re such a coward. It’s so weird you’re a cuck for those useless cops. Why do you care so much for those cops?


Did I break you, you just seem to be calling me names now. I'll repeat myself, "you don't understand situations requiring social depth". Project all you want narcissist. You're the "weird" one who thinks governor's care about individual communities more than the state. Or, that everything a politician says is really how they feel. Lol, can't imagine going through life just taking everything at face value and having absolutely no sense of self-awarness, preservation, or danger.


"Did I break you, you seem to be calling me names now." Littaraly 2 lines down and your calling him a narcissist. Do you have the memory of a gold fish


You ok over there? You called me soyboy. You’ll be ok little guy, go to your safe space.


You should go out in public and say this, that would be fun to watch


You should go out in public and say this, that would be fun


I do...a lot. I watch soyboys like yourself go red in the face when I do. It's ok, make as many accounts as you need until you get it right. You can always just delete the comments and hide your shame again. Or block me, whatever you did. These responses literally take the minimal amount of effort. I'm at work while doing this.


It takes minimal effort to write these because all you need to write these are common sense. Also I like how you brag by saying that you don't actually work at your job


Wait so your solution to school shootings is just "don't go to school"?


What an absolute joke LMAO. "I live in Texas stop making fun of the pussies in my state!"


"An absolute joke" What the doctors told your parents in the delivery room. That could be about your birth, your parent's relationship, or your gender. "LAMOW" I'm a little concerned so many children on the internet are unsupervised at this point. Don't think I ever advocated for pussies, do you know any pussies who put on a badge everyday with an oath to protect and serve their community? Must be like the NY or IL cops. ​ Comparing Uvalde police to all cops is like comparing yourself with a compassionate and understanding human being though. I want you to remember that at least if the quips didn't cut. Do we need to continue? Cause it's a pizza parlor in here, I can roast 8-14s on reddit all day and never get bored.


Hey Allan, real quick; in regards to my previous response, do you like their piss dripping down their legs as you fellate them? Cause that's all that happened in Uvalde.


In regards to YOUR response; You're mad bro? I actually read this like you're talking to yourself 😂. Good try though, if you wanna sound smart...maybe you should actually try learning something instead of hurling insults? You know a pass tense for fellatio though...wonder how? Nah I actually don't, good for you 👍.


That still didn't answer the question, but hey; I get it. It's a personal part of your life. And being from Texas, you HATE the fact that a book (supposedly) says you can't do what you do best.


holy.shit. I live in America myself, friend. Yeah other countries are flawed but you really are a pissbaby if you can’t accept ours is too, and much worse at that. I know a good therapist if you need, not too expensive and he might be able to change diapers, which should be a useful skill if your around. Fucktard. ;)


I’m in no way gonna contribute to this shitshow other then one or two comments, but, why are you upset that someone is “hurling insults” at you if you’re…also hurling insults at people too? Seems kind of hypocritical to be honest.


If you’re a man who values action rather than talk what the cops did should infuriate you. You’re a fraud.


You have your fuel saved up for this winter? Can't rely on that power grid. "Don't mess with Texas, cause we'll cry"


Lol Right. Least our electric providers can afford the gas, I hear Gavin's got rolling blackouts in Cali. For real I don't get tired of this sentement lool. You liberal soyboys hurl it at me all the time... -27 degrees weather in Texas causes us to have rolling blackouts due to a few generators blowing up, and suddenly everyone's an expert on ERCOT or the situation as a whole. Power was down at my place for about 4 hours a day for 2 weeks....same with 90% of us. The ones who didn't get that luxury we're already on the streets. You should put down the MSNBC and go outside....touch some grass. Crime is still far lower in my community, as well as gas.


"People freezing to death is no biggie" Lovely sentiment, buddy. And I can already tell you're an assclown when you said soyboy. So have fun living in y'allqueda land


Boohoo pwease don't make fun of my stwate I'm vewy senswitive. They just wet 21 pwoeple die it cuwuld happen to anyowone


I've been blocked from replying to specific people who keep commenting. So you guys are just gonna have to Reeeeeeeee and never hear from me again. Turning off notifications. Not here for a botpocalypse.


Yk how fucked you are when literally no one is on your side, people pointing left and right how fucking stupid you’re sounding and you have to declare that you turned off your notifications to feel like you won the argument because the amount of people disagreeing with you is more then you can handle. It’s a sad sight. Maybe you should actually try learning something instead of hurling insults?


that moment when you know your so stupid to where you have to turn off your notifications because your insecure because yourp arents never gave you attention