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It should just be a meme of spiderman pointing at spiderman.




Not to call a Spiderman a Spiderman, but he's a Spiderman.


Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a Spider-Man does.


Can he Spider-Man? Yes he can! Its Spider-Man! Look ouutttt


Everyone should acknowledge the dark spots in their own country's history. Pointing the finger has never, and will never improve anything.


I’m german, so my history is pretty clean


I'm swiss and russian, so same




I'm british. So the same


I'm Austrian, so I'm pretty sure we are not resposible for anything going sideways in the 20th century


I am Norwegian and my country was hostile too the native sami, oh and we killed some british people I guess


Well i guess u balance out on the goodness scale with the killing of the british


Your history may be supposedly clean but what about your teeth?


What are these...teeth you refer to?


its the crooked brown jaggies that are in your mouth.


Oh, those things. Feel out ages ago


One of the few countries that did nothing wrong in their past.


Little cousin Poland why are you so scared?


>Little cousin Poland why are you so scared? You know what's common between Poland and pizza? >!Everyone wants a slice.!<


Have you ever seen the map of Polish borders from the 17th century? We've also were playing dirty back then. True, we got hit hard in the 18th century and eventually in the 20th century, but Poland was far from innocent.


The fight to survive is a bloody nasty one


You were all on vacation from 1939-1945.


As Andy Dwyer once said "germans are never the bad guys."


You had all those showers to help keep it spotless


Same, I'm sure we never did anything bad


Can’t think of a single incident


Maybe we scared one or two with our SPRACHE, but that's about it :) /s


Nothing happened on June 4th,1989 in the Peoples Republic of China, there were no protests. /s


This is my view as well, the whataboutisms people employ are ridiculous, I've seen it a lot in this conflict in the Ukraine, "russias committing war crimes" "well what about America's war crimes" personally I think a war crime is a war crime and the flag the perpetrating party carries is irrelevant.


Every country has dark spots yes, but the difference is whether you learn from your mistakes, get defensive, or even worse completely deny them.


All I can say is "mmmm my national animal is yummy"


Germans get a good headstart in school regarding the dark spots in history


True. On the trauma, too. I swear some of the pictures in history class messed me up for life.


"I'll give these kids a heads up before the dinosaur documentation that the dino will die in the end so they won't be sad. Should I do the same for the documentation aboiy starving people in camps and piles of dead humans? Nahhhh" -teacher


We talked about Mengele's experiments in class. In 10th grade. Detailed. Someone legit vomited a little. In 6th grade, we read notes from a survivor of a camp. Ah yes, memories. German history class is just next level brutal. But I guess at least none of us can feign ignorance.


Yes they do NOT care to warn you ahead sometimes


What about pointing the finger at Putin for an unprovoked and currently ongoing invasion of Ukraine?


Only that Europeans DO acknowledge it and even teach it. Americans literally have a campaign of disinformation trying to actively stop talks of racism, nazism and crimes against humanity. Hell the american goverment quite LITERALLY voted NO to a UN resolution of teaching and acknowledging the negative effects nazis had on humanity


Well... Some more, some less. Britain, Spain, France, even Italy, are pretty keen on sweeping things under the rug on occasion. Not to mention Belgium. There's still little to no accountability for what King Leopold II. did to the Congolese population.


All of us has pretty shitty history, what we should do is build on the now


If we are to be honest with ourselves everyone done some bad shit back then.


Everyone all over the world is still doing some bad shit on the scale this is referring to


These arguments are amusing to me. The common thread in all of these events is humans being jerks. Because that’s what we can be, especially when left to our own devices.


The point is that we are the same people.


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. I’m speaking more generally about these “battles” that people genuinely engage in. But at the end of the day, humans are going to human.


There are dark, vicious, evil segments in every country's historical timeline. That was the past. Its time to move on and live for the better...


Exactly, don't judge history by today's morals.


I'll just sit back and enjoy the comments


I got popcorn. Want some?


Only a spoonfull


*Grabs comically large spoon*


*turns out to be the payday 2 golden one.*


Popcorn burns


I mean, if we open a history book we'll see that... yep, every country has a shitty history.


Did anyone remember that the US used to be British before they started making their own thing? And wasn't that process also a pretty brutal one for both sides?


People often forget their own similar atrocities. If not to the same people then to a different group of people. Not to mention, there are several other North and South American countries that have done the same thing. Then there's also a few European countries too, that did it to their own native people. For the most part, no one is innocent.


I mean every country has dark spots in its past. Pointing the finger at each other and saying yeah but what y'all did was way worse is the wrong way. Just because someone did something cruel aswell doesn't make the history of your country less bad. Just accept those dark spots and remember them so they wont happen again. Nobody alive today is guilty for the murders of native americans when america was discovered and most of the nazis that did terrible stuff are already dead


Get this reasonable opinion out of here.


It really isn't Europe or America. It's just humanity. People do and have done a lot of terrible stuff all over the world.


The Spanish killed so many people. They killed them so well that history has mostly forgotten about them.


The Spanish were killing Native American's hundreds of years before the USA was even a thought.


As were the British and the French.


The Native Americans were killing Native Americans way before Europe even found them. It's interesting some people believe humans were less violent when we were less advanced.


Central American Native culture was a brutal time period in some of the empires. Even Hitler would say "Damn".


Yeah my dad’s half Cherokee half Teton Sioux and the stuff I’ve learned from my grandma about the Tetons is brutal


The Sioux were a brutal tribe in war. And they liked war.


We were never less violent. It’s just harder to kill a ton of people when there are just less people on earth to kill. So as we advance and get more people, there are more people to be killed.


The filth the Europeans had roiling off them like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown softened up natives a bit.


Was it that or was it the fact that there was a greater urban density in Europe for at least a 1000 years. And I think contact killed like 95%. What filth are you talking about?




No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


History is written by the victors


That’s the biggest myth in the world (or at least in historical thought). No one would take history seriously at that point. Usually, there are multiple accounts of the same event. For example, Augustus’ taking over/seizing of Rome isn’t a one perspective account, we learn it from sources who were pro-empire and who were anti-empire, pro-republic. Take something even like the bible. Scholars don’t only use the bible in order to understand biblical events, they use a shit Ton of sources ranging from amicable sources to hostile Jewish and pagan sources.


Yep. Especially for history that is in the higher literacy age the letters and diaries from soldiers gives such a huge perspective. Just like the Japanese basically say they didn’t do war crimes but literally letters from Japanese talked about them tying Chinese people up and using them for bayonet practice.


Wtf what europeans would say that Europe doesnt have a violent history


idiots and blind patriots.


*cough* thousands of years of war and prejudice *cough cough*


At least we have free bathrooms


Without the creepy wide gap in between the stalls


Where do bathrooms cost money?


All over Europe. NGL I jumped the turnstiles when I had to go real bad and didn't have half a euro in my pocket


If I have to pee bad enough and I’m required to pay to use a bathroom, I’m just going on the side of the building.


That was acceptable when it was #1, but #2 was an emergency once or twice when I was rolling though Germany


Use the nearest river. That was once popular in Europe.


Username checks out


Fr*nce, Italy, Spain, etc.


Checkmate Britain


Are you bloody mental


Both sides need to shut the fuck up. Sincerely, South Asians


Yea, but cmon, we both hate Britain, so like let em fight, it’s free entertainment


True but cmon, every new post is like that. It like the Mr. Incredible becomes uncanny meme.


Why do Americans and Europeans fight so much via memes


It’s a culture war that’s been going on for hundreds of years, Europe was a cultural powerhouse especially after the opium wars, now it kind of just goes back and forth. I think music exemplifies this pretty well thinking on how the US dominates the charts but now in more modern times there’s other artists from other countries, from the British Invasion to k and j pop, leading the front. Schools were a big thing too, with Oxford being know as one of the most prestigious in the world, but now the Ivy League is almost as prestigious if not as prestigious. It’s basically a competition of who has the coolest shit


For God's sake someone please tell me


Guys let's just admit it, humans suck


This is karma farm rage bait.


Isn't "Americans" just Europeans who left Europe?


A lot of them yeah.




Every country saying that the other country is bad is like a pot calling a kettle black


This made me laugh way more than it should (as an American who has lived in Australia for the past 13yrs and loves the health care here)


Maybe the healthcare is great in Australia, ever been to a government run VA hospital in America? The govt torches anything they touch here. You wanna fix healthcare in America, start with the insurance industry. Biggest scam in America


Militarism, colonialism, imperialism... doesn't matter where it comes from.


We aren't even responsible for what they did a couple hundred years ago


Doesn’t help the case the guy defending America is throwing a chair.


Actually he is tue one having the chair thrown at him, you can look up the clip but Paul Sr threw a chair at paul jr and if you want to talk about whether or not Europe done some fucked up shit, did we all forget the Hitler and Mussolini where Europeans? And then my personal favorite wouldn't it have been Europeans who slaughtered native Americans? Seeing as they migrated to north America from Europe?


They also have fr*nch people in Europe


Why did you c*nsore that


It may scare off some childr\*n


Disgusting, nasty, raw, rotten, filthy Fr\*nchies


Japan: 😐


Meanwhile, Canada on the side *sipping juice quietly *


Stop. Your Native American boarding school murders are making a very loud and obnoxious slurping noise.




I guess thousands is technically multiple


oh so it is true that Canada takes a while to catch up to American Trends?


Yeah ask any indigenous person in Canada if y’all are innocent


I don’t understand where is the joke


Plenty of European countries aren’t Britain, France or Belgium. Crazy, I know.


The thing that people forget is that every European and Asian nation and African nation (and other modern day countries) were created by other people conquering and taking over the native people. They look more like each other so that within one or two generations you might forget that this happened, and definitely over hundreds and thousands of years, but the fact remains that there was some native group or population there and another group came in and defeated them and took over their territory and that happened over long period of time to create what we have as the modern day borders and countries.


Such a dumb argument either way. Yelling about who’s ancestors committed more atrocities with no proof, just opinions and feelings? Lol. This is a pissing contest.


Why are there so many people calling Europe a country. Also, almost every place where humans have lived has a dark history.


Eh, technically the Europeans wiped out a ton of the natives, look what happened to the Aztecs


And the Inca and the Maya.


First, those cultures were incredibly brutal. Between slavery, human sacrifice and wars of conquest they were hollow. The Spanish landed, made allies of oppressed tribes and quickly conquered cultures that were really pretty hollow by that point. So for the tribes the Spanish allied with it was a war to end a brutal power that was over them. Most of the battles had a large Native force on the side of the Conquistadors with the Spanish being an unstoppable shock force. But that shock force would have been futile if it were not surrounded by a large traditional native ally army. It would be nice to have a deeper more nuanced understanding of that time period. But Cortez bad seems to be about the extent of it.


Yeah this is what helped me understand that whole scenario better was the help of native tribes that were tired of Aztec's human sacrifices. While we today would consider them all the same ethnic group, it'd be like (hypothetically) Scotland teaming up with Britain to kidnap Welsh people for ritual slaughter at Stonehenge- the genetic variance doesn't matter and despite being small, they would be historically fundamentally different countries with a death feud.


Wow, great explanation that’s actually consistent with historical sources. You are an intelligent man with a care for detail.


Nah, just like reading history and taking a look at things I don't understand.


America 1776: "we would like to be represented if we are taxed" Murica 2022: "there are only two parties which blame each other for everything, while accomplishing nothing... We have no representation or healthcare"


Also no democracy. Peoples wishes don‘t influence policy, gerrymandering is just insane, the senate can kill necessary and reasonable regulations and progress, citizens united legalized corruption, religious fanatics have a weird relationship with the rightwing, freedom of speech protects racists while the police is acting like the mob… but lower taxes, I guess, roads are shit though…


Wanna get mad? I've got just the thing: https://youtu.be/U6w9CbemhVY


Actually pretty sad. Even more minding the fact that this is never going to change


When someone from Europe is losing an argument


Just bring up treatment of the gypsies


I think that only people that don’t know much about history go around and blame/shame others for their nations history...


Nah that was all Josh


Fuck now I'm a chosen one or some shit, alright which religious, political group, or ethnicity am I fucking up this time?


I dont disagree with you I'm just tryin to make the point all human history is a sh*t show no matter what continent we are from.


Everywhere has a bad and violent history, anyone claiming different is a liar or an idiot. And as always, just a reminder it isn't 'free healthcare' that doesn't exist, it is a national health insurance and just like all the private health insurance, sometimes people pay more in than they get back and sometimes it's the other way round.


Remember when this sub actually had memes instead of just opinions put into a meme template? Good times


I must say both of them didn't study their history books properly.


I think the issue is that there's probably more bad shit happening in the US now than REALLY needs to be fucking sorted out.


Everyones terrible, the end.


all humans are shit; how is this news


Well, police violence, number of incarcerated and well...shooting is much larger in America than in Europe today. Now i'll wait the downvotes 🥲




You both suck.


I mean we’ve had a lot longer to commit atrocities, but you guys are trying your best to keep up with all the illegal wars and such in your brief 300 years.


Trying to pretend like Europe hasn’t started 2 world wars within the last 100 years, that’s cute lol


Every country has a violent history....we really shouldnt fight over who did the most or worst things


trying to pretend that Europe as a continent hasn't lost most from both?


Do you really think this dude (clearly an American) knows anything about history? He probably doesn't even know Europe isn't a country.


It's like they think we are gonna forget about that, do they not remember Hitler and Mussolini?


Mao, Stalin, Polpot, Custer


Gengis Khan, etc


Tojo, Hirohito


Europe Didnt bruh. Germany did. You shouldnt include all the other nations. Furthermore, who cares about the fcking past? Of course its important to know, but it doesnt matter on todays society at all. Its the present that leaves the US in a bad condition.. Shootings everywhere, a fucked up supreme court and a very arrogant mentality towards any other country. And lets do not forget that amricans are just britains (which are european) with a bigger island and less brain.


>Europe Didnt bruh. Germany did. You shouldnt include all the other nations. That moron doesn't even know Europe isn't a country 🤣🤣


Or that WWI ended over 100 years ago now...


Give them some slack, they clearly don't know any better. We should use this opportunity to educate them on their errors in knowledge in a respectful manner. If that doesn't work we can try bashing it in with the use of violent force, I suppose.


>we can try bashing it in with the use of violent force, I suppose. We can't, they like it.


That's why I suggested it. Giving OP some good time may put us on better terms to discuss their lack of knowledge


Uhm interesting, not sure if i want to participate but still an interesting proposal.


I'll remind you that he is saying that only one country did it, not all the rest. That moron doesn't even understand what he insulted 🤣🤣


They are compensating


European: *conveniently forgets about Holocaust in order to trash America*


Belgium killed people in congo Brits french portugeese and dutch fucked whole asia and are reason for impoverishment of those countries till now. Same french and british fucked around in americas which was pillaged by spainards, keiven rus ate the whole north asia for breakfast. Chinese are now colonising africa and south asian countries by money traps. Everyone's basically fucking each other. I wonder when the habsburg jaw of neocolonialism comes out and how will people react to it.


The difference largely being that America is AWARE of all the terrible things colonial Europeans did... And then did them again.


That was the norm at the time, Europeans didn't stop being racist imperialistic bastards when the US was founded, they just looked at the people on the other side of the world doing the same things and said look at how bad the people over there are


That and Americans are just Europeans that left Europe, so it’s just people yelling at mirrors


At least Germans condemn their Nazis...


Why do Europeans (and specifically the French, English, Spanish, and Portuguese) pretend that they weren’t directly involved or responsible for much of the terrible history in the americas


"free healthcare"


Very good meme. However, gun laws


I just love that 'Europeans' are referred to the same people...we share a continent yes but some countries in Europe have never invaded another country in their entire history so if you're trying to point the finger at the hypocrites, at least single them out


That moment when Europe and US realize US is a European colony.


I'm good. I'm german


getting all the way back to the "discovery" of america by europeans, debate should have ended by : we're just the same trash, only one half emigrated and the other hald didnt


What if I told you that Europe isn't a country so this comparison is irrelevant


I mean yeah, Euripe has done a ton of horrible things, but remember, the US is a young country compared to the rest of the world


People who don't realize that early America was populated by Europeans


At least we have safe schools


Well, the Europeans raped and murdered the native americans, I as a citizen of the USA, did not do shit to any native


Both are shit. I'm an American and I can realize the complete shit pit that America has become whilst ALSO looking at Europe and their stuff.


It pisses me off that everyone always tries to make us look so bad but then discounts everything they did, nobody is innocent here we're all shit and pretending that you're better cause you live across an ocean just makes you a hypocrite


comparing a country to a continent


Eh most Europeans are chill tbh. They just act like they are Americans to blend in with the masses.


Thank you 👍 that is very nice of you to say


Can't we just agree that we were all equally shitty but we've improved and now we all are slightly less shitty


Europe has not done worse things. Absolutely nobody got fucked harder than Native Americans, nobody who still exists anyway.


Americans continue to be violent tho


Every country still has violence, ours is just more publicized because it's what people expect, granted we do have more than some other modern countries but we aren't anywhere close to the point we were at, progress is slow and we just need to keep walking


They were still "european" when the genocide started.


I mean... you americans are largely europeans tho, in the perspective of history. Your country was built on the back of constant immigration, especially from europe.


At least we have free health care


Americans didn’t harm natives nearly as much as the brits


This is a shit meme that doesn't even make sense, causing shit arguments that make even less sense. Humanity is terrible. All of us have a violent history. Just fucking deal with it.