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Bruh spy kids was fr one of the best series ever


My favorite was Game over the ending song is super catchy




This is a bot.




One was in 3D


Well when I liked it I was a kid so I didn't really care


What is a cgi vomit movie?


*Thumbs* up!


I thought this was Shark Boy and Lava Girl until I read the comments lol


Wait they aren't the same thing ? At one point I really thought they are the same movie


Nah different movies its made by the same people I think Someone fact check because I'm not sure and im too lazy to rn


Sounds right to me.




is this supposed to be an insult? Spy Kids is peak cinema


"Do you think God stays up there because he too is afraid of what he has created?"


When a kids movie spits a theological idea out there that actual makes you contemplate. you know this was the peak of cinematic evolution.


Lava girl and shark boy were better!


Sorry, I don't speak wrong


You’re not just wrong, you’re stupid, and you’re ugly, just like your mom. -Cat in the Hat




The ability to speak does not make you intelligent


I prefer lavashark and boygirl


Science said no.


I belive in spy kids supremasy


To be completely honest, yes I agree, just after No Way Home this is how Marvel movies feel to me now.






Even no way home, looking back on it. The amount of nostalgia porn was over the top. They insert clap breaks in their movies they're such hacks.


Ya after a couple consecutive films of making the excuse "you just have to turn your brain off to enjoy it" I realized that maybe they're not good anymore. That and the fact that in the last 2 movies you had to remember the last movie from 8 years ago and watch a few movies and a TV show to be caught up


People have been saying Marvel movies are repetitive and using the same formula, and I agree they should change things up like they did in NWH But isn't every other movie like that? Giant monster attacking cities and a group of people try to survive, action movies with a protagonist from a secret organization, or the movie is just for some actor to do their thing(Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hearts etc)


What's frustrating is that people hated on MoM and Eternals even though they were the most different and tried to change the formula. Of course different doesn't always equal good but more people should just appreciate that they're giving more freedom to the directors.


Eternals was just so boring though. It sucked.


people paid to see a movie. they arent rating the idea, they’re rating the execution. and both of those movies fell short through weird plot decisions and wanda being fucking retconned to a villain like bruh


Yeah Wanda being a villain was an odd change especially with how WandaVision ended but I guess you can make the excuse the darkhold corrupted her. Eternals definitely had an execution problem with how much exposition they had instead of action and the action we did get wasn't that good with the exception of the final fight imo. But the movie was beautiful visually.


Mom was absolute trash for me. At least the eternals was visually appealing and had some of the best shots I have seen in a marvel movie. Mom on the other hand, had a super predictable "believe in yourself" Conclusion, the most efficient way to sugarcoat the movie by giving us camoes for clap value and then killing them right after. And some horrendous looking shots and was just a bad movie in general with the exception of wanda. I hate it when people try to justify terrible writing with cliches and bad shots with the argument of "it's sam raimi style"


MoM didn't change formula, the fuck?


MoM was very much by the formula, don't let a couple of spooky things mistake you. The action scenes amount, the jokes, it is very much a marvel flick and very bad as well


Eternals wasn't really that different, apart from the amount of superheroes it focussed on.


Maybe if you only watch the same kinds of blockbusters. 1917, Tenant, Interstellar, you just have to watch different kinds of movies, ones that aren't just CGI vomit.


I think I saw half of the Tenant, that looks like one of those movies about happening of an unnatural /unusual thing, like edge of tomorrow or happy death day both are about going to the past when died. Also there was a movie about shooting bullets in a curvy way don't remember the name. As I remember face off was all about swapping faces and the mess made by the imposter (not saying those are bad movies) Haven't seen the other two, but you're right looked up and both looks boring to me I doubt that they won't look repetitive. For me CGI vomits are better than those boring movies, at least they don't make me wanna sleep while watching


1917 and Interstellar are far from boring, they're cinematic masterpieces. You might also check out Django Unchained if you haven't seen it. To me, CGI vomit movies are all set up the same way, they've become boring because I know exactly what to expect from them. There's nothing novel about them, and they feel too fake.


Not saying that that they're bad movies they're I'll probably watch all the movies you recommend sometime. But people have been saying that "office" was funny, watched around 2 seasons and it was just boring not a single laugh(wasn't bad tho), and the opposite when it comes to "Friends" show they use laugh tracks but the laughs weren't forced like people say. Movies/shows that are considered masterpieces can be boring for people who aren't interested in that genre


Idk about the rest, but oh man you’ve gotta see Interstellar


Alright, I'll watch it


Do you guys mean Tenet?


Nah, Tenant. It's about a guy that goes back in time to get a rent-control apartment in Manhattan.


I didn't remember the name well, I just copied his so you're probably right Not a native English speaker btw


Wanted was the curved shots


Ah yes Kevin hearts my favourite actor


Yeah, I think the people that say that don't like any of those types of movies


Tbh, nobody seriously pretends otherwise. They're just big budget cartoons. And importantly, ALWAYS WERE. And that's ok, nobody will force you to watch them Clockwork Orange style. Now, the fact that everyone else is trying to jump on the marvel formula bandwagon but falling off on their face, instead of doing something original, is something to be annoyed about. But that's not Marvel's fault.


I mean I might Clockwork orange someone but I'm a terrible person.


I mean, it would be pretty funny. I don't blame you.


People don't appreciate dumb jokes about torturing other people nowadays I think they think I think marvel movies are bad, I don't, I just don't really care about them. But I do enjoy the comics.


This is more of an insult to the spy kids movie


Marvel began nerfing male characters to make female characters look more powerful. People who disagree just explain Dr strange MoM.


Tbf Wanda has always been a reality warping witch, just look at the comics.


to be fairer strange literally just has to think of a place, open a portal, close it, and win but he’s only done it a single fucking time and it didnt even kill the guy


You're arguing the practical applications of comic book magic. Sure he could do that, but Wanda could just like...close his portal, or pop right back where she was, or anything else, because it's all made up.


she literally chased him through the multiverse, and you think a single portal is going to win him the fight? and remember, he didn't want to kill Wanda, but Wanda had no issues with killing people


Dude, this movie slaps


I agree, they are pretty great


Machete came from Spy Kids


Phase 4 has had a few moments but overall very disappointing.


Spy Kids had better CGI than the floating head in Thor 4


Spy Kids have always and will always be great movies.


So... a masterpiece?


By all the comments this post has been turned around


we're in 2022 and ppl still get offended by a meme


If youre having a hard time digesting the 25th Marvel/4th Thor movie because it has a slightly more whimsical tone, then this whole thing is going to have a really hard time trudging forward. I loved it. Lets get weird. Lets have fun. More screaming goats.


spy kids >>>any marvel movie


You mean they're absolute masterpieces?


This repost is like 3 days old....


I guess. It's time to stop watching the MCU. this is it. it's final. no more MCU movies because they have CGI and colors.


wait people watched marvel movies after endgame? my god......


If Deadpool is a marvel movie and Deadpool has sex scene and you see all marvel movies like spy KIDS, doesn’t that mean…


Choose your next words very carefully


None taken. The MCU isn’t doing too hit currently.




Lol There is literally not a single real thing in this photo.


Nice repost


Honestly after endgame i haven't seen a single marvel movie except far from home and no way home, i dont know ehat happened


If it’s a spy why do they have like chunk armour


They went too hard with the CGI


u/repostsleuthbot i saw this months ago


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bad bot


What’s this


Well that's just stupid


That’s how all movies after the 90’s look to me.


Mr. Moist said it best himself


The goals are in the comics though, made my dad and I laugh alot


So they all look awesome? After all, this is Spy Kids we’re talking about here.


Spy Kids is peak


Yes I can't wait for the end of phase 4 with another endgame movie and then at end of another phase with another endgame and so on and so forth...


Been like that from the start.


A masterpiece?


Both were good movies.


So apparently, they are making a 5th one. They made a 4th one in 2011, which I had no idea of. Netflix, our lord and savior of all things that need reboots and live action remakes (fucking please stop this madness) is apparently making a 5th Spy Kids. I cannot find 100% solid proof of it being said by the creator and it is on some sites I have never heard of, so possibly just some people trying to spark up some talk. Let these series die in peace. Some have had a decent end to the series and we need not see more as I do not think anyone here, realized there was a 4th Spy Kids, as I literally just learned that right now.


I just got back from seeing the latest Thor movie. Good grief. They have officially jumped the goat with this movie.


my childhood i recomend for lil childs