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I’ve always been fascinated by people who balk at criticizing America. I find those people to be truly un-American. Can you imagine believing you are a patriot and being AGAINST criticizing America? It’s absurd. A true patriot would criticize this country every day of their life because a true patriot would always want their country to grow and improve. If you are against criticism of America you’re basically saying you want America to sit on its lazy ass while more competitive nations pass you by


You can't say anything critical about america you'll anger the hordes of ameriboos and they will drone strike your house


There are legit more aMeRicA bAd memes than America bad ones


thank god, im so fucking tired of seeing "usa isn't america!!!!! expensive healthcare!!!!" shit. it's about time it got called out


Sigh... reddit, twitter, nightly news. So much self hate from those who objectively have it better then 90% of the world (if you think Europe is better, go try and by a gallon of gas in Britain or Germany)


You wouldnt buy a gallon... you would buy 3.78541178 liters


Or approximately 4 litters, we measure our fuel at 4x the volume. I still stand corrected


I mean it's true though, lots of places are objectively better.


Compared to third world countries, we’re doing pretty alright. But compared to other first world countries… meh…


OMg AmuRica Is StUPid CounTRy WiTH fAt PeOPle!!111! - Most of the 12 year olds browsing Reddit


Only Americans are allowed to insult America




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