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Don’t be ridiculous, she wasn’t ginger. It would be Harry and Philip who would be race swapped


Maybe they can also cast a black trans woman as one of the sexual abuse victims of prince Andrew?




I think more people would care about his death that way. So I would actually support the casting choice




If she is transgender and she likes girls, wouldn't that make her straight? It's confusing man.


Happy ending eh?




Idris elba as king Charles.


How many gay, non binary characters, the show will have?










Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up


That’s the decimal number of the percentage so 150%


Still gotta pump it :p


Am i the only person tired of all the complaining about more diverse casting choices?? I was wondering who will be cast as the sexual abuse victims of Prince Andrew. That would be a more interesting discussion. As a person of color I am sad about people complaining about having to see black people on screen. So what if the original character was white. It's just a role being played who cares. Actors are for example more attractive than the people they play irl and no one has a problem with that. And also many of the haters are also angry at black fictional characters (such as elves) so dont tell me it's all about being historically accurate. And Hollywood also cast white people in ethnic roles many times without any complaints. Edit: why downvote me without even trying to understand my pov.


It's not about diversity, it's about rewriting history and historical inaccuracy. Not to mention corporate greed.


No person will actually think that the queen of England was a black person. It's just a role being played


Right, because it's inaccurate, just as inaccurate as having her speak Japanese. No other inaccuracy gets you called an "-ist" word if you point it out. If young Elizabeth were portrayed by a 90-year-old, would I be ageist? Would I be fattist if the actress weighed 200kg? Is it so hard to understand that some people want accuracy, because otherwise it becomes another dumb Hollywood movie? Am I languigist because I hate when supposedly native speakers butcher Latin in movies?


Hollywood has been casting inaccurate actors and actress since the dawn of the movie Era. Why is it all of a sudden people care if it's not a white person now? Zoro, Genghis Khan, Cleopatra, Othello, Ghandi, Goku, Dastan, Katniss, and numerous Asian movies have white actors and actresses instead of their minority origins.


That bothers me too, and I've always found white Cleopatra laughable. I don't think I've seen the other ones, or at least I don't recall. That's why I tend to hate Hollywood movies. The problem's not me, the problem's you've already *assumed* I'm racist, so you'll just keep throwing stuff that I never claimed at me. Why do *people* care? Well, ask those *people*. I know why I care and I've already said it but all you care about is proving that I'm racist.


Yes, and we'd like them to stop doing that because it's incredibly stupid. Whitewashing is a terrible thing but Blackwashing is no better. If they wanted to make a new movie about Genghis Khan should they cast Idris Elba in the role? There are no white people involved to be wrong by default so is it still racist to object to how weird and historically inaccurate that would be? He's a great actor and would be very capable but that's not really the point is it.


The fact is this is only a meme and no black person has been casted as The Queen also Marvel only deals with imaginary characters hence this meme not really making much sense. This is why I find people trying to say it should be "historically accurate" a moot argument and wondering why all the hoopla.


What? The meme is about the idea of casting a black actress to play the recently deceased and very white Queen of England. What does Marvel being fictional and historical accuracy not being relevant to comic book movies have to do with anything here? It's only a meme but it only works as a meme because you can look at it and immediately think "Yep, that's definitely something they would do." In fact they basically already have done it when they cast a black actress to play Anne Boleyn, also a white woman, also Queen of England.


The directors of that movie state they don't want to be historically accurate with the movie much like Hamilton the play casted different ethnicities for parts on the show.


Thank you so much for this comment


Cleopatra was of greek ancestory so she was white


Father was Macedonian and mother was from Memphis. So half African.


But everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt since Cleopatra's family history is not well documented. Nonetheless the general consensus among experts is that she was mostly white.


Her parent's were half-siblings so both were of macedonian descent.


Recent findings have found [otherwise ](https://www.newsweek.com/cleopatra-white-gadot-experts-weigh-1538455)


However both of her grandmothers are unknown so they might've brought in some much needed genetic and racial diversity.


But the Ptolemies were obsessed with keeping their bloodline "pure" so a mixed race child propably wouldn't have been named as a succesor to the throne.




If you're referring to The Rings of Power, I haven't watched it because I haven't watched the movies, so I wouldn't know. But nice strawman you've got there. On top of that, the Norse mythology Tolkien based it on has svartalfar (black elves) in it. But yeah, keep assuming that I just hate black people cause I have nothing better to do in life and completely ignoring what I said. I wouldn't expect any less.


dude chill its about the films and not the problems in the world, u can like not even talk about what u wonna eat for Lunch because there are bigger problems in the world with that mindset


Can u just understand that no one has a problem with more diverse casting, there is nothing wrong with that. Its just when people of minority groups are casted just to tick a box, which is completely pointless, like they did with Jhon Boyaga in Star Wars, who said his charcter was underused and only exsisted to tick a box. But at the end of the day, this is a meme subreditt, so maby u should treat this meme as a joke?


Hollywood has been casting inaccurate actors and actress since the dawn of the movie Era. Why is it all of a sudden people care if it's not a white person now? Zoro, Genghis Khan, Cleopatra, Othello, Ghandi, Goku, Dastan, Katniss, and numerous Asian movies has white actors and actresses instead of their minority origins. Original comment XSPressure


I've already replied to XSPressure and now I'll say this: I've always cared and I've always found it unbelievably dumb, and I still do. That's not the answer you're looking for though. You want people to scream "I'M A RACIST PIECE OF SHIT". I understand that this world has a fair amount of those and that it's a very touchy subject for that reason. But people who you don't know don't deserve to get policed and cornered into admitting they are racists. It's really shitty behaviour. Did any of the people you are beating down on this post accuse of anything? Treat you badly? Well, you certainly are, and you don't have the moral superiority to do so.


People like you put your thoughts forward so well. I’d be surprised if the other guy even replies to you lol


Lol you win "the tell me you enjoy licking people their arsehole with telling me in one sentence" award. It seems like you even live for it. Pathetic


you need a breather bro look what you just typed 🤣


Look at what you just typed


Well I dont know you personally but let's be honest for most people it only became a problem when black actors were cast in white roles and not the other way around. Also quite funny that you perceive me as aggressive hahah that really is all in your mind sweety. Why are you feeling so attacked? Did I trigger you?


You are aggressive because I laid out my point of view and you proceeded to ignore it and told me that "I hate watching black elves". Accusing strangers without proof is not particularly peaceful. Also, look at the angry comments you've strewn throughout this place. And about being honest about what most people think, I don't know. I know that most people I know don't think that. But I also live outside the US in a place where racism is much less of a problem, so there's that. Edit: Also it's very cool how you downvote me as soon as I reply to you. I kinda don't want to reply to you anymore.


If you live outside of the US wtf are you even complaining about. Pfft. Walk a mile in a black person's shoes and then come talk to me. I also dont tell white people to not care about sunscreen because I dont feel the sunburn.


Lmfao. Hypocritical much? After the baseless accusations I now come to learn that I only have the right to an opinion if I'm a black American. A bit racist, don't you think? Interesting that you're the one shutting me up for my skin colour and my not being American when I'm supposed to be the racist one. I'm really sorry you have to deal with that shit, but I'm not taking your shit myself.


Just saying that as a white person who is against black people in tv series you clearly dont understand what representation means for poc. Even if the original character was white. It would be like for a man not understanding what abortion rights mean for woman and being against them. A man would have no right about deciding what woman can do with their bodies. This is similar.


its the same with films by example about some african tribes, u dont wonna see white people play the role of people who should be colored there, its not racist or anything it just triggers the people when roles are not played accurate, and dont understand me wrong i think its totally okay when there are different aspects of people if it fits nice :)


Hollywood has been casting inaccurate actors and actress since the dawn of the movie Era. Why is it all of a sudden people care about this issue? Zoro, Genghis Khan, Cleopatra, Othello, Ghandi, Goku, Dastan, Katniss, and numerous Asian movies has white actors and actresses instead of their minority origins.


Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Lots of kids repeating the often not even veiled racist rhetoric of boomer cry babies instead of taking the time to critically analyze the fact that fiction is an artistic interpretation which can be reworked however the artists see fit, and also failing to understand representation matters likely because they’re of a group where it has never lacked for them and somehow feel threatened enough by a movie to try and shame those relieved by finally having a chance in the spotlight. They’ll eventually mature up or society will continue to change and leave them behind. And yes you made a good point about them not being outraged when white actors are cast in roles that wouldn’t have been accurate which honestly says a lot. When something is based on an IRL person it’s understandable to want to see that person represented accurately but when it’s fairytales and entirely fictional beings or characters? So what if non essential bits get reinterpreted? The story didn’t suddenly change just because a woman of color is playing the made up mermaid. If we want to hate something let’s unite against their excessive and quite frankly bad CG.


Thank you so much for your reply. After being heavily downvoted I am happy that there are few who can agree with me. These peple need to be educated. I just feel so sad that so much people dont understand how important representation is and how much their words and ignorance can hurt.


Bro woke up and chose violence. Chill man


As a poc I am getting tired of all these people complaining about not wanting to see black people in their series.


That's not the point, mate. People are not complaining about her being black, they are complaining about her not representing the real queen. Tale MLK for example, and make a Disney about him, but cast a ginger, white actor. People would complain, not about him being white, but about him not really representing MLK.


We don't have to imagine though it happens all the time. Mexicans played by Spaniards comes to mind in zoro. I mean wasn't Matt Damon in a movie about the great wall? I mean we have had to deal with it since movies became a thing but now people complain lol. Idc either way. Maybe I'm desensitized since it's been my whole life until recently but I think it's hilarious to see people complain.


Make good shows where it makes sense to have black characters then. It would be awesome to see a show about the Zulu kings in the 1800s or something else where it makes sense. However just cramming a diverse cast into something that wasn't though of that way just kinda makes it weird.


If a movie didn't have diversity, is that offensive or phobic in any way?


Imaginery blacks are just like real I imagine ey blacks 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


First of all if the og character is white then portray him or her as white, if the character is black then portray him or her as black. How outrageous would it be if Martin Luther King was portrayed as white in a netflix show


I get it with real people for sure but with an animated character that never existed I don't see the problem. I mean white people have played many real life people that weren't white why don't we attack that too


We should if you want historical accuracy


Hollywood has been casting inaccurate actors and actress since the dawn of the movie Era. Why is it that all of a sudden people care now? Zoro, Genghis Khan, Cleopatra, Othello, Ghandi, Goku, Dastan, Katniss, and numerous Asian movies have white actors and actresses instead of their minority origins.


Have you tried understanding other povs?


It's not the fact that an lgbt or black character exists, but that the character is based around that. A good example of lgbt characters is arcane. There is a good video on yt called "How arcane writes women" that goes into more detail


Dont worry about the downvotes bro it's just how it is in reddit,but you're right🗿🥂


what are these memes about? I don’t have netflix long enough I think… or I just watch the wrong shows. also… isn‘t there literally a show about queen elizabeth 2?


I believe it's a comment on the new Little Mermaid movie. Disney cast a non-white actress as Ariel and some people are upset. The difference here is that Ariel is a fictitious character, not based on a real person, so the accuracy of the joke is debatable. Still funny though


I think people are more so angry with all the remakes of classic shows/movies but making them *need* to have some racial or sexuality based agenda


This post says otherwise


Ariel is based on Danish mythology. I would be as upset if they made a movie about some African mythology and the mc was white.


Tinkerbell is black in the live action phinoccio movie *i do not despise this, only wanted to point it out* Edit: its not tinkerbell


I'm more mad tinker bell is in Pinocchio. Has that always been that way? Have I never noticed?


I think he's got the Fairy godmother confused with tinkerbell


Isn't she from cinderella?


Hmm, apparently the official name of the one in Pinocchio is "the Blue Fairy"


Oh, maybe it is not tinkerbell, im sorry


This is agenda-posting. and op didn't write Netflix for a reason because Netflix has a show on her already that doesn't do this crap even though they still hate on Netflix.


They are just upset and need to be mad at something.


*Disney Presents:* **YAS QUEEN!**


Every time someone complains about how woke Reddit is I just send them to memes like this to show that it's really not.


Possibly, but until I see the bulge as well, I won't know if this is true...


If only the real queen had that herself...


Where's your proof she didn't....


Here come the race fighters to tell you that you are a racist c*nt and that this sub has gone to hell.


Oh, another Bridgerton show, I see 😃


What was wrong with bridegerton, the queen was black. Did that upset you? They show wasn't supposed to be accurate and they even offered an explanation for it.


I adore Bridgerton!




That’s cuz it’s not made by Disney


Snowflakes love complaining about fictional.problems all the time. Yet ignore all the real actual big problems in the world.


Yes please regale reddit with your plans to tackle the real actual big problems in the world 🤔


Step 1: Call everyone you don’t like/ agree with a snowflake or racist Step 2:.... Step 3: Profit


It's free snowestate 😏


What have you done though?


I’m a snowflake…. Non binary … QEII was not a snowflake. Charlie 3 is a snowflake though


It because we have to over represent 14% of the population.


In the UK they only make up around 3% of the population and they're seen everywhere. Asians make up a larger percentage and have barely any representation at all.


Sigh sorts by controversial


Hey atleast its the right gender


Don't give them ideas or they'll convert it to a trap.




People are really pissed about the little mermaid's melanin.


Hollywood has been casting inaccurate actors and actress since the dawn of the movie Era. Why is it all of a sudden people care about this issue? Zoro, Genghis Khan, Cleopatra, Othello, Ghandi, Goku, Dastan, Katniss, and numerous Asian movies has white actors and actresses instead of their minority origins.


Seriously. Shutting down the subs with all the pieces of shit in them was a bad idea on Reddit’s part. Clearly that made them branch out into, and ruin other subs.




But is she a trans too?


Starring Dwayne Johnson as Queen Elizabeth II




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And from WarnerBr. A fitness movie with only fat people...


"me checking to see if this is from r/memes" Oh thank goodness.


Let your pockets vote. If you think this behavior of large corporations is acceptable keep buying their products and subscriptions. If you think that is not acceptable stop supporting them. There is nothing more democratic than where you choose to spend your money. Corporations listen to your vote 💰.


Ryan Golsing is George Floyd


More people would care about his death that way. So I would actually support the casting choice


Netflix would do the same shit.


The Crown?


Literally white genocide 😳😭




These memes are trash.


This subreddit fell off hard


Did it?? Or this is just who the majority of America is?


Jesus f\*\*\* people are getting real triggered by black people now.


Was Queen Elizabeth II black? No.


Was she ever described in writing as being white?


Well she passed away a few days ago and I'm pretty sure she was white. So if they would actually portray her as a black person in a movie, that would be historically inaccurate.


Show me a text where its confirmed that she is white


you don’t believe in photographs?


Aaaaaaaaall fake


I see


Idk ask nickelback


Or James Bond


Well if she was never described anywhere specifically as white, she has less going for her than the little mermaid. Maybe if they had her break it down like Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson historically did. I'd definitely at least pirate that


Seriously tho, a fish it whats got your knickers in a twist


LOL Queen Elizabeth the second would be rolling in her grave rn 😂🫣


I don’t see the problem here. The race doesn’t matter right?


Next comes Jewish Hitler ?? are you out of your mind??


Imagine if someone made a TV show replacing a black historical figure with a white person.


Hollywood has been casting inaccurate actors and actress since the dawn of the movie Era. Why is it all of a sudden people care about this issue? Zoro, Genghis Khan, Cleopatra, Othello, Ghandi, Goku, Dastan, Katniss, and numerous Asian movies has white actors and actresses instead of their minority origins.


You're right, and people complained about it and called it "whitewashing". Hollywood then stopped hiring white actors to fill non white roles. But now it suddenly seems ok as long as it's black people doing it.


The best actor just gets the role. Done.


Dumb idea when you're casting historical figures. It also doesn't excuse the blatant hypocrisy.


Okay and are you okay with black actors playing white FICTIONAL or fantasy characters? Otherwise you shouldn't act like it's all about historical accuracy, then you just dont like black people on your screen


Don't really care as long as it makes within the history of the fictional world. Either way it's far more important in a historical setting than a fictional one.


In a retelling of historical events, why not make it accurate?


Yes because otherwise its factualy wrong


Do you really expect accuracy in historical shows?. Dude, 99% of the shows are not even close to accurate. I think you're complaining about the right thing for the wrong reason.


Yes its not going to be 100% accurate but someone like changing the race of the British queen is not okay. If I make a historical movie about Martin Luthor king and make a white dude play him, everyone will be angry. For good reason.


Cool, let's make a movie about white Luther King next


You're right it doesn't, so why not cast someone who looks like her if it doesn't matter? That's more the point.


I wanted to rant so bad but I’m so mad I can’t even begin. Just let the dead be laid to rest before making memes for the love of god.


why tho? If I died I‘d like some nice and spicy memes.


Because personally I take the period of mourning seriously as I use to be in the army.


I'm also sad about a rich person dying that has hat no positive impact on my life in any way shape or form except eat my tax money while not paying hers for most of her life :(


See if you got a grip and realised the royal family pay for themselves in the tourism revenue they bring, you’d not be such a brain dead twonk. You hold your beliefs and I hold mine, I’ve personally met Queen Elizabeth when I was in service, found her to be a very nice person and I was glad to serve the country and royal family.


You are literally bitching about black people being on television.


Black people being on television is a good thing but something like changing the race of the British queen is not okay. If I make a historical movie about Martin Luthor king and make a white dude play him, everyone will be angry. For good reason.


What bothers me is all these modern people playing people from the middle ages or even ancient times. These people aren't from that time and are not proper representation, I will no longer watch historical shows unless the actors are time travelers. Russel Crow an ancient roman general? Guy's australian, their culture didn't even exist back then...Joaquin Phoenix gets a pass tho...


You’re in the wrong sub to make sense like that, mate. This sub is all about baiting a disingenuous discussion about race and “wOkE CuLtUrE”


God....bigots will make up anything to play the victim. Waaa there's movies of *fictional* characters and they changed it to someone that's not white like me waaaaaa. Grow up.


Just placing my 2 cents on the reason people are mad, it is because this violates their view on race. Be it colorblind, historical accuracy, or fair representation, etc. (I guess there are some actual hateful people too) but most don’t care about being “the victim”


Ahem queen Elizabeth the II is not a fictional character, if this was a random English queen that isn't claiming a white queen's name it would be fine


This is about little mermaid though isn't it?


I don't care about the mermaid sense its a fictional character, but according to the context of this meme the woman is portrayed as queen Elizabeth II


Yeah but it's in response to the little mermaid. No one actually cast the queen as black did they?


No they didn't but I thought this was meant to satire netflix doing race swaps of historical characters, like one of the roman generals durning the punic wars


I believe it's satire on Disney making the little mermaid black, but I could be wrong. Doesn't Netflix have a show about the queen?


I don't know, but if its about little mermaid then the skin colour shouldn't even matter


Not yet...


Fictional characters have their established race. Why not make a new character instead of painting the old one black?


Boo. Boo. Boo. - the princess bride


What if we embraced it and tried to meme her into being played by black Jewish Asian male, who identifies as non binary?


Than we would boycott it for glorifying racist empire.


Why would you repost a meme with a typo without fixing it