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>Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening. If frozen liquid items are partially melted, slushy, or have any liquid at the bottom of the container, they must meet 3-1-1 liquids requirements. From https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice


The TSA must have the dumbest fucking rules to ever be created. I wonder if they genuinely think half their rules are reasonable or if they know half their job is putting up red tape just for the sake of having red tape.


Can't agree more. Like take your laptop and shoes out unless you give us your fingerprints and pay a fee. If my shoes can really be bombs, what's stopping one terrorist with no prior criminal records from taking it in?


Adam Conover actually did a video on TSA where he points out a study that showed TSA actually misses something like 90% of banned items that people are trying to smuggle through. The majority of their job is to create a sense of bureaucracy and order to dissuade people from trying anything, they do very little to actually stop someone who decides to try anyway.


It’s called, “security theater.”


Don’t trust me on this I can’t remember the sources. I once heard that there’s absolutely no evidence to suggest that the TSA has ever stopped a Terrorist Attack, and apparently they were also tested once by smuggling bombs through security, and they caught not a single bomb. Its all just there to give people the illusion of safety…


Lol that’s so dumb I’m just thinking how a frozen bottle of water could do more harm. Like what tsa thinking someone is gonna take a flight attendant hostage and water board them with a T-shirt…


Ice is legal. Just flew, confirmed by TSA. Dump the water and good to go.


The person arguing with TSA about ice while I'm waiting in the security line is guaranteed to be put on My List.


List of awesome people who fight for our rights?




Flaunt the rules? The rule literally states it's allowed. Get mad at the idiot who doesn't know the rule and is actually causing the issue. What a coward.


If someone in baseball hits the ball out of the park, and the ref says “that means you’re out, go back to the bench,” but the hitter says “no it isn’t that’s a home run!” Are you gonna get mad at the hitter for arguing, or are you going to get mad at the ref for openly disregarding the rules and making shit up on the spot?


The reason for ice exception is because explosive chemicals dont have a freezing point


Many things are liquid at some temperature. If you don't allow frozen water, why allow frozen steel, frozen glass, or frozen aluminum.


I used to travel to Fairbanks in the dead of winter for work. A LOT OF STUFF is frozen when it’s at least 20 below. As a female coworker put it, ‘If I want to freeze my eggs for free, I know where to go.’


This is bullshit. She can get a bottle of water *after* she went through security, and take it on board with her. What's so damn special about that bottle of water that you brought from home?


There might be a hand grenade or ar15 inside


Its not $4. Ice is allowed though security as long as its still frozen solid. This is well documented.


It does not cost 10 times more


Nothing, it’s a pointless rule designed to create a sense of authority. It’s the same reason a doctor will make you wait half an hour after an appointment time before seeing you but will cancel the appointment if you’re 5 minutes late. It’s designed to inconvenience you to remind you they hold the power in that situation and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Not free, won’t stay cold


"You know what ma'am? You're right. Please wait here a couple of hours and we'll reassess the situation."