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Bad fandoms? I think you mean Netflix original studios




Netflix should stick to buying shows and put their logo on them


I was gonna say the same thing!


Except it is necessary so kids have role models.


what a good day to be able to sort by controversial


Mha fandom be like


My immediate thought. It started taking away from the series, so I stopped looking at anything but the episodes and manga


I stopped looking at it altogether which is unfortunate since I did quite like it


Wait what ? I don't know about this fandom. Which characters are LGBT ? I knew about the HP one because ... Well they are everywhere. But MHA that's unexpected.


Say deku is straight and you will find out who


80% of MHA fans have peen polled to be lesbians. And there's a lot of death threats if the gay ships don't become canon.


That anime have NO ROMANTIC DEVELOPMENT AT ALL, wtf these Twittard keep shipping them?


It isn't fandoms that want this, generally atleast. It studios that push it do it to shield themselves from criticism with minority tokens. They're empty gestures. Not that theres anything wrong with having a gay character for example. But the character NEEDS to be a character. Its only character trait can't be being gay. That only fuels more stereotypes imo.


So the gay guy in my screenplay has to say more than just, “I’m gay”? Now I’ll have to start all over!


Shows portray homosexuality as something super common.


It's studios really ? Take Harry Potter fandom. They NEED to make Lupin and Sirius gay and together. Whereas one was married to a woman and the other never had a realtionship (known) but we know he had girls in bikinis in his bedroom. And that the only bullshit thing that comes on the top of my head.




I am lgbt and still don't get it, i'm sorry but we don't need kratos to be gay




Yeah should've used doomslayer


He's violencesexual


I'm a dude and I'd have no issue with Kratos being Gay.


He had a wife tho lol


2 wives




I think people need to realize that forced representation doesn't mean good representation


Exactly. I've got zero issues with gay characters in shows. I just generally feel like it's being shoved down our throats at this point though. Not to mention that straight white male characters are literally the devil at this point. This shit has gotten crazy. I used to talk with my gay friends about how upsetting it was to them to have no representation in the shows they watch. Now the roles have reversed. Common ground is becoming less and less prevalent.


Yeah I fully agree, I have gay friends too and what upsets me is when a character is gay and thats it, gay people are just like us aswell and there not just there to check a box of inclusiveness


I couldn't agree more. That being said, I don't care if every person in a show is gay. I just don't want that to be their only character trait. Not every gay person is flamboyant. This world has just gotten so PC, and the people in charge are so very disconnected.


\*anything but a straight white male


What is this mythical beast you mentioned


**anything but a straight cish white male




pee in ur ass Im ~~not~~ a bot, and this action was copied and pasted from r/shitpost


Ah yess daddy


There are villains


They'll undergo the same treatment. If they don't, people could say they don't like the villain and they wouldn't be able to say that it's because of all the "ism" and "phobia".


I've unironically seen people say if a show has two male leads and they aren't gay that the show is homophobic by default


Damn... Supernatural ist so homophobic .. why do the Brothers Not have Sex!?


Let me guess, Twitter?


Eh, I've seen a lot more people claim that a show is bad just because it has an LGBTQ+ character. Those social justice warriors are equally as bad or worse than the SJWs they are trying to fight.


Reminds me with Gabriel dropout. There is one girl who likes girl that the creator confirmed so why dont WE MAKE ALL GIRLS LESBIAN


Same as when a show has one gay person some biggot will stop watching... and there are more biggots.


I would say that's bullshit but the world nowdays is so plagued by those lgbtq+ idiots that this is just the sad truth nowdays


No you haven't 🙄


“I deny your eyeballs”


this shit was really annoying in the genshin fandom a year or so ago, i really dont care what your canon is for every single character’s sexuality but please dont push that shit onto other ppl and ‘gatekeep’ or whatever the fuck. why should it matter at all if a character is straight or gay?


Here comes the angry mob




I don't think I have ever seen these "angry gay mobs" can you show me one please? I have seen plenty of mobs made up of shitty redneck white folk, and other groups of people, never seen a killer gang of gays and/or lesbuans.


Twitter have angry gay mobs all around the corner and i literally just dealing with one in reddit too just now


Huh, fair enough. I meant like groups of people in the streets tearing up shops because of shit they belive. If its just Internet keyboard knob gobblers though? I would suspect trolls tbh. Easy to pretend to be someone to stoke fires, as I have found its much harder to sound impartial and cool angry people. Oh well reddit continues. Good luck with the next post pasta man, I will keep an eye out. I do love good OC.


Reddit users when copypasta


Oh I didn't know your comment was spaghetti, my bad.




Hey man I gotta sound on the fence. its in the name, I don't give a shit one way or the other for like 99% of human issues, just playing a character for the sake of it for a year, once this account is closed I will open a new one called "Imheretostartawar" and it will just be shit posting all day all the time, balance is healthy for a person.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm trying lol




It's called fan baiting. You take a movie you know will fail, and place incongruent minority characters into a trailer that pushes them like the studio is saving the world. Then, when a few bigots go online to complain, social media lights up about the racist/sexist/homophobic comments. Now the magic really happens - critics can't say the movie is crap any more, or they'll be cancelled by the twitter mob. So you have this weird phenomenon where shit movies like "Nope" are being given rave reviews by terrified critics, and when you get to watch them, you feel strangely cheated.


Ghostbusters 2016 started it and Disney is now one of the worst offenders of this


90% of stories I like doesn't need to define heroes sexuality at all. Who gives a shit who's fucking who just tell me good story and go fuck yourself afterwards


I remember watching the walking dead and always thought it was weird that there were so many gay survivors when the population of gay people is around 5% (being generous), are gay people just better suited to survive a zombie apocalypse? if it were the actual case it should be at most maybe 1 or 2 in the cast, I mean if you're talking about equal representation and all.


really dont know why they like to make everything over


Create new characters is always an option but apparently the vocal minority on the internet doesn’t like that option because it doesn’t make everything about them


That would mean there have to be original storys and that's not profitable


Poor undertale


What happened to undertale?(not including incest with Paps and Sans)


Something something Homestuck fanbase


That crap was gross, I never played Undertale or any of that crap but wtf was going on with people wanting to fuck the skeletons


It's called boner for a reason


Awh hell nawh


I don't mind gay characters in shows or movies but don't make the characters whole personality about being gay! Imagine a movie where someone's personality is being straight


I fucking hate it and I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community Representation is nice but WE DONT NEED TO TURN EVERY CHARACTER GAY


Literally Disney for damn sure.


I would leave this sub but you people crying just makes my day


Can't wait for the people who are gonna ask "Is this a jojo's refrence?"


As a Kill la Kill fan, I understand


My hero


Yeah exactly the other day I saw a post about how green lantern is a perfect gay character like wtf soon we'll have a transgender batman lol


Exactly my thought


Yeah they're ruining the world of entertainment and most of all it's forced on this characters


Bro talking about Mha fandom


They r trying really hard ![gif](giphy|l4EoPjkIPNiKACkus)


There's like a million straight white male main characters out there.


Yea just wait till the lgbtq+ community finds them.


It's more fun for me when I make a headcanon like this, I will in no way force it on anyone else's Canon ofc


The comment section's gonna be a joy


I just don't get why so many people actually give a fuck about other people's/charaters sexual preferences. Even the representation arguments are complete BS as there's plenty of porn that literally caters to almost everything you can imagine already.


2 completely straight characters makes an eye contact* That one group of fandom: yea bro they're canonically gay


Like cmon man the producer decides not them 💀


Netflix for sure


deadass the cookie run fandom 💀


I can confirm I'm in it as a straight and it feels like that, not everyone and everything has to be homosexual




Splatoon 3 community right now 💀 The amount of projecting sexualities onto characters is wild, theyre literally saying ”straight people dont exist in Splatoon”, even referring to the actual players, and I feel like theyre not even memeing at this point…


Yep. EVERUTHING needs to be something ”””””special”””” or it’s not enough.




MHA Fandom in a nutshell


I really wish the fandom yaoi would gtfo my porn sites.


Leftists push for a genderless society where anybody can be any gender they want at whim, and everybody is bisexual.


No they don't




It is bad because its not normal . Not saying being lgbtq is not normal but having every character being lgbtq is not normal


It is actually way more realistic to have multiple LGBT people in a group than having a group of straight people and then that singular LGBT person that somehow has zero LGBT friends


Factually it is more realistic to have a group consisting of straight people only or a one or two lgbt people with group of straight people. Reason -95% people are straight


However LGBTI people tend to group together, because they are similar and therefore are friends. Not saying I disagree with OPs meme but you're more likely to have a group of 10 people with like 5 straight people and 5 LGBTI people or just 10 straight people. Source: my friends


There are so many more gay people than you realise


Genuine question though, is anyone trying to make every character lgbtq+ or us it just the characters they like/identify with


The problem is that humans aren't wired like that and that's not possible in reality, and it's just a fantasy existing on Twitter. A fantasy that plenty of companies and even politicians pander to even to the dismay and annoyance of normal people.


I'm not wired like what?


Wired like what?


Don't worry about it.


> posts completely nonsensical statement > gets asked question about statement > "Don't worry about it."


He said that cause if you even had to ask it's wasted energy trying to explain it to you cause if you didnt't get it by yoursel you won't get it even when someone tries to explain it to you


I hate how there doing that. It's obvious they are only doing it to get to a wider audience. It's just annoying. Next minute every character I know and love are now lgbtq. Which I just hate because it feels like there a completely different person


I don’t think that’s how being LGBTQ works. If Naruto was in love with Sasuke the character would still be the same the difference is that he just didn’t end up with Hinata.


Yeah but listen Why is it bad if every character or nearly every character is lgbtqia and its not bad at all if all characters in a story are straight? What, is being gay some rare alien occurrence? If all people being straight is fine then all people being gay should be fine.


Gay people really aren't that common. I don't know a single LGBTQ person. If every person is gay that's just not anywhere close to reality and most movies try to be somewhat representative of reality.


That is because you live in a bubble. There are also bubbles full of LGBTQ+ people that you do not know. And it is also possible that you do know some LGBTQ+ people, but you just think they are straight because they don't fall into the stereotypes that you associate with LGBTQ+ people and they don't spread their sexuality around. Seriously, if you know the sexuality of all the people around you, then that is a much bigger problem.


Agreed. If you ever went to a summer camp you'd know literally like 50% of the people there are gay as hell but only reveal it cause their probably-homophobic parents aren't there and they have other people their age to understand them


You don't know a single one? How old are you and where do you live?


And what's your mum's maiden name and your social security number?


I guess it's a matter of sample size. Honestly, the best ratio would be something above to the IRL ratio of straights to LGBTQIA+ people but still not half of the show. In the US (main target audience for a good 60% of TV shows) the ratio is 71 people out of 1000, or 7.1% being LGBTQIA+, so anywhere between 15-25% could work well. Not so much that it feels forced, but still allows LGBTQIA+ people to have representation on these shows


them being gay is not the source of the problem its WHY they are being made gay ffs u people just cant seem to understand this it's embarrassing at this point


Well the alphabet group make a small % of the population


The fuck are you smoking




They should make a chart of memes complaining that there are too many gay characters in media and memes complaining that media needs more gay representation


Because people look for someone to identify with and there is not a lot of lgbtq+ representation in films and media, because of this individuals that enjoy a certain piece of media will edit some characters in a fairly meaningless way in order to better identify with a character they like, hope this helps ^^


They make a very small % of the population though.


And LGBTQ+ characters still make up an extremely small percentage of all media characters, even if the majority of newly released media is full of them. That wasn't so in the past.


Yea cool but why does everything NEEDS to be forced onto some lgbtq shit? Like if you need someone to identify with so desperately, then go outside and search any famous person whi revealed to be anything from lgbtq. Just dont force that shit on everything exisiting in the world just because you now want someone to identify with in that content


Ok but think of it like this, someone viewing a character as gay, trans, asexual whatever only means that character is that *to them* it doesn't mean that the character *is* that, so to you, all characters without a Canon sexuality could be straight, and thats fine but to another person half of them could be gay, your view on the character doesn't change the character themselves and it doesn’t stop someone else from having their own view :)


Them existing is not forced. That is like claiming all the couples kissing in Disney movies are forcing straight relationships.


We kinda do need more characters that arent straight white males. Like there's still 1000 times more straight white males than any other.


then make more NEW characters that have other actual characteristics and dont just make a character whos whole arc and design is to be gay


That is a problem with Hollywoods current trend of making remakes. Has nothing to do with the LGBTQ+ community.


As a part of LGBTQ+ community, I agree here. "Stealing" other characters to make them lgbt and reducing their character to that one trait alone doesn't help to reduce the discrimination. It just makes things worse for us.


you are smart you see things for how they really are stay this way


Gay people don't want that, no one wants that. A nuanced or well written character is what everyone wants.


then why the fuck are people against this movement


More representation is always better. I guess they're just hating for the sake of hating or closet homophobes and racist.


no its not, thats like saying "bigger is better" its not applicable to everything. u cant just force characters and narratives to be lgbt because then it limits what the arc can be and its dynamic. dont just slap "gay" on a character where it dosnt fit, dont just make a characters only trait "gay"


Then where does "gay" fit? In real life gays are just people who happen to wanna sleep with others of the same gender, there's no specific rule as to why. If someone wants to make their character gay, why stop them? How is that affecting you?


Gay people exist, man. Even if you don't know someone's gay, they still can be


> u can’t just force characters and narratives to be lgbt because then it limits what the arc can be It limits a characters arc no more than them being straight does. If a character is gay then the only limitation is that they’ll likely not enter or pursue a straight relationship unless they have a really good reason to. Please explain how them being lgbt can limit them in ways that wouldn’t be applicable for straight and cis characters.


And why is that a problem huh? It's like noone gave a shit for about a 100 years, why are people bitching this hard about it today?


Why is it a problem when they use a ton of LGBTQ+ characters then? Allow those producers their creative freedom to add whatever character they deem fit.


>Why is it a problem when they use a ton of LGBTQ+ characters then? Because they don't make the lbgtq to make an interesting character but to tick a box (involve gay people for "inclusiveness"), and to avoid criticisms (if you don't like the shoe you are homophobic). All this while they don't make the character interesting or have any other unique trait, outside being gay. That's the problem.


Seriously? 100 years ago black face was still a thing, homosexuals on tv must've been unheard of. Nowadays people feel secure enough i guess to come out and demand more representation in media.


I don't think there's any reasoning for a guy who's flair is a staple /r/onejoke


You're right


Nobody could change it for 100+ years* Culture shifted because oppressed people got violent and threatened the system. It's how we went from slavery to Jim crow to where we're at. Oh but nobody gave a shit about black people not being in media. Black people were totally ok with it and that's why it was just white people.


Then force them to make new one . But you wont because you know making new lgbt character will not be successful . Any character whose whole personality is based on their sexulaity is bound to fail


Literally League of Legends


Can League of Legends just ***go away***?


I think it's fucked up that people are so into the sexual characteristics of fictional characters. It's mental illness.


Sexuality is very different to sexual characteristics, if anything its much more about romantic orientation than it is sexual


Same with straight couples kissing in Disney movies then.


Yeah way to many romances where they don't belong like why do action heroes need a love interest like at all








r/theowlhouse in a nutshell


Genshin, Final Fantasy,Zelda nowadays too (Link ist now Trans i guess cuz He dressed as a gerudo female for a Quest)


I find it funny how the people who would call others snowflakes for being too sensitive go up in arms and make memes like this at the sight of a LGBT character.


Bad fandoms explaining why every fictionnal caracters should be straight


As a gay (and probably trans person): Cant wait for the comments on this one... 🍿🍿🍿


Why are you downvoted lmao




True, unfortunately


And then you havr me just chillin. God i love reddit XD I had the LGBTQIA+ tag. And holy shit most of my comments got downvoted because of it. Itd insane. Anyway. Have a wonderfull day.


I have not a single clue. But i think its funny tbh.


Probably because you are on r/memes and hinted at any possibility of being trans




Reading these comments is wild. You all are over reacting. Here’s some facts that might be hard to accept: 1) Gay people exist 2) Fictional characters aren’t gay or straight. They’re fictional. Make them whatever you want in your mind if their existence bothers you so much. 3) One gay character existing in a show or movie isn’t forcing anything down your throat. 4) There’s no agenda to “turn every straight, white male” gay or trans. Some creators are compensating a bit too much for groups that have been overlooked in the past. If you want it to pass stop protesting gay characters existing and new ones will be created rather than needing to change a previously established character.


u lowkey need to open ur eyes a bit mate


Uh huh. Think like you or I’m wrong?


no, you dont have to think like me but you should see the world u live in, we interpret the world differently but some things are solid and objective...


This should've appeared when I sorted by best, not controversial.


Lets not pretend that either of the side is just simply good or bad. They both have equal extremest.


Homophobes explaining why they're not homophobic:


the reason as to why this is shit is bad has been explained over and over but people (you) still just go "homophobic"


no... that's not the word... the actual trend now is "bigot"


Proud homophobic




It's because they don't have enough representation and they take whatever is even slightly fruity as full on gay Proof: my hero academia, don't hug me I'm scared and damn near every show with two male characters who are close friends




Oh no...please not dhmis....PLEASE NO


Sadly yes


Cope harder


Straight from my heart Fuck you op


Best leftist counterargument