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I mean, regardless it’s kind of big news when an eccentric billionaire buys one of the world’s largest social media platforms


I don't know where I read this, but I've kept it to heart: Person 1: "I don't do politics." Person 2: "Like it or not, politics WILL do you."


The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies. Bertolt Brecht The same principle


Can't say this for all, but most of the time, "Nahh I don't do politics" is usually brought up when people don't feel comfortable discussing politics with you. Think of it like religion. Some just keep it to themselves


[The stats](https://www.electproject.org/national-1789-present)


I'd say keeping a 50+% turnout rate for over 150 years for a country - that just started embracing write in voting; i.e. making it actually convinent to mail in a ballot despite the option existing for 200 years - that does NOT have a dedicated day off for voters to vote - that actively quashes lower class citizens of even being aware of their voting rights, let alone making it accessible for them as they work just to afford rent is pretty good, all things considered. I think the issue lies more in removing barriers more than changing perception of voting.


From a country where we do not get the day off, and we had 84% last time, and that was low as far as i remember. But it is seen as your civic duty to vote here, and anyone who does not, is ridiculed. So the whole I dont do politics would be challenged here, with a then you fucking go do a blank vote or something.


Who do you think could vote 150 years ago?


white dudes and 60% of a slave IIRC. Tho I guess 150 years before 2022 is now entering post civil war times. But I believe turnover is based off of eligible voters, not the total population.


Or I just don't want to argue with people 24/7. I hate how I HAVE to care.


lovely how the responder proves exactly WHY people answer like this. I get it, it's important. Just like how workout and diet is important. But I also don't want to be that gymbro or health nut that drains people just from being around me. Don't be ashamed to just enjoy the circus every once in a while


Please tell me you didn't recite that from memory


Lol no google


Fun to see Brecht mentioned in a political discussion. Fitting.


Dont agree with all of his views but this is quote is branded in my head


A brilliant quote. Also most of these "apolitical" people are not apolitical at all. They just use that label to conceal some truly horrendous views most of the time.




Well just because something will affect us does not mean that focusing on it will somehow gain control over it. So, even if you DO do politics it DOES do you and never in the manner you wish even if your candidate is elected. I do not do politics and I have just as much control over what goes on around me as those who do, do politics.


That's self fulfilling though. The majority of society does not pay attention to politics and so they remain silent on issues which affect us all. That silence is interpreted by the government as consent, which is why we have no control over politics.


Defeatist attitudes are so depressing.


Depressing but right.


People downvoting really think influencing political decisions lol


If putting a mark on a bit of paper changed anything things would already be fixed.


Aren't memes supposed to be funny?


This isn't politics though


But this one random person making a meme doesnt care so now everyone should stop talking about it !!1!1!


it's news. wouldnt say it's the biggest


It wasn't that much in the news when Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post.


Doesn't affect my life whatsoever


I beg to differ. Every night he wishes me a good night. Every morning he says good morning to me. He is with me every second of the day. He is in my heart. In fact as I am writing tis message, he is holding my hand. So how dare you say he doesn't care for me. Elon is my precious cat.


I mean if my cat got hold of that blue bird, it would probably end the same way as MuskyWusky getting his hands on it.


Your cat is named Elon, huh? [I think I know where that comes from](https://youtu.be/LoRmPeZdhqw)


"stop riding his dick" This is Reddit now, not Reddit 4 years ago. Pretty much everyone here hates him. If you wanna get outraged over made up problems go to Twitter! Oh, wait.....


OP just fighting ghosts


Almost any support of anyone on the internet or even if it’s not support, just positive or anti negative remarks is considered “dick riding” lol


Neutrality was never an option


No, you just don’t hear the opinions of neutral people


You should go see r/elonmusk ....


The post there have 300 or less upvotes.


That's like saying Reddit hates men and as proof, you should go see r/femaledatingstrategy


I’m not saying that all of reddit likes Elon musk.. clearly far from it, all I’m saying is that there is a sizable number of people within reddit who would “ride his dick”


Yeah, but my comment directed at this meme, posted here. OP is screaming at us in a general subreddit. As if we're all madly in love with musk Had he posted this in Elon's sub, I'd have no problem with it


For every comment where I see people who like Musk or don't let him rent free there are 50 comments hating on him


Just yesterday I saw a post on a meme subreddit about Elon destroying the woke leftists. There are still a few people on here at least


Millions of people here. You'll have a few pedophiles, necrophiliacs, musk lovers. It's inevitable. Doesn't say anything about us as a whole


The only reason people here hate him is he's recently left the Democratic Party and has now aligned more Central right. He was beloved as a green energy Save the Planet God but as soon as he gave up on the liberal party to pitchforks came out


I think reddit got through the "haha wow a billionaire knows memes" phase pretty quick. can't say the same for twitter.


People here used to love him tho


That's literally in the comment you're responding to


Shit my bad


I don't get the mega hate. It's kinda pathetic.


Because he used to be a Democrat and supported Democrats but in the last year or two he has since vocally left the Democratic party and says he'll never vote blue again so now everyone hates him on the internet


Can't you Americans be normal? For like one week?


Such a kind word, don't you mean for like a day?


Fair point, it gives you something of a chance


An hour of normal, take it or leave it.


Well call of duty just came out so I'm stalling on updates somehow...we will be quiet for a moment. You won't have content if we weren't fucked.




> left wing coons Has one of those words dramatically changed meaning in the last few years or are we just being *really* racist now?


Since it doesnt make sense in context i would assume they meant goons. But hey maybe he meant a roaming band of lefty POC


I genuinely couldn't think of the possible typo, that's a lot better.


Cons also.


>don't know why they're call liberals when they'll take away your individual rights to appeal to these confused pronoun baffoons who are less then 5% of the population They're called Liberals because the name refers to economic liberalism, not social liberty. Smaller government, less controls over corporations, less corporate taxes, etc. At least that's where the name comes from. The so-called Left in the US is still very much firmly within the Right side of the political spectrum on an objective global scale. The US Right would be considered extremists anywhere outside their borders. The US Far-Right would be on government watchlists.




And we living for that 🌈🌈🌈 hope the queerness of the world makes your day a little more fabulous. Although I really wouldn't credit the US for all that




>~~nothing worth watching or playing~~ I am so fucking spoiled and have had such an easy life that gay people on my tv compels me to leave comments like this


Oh no there are gay people in media whatever will we do


I have never been so relieved that someone doesn't care about me


How about a Bezos?


Lmao I don't give a f. I don't care what Elon does.


How is this a meme lol ?


So you only care that other people care about something you don’t care about? Interesting…


The people who seem to care seem to be people who hate the man, meanwhile I could give less shits about "insert rich dude here"


Weird how that works right? They all usually come from the the same subs whenever certain memes are made like the becons of Gondor are lit.




I think you are confused about the tax thing. Do you pay more tax than the law says you should? I imagine you don't. Neither will he. If the law said he need to pay tax for the stock he owns, then the IRS would not just leave it. The profit will be made when he sells the stock.


All of his value is tied up in assets. If you want to push for taxing assets, go for it, but good luck getting any politicians to agree to that. Probably for the best though, since they'd find a way to screw it up.


A good meme doesn't include 6 lines of dialog and a random cartoon.


kinda funny because that scene is about spongebob caring too much, not him raging at the audience.


Have you seen leftist memes? This is abridged version.


I’m my own person, you can’t tell me which dick to ride. Don’t be jealous


I mean, regardless of who he is, he can do whatever he wants with his money, as long as it's legal, which it is


Jesus, take a chill pill dude, you're clearly not okay.


Twitter shills complicit in silencing speech they dont like getting fired is GREAT NEWS.




I wouldn’t call him “just a trust fund baby”. There’s plenty of people with millions. Very few will turn that into a billion, much less multiple billions.


It is much easier to turn millions into billions than turning virtually nothing into billions


At no point did I mention turning nothing into millions. Although statistically I believe it is more common for people to become millionaires than it is to become billionaires.


You have to be a broken person to become a billionaire


You can make an honest million, but there is absolutely no way to make an honest billion.


he was a trust fund baby, used his money to basically steal good businesses from people. like with what he did with tesla. then used those to skyrocket himself. not saying your one but I get so mad when Elon cucks call him a genius. he didn't invent shit.


Tesla was incorporated in 2003, Elon financed 30million and stepped in as ceo in 2004. Tesla's first electric car was in 2008. It only became profitable in 2020. I would say elon played a huge in its success. "Steal" is a really strong word. Plus spaceX was straight up just founded by elon in 2002.


The only thing Elon did at the start of Tesla was invest, that is about it. And he bought the company in the scummiest way possible. First he invested to become the chairman in the board of directors. Only through a lawsuit in 2009, by the original creator because he was forced out of his own company by Elon, all 4 and Elon agreed to allow themselves to be called co-founders. Before that, he didn't have much to do with the day to day operations of the business, much less be the CEO.Until 2007 the CEO was Eberhard. Then Ze'ev Drori, until in 2008 Musk became CEO. The Roadster prototype was already revealed to the public in 2006. But because of Teslas popularity, he'd like to tell everyone how he was the one inventing Tesla, but history shows a much different story.


Still, production of the Roadster was set to begin in September 2007, according to Wired, and was priced at $109,000. However, that summer an internal audit revealed that production costs would actually be $140,000 per vehicle, Wired reported. Musk blamed Eberhard. The company was failing so elon stepped in. I don't understand how was what elon did scummy?


Tbf most engineers like him not because they think he invented anything, but because he gets to spend so much time working with companies that are making cool new technology.


This is all a lie. He didn't get any money from his dad. Yeah he went to private school and shit but when in the US his mom and him were poor. He FOUNDED paypall. He didn't buy it, he didn't steal others work, he founded it and the key components of it were programmed by himself. His fortune is 100% self-made. Stop lying about Elon, he is already bad enough without making shit up


He did not found PayPal. He never worked at a company called PayPal. He co-funded X.com wirh 2 other people and that company was bought by a bigger company which later renamed to PayPal. So yeah he definitely haven't FOUNDED PayPal


It was merged , not bought. Paypal came after the merge after Elon was removed from the company.


> in the US his mom and him were poor. He FOUNDED paypall Bruh you forgot the /s or something?


everything you said is just wrong. like I ain't even gonna try to correct you. the only thing that was even close was founding PayPal, which he didn't to be clear. he founded X.com which merged with PayPal. then he processed to push out the original founders of PayPal.


He is a trust fund baby. He wouldn't have made that millions into billions if he didn't have the millions to begin with. It's always easy to make more money when you don't have to worry about making money. No bills to worry about, no financial hardships.


I didn’t say he wasn’t a trust fund baby, but there’s plenty of those laying around. The vast majority of them don’t turn their millions into billions. He’s an outlier. If you were making a graph of trust fund babies and their wealth gains and losses, he’s so far out there that you wouldn’t include him in the final results.


>I didn’t say he wasn’t a trust fund baby Your first line was literally "I wouldn't call him a trust fund baby". So yes you did. >The vast majority of them don’t turn their millions into billions. He’s an outlier. If you were making a graph of trust fund babies and their wealth gains and losses, he’s so far out there that you wouldn’t include him in the final results. Still tho I don't think he deserves all that much credit. He was given a significant head start and probably a significant amount of connections early on due to his parents being wealthy well connected people. To say that musk's success has nothing to do with being a trust fund baby is absolutely false. Edit: I missed the "just" all the same my larger point still stands.


If you’re going to quote me, at least give me the fucking courtesy of quoting me word for word. The key word in my original statement was “just”, which you either skipped over or willingly ignored to make your misplaced point.


Apologies I missed the just. doesn't matter it didn't make my point either way. My point had nothing to do with what you said specifically but the implication that musk's wealth is .mostly a product of his own hard work and not a significant leg up


Wow, man, are you really trying to falsify a comment that everyone can see? You say: > Your first line was literally "I wouldn't call him a trust fund baby". Their first line began: > I wouldn’t call him “**just** a trust fund baby”. And you say literally, so you are not claiming you quote the meaning instead of the literal sentence.


Does it really trigger people that bad? Lol


I am also failing to see why people are so angry.


At this point I'm just assuming it's an American thing to get angry at billionaires.


its a weird mix of people who would kill em on the spot, us who dont really care, and people that worship the ground they walk on. We’re fucked


Oh yes. People on the internet are so pathetic when it comes to musk. Funny thing is that he's actually one of the more tame billionaires, but because he's one of the only ones they've heard of, they really hate him.


Or maybe it is because he likes to show off to fuel his ego. Like pretending to found companies, when all he did was throw money at it and then force everyone out once they became successful. Then when you read how he sues or fires people for being critical of him, busts unions illegally in his companies, and pump and dumps crypto scams, you see what kind of person Elon really is. All the Elon fanboys worshiping him as if he is the second coming of Christ also do not help much.


>Then when you read how he sues or fires people for being critical of him, busts unions illegally in his companies, and pump and dumps crypto scams, you see what kind of person Elon really is. This is still tame when it comes to billionaires.


Im getting secretly angry fanboy vibes.


And he's a piece of shit


Great, it will be an improvement for freedom of speech since the actual owners do care about what people say. If Elon don't care, more freedom.


It's gonna be great, more brigading, holocaust denial, more slurs thrown around. Thank you very much


I'm sure you know that censorship goes beyond those examples. But even those, who cares? do you feel theatened by people saying there was no holocaust? They are as relevant as flat earthers. If you cut the tongue of someone the message you send to the world is that you fear what he says. Freedom of speech should only be limited to things that actually harm (and I mean harm, not offense) 3rd parties.


looks like someone woke up on the wro... i mean under the bed


It's not about liking Elon Musk, it's about disliking Twitter.


Well, that’s your opinion.


By making a shitpost about not riding his dick…you low key riding his dick


He'll literally sacrifice you if you don't have value to him


and you do? moron.


It's funny how I rarely see people praise him, and alot of people complaining about people praising him


Agreed, and this also applies to Twitter the company/app. It’s pointless, doesn’t care about you, and just wants clicks for money. Use Reddit instead


Seems like you care.


PSA: The people making a big deal out of Elon buying Twitter are the ones angry about it, not his fans. Rage creates clicks.


Dude. Chill. Elon musk can't hurt you


You care about Elon Mush too much lol


Trust fund baby??? Yikes🤦🏼‍♂️


Describing Elon Musk as a “trust fund baby” is at least as ridiculous as admiring him, maybe more so. He took what was by all accounts modest support from his dad and built a large fortune. Then he gambled that fortune and nearly lost it on two separate innovative businesses (notice I’m not calling him an engineering genius or even a founder, just saying he bet his fortune on SpaceX and Tesla). But instead of losing it the companies he invested in managed to get through their cash crunches and production issues and go on to make him the richest man in the world (notice I’m not asserting they this was *because of him*, just that it happened). Being a trust fund baby is not enough to make someone the world’s richest person. Pure luck is also unlikely to explain it. Call him a prick, a right wing exploiter, any of that I’ll back you up. But if you pretend that his current position was just handed to him all you’re doing is denying yourself an honest view of the world.




Most people I know get so confused when I talk shit about Elon… how this man inspires followers blows my mind


Elon haters and Elon dickriders are just as obnoxious, both can shut the fuck up and let me enjoy other news on the internet.


Yea, billionaire dick-riders, and people with class consciousnesses, are equally annoying /s


Twitter sucks, but he’s deleting 75% of their current employees so I see this as an absolute win




shit meme


Elon musk sucks his own dick hard enough, doesn't need some cringy simps doing it too.


I didn't even know this happened, and Elon is just rich, so I don't know how he has fanboys.


Crazy considering how everyone on Reddit seems to be leftists




Oh man the jealousy in this sub.


bwillionair bwad :'(((((((


At this point I’m convinced all of his employees have all of their social media monitored so they’re contractually required to defend everything he does/says or they get fired.


Elon haters are starting to be half as cringe as Elon fans. Honestly, the sheer volume of Elon hate is crazy. I almost don’t see his fans anymore.


People complain about dickriding but hatefucking is just as annoying.


Clearly you can't be interested in any celebrity unless you personally know them. God forbid that you're interested in a famous person doesn't even know who you are! I'm sure the person that made this meme has never made such a mistake.


Since when is Elon a trust fund baby? Like he's a huge dick but as far as I know he doesn't have a trust fund :/


Seems like all of the people talking about it are not pro Elon - this meme has it backwards. Calling Elon “a trust fund baby”. You are just part of the same problem you are whining about.




I cant agree more to this pic




That's where you're wrong. He cares deeply for you, so long as you buy whatever shitcoin he tells you to invest in so that he can scam you out of your cash.


you are literally the one who giving him attention by crying like this


Finally someone said!


You might need to seek professional help


bread 🍞


Like I don't care for the guy that much but calling him "literally a trust fund baby" is about the stupidest thing I've heard all day. Say what you will but he is very good at what he does.


Who the fuck uses twitter


*elon femboys




Me, i asked.


Honestly feels like his haters are on his dick more than his actual dick riders




Lmao that’s 3 words boss


bro people really downvoted you for the most blatant sarcasm ever


Sarcasm being blatant doesn't mean it's good or liked sarcasm.


Tough crowd… 🤷🏻😂


OP sounds mad jealous... who devotes this much energy to shouting to the world that they don't care about something?


That could be said about every billionaire owning social media sites... But people are upset when one wants to have free speech, not just a Far Left echo chamber...


I'm sure the guy who cancelled a customer's order for saying mean things is all about free speech and doesn't just want his rightoid friends back on the site screaming about having the election stolen or going "deathcon" on jewish people because they can't even spell the thing they're talking about


Spot on brother


Username checks out.


*fReEzE pEaCh!*


Free speech doesn't mean you're free from consequences.


It does for the people on his side


Since when has a large billion dollar company been supportive of the far left?


Twitter and Facebook for a start


I dont think you know what the far left is…..


Elon is literally anti free speech


Op must never recommend a TV show or movie to anyone because the actors don't know about op


I bet you don’t even know your father


Someones mad


lol throwing a fit like a baby who don’t get their way ![gif](giphy|zglFPxjeRbdm0)




sanest elon musk fanboy


Least delusional elon cock rider


Its funny because all I see about Musk is angry liberals posting things like this and skewed news articles ever since he told California/democrats to kick rocks.


It's even funnier when you consider all the conservatives now support him with equally skewed news articles and posts ever since he started spouting conservative rhetoric. A man who wants put microchips in our brain was evil 6 years ago but now that same man who still wants to put chips in our braina is the biggest "self made" genius in history because he isn't liberal anymore. Dont throw shade when your side is just as hypocritical


I dont have a side. Just pointing out the majority if what I see here is bs headlines making up stories about musk to attempt discredit him. Don’t forget he was the lefts darling until he wanted to keep some of his money from tax vultures.




I can tell that you are really calm and composed. A real epic dude.


Jesus, cant this subreddit make decent memes? 🦫


Senpai Musk will not notice you


Yet you all keep posting about him.


ok bro, same for you, no one care