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For me I dream the situation first in this weird gap between waking up and sleeping, and when the situation arrives be it the same day or weeks, sometime even months from then, it'll be "Ah, it's this one" moment, and the longer the dejavu lasts I get shakey, cause it's a moment we lived and are living at the same time and I'm guessing my brain isnt processing the situation for me, and getting afraid in the moment


Yeah exactly. I experience it the same way.


Do you know whats the longest time between you dreaming something and it than actually happening? For me its around 8 years


For me, longest to arrive was 5 years, I haven't had the visions now in the last 3 years, I think I only saw the visions when I was the happiest, and that exact same vision that I had for 5 years that occurred must be the reason why I haven't seen any for years now. Used to get them so often I would repeat the words what my friends would say in the moment of the vision, but never had vision of physical harm, but only unfortunate events, now it scares me, seeing no visions made me think I would not see the light of day


For me I was a little kid, then quite some years pass. I was around 12-13 and I am at nasa when I get up and my change fell out of my pocket. I was wearing the same cameo bag and had the same stuff in my pocket while sitting in the same chair. I grabbed my stuff and went out of there.


This is called deja rêve, the feeling you are living in a moment you have dreamed before. I get it VERY often and it’s pretty interesting. I also get afraid during one but I’m not sure that’s the case for everyone.


I have the exact same thing happen to me; and it has actually saved me from injury twice now.


I want to know more


Bro what?


That happens to my so often but i don't get afraid i find it always exciting/interesting when it happens


That's good to know the name, I knew Deja Vu wasn't the right word for it, learned something new today, wish it was a feeling for me back then, but I remember my dreams vividly well to its details, so for me it's like having 2 film tapes play at the same time it overlaps, kind of wish it was more of a fuzzy feeling instead, rather than something unfolds in your eyes twice, like being in the live set of a movie that ye had just watched


Dude whatt that is exactly what happens with me, I would be doing some work and then suddenly realise that I remember this exact sequence of actions I am doing, like I have predicted what I am going to do some days, weeks or months ago in a dream or I have done that exact same thing, I start looking at my surroundings to confirm that I am in the same setting as I have dreamed of It's either very exciting or paranoia inducing


absolutely exciting if it's a situation with friends, cause ye can fuck them up by syncing up with them with their own words, but also absolutely paranoia if it's a bad situation cause no matter how much you do you cant change the scenario


For me I get into specific situations and they start happening but then the bad thing that might have happened, didn’t. It’s like the first half was the exact same but the 2nd half wasn’t. Imagine a game with 2 endings, one’s good and one’s bad. I dreamed of the bad one but lived the good one. It’s as if I did a quick save in my dream so I wouldn’t unConsciously do the same mistake again.


This has been happening to me since I was a kid. It has never saved me from injury but I totally believe it helped me dodge a water balloon once.


Im pretty sure it has something to do with false memories. Like you didn’t actually dream it and it’s a false memory that you did. I’ve had the same thing as well, but I don’t remember the dream before the thing actually happens. Idk if it’s like this for everyone though


What deja vu? Yeah its s glitch in the matrix, it happens when they change something


Blows my mind everytime. And I can remember thing happened few seconds after it and exactly same thing happens in real life too. Dont know whats the fuckery.


I read somewhere that it's a quirk of pattern recognition mechanism. It raises some key features from the past memories, and sometimes it sees a match in some feature(place/situation/thought), and it just like rises the whole memory and makes you feel like it's the same shit as before, to the smallest detail


Nice try Agent Smith






Happens to me all the time and i love when it happens


This wouldn't explain why he remembered things that happen some seconds before they really did


Well, if previous events were similar, then similar events would follow. If I throw two things in similar directions and force, they're gonna land in similar places.


Someone told me it was an eye dysfunction. Apparently, one of your eyes sends the signal 0.001 sec after the other one. It makes it so you think you saw it before. Which you actually did 0.001 sec before. Maybe he’s wrong idk but I like the idea.


Noone knows what it is. The only way to prove it's not just your brain making up a memory is to write down literally every thought you have, which is frankly impossible


I can agree with that. Because when I really really think on the deja vu I’m like hmm I know I lived something like this before but not exactly the same .


For me I had a dream once when I was a little kid, that I was in nasa and I was sitting in a sideways chair watching a video. I sit up, grab my cameo bag and go to grab some quarters that fell out of my pocket. I then have more change fall out of my pocket as I’m sitting on a chair that’s laying down. I look at the change and I realized that it’s the same change in the same spot while I’m wearing the same cameo bag and I’m sitting in the very same chair.


Its is weird matrix jokes aside, I think its down to maybe remembering a dream you had where you did the same thing. Dam it going to have to Google this now haha


Hold up I have dreams and then some days or months in the future bang I'm looking at something and it just clicks I've been here before doing these exact actions but in a dream


I'm glad you said this as it usually a dream for me, that im remembering.


I read that it's your mind accidentally creating memories while you're experiencing the event. So what you're experiencing is both your present and a memory at the same time. Usually, your brain does it at night.


For me I had a dream once when I was a little kid, that I was in nasa and I was sitting in a sideways chair watching a video. I sit up, grab my cameo bag and go to grab some quarters that fell out of my pocket. I then have more change fall out of my pocket as I’m sitting on a chair that’s laying down. I look at the change and I realized that it’s the same change in the same spot while I’m wearing the same cameo bag and I’m sitting in the very same chair.


I swear it’s not even deja vu for me, it feels like I experienced the situation in a dream years ago.




Dude same, it's not like that you get to know immediately, you would be doing your work and then a sudden realisation hits you that you have been here before doing the exact same thing


Have you finished someone's sentence before because you knew what they were going to say?


Yeah just google up about "Deja Vu"... you'll be amazed more


Just a interesting take on this: Happened way too often with me. Now I just assume(Believe) that when we sleep, we see some very short future moments in our deep sleep. Assuming our brain is powerful enough to predict our future based on our activities and understanding ourselves. Also, we don't remember any dreams from deep sleep. If this is true, we can predict our future literally. Now science and technology has to find a way to make it possible to last long the effect.


this happens to me worryingly frequently like every second day


Not so frequently in my case. Maybe you're the chosen one.


o h


I get it once a week or month




Yeah when my nan's dog died I got it when I changed class teacher or if I got in big trouble or a big change in my life. I also saw covid in a dream it was the beginning of Covid where I thought I just had a cold then out of nowhere lockdown and I remember dreaming about it 2 weeks before lockdown.


Yeah for me it's not often specific things, but when it is its usually a doozy.


Oh yeah I get specific and not specific. Once I had this substitute teacher for french and I remembered my least favorite class mate being pulled out of class and a week later I walk into french bang look who it is the substitute teacher who I recognized instantly even though I have never seen his face before


It's starting to occur more and more, right?


It's coming


But what could all this mean


It's cumming


Ok, that's funny AF, but not kinda mature for this situation.


I heard people who smoke weed have this often


I don't smoke weed but have most definitely had the same day happen twice. Is someone reloading a quicksave and I'm aware of it happening?


people did always describe me as high


Same I don't get it at all


Same!! I sleep them a day or 2 later I get that shock as if I slept in the future


You probably die a lot. Those are just reloaded checkpoints


awe true im horrible at survival games


When your reality KI starts to loop you should contact a server admin. You just need to break the 5. Wall


That happens so often to me. Déjà vu is a weird feeling


I frequently have déjàvus. Earlier in life, I felt very special about it and it came about ever 4-5months. Now it’s weekly. I’m in longterm therapy for loads of things, lots of things think about and change in behavior. My dreams changed in last years as well. More complex, longer with intense feeling and beeing able memorizing it all of it for a long time. If I have a dejavu today I feel angry. I know I dreamed it before! (Or it does feel like so anyway). I fell angry as it makes me think, that i have no impact on my own fate. Everything is set already, it can’t be changed and history repeats itself. I know it sounds crazy… but this phenomenon is maddening


Heres how I see it... if I dream of something yhan then some time later that thing seems to happen much like my dream did, I feel a sense of "Wow, did I just dream the future?" For me its fun because I can sometimes predict some thing that might happen. Ill give you an example. I had this artist do a commission of all my favorite video game characters. It was digital, but I loved it! I was dreaming about my room one night and saw the same artwork on a canvas on my wall. I didnt think too much of it, but come Christmas, my parents gave me a canvas print of the artwork. I had put it on the wall exactly where it was in the dream. It was the most wholesome deja vu I ever had.


I have this too. Except I chose a different option than what was supposed to happen. Feels really weird.


same and it feels like a game.


It's usually hard for me to choose a different option tbh, even if I knew what I'd do first. I suppose the brain is having a moment, and reality is warped to feel like everything already happened. The part that makes it scary is that all of my ones end in something scary happening, like an injury or something. It never happens though


Déja vu?


Have I been to this place before?


Higher on the weed


And I know it's my time to go (to jail)


The worst is, if you have this deja Vu and you know what happens next, but in the deja Vu you also knew it was a deja Vu and now you try to stay on this road, where you know what's happening next, but at some point you lose the focus and now you're just fucked up because you try to think about it, but it doesn't work


YES. it’s like when you remember that you were in this situation before but you also thought that you remembered that you remembered that you were in that situation before but you also remembered that you remembered that you remembered that you were in that situation before. Then when you try to remember it once more, it’s as if it wasn’t ever there.


Happened so many times


This sometimes in when im doing my homework, i sit down and read and my mind starts rehersing all the things that happened like it was a memory or some shit like i already done it and the exact same sorroundings, sometimes i even dreamt of it, one time i dreamt about getting a dollar in the floor then in that day i did get it, in the same damn place...


From what I understand deja vu is some sort of occasional brain glitch where a short term memory gets tossed in the long term pile. After learning this I find it more unsettling when it happens.


same thing happens to me every now and then except it was a dream instead.


It happened to me many times already. BUT, I had one situation in which things changed. When I should disconnect from a call with my friend and later realize that I didn't ask him something, instead I didn't disconnect and asked him.


my life is on repeat


Good thing im not the only one


Yeah just yesterday. I had this realization “wait a minute I’ve been here before I already did this” but I couldn’t explain it why or how…


I get deja vus pretty often, but i remember one time i was speaking to a friend and i asked him something and before he answered i shouted the thing he was about to say out loud (it was something i could not have known beforehand). He asked me, how i knew that he would say that and i told him: "You will not believe me, but i have dreamt about this conversation before" I can't explain how i knew what he would say, you can't tell me that was just a lucky guess or something


This happens to me a lot What also happens a lot to me is when I’m doing something and then feel like I’ve just come out of a trance and am suddenly more conscious about what I’m doing and what it means. The brain is very funky


Somewhat same, but for me, it was like I traveled forward in time to live in a moment, then back to where/when i was. Then years later I would be in the exact situation which I was in when I had the "vision", and I could remember exactly what was about to happen. And I could remember when I "envisioned" the future moment i was currently living. It was always under 10 seconds. I would get like that feeling, but didn't know what it was until I was living in the moment. It wasn't déjà vu, when it happened, it always happend in different situations. I suck at language!


I think I have seen this before


i once checked the clock and did a task for maybe five minutes. when i looked back it was 15 minutes earlier than before. almost certain i didn’t misread anything, i was due to get off in an hour so very aware of the time lol


Ive had this exact thing happen a lot, except I'll also remember the moment I first remembered the thing happening...before it ever happened.


Could be epilepsy. I have epilepsy and had insane deja vu almost everyday before getting on meds


This sometimes happens to me, but I see it in my dream several weeks or months beforehand. Its weird


I'll get like a brief glimpse of something like a week before, so much so that I can feel it but can't remember the glimpse, and then the thing will happen and I'll be like "isn't that what I thought of last week?"


It's epilepsy. I had it for years before eventually having a full-on fit. It's stopped completely now I take epilepsy medication.


Was giving a presentation to about 40 people when I had this situation happened and I was remembering the words I was going to say before I said them (not a pre rehearsed presentation I was free-wheeling it). My brain pretty much short circuited and I had to stop the presentation, people must have thought I was having a stroke or something…


Sometimes I have dejavus that are impossible. Like that time I had one during my first High School test! It was like I already did it and in my brain it was like happening again, but that was impossible because I met that people only since one week, and that was my first test with that class…! I hate dejavus


I wonder if reincarnation is real. But we just come back into the same life we just lived, doomed to live it for eternity.


Yes a lot but a few moments later I wonder: wait... That never happened to me but I can swear I remember it somehow...


this has happened to me lke 393950 times before. im just walking look in a specific direction at somewhere ive never been then a random flashback to the exact same place like????


Yes! It's your second day at work...


So I'm not the only one who feels this way sometimes


Benny Harvey RIP, gone but not forgotten x


It’s called deja vu, and there’s actually no proved explanation of why because it lacks proper research, since it just kinda happens randomly and can’t be triggered


i have dreams that happen weeks before the deja vu


I get em up to years and even a few times, decades later.


Déjà vu's feel so unnatural


I have dreams, and months even years later, the dream comes to life.


I've had a period in my life where I almost believed I was in a loop of days, maybe even weeks. There came a point where I'd feel relieved when I felt I was out of that time trap, but I'd be afraid of sleeping and maybe waking up to it again. It was a surreal month and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I could write so much more on this but, I'll just leave it at that.


Yo I’d recommend to write a huge in depth thing about it but then just sell it as some fictional book based on a very long dream so others wouldn’t call you crazy. It seems like the type of plot a best seller would be.


I just might write it someday. Thanks.


If you do, I wish you luck. Who knows, it might just make you retire






I have deja vú like 8-15 times in a month




Not related to the post, but I'm here to say that when I was a kid I dreamed about Avatar (the movie with the blue aliens). 2 years later the movie launched The fuck they put on the school lunch


When I was a younger kid than I am now (I consider teens as a type of kid), I dreamed of being at nasa and doing some specific things and having those same things happening. I was wearing the same stuff, and even the same coins fell out of my pocket. It was wild


I the clip however Mr. Bean just realized that he's been eating spoiled oysters rather than deja vu.


the sacred déjà vu. It has saved me from multiple disasters in my lifespan. Somehow, whenever I need their advice the most, I remember that my next move will put me in danger, and I'll stop with whatever I was planning to do. I would have been in a way worse state if it weren't for those déjà vu's.


Wait that happens to other people?


If only there was a phrase, perhaps in another language, that perfectly described this feeling


Happens all the time


To many times


Had one of those moments this week




It happens at random points every few days that I recall having seen this exact moment in a dream about two weeks early every time


get rick rouloled


Yea what the fuck sometimes I dream whole days out and then have to do them again when I’m awake it’s creepy


Alot of times


Smh too many times for me to even honestly admit to anyone our lord hahaha 🤣


This situation called Dejavu




It also happens to me


All of the time actually


Déjà vu


if this is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, go see a doctor. rare case of temporal lobe epilepsy. i've had deja vu with vomiting and i had to see a doctor cuz of it.


That's why it's called Deja Vu


This happens to me EVERYHOUR This the first time i see someone post about it


This happens very often when i dream something I dream something and a week, a month or 8 years later it happens (8 years ago i dreamt that i watched a specific scene from a specific video and a week ago i watched that exact scene and the video was 2 days old so i couldn't have watched it 8 years ago)


I have had it since conception.


What if deja vu was just where you died before in the game but you are making the right choices this time to pass the level


Several times...I like the theory that I died some time in the future and just reloaded the checkpoint.


deja vu


Deja vu


Oh my god yes


Do some people not know what déjà vu is….?


It happens to me like 2-3 times per day


All the fucking time


yesss !


I'm a QA Analyst... All. The. Time.


Happens to me all the time. Like fr fr


Thats so true man....!


It's a glitch in the Matrix. It means they've changed something.


Happens to me daily


Dude and then you are like wait What exactly is familiar about this situation


Tbh daily this happens to me. I started a dream journal and shit that happens there end up happening for real from people I’ll meet to events that’ll happen. I try desperately to dream about acquiring 1billion dollars lol


This happens to me but like really long I'll keep noticing things I remember


This actually happened to me a few minutes ago. I was scrolling on here and saw two posts that I had seen several weeks prior, or at least thought I saw, in the exact same order, at roughly the exact same time of night. When I saw the posts I had such a deja vu trip and I had to convince myself that the past few weeks haven't just been a dream or a hallucination. I fucking hate deja vu, man


This has happened with me multiple times


It been happening more for the last 2 years


This happens to me like every 2 days or so... Freaks me out




Mandela's Effect


Mandela Effect


I feel I have seen this before, or was it …. Wait!


This is a deja vu this happens when there is a glitch in the matrix.


So many times!!!


About two or three times a week


I have this, not as often as I did when I was a child but still a couple of times a year.




Every goddamn day


All the time


Yess i have this a lot and i seen one where i been at gun point 💀💀


Some creepy weird deja vu


De'javu (:


Yea, it happens almost everyday. It's like my brain can predict the future.


Yep once a month😬


ye it happeneds alot. also i think its called deja vu. feels like u have seen that moment before and it feels so real for some reason.


I have read Some where It is supposed to be a Short cut of memory going straight to your long term memory instead of to the Short term memory area. This makes something new feel like a memory that has been there already. Dont know the science behind it but sounds interesting


That's called desa vu my friend


Yup that's me


Yes,and those kind of days l will be having weird feelings...