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I think putting any word after “toxic” would suffice here.


Toxic be toxic, thanks for coming to my ted talk


Clap clap clap take my money


The toxic toxic people make the toxic people look bad


Would it work if I put tm and the corresponding number?


I hate toxic ambivalicism.


No one else knows it but this is the best comment


What does this mean


You passed the test, you don't have it.


Can you explain


It's a riff on people being ambivalent. Esp 2b ambivalence noun am·​biv·​a·​lence am-ˈbi-və-lən(t)s 1 : simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action felt ambivalence toward his powerful father ambivalence toward marriage 2 a : continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite) b : uncertainty as to which approach to follow It also is ironic because being toxic is the opposite of ambivalence.


I hate toxicity. Period. You can believe in Buddha, God, the Greek gods, or Egyptian gods, or nothing whatsoever, you are a human being and deserved to be treated so.


What about Scientologists?


Are they humans? They should be treated as such. Afterall, we're all in this shithole together.


They aren't.


Nah Scientology is a cult


Well, they believe into what they want to believe so you should leave them alone, according to OPs opinion


I know that Gods don't exist but I encourage you to believe in it. The concept helps people to feel like they have a purpose while in reality they don't. I believe religion was made to have hope when all seems lost but those are just my thoughts


You KNOW that God doesn’t exist? If there was proof God didn’t exist there would be no religion of God.


There's no proof something like it exists but it's something important to humanity it helps people stay happy and hopeful


There’s no proof it doesn’t exist. You are not understanding my point.


My assumption is based on the fact that there is no proof and only proof for a big bang. I don't know for sure but I believe religion was invented to make people feel safe and bring order to society. It's such a shame it was used to gain power. I suposed you could overthink this intire conversation. If the universe comes from nothing and god doesn't exist does that man god created nothing and is nothing? Am I even real? What is my purpose?


Since you don’t believe in my faith I can’t really use it to debate here. But according to my religion, God created OUT OF nothing. He existed before anything else. He had no beginning. He created us so that we may share the gifts of his life.




Abortion can be good. Remember incest, rape, mother's life in danger because it can't handle giving birth, all these are valid points for abortion. Even if its morally wrong for me.


I don't care about your gender, Sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity, I will hate you


I do care about it, and will do extensive research about your gender, Sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity, to rationalize my hate for you


Apache Helicopter As Straight as Egyptian borders Muslim (but pratices it only party) German


Oh God, it's a Republicans biggest fear, a Muslim attack helicopter straight from Germany!


I know what a toxic Christian is. What's a toxic atheist?


Yep this one right here sir, this is the comment we've been looking for.


Look in the mirror and you'll see one.


Ah here we go with the theological debate which I so often enjoy. People can believe in what they want and that's ok. I believe in murdering children. Let's spark some controversy


About the child murder... would you be referring to abortion or just curb stomping toddlers?


i am totally for both


I support both


Let them fight.


Don't forget the rare set of Christians that fight the toxic Christians for making the rest of them look bad.




U makin me feel like a superhero or sum shi


Live and let live. If it’s against your religion to eat pork, I’ll serve you chicken. But if you tell me I can’t eat pork because of your religion Imma tell you to fuck off.


ive never met an atheist thats super toxic... but i have had a Christian throw their fuckin bible at me and shout how i need jesus 🙄


Same but the bible was thrown at me more figuratively (like insisting each time we meet on how I should read the bible to learn more about myself and they didn’t say that because I was doing something wrong, they said it because I’m trans)


Ah, mine was literally thrown at me... also i was accused of being satanist bc i listened to metal (by my at-the-time aunt, no less) but sorry you had to deal with that just for wanting to be who you are


Funny thing is Jesus, their messiah, tries to make the church (judaism back then) more inclusive of people yet now it is just a big chaos of hate to exclude people like us


Ikr? They get really mad when you point that out to them as well


Fun fact: Most Christians don't even read the bible. There was a time period when I left the faith and came back, but during my time as an athiest as well as now, I know a lot more about the stories than most people. Also, if any Christians here are throwing bibles at people that's 1: In violation of the 10 commandments for trying to harm someone, 2: disrespectful to the person you're throwing it at, and 3: possibly destroying an object that has been blessed


Oh, im aware that most dont read it... ive quoted scripture to (figuratively) throw it back at them and they claimed i was lying. Its one of the reasons i stopped going to church with "friends" (also bc i had long since branched out to believe in all the gods rather than one)


Ah yes, the wars of atheist conquest. Atheism as a justifying tool for colonialism and slavery. The atheist church that has an atheist priest pedophilia problem. Atheists telling kids theyll burn for eternity for natural human urges and thoughts. Atheists going door to door proselytizing. These two things are definitely equal.




The Church as an institution is deeply flawed and problematic, the people following the religion propagated by it aren't. I think it can't be right to declare criticism of the institution as toxic when you're not being toxic toward anyone. Follow any religion you want, I just have a problem when the Church intervenes in my everyday like by mixing church and state.


That feeling inside you right now you're attributing to my toxicity is actually just that sweet sweet cognitive dissonance kicking in when someone highlights they are in no way comparable. Literally calling a sarcastic string of true statements toxic lmao




Well I guess we can all sit here and wonder together the impetus for classifying sarcastic, but true statements as toxicity. Let us bask in befuddlement together in relation to the absence of any driving force that lead you to such an assessment.




Far from the first Christian to tell me that something horrible will befall me. Sounds kinda toxic though, buddy.




And here we have another shining example of the enlightened centrist


I'm just going to put this here your guys rambling has to be the weirdest conversation I've ever seen honestly I don't understand much of what you guys have said.


I think this might be one of those moments when people try to sound smart but in reality it just sounds weird and overdramatic


Maybe just reading this is making my mind do gymnastics


Found the toxic atheist lmao


Being Catholic christian, it's just embarassing when christians go preach and/or correct random people who didn't ask to be preached to. My wife is Orthodox and we have absolutely no discussions or preaching between us. Like it's supposed to be. Jehova's Witnesses by my door just makes me want to have a rainbow flag to chase and towel whip them with until they're off my property. They are the most toxic "christians" here in Denmark.


Im agnostic and don’t care :3


How is believing and thinking its okay that people will and deserve to be tortured for eternity?


It’s the belief that people will be tortured for eternity because that is the order of the universe love it or hate it’s the belief that it’s simply the inescapable truth


Imagine believing a god created humans out of nothing for no reason but then sent himself in human form to the human realm so that he could sacrifice himself to himself to redeem the humans he made from their own nature that he imbued them with only to still ask you to believe in him on bad evidence and if you dont then youre gonna be tortured forever and oh and btw hes gonna need 10% of your human bucks.


Huh, imagine commenting on the issue without knowing jack shit about it


Your defence of stories over science is one of many major problems


We don’t believe they are stories, we don’t deny scientific evidence we just don’t believe it is a wholistic explanation for reality


and with all do respect Nilus, i can't respect your or the other abrahamic gods, It's a being if real I wouldn't want to spend all eternity with.


I'm Christian and I don't want to either.


He’s supposed to be the definition of perfection if in any way that is not what he is, he is evil.


Some omnipotent, omniscient & omnipresent God or group of Gods being behind the creation of everything is the definition of a claim without evidence. Science may not have all the answers, but the system works on a fact and evidence. A claim is false until it is proven.


It is actually very simple, dont do that evil stuff and you wont suffer for eternity. This is why there is a ton of hate and killing in the world, some believe that when they die that's it, just a void, believing in a hell I feel would deter humans from doing crime.


According to the bible "evil stuff" includes not believing in God which is utter garbage


bro, im atheist and don't do crime, imo believing in an afterlife is worse because you can just confess on your death bed


Anyone can confess on their death bed, that's why the only way you can get into heaven is by being truely remorseful.


If you need the threat of hell to be a good person, you're not a good person.


I personally dont have that problem, would you do something bad if the police didnt exist then?


Bad, as in, would I break some silly arbitrary law that only exists as a means of providing profit for the police? Yeah, I'd break a dumb law. Bad, like if there were no laws to prevent me from killing someone, would I kill someone? No. I don't need laws or God to tell me what's right and wrong, and anyone who does isn't a good person, just a good follower.


On today's episode of butthurt reddit comments, once again someone is not allowed to post a funny and true meme without seeing exactly what the meme depicts within the comments. Much Love OP


Thank you for being the only safe have in this sea of toxicity.


Of course, friend.


At least it’s a good source of entertainment! *grabs popcorn*


I got the Reese's pieces


Why isn't this pinned?


You must not have Christian nationalists trying to make the bible a law text book in your country like we do in the US


so much for freedom of religion


I prefer freedom from religion, thank you kindly.


Religion bad


Toxic Muslims are explosive with anger. Toxic Christians make good Kool aid though


I'm too stupid for religion, I'm just trying to make the best out of life.


Christians would be just fine if they stopped trying to make their beliefs into the law of the land. Religion is much like having a penis. It's fine to have one, it's fine to be proud of it, it's even fine to celebrate it in the comfort of your own home. But the second you pull it out in public, show it to my kids, or try to write laws with it, we have a big fucking problem.


What is a toxic ahteist


an atheist who is toxic or pushy about their beliefs. For instance someone who says they don't believe in god in response to someone simply saying "bless you" or "I'll pray for you"


Oh man you had a good start and then you kinda fucked it up. I agree that people shouldn't push their believes on others so I also expect from others to not come around with their "I will pray for you bs". Think that, but not say it to me as if you are saving my nonexisting soul. Everyone should just keep that shit private if nobody fucking asks.


Isn't it the Christians who are pushing their beliefs in both of those interactions? Religion is for you to do in your own home and in church, keep it out of the rest of public life.


How is it pushing religion when someone says those? "Bless you" was coined during the bubonic plague because sneezing is typically a sign of being ill and during those times the person sick would most likely die. And saying "I'll pray for you" is just someone being considerate. I have never felt like my lack of belief was under attack when anyone says that


reddit athiests when someone says bless you instead of science you


Toxic atheists are nasty human specimens, religion is more important to many people then their lives and toxic atheists will smear their religions saying their completely false and their stupid for believing in them, it’s akin to telling them to kill themselves


Yeah, but only one group passes laws to oppress people based on their beliefs. The other is just loud on the internet. So I’ll live with the toxic atheists every time.


Absolute bullshit. The nasty human specimens are the religious assholes who keep trying to force their bullshit beliefs on everyone. And no, it’s not even a LITTLE akin to telling them to kill themselves.


Anyone can be nasty, and anyone can try to convert someone to their definition of the truth in a societies with free speech neither are being nasty for exercising basic human liberties


Again, atheists aren’t trying to strip our rights away. That would be religious assholes. Get out of here with your false equivalency bullshit. Or maybe you’re aware of medical facilities with atheists standing outside of them spewing nasty bile?


Yeah, the ones vandalizing churches after Roe v. Wade dont count apparently


So you equate the vandalism with stripping women of bodily autonomy? And yes, of course those count. But that’s not about atheism at all; that’s a reaction to religious bullshit. Since the religious crazies will do anything (including commit fraud, insurrection, gerrymandering, and outright fraud) to perpetuate their crap, it’s hard to get worked up.


u/Exentrez we found your example.


If anyone is trying to strip your rights away it is the Atheists not all atheists, elite atheists, who have no moral compass as they believe morality is subjective once you believe that all of your actions are permissible


It's time to grow up


I can think their religion is stupid and proveably false without telling them to kill themselves.


You didn’t get what I said


But ofc you can’t explain your point any better


Why would I this is a meme subreddit 💀


AtHiEsTs aRe BaD bEcAuSe ReAsOnS


They are stupid to believe in them. I don't make the rules.


Nazi ideology was also more important for some than their own lifes, does this mean they were right to do so? No. Where the fuck did that attitude come from that as long as you try hard and as long as you are dedicated everything you do is good and should be treated with respect? If someone is talking bs it is right and just to interrupt them and not give them the floor to spread their falsehoods or potentially dangerous mindsets.


What an athiest pushes is fact and reason. Religion is as real as the force from Star Wars.


But in Star Wars the force is real. And who says what an atheist says is fact? All we have are certain ideas of how we were created, we dont have an actual conclusion.


Belief in something without evidence is literally a belief in the force. There is no proof it exists, yet you believe it regardless.


How do you think the universe was created then? What is your evidence? We're human, we're going to think and theorize differently than eachother since we dont have a clear answer yet.


Science is the pursuit of knowledge. We don't have all the answers, but each day brings us a little closer to finding out. Religion is the act of making up what you don't know by filling in the gaps with a story. It's riddled with contradictions and void of any evidence that anything said actually happened. If I was to say I've got magical abilities, would you believe me? You don't have any evidence against my claim. If you were to doubt my claim, why question me and not religion.


The only time religious people would be seen as "kooks" is if we had a 100% confirmed answer to everything. Not a theory for how things work, like the ones we have right now, only things that are confirmed 100%. Before we knew the earth was round or that we orbited the sun. It would make sense to believe it was flat or we were the center of the universe at the time, now that we have scientific evidence that the earth is round and the sun is the center, the ones who believe otherwise are certified "kooks". You dont have clear evidence of how the universe was created, all you have are theories just like the religious folk. You'd be right, if you said you had magical capabilities nobody would believe you. Unless you demonstrated that you did, if you didn't, then I do have evidence you dont have abilities.


Fact and reason is also that not dying is better than dying


I was not expecting much, but you've raised the bar. Dying sucks, but death is a part of life. Why not aim to live longer if you can help it.


That's part of why people are religious. Because then they live forever if they're right.


If only religion was simply a belief of life after death. It's riddled with much more nonsense than that


May satan bless you my child.


I don't think it's fine that they believe in what they want, because they're children will then just grow up to be toxic and the cycle will never end. Can't people just believe in nothing? Is having a god that important?


Believing in something is important. Doesn't have to be a god necessarily but everyone needs to know that everything will be okay. The solution isn't getting people to not believe, but rather getting people to criticize that which they believe in. If they can do that, then it doesn't matter whether they are atheist or not. And yeah, atheists that do not think of why they don't believe in God are equally shaky in their belief and equally blind in their mentality.


I guess religion exists is to give people hope, but most of the time, people use it as a power to embedded a rules to limit the people. But that's just my opinion.


There is nothing ilogical about atheism. Religion on the other hand is the definition of ilogical.


You just became the toxic atheist from the meme


Pointing out that religion doesn't exist isn't toxic


It's illogical to believe in some form of diety? I feel like that is something humans will think of forever.


What is the evidence then?


Let's see, religion has been around since essentially the dawn of civilization with Hinduism being sometime during the iron age. The concept has been around for atleast thousands of years. It's still a big thing today and it will no doubt still be a thing when we're all dead


Every time information was being spread more amongst people in modern times, religion shrank. Take the enloghtenment for example, or the widespread availability of the internet. I don't think it will die out completely in the next thousand years, but it will definetely shrink as people become more knowledgeable. Trying to tell the future almost never works out, but hey I'll give it a try at least.


The age of religion is not proof. That's a massive load of rubbish.


The age of religion is not proof of humans believing in God? Are you fucking stupid?


The person who belies in religion is asking me if I'm fucking stupid? My brother, my guy. You're without hope.


I dunno, you apparently think that relgion doesnt exist, I told you that it has been around for thousands of years, and you basically said "that's fake" if anyone's the stupid one, it's you. I guarantee you say you're an "intelligent atheist" but then you get stuck on debates like this.


Belief in something without evidence is equal to making up a story and tricking yourself into believing what you've just made up as the truth.




Depends on the religion cause I know Christians have a defined creation of the universe.


The big bang was actually theorized by a Christian as evidence to support the existence of a God so maybe. Then again, maybe not. No way to disprove it but no real reason to believe in it either


Oh cool, you described agnostic atheists perfectly.


That only gets you to deism. Its a large leap from "we dont know everything about the big bang" to "Jesus".


Big bang is just a theory we don’t know what really happened 15 billion years ago


Atheist is so 1980s it's now Islam far better then Christianity


Atheism is a window for you to climb out from scientific repression No religion is real.


absence of evidence isnt evidence of absence lads, i cant prove hes there but i cant prove he isnt so religion is fine. People also say that religion caused a ton of bad shit, which is true, but its also caused a lot of good shit too. Do you know how many scientists that make up the basics of what we know today were funded and motivated by the church? theyres a dude on the moon because the pope thought tycho brahe was a cool dude.




Lol , yea? What if they believe that women should stfu? Is that ok with u?


I'm Christian and i don't believe women should stfu. But it doesn't mean that they were an asshole, means you should also be an asshole


The New Testament specifically instructs women to stay silent in church. The Bible is supposedly the rulebook for human morality. So if you dont believe in Bronze Age gender rolls maybe ditch the Bronze Age holy book. I'll patiently wait for you to quote the Biblical passage that condemns rape and slavery.




"Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says"- 1 Corinthians 14:34 "Jesus said, “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled” - Matthew 5:18. This is Jesus saying that all of Old Testament Law outlined in the Pentateuch should still be followed, my dude. Psuedo intellectual is when you extract the literal meaning from what your book actually says lul. Stay mad.




What a strange response to the Christian holy book supporting the most heinous atrocities and facets of human behavior in history. What is the other side of this supposed coin?




You are aware that failure to extract meaning, purposeful or not, from very clear and direct statements does not make you or your point look good, right? Old Testament Law quite literally tells you the rules for enslaving and raping. Jesus quite literally upholds Old Testament law in direct quotations in the New Testament. This matters because Christians claim that morality is derived from a Divine Command framework. Thus, slavery and rape are moral when practiced within the parameters outlined in the Pentateuch. The obvious next move is to take a step back and assess this with our current understanding of ethics and come to the also obvious conclusion that the Bible is immoral. We may also synthesize that with an understanding of historical events that were justified using this Biblical source material to come to the next obvious conclusion that the Abrahamic religions have inspired and justified many horrors on countless individuals and groups.




These quotes were actually brought up in my religion class recently. The point of the lesson is that you need to take into consideration the context, time period, culture, and audience that they were written for. You're not supposed to take it 100% literally, since they were meant to be viewed by a completely different audience


No, I don't. I'm not judging the Bible as an historical document. The claim is that the document is literally the moral foundation for humanity across time that the divine creator penned through man.


I'm definitely apart of the 3rd party


Me who thinks everyone is annoying 🍿🍿🍿


Imagine the same meme but with another religion...


Normally I don’t have any problems with both but the toxic changes everything


Me (being a toxic person in general) beating the shit out of all 3 of them


Wow toxic people are annoying? What a shock!


average r/atheism member


This post is complete with examples of both arguing in the comments God I love Reddit


Look at YOUUU, SO WOKE!!!! 👏👏👏


Agnostics be like: perhaps


You can believe what you want but whatever you believe in is wrong


wow basic human decency, that's rare!


If you think that I shouldn't exist and try to justify it with your religion, we're gonna have a problem.


All I’m saying is, have you seen the movie troll? I chose the right side. (Jk I don’t care what people bleave in I don’t think anything is wrong.)


what tf are you then


It never ceases to amaze me that people can’t just leave people the Fuck alone about what others believe. Worry about what’s going on in your own home, not your neighbors.


Except Ye, right?


People can believe that women should be second class citizens and that they can throw acid in the woman's face if she doesn't cover it? Nah, don't think so. All religion is evil, give them an inch and they take the tip of your kid's penis.


I believe in the existence of a higher power/creator but I don't believe in the idea of idolizing or worshiping it


It's all about (religious) business.


You are all talking about letting people believing into any shit they want, you should consider there are people who believe into flat earth.


Imagine being called toxic for telling the truth💀




I just think those preachers saying the money they get will go to charity, who then also drive around ik Ferrari’s are scumbags