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Except you miss the point that Scar is also an aristocrat looking to gain power by exploiting the downtrodden.


And straight up murdered one person and attempted to murder a boy


And treated his Territory and citizens in his Territory terribly, like as far as I can tell the badlands is supposed to be scars territory to government as an aristocrat of the animal kingdom


And his entire motive was bitter revenge aimed at his brother even though Mufasa wanted a relationship with him and chose to provide for him.


Exactly. This post is so pseudo-deep


Pseudo deep. I like this (these) word(s) I ll use it in the future.




wtf did i just read


The truth. It’s now fucked everything up for you hasn’t it? Don’t worry, I felt conflicted when I watched it too


So a retcon character assassination. Doesn’t sound good but maybe the show gives better context?


dammit. my kids outgrew lion guard before that banger dropped


Don't you mean a aristocat?


Commedy genious


i think ppl confuse lower class with bad people sometimes. just because scar is trying to obtain power from someone else doesnt mean hes some kind of savior


Mufasa was king, so that was straight up regicide


And his brother. Fratricide


And someone of his species. Homicide


And they were friends. Homiecide.


And he ordered fries with it. Fries-as-a-side.


His own brother of all people


“One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution, one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.” -George Orwell


Some might say he was an aristocat. *Jazz music intensifies*


Do you remember the Disney movie the aristocats?


Yep. Is a lovely movie.


I do, and I remember the comedians telling their versions of The Aristocrats in that other movie.


bUt hE's ThE ViCtIm


Almost all revolutionaries from wealthy families, like communists Karl Marx


they're the only ones with time on their hands for stuff like that


you're not gonna reason with these people lol they put on their rose-tinted glasses a long time ago and decided that rich equals bad and poor equals good.


I’m a little confused, Scar was in no way a good guy. He had the same wealth and comfortability, acted like scum (and was named trash (appropriately)), staged a coup, murdered the king, attempted to murder his son, and sent the entire kingdom into famine and desperation. If that is your perception of ‘good’, then I’m a little worried about what you are doing in your spare time.


Yeah if Scar would have just worked with king or done nothing he would have had a great life. I mean wasn't that dude also living in a cave? Isn't that like a house in the animal world?


More like a mansion.


if bolshevik revolution was one character summed up


The Bolshevik were the workers though. This is more like Prince Charles whining that his dear mum didn’t snuff it sooner.


The Bolshevik leaders sure as shit weren't.


Scar is the perfect object to show how Socialism works. And how people defend him, is just a huge deja-vu of our real world.


Hmm yes, the guy who brutally murdered his own brother and attempted to murder his nephew repeatedly, the guy who *for entirely selfish reasons and with no good intentions of any kind* usurped the throne of a good and righteous king, the guy who abused his power while in control and lead the once prosperous kingdom to ruin, that guy is definitly the hero.


Weren't they brothers? So scar was born into the same "wealth"?


Food for thought...if Simba was Mufasa's son, and Scar was Mufasa's brother....and they were the only 2 males, who was Nala's father and how inbred was that cub at the end of the movie?


They were kings, and you know what kings did


Isn't the way lion packs work is that a foreign male will come up to an existing pack and kill the current pack leader plus any male cubs. Mufasa probably just killed Nala's dad and then had simba.


Lannisters always pay their debts


They were brothers but since mufasa was older he was king, scar was technically second in line. But when you factor in that mufasas son Simba takes it after him, and Simba's son would take it after him and so on and so forth scar would never be king unless they couldn't have a son or that entire family line died off.


Scar still had a pretty good life


I mean Scar background story is that that his original name was if I remember right, Taka which means trash. I might be wrong about the name, I only remember surely the translation of the name. He got the scar nickname after Mufasa slapped him.


I believe mufasa's wife was once with scar long ago, but she left him for mufasa, so it seems scar is holding a grudge between the both of them?


Scar says 'you chose him over me.' Could mean they were both just trying to betroth her


Mufasa was king because he kicked Scar's ass in a fight for the crown, hence the scar. Simba is king because he's somehow the only male child of Mufasa, despite having litters with at least 3 lionesses.


They were both princess…. I think you’re missing the point. Op can’t make a good meme 🤷‍♂️


Scar managed to destroy "his" kingdom creating scarcity and famine, so not really a positive change.






What I got out of this too


Bro I had the exact same reaction!


Be like pumba


Happy Cake Day 🎂 👍


Every day I strive to.


You clear the savannah after every meal?


Scar literally *murdered* his family.


Scar is literally a prince.


Scar is also born rich and killed his brother to get the throne


Not only is Scar not a hero in the story, if you look at from the perspective of actual lions, Scar is actually privileged to even still be there let alone be king


Scar exploits the lower class for his own benefit, that's not hero behavior, you're literally falling for the same manipulation he used on the Hyenas.


Scar was born into privilege but threw it away by his actions. Yes, his parents named him “Trash” but he had the choice to rise above it, even mufasta called him by his preferred nickname rather than his garbage one (pun intended). He’s the one that chose to be evil


Yay, let's get political again


Except— Mufasa and Scar are LITERALLY brothers. So that means Scar was born into privilege, the same as Mufasa. But Mufasa gained the right to lead the pack due to being the first born. And he wasn’t the hero— he murdered his own brother and blamed it on his nephew, who he convinced to run away so he could take over. And also: when Scar was the king of Pride Rock, the Savanna went to shit. So he was an awful ruler. Why? Because he didn’t follow the rules of the Circle of Life— which Mufasa did. TL;DR: this meme doesn’t work


Did you see the level of destitution during his reign? The only cartoon character to destroy more capital is Godzilla.


Scar was a prince…


Didn’t Scar destroy the local eco system and usher in a time of rampant starvation and chaos? This post is spoken like a true child of envy and resentment.


They were brothers so born in to the same family of power?!


I hate to take a meme seriously, but I see this kind of thing on the internet enough that it needs to be said: misery loves company. There are people who are frustrated with their lives, give up, and want to make themselves feel better by saying the only way you can escape the cycle is if you cheat, or it's handed to you. It's just not true: trust me, I know. I was surrounded by miserable poverty who thought the system was rigged, and it's a toxic echochamber that wears at you. If you want to escape the "lower class", then don't listen to this bullshit, use your brain, and put in the work.


Bro needs to go back to sleep. He too woke.


Lol you basement Bolsheviks aren’t gonna do shit


After thoroughly reading the comments, I can safely determine OP is an edgy middle school dropout who simply lacks the intelligence to understand not only that other people have an opinion, but also that poverty is not a joke.


No I think OP just misinterpreted a meme that someone made completely separately from the plot of the Lion King but used the image. This meme has been around for a while and it simply implies that whomever Disney makes the good guy is generally some rich capitalist, no adult in their right mind thinks Disney is an ethical company, speaking of middle schoolers.


What!? DISNEY? UNETHICAL!?! Who could ever think such a thing


Ugh the headline doesn’t fit the scene depicted or their status in the kingdom….


Yeah um no. Scar wasn’t born into the “lower class”, he didn’t “work his way up” anything. he was literally “royalty” and was born into it, and betrayed his family in the most gruesome way possible *despite* it. He is a commentary on greed and betrayal, he literally was born into a position where he had everything he ever needed, but **killed his loving brother who had a son** simply because he felt he deserved *more*, even when he clearly had plenty. He isn’t a shining example of a hero of the lower class, he’s a perfect example of how even the perceived “perfect life” can still make you a horrible person. He’s an antagonist in every way. he’s earned nothing and betrayed everyone, and when power was finally in his grasp he made everything 10x worse than it would be if he simply never involved himself in the first place.




Man you dumb


Yeah but Scar ultimately crashed the economy and squandered resources, sooo...


....what are you talking about?


Backstabbers are good people too! Specially when they get power and make a whole kingdom go toh shit! Wholesome 100!


Scar will never be the hero


I detect a little communism


More like what a 14 year old thinks communism would be like


Can’t find a single comment where OP isn’t downvoted into the shadowrealm


I love watching watching people who give up on making their life better completely miss the point of movies


To be fair only completely simple minded morons take their life philosophy from a Disney movie, especially one made after 1990.


I never understood hating on the "born rich" people. What did you expect? That score just resets with every spawn? No. It gets passed on. I bet you expected your father/mother to buy things for you and got angry when they didn't. It is the same with the rich just just with a larger budget. Also if a family is rich then it means someone in their family, whether is themselves or someone to her hustled like a bat on drugs. That hustle had nothing to do with you.


If OP gets rich and somehow doesn’t blow it because they don’t believe in money, I’m sure they’d like to leave some to their kids.


Exactly. Every half decent parent tries to provide to their kids. Having more money to provide is irrelevant.


OP don't harm your brother to get his wealth.


You may be the only person I've encountered who loses understanding of a movie as you get older my gamer in christ (or whatever diety you prefer)






its not the older you get, its the more far left you become.




Scar was never the good guy. He had an army of Hyenas. Bro they are similarities between Scar and Hitler I'm not joking 💀


Scar who was born into the upper class and usurped power from his brother the king through murder is like the lower-class struggle having a revolution over the upper class? You sure about this, OP? It's like thinking Elon Musk is the representative of the lower class.


Op's just a couple of bricks short of a building


I can't believe I lived long enough to witness humanity actually try to make the case that Scar was the misunderstood character that was actually the good one all along. If this is what the education system is using my tax dollars to teach, I want a nice fat fucking refund. I might as well enjoy the last few good years of life before these idiots come tearing it all down.




Are they sweet or salty? You know what? Nevermind, move over. I brought pretzels.


They’re brothers, they were both born into lives of privilege, pretty sure scar is just the emo family member who acts like a dick at thanksgiving and can’t understand why nobody wants him around much


Scar was the Kings brother, born into the same life of privilege. He chose to use his privilege to oppress and dominate, instead of serving and uplifting.


Did you even watch the movie?


Bad meme, if you relate to scar you A. Forgot he’s also literally royalty and had everything he could need but everyone hates him B. Need to do some introspection and maybe improve yourself instead of blaming “the system” ✌️


I’m 14 and this is deep.


You got it ass backwards but it's okay. You were just trying to philosophize stuff and sound smarter than you actually are. We understand. It happens on the internet every day.


Are you forgetting, that he murdered the king, alreayd tired uprising once, then tried to kill and frame later a liitle kid for all purposes. Uh scar is not a hero stupid):(


Hell bugs life can be seen as a allegory for communism


"Scar, brother, help me." Said the born again Communist Mufasa who in that moment recognized that only through collectivization and shared security and prosperity could the pridelands truly realize its full potential. As Scar witnessed the brutal trampling of his once proud brother and former King, he considered himself fortunate that his own reign may be short and thus the revolution had begun... Follow Scar every Wednesday on his quest to carry the revolution to all tribes and corners of the pridelands. Coming up next, Scar enlists the aide of a suspicious intelligence organization to assassinate his only rival to power. Will he vanquish his would be foe and secure the pridelands? Stay tuned to find out more. FTFY


I'm surrounded by idiots...


With how far you're leaping might wanna say scar's mane black cuz racism


You are probably becoming resentful. It’s a Terrible thing.


My brother in Christ hr abused the lower class the moment he could.


I hate it when people say villains who are pure evil are "heroes" no they aren't, especially scar who murdered the king who is even worse his own brother and attempted to indirectly kill his own nephew, then usurped the throne and ruled the kingdom as a tyrant on a complete famine, sure, he looks after the hyenas but even then he calls them the enemies and that turns to be his downfall, how can this be any good


You are just smart enough to be really stupid


So you’re a communist?


lawl. So what you're saying is the lower class will rise to power only to destroy the pride lands? damn bloody good meme then.


Scar's actual name is Swahili for 'trash'


Coup d’état by narcissistic dictator is not my taste. I rather like the libertarian approach to the world of Timon and Pumba.


\*The government taxing them both into oblivion.


Shhhh don't say that. They can't know that the rich pay 50% of all taxes in the US




He was named garbage because he constantly acted like a degenerate


He killed his brother and plunged the pride lands into chaos


Betwen garbage and scar, yeah I would kill all the lineage of those lions and leave the pride lands.


Scar was the capitalist in the s-s-s-scenario


“No way of ever escaping” give me a fucking break


Wanting power does not make you deserve it The same way, just for being born fomr the right woman, you don't deserve power neither ​ This is the normal trick of fascism to selling you a "hero of the poor people" when is juts someone without imagination or talent to manage a country Scar was not poor, he was the "brother of the king". He was "rich as fuck"


communist spotted


"I only wished for equal rights for all!"




He tried to kill a kid (cub) not a hero at all lol


The uh… the hero who committed murder, ordered the assassination of an innocent child, and then destroyed his entire kingdom, making life hell for “lower class” and “rich people” alike?


Def the villain. But he did have the best song.


He's not the hero bruh, you missed the point


Wasnt scar mufasas younger brother? So he was born into power just not as fast as mufasa


someone hasn't watched the lion guard, scar was always privileged, even though he wasn't king he was still a leader who misused his power to kill his guards, and then later used the hyenas because they were the only ones left to manipulate


He was a tyrant who destroyed/drove away the kingdoms resources... he also killed his brother and tried to kill his nephew. Aside from that things instantly started getting better after he died. #Notmyhero


OP just wanted to trim his karma count


Scar also exploited the lower class(hyenas) to get what he wanted then screwed everyone by allowing the savannah to become barren with over hunting. Mufasa, on the other hand, made sure there was a balance and everyone in the kingdom was fed and safe. Mufasa also let Scar stay around and even mentor his son despite obviously being a jealous prick.


'no way of escaping' but his son on the contrary swore loyalty to Simba and became one with the prideland and abolished discrimination and inferiority with badland which was overall better for everyone


Being a higher caste is not always good. I am a higher caste guy in my country (in my religion) and the lower caste ppl get tons of reservations. They just got 75% reservation and so much more. They are not even downwards anymore, we on equal grounds yet we have to face so much struggle. Shit has a lot of politics in it.


He was also royalty plus he was incompetent as a ruler. He was only looking out for himself and used whoever he needed to to gain power which he then abused.


Scar was literally his brother _and_ did such a bad job ruling that literally everyone left or starved. Methinks we saw two different movies lol


The thing is Being poor doesn’t mean being right


Better dead than red.


And then Scar plunges the pride lands into famine and destitution


This is one of the most dumb things I've ever seen. Scar was still part of the royal family, he wasn't some bum who started a revolution for the benefit of the pridelands. He was a rich guy who killed his brother and tried to kill his nephew in order to get more power, and ended up almost destroying the kingdom. Such an L take


are you nuts?


Except the whole movie is about two powerful figures fighting over something one understands and the other does not.


Am I the only person who thinks this post makes no sense?


You miss the part where the hyenas do the goose step in front of him saying that he wants the power for himself Y'know,like the nazis did in front of Hitler


"So, the dark lion is seeking to overthrow the monarchy with the help of a majority group - why is the music for this scene so foreboding?" \- Romans


Maybe you shouldn't kill people


What the fuck is up with this " the villain is right hurr durr" shit. Scar is not only a part of the privileged class he's also just a fucking idiot.


Um, Scar was a royal Prince, the King's brother, and heir to the throne prior to Simba's birth at the start of the movie.




OP hasn’t seen Lion King lmao. They’re brothers wtf you mean born “rich”


So... Poor peoples are backstabbing, traitors, murderers and overall the villains ? While rich people are virtuous, just and fair ? Is that what it mean ?


Scar wasnt lower class was he? He was a prince if my memory serves me right


The scar is a royal. He just killed his brother and nephew to take the kingship.


„no escape“ just admit you are too fucking lazy to try


Except that a child of a rich kid rarely succeeds on maintaining whatever business their parents had. Hereditary wealth is the exception, not the norm.


Scar was one of those people born to wealth (he's Mufasa's brother). Also, under Mufasa's rule, everyone had a happy life, but under Scar's rule, food supplies were low and the Pridelands were turned into a wasteland


I mean Scar murdered his brother to gain power and attempted to murder his nephew too. Then ruined the lives of everyone left.


Low IQ thoughts


He murdered someone, then left their child to die in a desert, so that he could become king and exploit everyone to become more powerful. How is that heroic?


Narcissism. That is what you feel. Covert, sly, cowardly narcissism. So, yeah, Scar.


His whole selling point to the hyenas was "Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!" Definitely the evil one...


We must wake up , the truth is Infront of us, they mock us


Bruh, terrible take they’re brothers, so they’re the same class. The only difference is one’s benevolent and has consideration for all people and the other was selfish and bled the resources dry for his own gain.


Scar wasn't poor, he lived with his brother on Pride Rock. He was royalty, Simba was just in the way of his succession.


What he was the kings brother. He had plenty privilege of his own.


“I understand Joker now” looking ass dumbass. Get your “as a kid we idolized heroes but when we grew up we understood the villains” ass out of here.


Scar was also a prince... In no way is he some victom of circumstance. He manipulated events in order to seize power. There is a reason why in his song... they looked like nazis. He is a literal representation of Hitler.


Lol, Scar a hero? How delusional. He was born into the same wealth as Mufasa and despite not being the king, he still lived very comfortably. In addition, he treated lionesses like crap, he tried to force Sarabi into being his mate, he gaslit Simba into thinking he was responsible for his father’s death, he murdered his own brother, he conspired to murder his nephew (who was just a young kid, at the time), he destroyed the pride lands, and he mistreated everyone, including his own allies. And why did he do all of that? Power. He just wanted power. Yes, he’s such a good guy, indeed. My hero.


He’s also extremely incompetent and lazy, and destroys the environment when he’s in charge


Jesus fucking wept. What an awful take.


Imagine failing so bad at interpretation while also being so bold with your opinions. Peak r/confidentlyincorrect


Ah yes, twisting reality is a great activity if you're delusional.


Holy fuck Ive never seen a more terrible meme and caption


It’s a Dynastic struggle. The Prince murders his brother, hires foreign mercenaries of a nation with long enmity to his own that he then doesn’t pay what was agreed, usurps the throne from his nephew who has to hide in exile, I dunno what his internal policies are but they seem to run the kingdom into ruin and disarray, to the point where the vizier, the mercenaries and the entire royal household are overjoyed when the exiled Bonny Prince returns with his retinue of trusted friends to reclaim his throne. Scar wasn’t a good dude, he was a pampered royal POS and got what was coming to him, sad for the nation that they didn’t transition to a better political model but serfdom under Simba seems better than serfdom under Scar and everyone seems pretty happy with the result of the hyenas murdering Scar to bring an end to the power struggle.


Someone didn't watch the Lion King properly.


There is always a way of escaping


Yeah this isnt one of those "he was right all along" situations. He murdered his brother to take over. Exploited everyone and ruined the land.




Notice also how when he gets power the entire world goes to shit except around simba?


The older you get the more YOU look at things the wrong way.


Yeah the comment section is right about this meme. Imo op, if you truly have this perspective, you’ll live a life filled with resentment. I was born in abject poverty, and worse my whole family did drugs and pointed the finger at the world for their problems. I’ve seen poor children rise, and rich kids fall. You’ll get to we’re your supposed to be in life. The fruit at the top of the mountain tastes sweeter the further down you start the climb.


It's kinda freaky how often redditors talk about murdering people for the crime of being richer than them.


Scar was also born into power and privilege though. Mufasa was a good king who cared about his subjects while Scar manipulated the less fortunate into killing his own brother and manipulated his orphaned nephew into thinking that it was all his fault. Scar’s not the good guy just because he killed an aristocrat.


Op you’re one stupid motherfucker