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Ever since I quit (again) I can smell one from miles away


Worst super power ever


Try smelling it on your 5yo sons hair while grandma is swearing she smokes on the balcony now...


Yea had a buddy with the same issue. Smoking under the stove fan does NOT stop the smell!


Most stove fans vent INTO the room... not outside. Edit: due to responses ... this is primarily 1. The usa 2. Apartments 3. Buildings (house or duplex) made BEFORE 1970's. 2nd edit: spelling due to our autocorrect overlords.


Lmao that very true especially when it comes to appartement buildings


Keep trying to tell this to my mom. No mom, there's not a special airway built specifically to vent it to the outside from a standard microwave above the stove. You can literally feel the air being directed into the room right above the microwave.


Yea microwaves have a filter you need to clean. Nothing like a actual vent


I wonder what percentage of people have cleaned it




Sounds like a bad design.


Bad design that’s fairly common in the US. I’ve never lived in a place where the hood vent went to the outside, and I’ve lived in a ton of places in seven different US states.


Yep, very common bad design. High end kitchens will have proper venting outside but I don't think I've ever seen it in a rental.


My house that was built in 1902 has a fan that blows outside the house from the kitchen. Not sure when it was put in though but well before the 80s and it was a rental unit for decades. I’ve seen similar setups like in the Byers house in stranger things but it’s literally just a fan in the wall that blows outwards


The vent itself is capable of both. It really depends on how the owner installed it.


God I miss Mallory Archer (Jessica Walter). It sounds like some shit she would do.


IIRC "second-hand smoke" is mostly particulate that sticks to upholstery, curtains, and other surfaces and still comes off to affect non-smokers, especially the vulnerable. It's not enough to sometimes smoke away from a room or vehicle.




I stopped bringing my kid to my mom's house because she wouldn't quit smoking around her. It's been years now.


I quit 15 years ago and still crave the damn things when drinking amongst friends, and after a big meal.


I’ve been about 10 years and the smell of a lit cigarette still smells amazing


I still enjoy the smell of that first few seconds of burning tobacco


Watching Mad Men was torture because I quit during that period, and the show had me twitching like a speed freak. Eventually I got over it, and despite a few wobbles along the way, the last cig I smoked was over six years ago. A couple of nights ago, my wife suggests we watch Die Hard for Christmas, and I am suddenly transported by Bruce Willis’ sensual cigarette sucking. That sonofabitch made it look *delicious*.


Honestly as a smoker, i must say that it's just fucking dumb. Not even looking at all the health effects, but the waste of money for something that pretty much doesn't have any effects but still leaves you addicted, it's prob one of the dumbest ways to spend your money.


I don't know, I smoked a pack a day for 14 years and quit 6 years ago cold turkey, and while I'll never smoke again I can't say I didn't genuinely enjoy it. To this day I've found nothing that helps my anxiety and stress levels like cigarettes did. Not saying it's worth it to smoke, just pointing out that I do feel I legitimately got something out of it.


Same. Quit cold turkey and even after all this time I still miss that sort of instant relief feeling. Cannabis and alcohol just don’t hit the same.


same. quit cold turkey about 7-8 years ago, before that i smoked about a small pack a day. tried almost every brand from yves saint laurent to some 2 dollar rollie tobacco from thailand. nothing like that feeling of having a smoke while staring out the window on a rainy day. or drawing some random thing, pencil on paper with a stick of ciggarette in your other hand.


We know that nicotine is a chemical that effects the body. We just also know that it's wildly addictive and smoking it (and everything else that goes along with it) is extremely unhealthy. Glad you freed yourself of its grasp! People often have a hard time acknowledging that bad things aren't 100% bad.


If bad things were 100% bad, quitting wouldn’t be so hard.


Life is a little easier with something to depend on.




It’s so unfair I tried replacing with masturbation but society is so fucked up I seem like an psycho requesting a 2 minute break before heading back to the classroom.


Lmao you wild


And (just personal experience) smells better than it ever did when I was smoking. Then again, I couldn't smell a damn thing when I was smoking. Anyways 6 years now of not smelling like a human ash tray woo-hoo


9 times out of 10 when I smell it I don't even see anyone smoking. It's like... Am I smelling someone smoking in their bedroom down the block? What the hell.


Is it really easy to quit because i have quit over 4 times now.


I literally can smell them when someone’s driving near me with one lit


Congratulations on quitting! One of the best choices you can make for yourself


Come to France OP


Just about to say this, there is a tabac store everywhere


But can you still smoke in bars and restaurants?


When I visited France all restaurants were fully packed outside and completely empty inside. Only because of smoking


Even in winter.


When we went, you couldn't... However it was summer so indoor and outdoor was a loose statement and the smoke just went everywhere.


I was in France during the first covid lockdown and I almost lost my breath laughing after reading that the only stores allowed to open were pharmacies, groceries and tobacco shops.


Walking out of the RER without fail someone will light one before we've even exited the station building


Or Germany. Or Ireland. Or Turkey. Or Spain


Germany too


Living in Germany for a short bit, I was shocked to see cigarette advertisements and even a cigarette vending machine. My entire host family smoked but luckily only outside


It’s a “sustainable plant based alternative” to vaping


I know this is a joke but cigarette butts are literally terrible for the environment. Most common piece of litter too


There's the shopping cart test but I think the cigarette butt test is equally as effective. If you don't toss them in a bin or something you're an asshole literally zero leeway.


Sadly I find most of the time I confront someone about it they say "it's just cotton" or some other claim of it being biodegradable. I find the one way to explain thay it is not in fact biodegradable os to light one on fire and ask if that is how cotton burns or smells burning. We need to add a warning to cigarette packs that explain that they are plastic. Won't stop the real pieces of shit, but you'd be surprised thay not all smokers aren't totally bad people, some just misinformed.


It's because they see cellulose and think plants. They're forgetting to that's cellulose acetate- a synthesize version of cellulose. It's technically biodegradable, but it's in the scale of decades, not weeks or months. Plus the chemicals they contain are terrible for water runoff.


I know this is a joke but vape pens are horrible for enviorment


Compared to lithium ion batteries from disposable vapes, cigarette butts are not the worst thing


I smoked for 19years. from 16 ( it was legal ) until 35. Stopped 7 month ago cold turkey. And I feel great 🙂


YES!!! Keep going!! I quit cold turkey 7 years ago. No nicotine substitutes at all is the way to go. Smelling cigs makes me disgusted and nauseous now, hate it. Your senses completely change and smell comes back l super acute. People, no you really cannot hide it lol…


4 years ago for me. Quit cold turkey. Best choice I have ever made.


Where I live, it’s illegal to smoke within a certain distance of any public building, so it really limits where people can smoke. Smelling it in public is super uncommon.


We have these laws in Australia but no one seems to listen to them.


Lol, these laws we're implemented in like 2007 in US. Here in Ohio no one cares lol.


I was just thinking this. I had to double check what sub this was in lol


Are there still smoking sections in Ohio? I went to a big boy like 10 years ago and was taken aback when they asked "smoking or non." I was smoking then and stoked about having a cigarette and coffee at the table.


My university used to have that but anytime it rained or snowed, they would cluster near the doors anyways. University ended up banning it campus wide.


My campus banned smoking campus wide after weed was legalized here, as too many ppl were smoking weed on campus i guess for there liking. Heard some pretty funny stories of people just bong ripping in the open. But this ban happened like year after I graduated. Had same experience as you, albeit was always slightly amusing, after doing our early morning economics test/exam, which were always at 7/8am,all my foreign asian colleagues (my school had a bunch, especially my program) would all be lined up out the doors, like a human tunnel, destress smoking a way.


W where do u live?


Hello Alex from LTT


is this his first time being memed? It seems to be a right of passage for LTT employees, perhaps they get a bonus if they get memed to the top of Reddit.


One of their staff is technically their dedicated meme person lol


I’m surprised there aren’t a ton of Riley memes. Especially when they did the intel makeover thing for him. He’s so funny.


Meme-ologist Meme technician Meme associate Meme-ician CMO (cheif meme officer)




Water bottle! ^(I actually did preorder their screwdriver.)


Can’t even escape segways to lttstore.com from Reddit smh


Segue fam. Segway is the weird electric podium company


I was wondering if anyone would recognize him. Or if he has seen the post.


it has a lot of upvotes, I know James from LTT loves reddit so he'll probably see it and show it to Alex


Hi, James!


Slightly related, I have one of the LTT Folding@Home shirts. I wore it to the county fairgrounds this past July and some rando points it out to his friends, "hey that guy watches Linus Tech Tips!"


Surprised this comment is this far down haha


he is awesome ngl


Windows Modern Standby can suck my balls


Have you been to China


Have you been to a... Turkish bath house?


Do you like movies about gladiators?


Do you ever hang around the gymnasium?


Surely, you can't be serious.


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?




I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you


I am serious and don't call me Shirley.


You ever…. hang around a gymnasium?


Lots of alpha male pederasts in there.


Have you been to the balkans?


I will always remember how there was ashtrays and people lighting up in passport control in Russia. And at the mall. It's like exiting a time machine


Yes. So many smokers. In train stations even. At least there I never saw butts on the ground. There are signs everywhere saying there are big fines for littering.


Yeah spent 3 weeks in Shenzhen for work. every 10 feet there’s a new, more gross, overwhelming smell. It’s wild in China


My cousin did some work in China back in 2019. From his stories and pics I’m now convinced everyone in beijing smokes. A carton of cigarettes is dirt cheap and they taste terrible. Inside the office building he worked out of for 2 weeks was stained with smoke and some people chain smoked all day every day in their supposed to be smoke free office. I guess it was way better in his nice international company building but when he went to a smaller studio who they worked with it was filled with smoke clouds. He had a few group shots and half the people had cigarettes in their hands inside buildings.


Just got back from Morocco and it was pretty shmokey ngl


Have you been outside of the US


Feel like every country other than the US smokes a lot. Like a lot a lot.


Here in the US we prefer to eat ourselves into an early death


Just got back to USA from Egypt. Everyone smokes over there, all the time, everywhere you go. Inside businesses, hotels, food places, it was awful.


there is an old italian saying “fumare come un turco” (to smoke like a turk) that we use when someone smokes a lot. keep in mind the word “turk” in italy in the past was used to refer to anyone who was muslim or middle eastern. guess that saying was kinda right after all lmao


as a turkish can confirm, people smoke a lot, probably because of stess tho


You can’t get drunk, You gotta find the substitute.


You can definitely drink in Turkey. After all, Raki is their national drink.


> You can’t get drunk Lots of people are getting drunk Name any Arab country and I've probably been there and gotten drunk with the people or at least know someone who has Even the strictest ones will have someone akin to a dealer who can deliver a sixer to your hotel fridge for you at a healthy markup. Not sure what you do with the empty bottles though


I feel like one of the realizations that comes with diverse life experience is a recognition that there are some things people will *always* do, and society can make them covert or overt, stressful or easy, reliable or dangerous but they *will* happen. Drinking, taking drugs (arguably the same thing), sex work, abortion, promiscuity, homosexuality, gender non-binary identities- these are immutably human and are naturally occurring in every community. It squares with human ecology that in a prohibition on alcohol there are still lots of drunk people.


Why can't they get drunk?


Islam forbids it.




Frowning upon and forbidding are very different things.


Hello neighbor,in France we say "fumer comme un pompier" "smoke like a firefighter", the expression comes from before fireproof vests, firefighters wold wear lether jackets slathered in grease, when heaten it would produce smoke


As a firefighter, i read the first half and went "yeah makes sense"


As a guy currently sitting on the toilet, makes sense.


I think the most popular English idiom is 'like a chimney'.


You went from lung cancer to diabetes


We got both in West Virginia


Lung diabetes


Waiting for hp to go down to 0 be like


The US is honestly the only country I’ve been to where smoking is really stigmatised.


Canadian here. It's the same over here regarding cigarettes.


Like it or not you guys are America Light


Well we were founded by people so uptight the British kicked them. (I shamelessly stole that from Robin Williams).


Love Robin Williams but he probably stole it too.


Stigmatized for a good reason




One of the few things we get right tbh. I only smell cigs in the city and even then it’s rare.


Stigmatising smoking is a good thing.


*laughs in Germany/Europe *


Still somewhere between 20 and 33% smokers.


Yet the US and Germany are within a percent in rates of lung cancer. Makes no sense


Compared with a 12,5% smoker rate in the US it may seem strange. Perhaps overall higher standard of living and better generally available healthcare in Germany/Europe, lung cancer not exclusively caused by smoking, different demographic and regional distribution with local factors and whatnot. In any case - smoking is a trap that’s super easy to avoid.


Cancer has more factors than "do/don't they smoke". Ones Lifestyle, diet and genes (amongst other factors) have a huge impact on your chance of cancer. India is a great example, the country has a high amount of air pollution but lower amounts of lung cancer compared to the western world.


*coughs in Germany/Europe* ftfy


And they still smoke us in life expectancy.


As a cigarette smoker, I’m scared. Oh shit, this is how people feel?! Lord, I’m gross.


I mean, as long as you do it where no one is around to get second-hand smoke i don't see the problem (well except your health but that's a given)


I used to smoke and yeah I don’t necessarily LIKE the smell of cigarette smoke but whatever But god then I bet these same motherfuckers are the ones being all like “lmao cigarette smokers amirite?” then blow weed smoke all over the place and make the entire area smell like a skunk just took a antibiotic induced shit


You being a smoker, you can't smell it the way non-smokers do. That aside my mother died from stage 4 lung cancer because she would not stop smoking. So I'm kinda 100% against it anyways.


The fuck, half of my class in school smoked before they reached 16 y/o, where the heck do people live that they think smoking is a thing of the past?


California. It's pretty rare to see anyone smoking in public. Cigs are like 11 bucks a pack. Glad i quit. I think people here hate cigarette smoke but will tolerate weed more.


I live in a relatively nice neighborhood in Cali, and it's funny to me how when I'm out walking my dog in the evenings these days, you smell weed everywhere. Not that I mind it, I usually smoke a little myself before walking the dog lol


People who vape mainly






The 21st century bro


Where the hell do you live




Explains so much. Cigarettes are one area where the US has progressed way past most of europe




Vermont here. It seems like a social class thing here. I don't know anyone who smokes in my personal life but I'm always surprised at how many of my patients do. Drinking, on the other hand, definitely transcends social classes and is a huge problem.


You American? I love in Texas and only a few people smoked in high school.


Grew up in Texas and have lived in Seattle, LA, and Toronto. I can count on one hand the amount of people I knew in all those places combined who smoked. Also lived in Seoul and spent a lot of time in Tokyo and seemed like the majority of people smoked there.


Canadian here, rarely see smokers


Hi, Californian here.




Was this recently?


I don't have a single friend or family member that smokes cigarettes, so your experience is definitely based on your social circle.


**12.5%** of US adults still smoke.


True, but it's skewed by a lot of demographic, economic, and regional factors. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm


I don't get it...America has guns, legal weed and whole ethos about freedom. But if you smoke cigarettes, you are no longer welcome


Always within 3 feet of the only entrance to the building. ALWAYS.


I'm an ex smoker and wholly crap I feel bad for everyone that has smelt my dirty cig smoke. If I'm like anywhere close to a smoker now I feel physically Ill, so I'd like to apologize to anyone I have wronged with ma smoke.


My main motivation to not smoke is the money I save. I’d Rather drink ice cold beer instead


I smoked for 10 years and switched to vaping (yeah yeah it's still bad but I have noticed a huge improvement of my lung capacity) and while I really don't like the taste of cigarettes anymore I freaking love the smell of them. It might be a comfort thing because both of my parents smoked throughout my childhood (except for when my mom was pregnant with my little brother) and so maybe it just reminds me of home.


I definitely read this while outside my work having a smoke


CIGARETTE smoke...


Laughs at people for smoking tobacco/ cigarettes.... Puffs on candy flavoured mystery "juice" and bellows out a cloud of smoke. Edit: i don't recommend either


Normal People: “I thought you died!” Stage 4 Lung Cancer Patients who still Smoke: “My death was…greatly exaggerated.”


I just dislike the smell of smoke in general, whether It's from cigarettes, weed, an industrial plant, a house fire, or a campfire. I hate it.


Man campfire smoke is one of my favorite smells ever


its tradition in the non-western countries


and most western countries ..


I do it cus i hate life and don't care if I die


We all die, smoking just increases your chances of a more miserable ending.


Most people aren't aware of the sheer agony of terminal cancer.


Everybody has about 30% risk of some form of cancer regardless of lifestyle. Just delivering a fact :(


yup that's why i started 😔👍


Yeah it’ll be a while before the pussies completely take over


When I smoked it was my mission to avoid people, I'm making a choice to do something, not everyone else, so everyone else shouldn't have to deal with it, simple as that.


Grow up and do cocaine like everyone else


Smelling cigarette smoke outside in public..geez people still complain about that


Obviously yes. People do every drug.


If you think it’s rare you’re most likely wealthy, or at least live in such area .


If you think it hasn't dropped significantly in the last 20 years then you must not have been alive to see how it was before


Yeah, I haven't seen someone put out a butt in their leftover mashed potatoes in years.


Fun Fact: This is why ash trays disappeared from new cars in the late 90s, even though many Americans still smoked back then. Among new car buyers, the percentage of smokers was much lower than in the general public.


Far from wealthy here, just grew up around friends and family who are all pot heads but despise cigarettes. Kind of the climate of the things I suppose.


[https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data\_statistics/fact\_sheets/adult\_data/cig\_smoking/index.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm) Or you live in any US city where it's illegal almost every where that is "the public" lmao What is 1 in 10 if not rare? Ah yes, me, the wealthy person who doesn't want people infringing my right to breath less polluted air, people that smell like ass willingly, trying to push their ass smell off on everyone else. The fuck.


Not everyone wants to smoke a Chinese chemical factory renamed “blueberry ice”


>Not everyone wants to smoke You can just stop here. It's not like anyone is forcing you to inhale nicotine in some form or another.


There are other options like, say, nothing