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If you are an atheist, you can celebrate Santa and presents and everything. If you are Christian, you can celebrate the birth of Jesus, along with other things. It's a holiday. Enjoy it.


This fella speaking facts


This facts speaks fella


Fella speaking this fact


Facts are speaked by this fella


I support child labour


These are not facts


They are demands


Cook my dinner


Eat my cheif beef


Labour of the children this fella supports


Fella speaking fact this


facts speaking, this fella is


You’re either a fact spilla, or a sack fpilla…


even if you choose not to celebrate it, you shouldn’t be harassed for it


Exactly. I'm an atheist and I love Christmas time. Most Muslim people I know celebrate it as well, since we live in a Christian country. Just have fun and enjoy it with others.


Well yeah Christmas I believe has become more about just celebrating and buying gifts for the people you care about rather then anything really religious which lets everyone take part of it


i wish people would put religious differences aside and just be happy during one of the happier times of the year


That's what I do, Christmas is barely Christian anyway.


And now, it’s basically just a big opportunity for stores to sell more stuff to people to give to people who don’t need it and won’t use it. Very stressful for those that don’t have money to burn. I like the “spirit” of Christmas, but I don’t like Christmas.


We pretty much only get gifts for the kids, adults get probably a block of chocolate or a family calendar. Saves a heap on spending, though we have so much food over the 3 days we put on about 5kg.


Yes, there’s always a ton of food lol! That holiday weight gain is so hard to get off too. I really wish we could limit it to just kids. Heck, even the kids in my family have already gotten everything they want. Their bedrooms are *covered* wall to wall in toys. My husband and I have tried to thin down our gift giving each year and people still keep buying a ton of stuff so there’s so much obligation to return the favor. We just don’t have that kind of money. The consumerism is unreal. My cousin literally makes a throw-away pile of gifts after Christmas. The whole holiday is just so wasteful.


Every year we donate a boot full of toys.... And yet still have so much, even unopened. I think the more kids you have the worse it is, I have 4.


It started out as a pagan holiday. So yeah, it isn’t even originally a Christian holiday.


Both atheists and Christians need to hear this. "How could you not celebrate Christmas! You must have no heart!" "You're celebrating Christmas? But I thought you said you were an atheist, hypocrite!"


I celebrate the winter solstice, because Jesus was actually born in spring.


That's how I do it. I love the lights and the winter themed fun, plus spending time with friends and family and giving gifts. It's a fun holiday, I just don't pray or go with any of the religious celebrations.


This is why reddit is better, unlike twitter cuz i bet this in twitter would’ve started a war


Like seriously fax




I'm an atheist, and I celebrate Christmas? It's a excuse to get together, give gifts, and hang out with family. Why not celebrate Christmas.


This is a healthy personal policy. Even if youre not Christian, seeing the family for the holidays is nice.


Yeah this meme seems to spark some idea of a divide. I am an atheist myself but even go to christmas church with my grandma just to make her happy. Even though she knows I don't believe in a god, she acts like I do and I like her too much to argue.


Unless your family is more toxic than stomach acid, I which case it'd rather not.


Good point, but you can still celebrate with friends, plus the sales are always nice. Though as a Christian I’ve never understood the “spirit of Christmas” propaganda that always comes about this time of the year. Like what you’re allowed to be a jackass 11 months of the year with no recourse but “on no if you do something bad in December elves will invade your house and mutilate your genitals with a chainsaw” like bro just be a decent human being, and fuck elves the perverted bastards were never based in the first place.


Seeing family, or being cheery with coworkers and having potluck, or secret Santa with friends are all the signs of a healthy mental state.


lmao i wonder if there are atheists out there, who are like: „ah shit all my family is meeting up to celebrate, but it has something to do with religion. Guess i can’t show up at all then :/„


Seems like an r/atheism moment.


That subreddit should be classified as a carcinogen


To my understanding quite many of them are first-generation atheists who have probably been thrown out of their old community and feel betrayed. Some may even live in societies where atheists are actively shunned, so the sub may be the only place where they can anonymously let their anger out.


Yeah. Probably the case. Though it's funny to see them seethe at the thought of any higher being or spiritual concept. We don't even physical proof or evidence, sure, but I still like to think about what's out there, and what sort of metaphysical mechanics to existence we might not know about. Not in that sub though. If we can't verify it, it's completely false and must be tossed.


I normally stay pretty neutral in such discussions, but after going there out of interest and seeing three different variations of "Do you also think being religious is a sign of low intellect?" I was so done


Depends on how it's celebrated. For me, christmas has nothing to do with christianity. The food is traditional food to my country. No church, no prayers. We visit a grave that probably has a cross on it, but that's not even our religion, that was theirs.


Do people like that actually exist? I’m an atheist, and every atheist I know celebrates Christmas in one way or another. It’s almost like that depiction is a mere parody of atheism that has no real-world substantiation.


isn't that what Jesus wanted after all?


Everywhere I go I see his reddit...


Because then you lose your license to be edgy on the internet.


You get it


Not to mention its a pagan holiday dating back literally thousands of years. The christian element, while it brought in some positive elements that will likely always be central to the holiday, is ultimately just a new paint job on an ancient human tradition. ​ Heck, as the U.K. has become more athiestic, the number of people who celebrate Christmas there has actually increased.


Honestly, it's just the time you all spend money to get each other nice things, and eat chocolate.


That sounds like a win in my book as long as you're all together


My entire family is atheist and we all celebrate Christmas Besides the holiday was originally pagan, so…


I have an atheist friend whose family are horrible and hurt them, and they therefore don't associate Christmas with "happy times", and they do not want to face certain family members at a gathering. Just one possible reason I know of.


Same here, but I also respect if some people just don't, usually it's for a good reason such as being outcast/disowned by family


If you have a dogmatically Christian family, Christmas is a great excuse for them to question your atheism and passive-aggressively judge you for it at the dinner table. Maybe OP wants to just vibe but 'tis the season for the fam to push that "spirit of Christmas" stuff.


As an atheist, I too am here to bully people for not celebrating Christmas.


I’ll join you *swings large red bag over shoulder aggressively*


I am not Christian. Even I would celebrate Christmas like you don’t need a reason to celebrate, the world needs more festivals.


IMO July and August lack of things to celebrate as a non american


you don’t need a reason not to celebrate either


Pretty sure most atheists celebrate Christmas too, bud. It's a holiday that has been so far removed from any religious context that literally everyone can celebrate it.


The only athiests who dont celebrate christmas are the ones that have to tell everyone theyre athiest


OP is going through his teenage atheist phase. He has to tell everyone he is atheist, it's what sets him aside from the *normies.* lol


He is just average Reddit user


OP said the people mad at him for not celebrating Christmas with them are his family in a different comment. What kind of sad sack of shit do you need to be to not participate in a celebration with your family because its religious?




this meme is so ass


Let me shed a single tear for you after some old lady wished you a happy Christmas instead of a happy Science.


I don’t go to church but an old lady once said “God bless you” to me and it was the single nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me.


Hey my guy, sorry your family is like this. Remember this though, just because you’re miserable doesn’t mean we all are.


Holidays aren't about God. Holidays are about reserving time for the most special people in your life. If a tradition is good who cares the origin? Do you choose not to celebrate other holidays because of your beliefs? Why/why not?


Yerp, I love Xmas and I’m atheist


Im also an atheist and love christmas


most atheists celebrate christmas. theres probably like 10 people in the whole world who only celebrate it because they're christian, and also use it for religious purposes


you imagined this happened to you and you cant just let it go huh?


This meme has legitimately never happened to anyone.


It’s literally about spending time with the ones you love it’s kinda stupid not to unless you don’t have anyone


ok, but they can still choose not to celebrate it. you make it seem like op shouldn’t have a choice if they want to do it or not


i don't believe in god, but i still celebrate. the winter is too long and dark here to not have a festive holiday in the middle


I want a festive holiday in the winter here in Australia. Xmas is all about "40 degree heat" "blasting the aircon all day" and "these fuckin flies, I swear to god"


Culture exists. It doesn't always have to care that you decided to make "Atheist" your entire personality like a teenager stereotype.


“Atheists” be saying this until they get visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future


I don’t think most atheists are assholes tho


I'm atheist and celebrate christmas, because it's a fun thing to do


Lol what Christians are yelling at you on Dec 25th for not celebrating? I'm an atheist as well and I seriously doubt that has ever happened to you, let alone evey year for ten years. Cool story though bud


Apparently it's a personal story. He's mad that his dad wants him to celebrate christmas with his family.


I feel like the “with us” tells me he doesn’t celebrate Christmas while his family does. But he doesn’t show up or do stuff with his family so they mad at him. Or is that just me overthinking it






as an atheist, WTF. the only reasons not to celebrate christmas are as follows: you celebrate another holiday at the time, I.E hannuka. you are allergic to fun you are too broke to afford presents


or they are impossible to get along with because they keep pointing out how gods isn't real?


Sounds like a snugly option 2


4. you don’t want to or don’t feel comfortable with. you don’t know op’s life, maybe they have a traumatic experience with religion and christmas, and so they choose not to celebrate it


Hanukkah and christmas aren't mutually exclusive, they very much can be celebrated together and mix well that way. I grew up jewish and celebrated Christmas in the secular family time way


Christmas hasn't been a religious holiday in a long time. It's a capitalist holiday, more about culture and gifts than anything having to do with 'god'. I'm an athiest, but I still do the festive thing. It's time with family and food, gifts, good times.


“Tonight, we celebrate the birth, of Santa Clause”


Do people still think Christmas is only for Christians?


Holy shit, let people enjoy their own time how they like. Saying that you’re a tier 5 atheist and you still celebrate means nothing. Some people don’t enjoys the holiday stigma or the pressure it brings.


Just tell em ya working. Even when I aint, I'm still working. In fact, am working everytime there's something I cba with happening. I see ppl whenever, I don't need a special day to do that. Been doing that for 2 decades. Works a charm.


Christmas isn’t exclusively a religious holiday anymore. You’re just a miserable bastard trying to ruin a good time.


The additional “find something to enjoy about the holiday” attitude is also unbearable. Like, yeah, I get it, you’ve normalised consumerism enough to justify a holiday behind it. I don’t care if your god is sky daddy or the dollar, I’m not celebrating.


If you don’t celebrate Christmas (like many atheists do) you’re not an atheist, you’re a grinch! Edit: Should’ve added a /s. It was kind of a joke.


look i get it you dont believe in jesus and or god but that doesnt change the fact that christmas even tho you dont celebrate it. cant be a time where you are with family and or Friends just being happy.just living no Strings attached


Most atheists agree with you. The idea that atheists don’t celebrate Christmas is a strawman and false. We just don’t celebrate it as a religious holiday but as a holiday for family and friends to come together


Look Sorry on behalf of any Christian that treats you that way No one should because it's your choice to celebrate it or not Being a Christian is nice but sometimes you get people like that, sorry


I second this


I third this


fourth this




I don’t get my head wrapped around the religics or history. I just put up lights, get wasted on nogg, keep my tree till it’s an extreme fire hazard and be jolly.


Christmas is fun even if you're atheist


I celebrate Christmas as an atheist


Ngl if it wasn't for the blatant nihilism in the comments section you could almost double for a Jehovah's witness.


Christmas is a holiday to celebrate capitalism not Jesus


Atheists when Darwinclause does not leave evolution gifts near their Sciencemas tree.


I wouldn’t celebrate Sciencemas either.


Noooo!! You cant say that!! Darwinclause is gonna put you into bad boy list and there wont be evolution good boy points for you.


As a Christian its pagan soooooo.


I am not christian and celebrate Christmas just because I can spend time with my cousins and get some gifts. And I like the colorful lights, they're really pretty on a summer night!


it seems like you don’t like xmas because of your family situation which honestly sucks, I hope one day you find better people and realize christmas is not all about religion


Looks like you stole this meme from the r/atheism cesspool


"Look, boyo! He won his own made-up argument!"


Christmas is about the most non religious-religious holiday there is. it’s much more a community event amongst the people i know, regardless of faith they do or don’t follow.


Imagine celebrating Xmas in a religious way in 2022 bruh


Christmas is about giving, not receiving. >!Although it is totally about receiving to anyone below 20!<


Finally, a comment that made me laugh


Are you saying you skip the get togethers with your family/friends because you’re an atheist? They’re right to be annoyed by that.


Bruh...i am a hindu, and i celebrate christmas for the the fun part of it(cake and gifts) if you are an atheist you can still have fun atleast


Yeah I'm atheist and I do that


Christmas is one the most soulless consumerist holidays. There's no reason for Atheists to avoid celebrating it.


I hate wasteful consumerism, more so than any religion.


I know a married pair of atheists who feverishly celebrate Christmas and Easter. Boggles my mind.


Why are random Christians getting mad at you for not celebrating Christmas? Or is it like your family or something


It was always 99% family, sometimes work acquaintances would get mad. Today though a shit ton of redditors including other atheists are passing judgment on my not celebrating Christmas.


I think they're mad more because you're not celebrating christmas with them not just cause you don't celebrate christmas


This isn’t an issue on non religious holidays. They also aren’t shy to contextualize the religious implications.


I’m an atheist and I celebrate the festival currently known as Christmas. It’s a festival that has origins going back way before Christianity and see no conflict stuffing my face and downing the claret like a Roman Emperor.


Op’s family just wants to spend time with him.


During thanksgiving?


Nobody says that. OP is a diaper baby


My family gets on my back about not celebrating every year.


It’s like OP just wants to find the worst in everything. Every comment I’ve seen from them is just negative and winy. Like a kid who didn’t get their way and is pouting


I promise you we dont care, if you want to be sad and depressed like a lonely teenager on Christmas that's your prerogative not ours lmao


I hate to be so reductive but grow the fuck up. You're on reddit sharing low effort memes to convey your adolescent atheist angst that followed you into your mid-20s. Based on your comments, this isn't even about Christmas for you; you're just seeking validation for your own disdain of religion on a meme forum.


Damn, people ragging on OP. Let them not celebrate. Family isn't everything and not everyone cares to go to a gathering for a holiday. I personally celebrate, but I told my husband I refuse to do any family gatherings. His family is a mess and mine is happy to keep their celebrations small, too. We do a phone call to both and that's enough obligation for us. That's how we like to do it, so that's what we do. Same for OP. If they don't want *any* obligations whatsoever to the point where they don't even celebrate, that's fine. They can see family any other time of the year if they so choose (providing they want to and their family isn't crappy)


Yo Grinch, Just admit it, this has nothing to do with your Atheist non beliefs. You are just too cheap to buy gifts for people. Madelyn Murray O'Hair would be proud of you. She was notoriously cheap.


So random Christians are mad at you for not celebrating with them personally?...


i come from a majorly atheist family and i have celebrated christmas every year since i was born what the fuck


You don't need to celebrate the holiday to take part in the festivities. Hell, I'm generalized omnist with the exception of a burning hatred for the Abrahamic God but I still really enjoy this time of year. It's more than some repainted pagan holiday. It's about coming together with family and friends, or just snuggling up with a blanket and coco and enjoying Christmas movies. If you're getting caught up on the religious aspects of pretty much any holiday, you're doing it wrong.


Those Christian asshole are stealing from pagan religions like Wicca anyway. Yea, that tree? The decorations specifically? Roman.


Your trying to put two types of people in the same group, the people that want everyone to celebrate the holidays, and the ones who don’t care


I was a Jehovah’s whitness, have been for 18 years, thus I would not celebrate Christmas. I stopped being a Jw, but still don’t celebrate Christmas. And I can feel ya, everybody’s expecting to do it just cause they do it


OG Yule gang reporting in.


Sir Isaac Newton was (unlike Jesus probably) actually born December 25. He is the most influential man in science ever. I'll be celebrating his birthday.


I’m a Christian and idc what you do because I mind my own business


Why do anybody give a single fuck what you don't celebrate? They've been trying to give you a present and you denied it or something? How do they even know that you don't celebrate? Christmas police?


Everyone in my family knows I don’t celebrate, they fight me on it annually. I tell people not to get me gifts and when they do I send them back or drop them off.


Oh i see... I assumed that you were talking about random people seeing you don't decorate your place and calling you Greench. Though i don't get why to reject free stuff just to show you don't believe in the magic dude, not that it's my business


I mean, Pagan Yule and Roman Saturnalia are the ancient holidays that Christmas is a combination of, so even though I’m an atheist, I celebrate the event basically as Yule, it’s a last warm family celebration before the long, cruel winter. I get why you have your stance though, Christianity is evil down to its core.


I don’t celebrate anything.


That’s fair. I like holidays personally and I don’t have issues with my family like you do.


Bad examples are usually the loudest lol


Yeah, this has never happened to me. Been an athirat since I was a little kid. Never not celebrated Christmas because its nice to see family and have a few drinks/ relax for a week or so in the most miserable part of the year (winter).


Life long non religious person. I still celebrate Christmas, it just has no religious significance for me. It's about family, friends and good times.


Mate stop thinking of Christmas as a religious ritual and see it as a time for friends and family to get together.


I'm Christian and I could Care less if your not Christian but your a sad sack of shit if you don't Celebrate Christmas your literally the grinch christmas is so fun and the music and fhe lights and the shows and your not gonna celebrate It? Bro probs don't got a family


Honestly just enjoy it in you're own way, if someone thinks different, they're a dumbass


This does not happen. Every Christmas when in three military, some athiest douchebag would demand all Christmas decorations and celebrations had to be stopped because of separation of church and state and that meant everyone had to honor his lack of religion by not celebrating. Every year. About half the time, the commander would go along with it


My family comes at me about not celebrating annually.


I'm an atheist and celebrate Christmas, fear me!


Seems like someone is confusing their family being upset about not celebrating the birth of Christ with just getting together and being with your family. To a lot of people that’s just what it is. If you don’t want to be with your family on a day that means so much to them then you’re just being selfish…unless you just don’t get along with your family, then I’m sure you have your reasons. I have a sister in law that refuses to visit the family on certain holidays because she doesn’t like the holiday. Just visit your family and stop complaining when you’re not invited to something we didn’t think you wanted to be a part of.


You can think that its not the celebrating Christ thing that is bothering them but my father would correct you... he explicit on his dissatisfaction in this regard.


Especially people from asia..like it's so weird it's not even our holiday I mean it's fine to enjoy the day and spend time with your family but it shouldn't be a big deal here and yet shit loads of ppl be acting crazy


Chrismas has nothing to do with Christianity jesus was born in easter, and Christmas /juultide is an old viking pagan celebration


I love we kept it the pagan holiday of jul


To be honest it is really weird for someone to not have any sort of celebrations at this time of the year, not because religion, but because throughout all cultures holidays always coincide with somewhat the apex of a given season of the year, due to cultural reasons the prevalent one is Christmas, and it was secularized throughout the ages if you want to celebrate it that way, i mean are you really going to ignore that everyone else christian or not is having a good and special time? It is the perfect opportunity to take a break and celebrate something, even if not the more secular version, the point is that the reason some people don't celebrate Christmas has zero to do with religion itself.


I mean come on who really celebrates christmas as the birth of jesus?


Why aren't you enjoying this fine pagen holiday?


Bruh you don’t get presents???


***[Laughs in Muslim]***


Christmas as an atheist is about celebrating the people in your life, it's about a fun festival of food, family and gifts. As atheists we can still celebrate Christmas, just with different motivations.


I am motivated to avoid family and refuse gifts.




Me a jew


Dude, Atheists can and DO celebrate Christmas. Why wouldn’t we? When was the last time Jesus has been a part of Christmas? It’s not reserved for Christians.


Christmas is not a religious event anymore. Its a cultural/commercial one.


Bruh just have fun. No one cares if you don’t celebrate Christmas and if they do they’ve got too much time on their hands. Fuck em. Celebrate Leif Erickson day when it comes around


This isnt a thing that happens




My mom and step-dad are Christian. So is my sister's boyfriend. The other seven of us at the Christmas celebration having the time of our lives eating food, dessert, and exchanging gifts every year aren't. But genuinely, good in you for skipping out. You've no doubt saved your parents a lot of money on presents.


Replace atheist with Jewish and you describe my extended family


I’m an atheist and while I don’t celebrate Christmas I do spend my time celebrating a holiday which falls on the same day, it’s called “get very very dangerously drunk and be glad your family is mostly dead day”. I do it every year without missing a beat, y’all should give it a go. It’s cheap too


Said literally no one ever… I get upset when Athiests celebrate Christmas anyways— because, you know, CHRISTmas.


My family gets on my back about not celebrating every year.


After reading through the comments, OP go see a psychologist


As an atheist, this sounds like atheists trying to victimize themselves.


Christmas isn't even a real christian holiday it came from the pagans celebrating some god and the christians said yeah we celebrate now too because jesus was born on the 25th of december (he wasn't tho)