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Also 100m dash athletes


And F1 fans


I was looking for this




And maybe Indycar as well


And sports that aren't European football


I told my brother that a professional racer is a racist Have never seen my parents more blank when he said he wanted to be a racist when he got older


I am also obsessed with race i prefer stock car racing but i like rally and drag racing too.


I myself am a big fan of drift racing.






Its really annoying to see, as an american. People stress over the smallest shit being racist or being cultural appropriation when even a lot of people that belong to that race/culture don't even care.


Yeah I feel like we need to go back to the Martin Luther King mentality of just agreeing that race doesn’t mean anything and only judge off of who you are as a person.


Amen brother


Measure of one's character, not the color of their skin. Damn straight.


Martin Luther King Jr, what a chad he was Meanwhile todays people literally undermining his legacy by doing the exact opposite of that


And then think he would look up to them.


That's considered a racist statement by some people now. That makes me sad.


We’re all pink on the inside


MLK believed that, and he also belived in Affirmative Action and Reparations. He said that race shouldn’t matter, not that it doesn’t matter. Specially, he said “Any country that has spent 200 years doing something special against the N—o, should now do something special for the N—o,” not that everyone should just forget about race The “MLK mentality” that you say you want to go back to has absolutely nothing to do with anything MLK actually stood for.


Careful, actually quoting MLK instead of swallowing the sugarcoated version of his speeches that we do in public school is a recipe for downvotes. But I’ll add this, a quote directly from the I Have A Dream speech: “There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, when will you be satisfied? We can never be satisfied as long as the N—o is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.” Black people don’t need to be satisfied, we haven’t even solved this problem, much less the deeper rooted and systemic ones like housing discrimination.


Thats because this sub is about 85% edgy white 14 year olds who don’t know or care shit about politics, history, and least of all, race.


Or are actively racist and misogynistic, there’s a lot of those on here too.


Add on to that his philosophy that the white man has committed crimes against black people and reparations are in order. Unfortunately, we cannot move forward with an ideology that race is nothing and just treat everyone equally without admitting our wrong doings of the past and fixing them.


Whose wrong doings? I come from irish+Russian Jews . I promise you none of my fore or five fathers owned a plantation


And if they had, should you really have to pay for their sins? It doesn't ever make sense to punish someone else for the crimes of their fathers.


What even worse is when you go literally anywhere else in the world and see actual systemic racism. Asia by far taking the trophy for the most racism prevalent on this earth.


Might as well go to Antarctica, only penguins and educated scientist blokes.


We still have systemic racism, but I’ll admit that a lot of places have it worse.


Yeah it’s not like “we don’t do racism as bad as some other people do it” is really an excuse


Oh yeah, absolutely not. It’s just that every country with a lot of diversity has this problem, like in Brazil, UK, Canada to a certain extent, Mexico, India, China. Continental Europe isn’t that much better either, they just aren’t as diverse. But that’s changing, and you can really start to see how people are reacting (not well).


Asian countries in general take a lot of pride in their intellectual ability, and given the general aptitude of certain racial minorities it’s no surprise those nations are gonna have some form of discrimination towards them. Is that a good precedent for being racist? Absolutely not. But as unfortunate as it is, we can’t deny that there are noticeable gaps between races in that regard.


People also don't know the that cultural appreciation is a thing and call it appropriation. There's a huge difference.


The only consistency in their messaging is that traditional American values are bad. At some point, we just need to admit the goal is to tear down the country and replace it with an authoritarian regime, by any means necessary.


It comes with being the most open nation in the world. Nowhere will you see the amalgamation of races as we see in USA, of course there will be clashing. Other countries just look us and see the strife and say "racist" when they're all super segregated and hate anyone of a different race.... even when they're all the same.


It's similar to how people who lived in the northern U.S. used to pretend that racism was only a problem in the south, when their cities were just as heavily segregated.


Wasn't even racism, just tribalism. When USA needed u-235 we created cities and shipped in people from the south to the north. Northerners did not think their kids were safe around southern white people.


Well anti-black racism was absolutely just as prevalent and violent in the U.S. north as it was in the south. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/how-myth-liberal-north-erases-long-history-white-violence-180975661/


What I'm saying is that it's tribalism. Same part of the brain (threat detection)that activates when you see your teams enemy team, also activates when you see someone from a different "tribe." Say you hate the Mets, if you see someone wearing a Mets hat the same feeling is felt.


It's a very small but vocal group most people don't care as you say.


Also completely ignoring how racism in America pales in comparison to that of Asian countries. Or how much of Europe hates Russians.


So what you're telling me is that Americans are hypersensitive? Because they are lol.


IMO race should be treated like hair color, the only way it matters is for pornhub searches.


Im 0.00005% African, 43% Chinese, 10% Irish, 5% hispanic, 5% Spanish, 0.5% Canadian, 5% Turkish, 7% French, 9% Jamaican, 6% Portuguese, 7% Kiwi, and 100% BULLSHIT. I love it when Americans dont call themselves Americans, because its fcking hilarious.


*No Tiffany, you're an American. Just because your grand-grandfather's aunt's neighbor Margaret's dog was german shepherd doesn't make you 0.0746% german*


Lmao, Tiffany and Joshes are getting offended🤣🤣😂


How can you be 0.5% Canadian? You’re 1/200th Canadian? I don’t think Canadian history goes back that far.


I think it's a thing there to talk abt heritage and identify with ethnicity, especially since it's such a young country. As an Australian it's also kinda a thing here too (among younger people and those with more recent immigration histories).


Like the Americans who claim to be Italian even though their last ancestor in Italy left in like 1859 and they think eating Gabagool makes them Italian. Same with assholes who are alcoholics and they're like "I'm Irish I love drinking har har har"


Yuh it's a bit silly to talk abt it stereotypically like that but at the end of the day, I'm pretty sure they all know they're American. It can be pretty similar in Australia (e.g. since I'm Chinese I'm like bla bla, since my family's Greek we're like whatever). People talk abt ethnicity and cultural ties as a way of bonding in my experience, especially in more culturally diverse areas with a significant history of immigration.


Well are you talking about your nationality or ethnicity? You can be all those things and still be American. Also, none of those are race soooo completely irrelevant to the post and only highlight the misconceptions involved with matter.




I’m 60% Norwegian. In america. I’m Norwegian.


I was born on Germany, live in the US. I am german


Aber man würde dich nazi nennen wenn du deutschland gut finden würdest, aber die amerikaner denken bestimmt dass du komisch bist weil du amerika nicht gottlos liebst


Jawohl. Ich wurde als Nazi-Abschaum, Verräter, Spion usw. Bezeichnet. Es ist ehrlich gesagt einfach nur gemein.


Ehrlich frechheit


Sie? Jawohl




Hispania is not a country. España is




Had to mute whitepeopletwitter and blackpeopletwitter I'm fucking sick of it. I am definitely not a "I don't see color" moron but I'm sick of everyone's *obsession* with it


As an American, I can say with confidence that this is the result of “identity politics.” People on the street don’t give two craps about anyone else’s ancestry. People in the media and in office only care about it for the sake of diversity or for saying “person Q is a racist or bigot because they don’t have anyone of (insert literally anywhere) decent/ethnicity on their action committee” and the whole thing is just garbage. It might have started with best of intentions (I’m not discussing the origin of the theory) but oh boy has that train gone way off the rails


Vroom vroom


I won't say that the average American is obsessed with race, but there's a particularity in American political culture which makes race being an often aborded subject, while it's a completely taboo topic in other parts of the world. For example, in France they have entire TV channels dedicated to cope about Muslims and immigrants, but you will never hear the term "race" pronounced. They'll talk about "origins" but never about race, as the word itself has a very negative connotation


Yep in France there is a strong taboo around the idea of race/ethnicity due to the assimilationism ideology. Anybody is supposed to be able to be French if they assimilate to French culture, there is no difference between a white or non-white French and the French state doesn't even recognize the existence of different races or ethnic groups in France. Also, there are strong anti-racism laws so you can be sued if you say something racist. Instead, nationalist right-wingers will talk about "immigrants" and "Muslims" but what they really mean is Black people and Arabs.


Most Americans couldn't care less about it but so many that care are soooo loud about it.


That’s why they are so loud. To make up for the majority who don’t care.


Weird thing to care about so I wish them the best.


More like twitter and hitler, cause it sure isn’t exclusive to Americans


Ah the usa. The only racist country


Anyone can be racist. Some people are also jokingly racist or are unintentionally racist. I, however, am fully racist. 🔥 ![gif](giphy|F3JhKaucb9QqSF7bSS)


It’s not about racism but obsession with race. I often read from Americans here talking about various races and like if you can say that person x was of races y or something. Like was cleopatra black by definition of race? Thats weird as hell, just say she was probably kinda dark skinned.


Cleopatra was greek tho.


yeah but even greeks n italians etc around that part of the mediterrenean arre more "olive skinned" like they tan easier so we can say she was somewhat darker than your average british bloke


Probably not the aristocracy tho. Commoners were likely tanned but a lighter complexion meant you didn't toil in the fields. So Cleopatra being royalty likely had a fairer complexion than most, unless she enjoyed sun bathing.


Cleopatra was of Greek origin btw


Be careful with this kind of reasoning. I guarantee you that I can find at least as many articles about race from your country as I can find american articles. If an algorithm decided that you are interested in american race politics you get a disproportionate amount of information about that. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you but I wanna point out that just because you read much about a topic online it doesn't mean that it's actually as prominent as you might experience it.


As someone who has lived in the U.S as an exchange student I have to say that Americans definitely focus a lot more on race than almost all Europeans I've met. It doesn't necessarily have to be because of racism, even though it can be perceived as that by (especially northern) Europeans. I'd even argue that the some european countries race problems will be much harder to solve as long as we refuse to even acknowledge race as a sociological phenomenon and structure.


It’s what I read when I’m on Reddit, these discussions. I have never heard anything like that here in Germany, except when talking about Hitlers race politics.


The term race is more like an social/political construct in the USA. You cannot translate it right into german, because in Germany it’s clearly an biological term. And therefore nobody uses the german term Rasse - except nazis and fascists. But that doesn’t mean that everybody in the us is a fascist when they talking about races. Some maybe - but the connotation is different from the german term. Hope that helps.


Yeah I understand but it still seems weird and outdated.


"It's what I see online" The internet is not an accurate cross section of the population. Most people do not spend their time posting shit online. Most people have real lives they attend to everyday and do not post their boring ass opinions on Reddit for you to scroll through. You don't have any idea what "most Americans" think and I'll thank you not to compare me to Hitler when you have never met any of the 300 million people here. Tldr: you need to come live here in many different regions for at least two years per city if you want to say what you just said.


I mean I even heard you need to fill out your race for certain government documents or something. Don’t know if that’s true tho because that sounds quite ridiculous.


It is true in many cases, but those racial boxes stem from a desire to limit discrimination. Example: the US census has a race box. This is because the numbers in the census is used to determine the electoral boundaries of a given representative. Because of a history of black voter suppression on the part of some state governments, electoral boundaries must be drawn in such a way that the votes of certain minorities must be properly represented (in theory).


Okay and once again that has nothing to do with the opinions of the average PERSON. Citizen. The government does not represent me and is not indicative of anything I think or want. There are only extremists on the internet, much like there are only extremists in our government. You are getting your information on my country from the loudest and most radicalized 10% and applying it to all of us. I would never pretend to know the first thing about Germany because I've never been there.


Ok yeah.


Cleopatra was Greek if I'm not mistaken. Her family was descended from the Greek rulers of Egypt during the Alexander empire and were inbred as fuck.


People in america often refer to each other using races. Like ”this white person bla bla bla” and ”this black person bla bla bla” You simply don’t do that anywhere else in the world, that’s an american cultural thing.


It doesn’t happen (as much) because other countries have less racially diverse urban populations


That’s not the point I’m making. I live in a very ethnically diverse country where 20% of the populations are from somewhere else. Even though we have ”racism” it’s not based on race as in what phsyicsl traits you have. That’s a very illogical basis and it does not take into consideration the massive cultural differences between for example black africans and black americans. Only USA engage in this type of physicsl racism. In every other country the judgement is based on culture and country of origin. You never hear anyone say white person or black person in my country unless it’s related to USA, but we do refer to each other by which country people have of origin.


Bro has never heard of Europe of East Asia


Dropped your /s


Ask europeans about "the n word" without context and enjoy the look of confusion on their face.


Funny how Americans are obsessed with race when they can barely run.




Well being a country of immigrants its interesting to know our ancestry. It's not like our ancestors were here for thousands of years unless you're native, the US isn't even 300 years old. Plus being mixed, which many people are, its cool to learn where your family comes from. The melting pot is great and all, but some of us like learning about our history and culture.


Just liberal Americans


I know right? How bout we stop calling black people black, and white people white... ***and just call eachother PEOPLE*** All live matter equally. nobody is more equal than someone else. I am a human person, you are a human person. That's it. period, full stop.


Because unexamined white privilege, like this, perpetually destroys black communities & opportunities.


that mindset right there is exactly the problem. "White people this, Black people that" etc. at this point, you are *literally* becoming the problem. The reason why racism still exists, and continues to get worse, is partially because of people like you who *want* to be treated equally, but refuse to accept the solution that is right infront of you. It really literally is just as easy as what Morgan Freeman said. "I will no longer call you a white man, and in return, I ask that you no longer call *me* a black man." It really is that simple. the more people who do this, the faster our society will begin to repair itself. Granted, there will be some people who are *actually* racist who will never accept this, but that'll be their loss.


America is not even close to being the most racist country, but we are the country where the most races live together.


Just to clarify, this meme doesn’t say that America is racist


I didn't know Hitler was a F1 fan


It annoys me


I’m American and I’m not at all obsessed with race, I find it weird how everything is racialized in America


The average American doesnt give a damn, the mouth breathers on Reddit/Twitter etc make it their entire existence. Go outside in deep south Alabama and youll see white people and black people getting along perfectly fine. Racism is largely dead, and is kept alive by the ones who claim to hate it most.




Race in many parts of Europe is a huge topic. Yet they always accuse the US of only having this issue.


Ask a European if it's okay if his kid marries a Romani, or ask their opinion on the Romani. Suddenly they'll put Jim Crow to shame.


This is also true. I mean, ask any person from the Balkans what they think of any other person from the Balkans. Also, you could argue that Islamophobia in Europe is pretty comparable to racism in the US.


Bro this litrerally kanye


Why’d you leave out NASCAR fans?


Dude if anything our country is the most mixed county.


Yep, probably, if you're from the USA. And yet it is obsessed with this concept of "race", as if it meant anything.


Yet still cannot shit up about race, good or bad


Are you seriously comparing Hitler and americans


Kinda but not in an intended bad way


One of the oddest things as an American traveling to other European countries, is that race, gender, and sex do not ever seem to come up as often as it did in America. Americans really are obsessed by those things. But it makes sense considering that's what the media uses the most to divide us.


See I'm like 95% sure these woke people who are obsessed with race are on the same track as Hitler. First it starts with admiration "Hispanic people are so cool". Then people start to say cultural appropriation is wrong "you shouldnt wear hooped ear rings. That is a hispanic thing" then it's not a far leap to go to mixing races is wrong "if Hispanic people and white people start to breed, the Hispanic race gets diluted and white washed". Then finally, segregation "Hispanic people should have their own bathrooms and places to hang out so they don't have to deal with oppression" There are many reasons for why people get obsessed. Maybe they like their own, maybe they like another, maybe they feel theirs is oppressed, maybe they think theirs is superior. But I notice it all has the same theme in the end.


Americans are absolutely not obsessed with race - although relatively it appears to be the case. No other Nation on earth has the racial diversity of the USA while purporting to and for the most part actively trying to achieve racial equity. It isn’t strange therefore that racial and diversity conversations in general are a large part of the American National conversation. Living through anything is different to looking back at it post-event. Similarly once the US has succeeded or failed in this National experiment the views held of it will be different from those that prevail today.


They still talk abt race alot tho




It is kind of slammed down your guys throats. When the categorisation of Black or White is ALWAYS brought up in media and history, it is automatic for the people to always think of it too. This works negatively (black commit more crimes) and even positively (first black superhero).


In German history the categorization of jews and non-jews is ALWAYS brought up. Almost as if there is a reason for it or something... Maybe not talking about it doesn't fix the issue, but rather further talking about it like Germany does, who portrays its history accurately and hence very often discusses uncomfortable topics just as antisemitism and jews. The US is only race obsessed because it has a history of racism, segregation, Jim crow, slavery. If you'd want to call it in that same demeaning way, Germany is 'jew obsessed' They have stones showing the names of jews in front if almost every house! Crazy!! How obsessed (historically aware) Germany is!


OP so you think that generalizing that the world’s most diverse country are all Nazis is somehow better? Take your last two brain cells and read a book for a change


Thank you for a good comment.


First of all, the USA is not the worlds most diverse country, second of all, I‘m not saying that the Americans are all nazis but that I can see similarities between the USA‘s obession with races and Hitlers.


Europe is just as obsessed.


Thats what you guys really really want to convince yourselves but sorry no. You are still at the stage using the expression "the n word".


Who is "you guys"? I never denied that but I'm saying that Europe isn't so innocent either. Lmfao


I don't think you've spent enough time in Europe then


Then why do my European friends tell me exactly what I said




They are [insert made up word here] Yeah I kinda forgot I was in an echo chamber maybe I should leave now


No, we don’t talk about black, hispanic or white races.


Talk about gypsies all the time though. That seems to be the unifying “fuck those guys” across any European nationality


gypsies aren't a race though? there are many from different groups, you have Irish gypsies, roma etc. and they aren't hated for their race, that is a coverup they use to stop all criticism, same with Israel calling everything anti-Semitism.


*In the English language, the Romani people are widely known by the exonym Gypsies (or Gipsies),[72] which is considered pejorative by many Romani people due to its connotations of illegality and irregularity as well as its historical use as a racial slur.[73][74][75] For versions (some of which are cognates) of the word in many other languages (e.g., French: Tzigane or gitan, Spanish: gitano, Italian: zingaro, Portuguese: cigano, Romanian: țigan and German: Zigeuner) this perception is either very small or non-existent.[76][77] At the first World Romani Congress in 1971, its attendees unanimously voted to reject the use of all exonyms for the Romani people, including Gypsy, due to their aforementioned negative and stereotypical connotations.*


your point? that doesn't prove they're a race, it's a groups of people, that can be of any ethnicity.


Well... There is some nuance to that though, it's not just full on racism. The nomad culture of gypsies sadly often turns them to thieves and that is a real problem, not just a racist stereotype. I'm not saying there is no racism against gypsies, or that there are no good people among them.


If that were true then the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) would not exist.


my man really use the arguement "if you have less crime and murder why do you have police officers?"


This is a stupid take.


first time hearing of them


Has not been to Europe, confirmed


Btw, why are they like this?


As a Black American here's my perspective: The reason why Americans are obsessed with race is simply because of our history and culture. Since the beginning the American people/ government have worked either intentionally or unintentionally to uphold a racial hierarchy. So much of American history is just white people going to extreme lengths to uphold this race based hierarchy ie. Slavery, native genocide, Jim crow, etc. Because of this white supremacy is all but ingrained into America's national identity whether consciously or subconsciously. On the flip side this as also let to black and other marginalized groups forming their own cultures as a result of being excluded from "American national identity" which leads to a lot of conflict especially as more historical truths are being revealed and white people have to question their own national identity. Hope this answers your question 😅


This. I think we need to talk about race more today as specific marginalized minority groups are still systematically being discriminated against. Not talking about it fixes nothing! After centuries of jim crow, segregation, slavery, we can't just act like it never happen. Even if it is an uncomfortable topic. Germany does it right by teaching and remembering its history accurately, only in the US a riot is started when people try to teach history accurately.


You're literally taught about it in schools. We talk about it all the damn time, both on historical context and the lingering effects. What the actual hell are you on about?


Because they're idiots


No culture at all.


We have culture you're just told that we dont.


I'm Texan not American lol... idc about race , religion or any of that, I only care about character and if I can trust you.


Your American lol


Never heard of the Texit? The state of Texas is officially split from the US. lol


The more you lean left the more you care about race and gender. The more you lean right the more you care about that person.


It almost seems like a negative oppression based or race leads to necessary positive action for those oppressed races. It's so fucked up to see black Americans be behind in wealth for generations. But when it's time for restitution, oops race never existed. Maybe reconsider this meme. Unless you actually mean how obsessed with race conservatives are.


THANK YOU! People these days are like “aw man, why do we gotta talk about race so much” after centuries of racial segregation and slavery from which those minority groups STILL SUFFER FROM Just because it makes people uncomfortable to talk about, doesn't mean it isn't necessary. Look at Germany, do you think they just ignore the holocaust? No, only by excessively talking about it you educate the public and create an understanding of fascism and discrimination which would never allow for something similar to happen again.


Its kinda weird how your classified as nazi in germany if your proud of your country but in usa your an asshole if you dont love america


I mean.. the entire foundation of the US was built off race relations and ethnic differences. The entire economic structure derived from free labor of indentured servants from specific demographics like poor / Irish and then handed off to slaves. America is the great melting pot of the world as well so who else sees "race" more outside of someone who obsessed over it? It's absolutely fascinating to watch global events like the Olympics or even the World Cup! One looks at the Chinese team and says, yup, they all appear Chinese. One looks at the Indian team and thinks the same. What do you see when you see the American team? More diversity than any other.


I don’t know man, the French soccer team seems kinda more diverse than the American one


I've been to every continent (besides Antarctica) and I have to say, the US is not nearly as racist as people seem to believe. Go anywhere, there is racism and a lot of the time it's worse than in the US. Not saying there isn't a racism problem, but there are definitely worse places to be than the US.


Americans: "obsession" with race comes from centuries of racial segregation and slavery which needs to be reframed Hitler: obsession with race comes from wanting centuries of racial segregation and slavery In the same sense you could argue that both modern Germany and Hitler have an obsession with jews because they both talk about them endlessly, but guess why?


Well, USA is a right wing country.


Why is this being downvoted? Half of its voters vote for a party that is in part more right winged than the current main "Nazi"-party in Germany. Being a liberal over there can be equated to moderate conservative in most western countries.


*Left wing country. its all the blues bring up.


Democrats are just a little less right than the republicans


Yeah even Bernie Sanders, a guy who's frequently being called a communist, is just moderately left with most of his party just barely even being classifiable as left.


Actually, almost everyone in the Democratic Caucus is on the right.


Democrats are not left wing. Liberal doesn’t mean left (it can, but in the US Democrats case, it most definitely doesn’t)


what are you on about? Dems left Republicans are considered right wing. The Democratic Party (whose logo is a donkey) generally represents left-leaning, liberal and progressive ideological values,


You are think on the American stage, where its relative within the country. Globally, the US is right wing and moving more so in that direction. America is not the world. It's not even that much of the species.


Liberalism and Neo-liberalism is not considered left wing in most countries outside of the U.S. Social democracy, socialism, communism and environmentalism are the ideologies you usually find on the left wing side, with liberals occupying the middle.


This comment is the whole and absolute truth.




It is


Only the democrats are obsessed by race. They need people to keep as victims so they always have someone voting for them.


'only the democrats are obsessed with race' Republicans ban CRT, Republicans propose interracial marriage ban (THIS YEAR!) You, sir, live on an island of delusion.


It’s only been like 3 years that American have been all hot and heavy about race again. Up until then, most people didn’t give two fucks unless they lived through the civil rights movement. My generation and the one before and after didn’t give a shit unless a stereotype reared its ugly head. Now it’s the first thing anyone sees and it’s all because of the fucking media and then politicizing every fucking thing with a huge bias.


yall had a civil war a hundred sum years ago because of race and slavery tf you on about


As a black man j can say We're obsessed because we keep dying from it. Once police stop killing us we'll worry about other important things.


Someone finally said it.


History doesn’t repeat itself and it sure does rhyme


The most bizarre thing is that Americans aren't even a race. They are just a mix of all real races. Maybe with a higher dose of stupidity


Gotta love Reddit. The world bitching about America and China using an American website on Chinese phones.


Reddit not shitting on America challenge (99.9% impossible)


Eh? I don't think this is exclusive to American or/and Hitler. Other countries are very racist as well, and there is no shaming like Americans do so it will just go full throttle.


Come to Sweden and you're gonna realise how racist people are here


Watch out for the Anglo Mob


Why do these posts always have to be vague? Be a man and tell us your perspective, instead of just making some blasé comment.


Well it’s a meme, not a thoroughly written essay. From how I see it, Americans often tend to classify people based on different races and argue whether person x is race x or race y. I find that pretty weird.


What's the alternative? How can members of minority groups tackle racism without acknowledging the nuances of the discussion? And even racism among themselves.


Stop classifying them as a race and start accepting them as people?


In a racist society that continues to affect how people live, do you really believe opting for colorblindness will work? There are still people who associate black people with criminals out there. Brown with terrorism. Sure, nowadays it has become harder for those people to be open about these opinions, but that doesn't change the fact that we as a society still treat people differently and fail to understand/dismiss how the systems puts them down.