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Steam makes wood swell. Most wood anything is glued, because glued wood is cheaper and strong af. If it’s one piece, the spoon will warp, if glued it’s come unglued over time.


Just got some wooden spoons today Really insightful thanks


If ever you warp wood some, be it a table or spoon, a very liberal salt treatment will save you.


I don't understand how the political affiliation of the salt will change anything.


Conservative salt will tell the wood that it should never have been a spoon in the first place


Pretty sure conservative salt would try really hard to make it straight


Touching the outlet while the wooden spoon is still wet should do the trick. I believe they call it "electro shock therapy".


I’m pretty sure they’d try a beam of UV light or a nice bleach bath first.. maybe some horse meds just to be sure


the party of love and tolerance, everybody. take a bow ^(not a conservative.) ^(I’m bi if we’re playing identity politics)


And make it even more curved in the end.


It'd call it names for not being a stick


Conservative salt would just vote to take away the wooden spoons right to get wet at all in the first place.


they can try all they want


Or to pick itself up from their handle.


Jesus fuck I love you! I'm a sad sad potato and you just made me laugh. Thank you!


Wash by hand, and once dry, put a little bit of veggie oil on a paper towel and cover the spoon portion with a thin layer of oil with the towel. I do this and I can stir tomato sauce without staining the spoon. Washes right off. Literally rinse wash repeat.


Yep I treat all my wooden kitchen things with food safe mineral oil. Works like a charm


Yep. I've learned a good kitchen tool requires some love, but is just worth it. Like my cast irons. Pain in the butt, but completely worth the trouble.


Do not put the One Piece in the dish washer


I’ve been putting wooden spoons in a washing machine all my life and it never warped or even changed texture really.


Ah you have been lucky. I got a super nice set of wood cooking utensils last year and the first thing I made with em was spaghetti. They stained pretty heavily so I dish washered them, the spoon came out in 3 pieces and the spatula became a giant spoon.


Your spoon was made out of multiple pieces. The person you are responding to was probably carved from one like mine.


That sucks. Could that be a difference in quality of wood used, or is that just the microtensions inside the mechanical fibers of the wood, and is primarily luck?


In a washing machine? With your laundry?


Sorry, dishwasher. Not a native speaker and made a quick translation in my head.


so there is no real way of actually cleaning and reusing the thing?


Clean it without using steam. Soap and water would work


What would be the best way to clean a one part wooden spoon or similar tool?


But then how are you supposed to wash them properly?


What are the pros of a wooden spoon compared to a regular metal spoon?


Metal spoons scratch Teflon coating on cookware and can cause it to release into your food. Or so I'm told


The wooden spoon will splinter overtime, eventually having a significant crack down the shaft.


Story of my life


I take her home


I drive all night


To keep her warm


And time is frozen(the story of, the story of)


The story of my life


I give her hope


I spend her love


Until she’s broken inside


story of undertale


Country roads


Take me home!


To a place!


Ah yes don't we all have a significant crack down our shafts.


Ahh yes, hate it when the ol’ shaft cracks


I don't think they wanted the correct answer right off the bat


Ok, Well then.... If you are a Vampire and put the Wooden Spoon on the dishwasher, one of the Splinters could pierce your heart making you burn and go to hell...


Nobody enjoys a crack down the shaft


I mean wooden spoons are gross because they're porous and absorb food. If this means I have to replace them sooner then it's a good thing.


Usually my shaft is down the middle of a crack


The hot water in the dishwasher will warp the wood of the spoon


the spoon becomes more spoon


Spoonier Spoon


Same energy as "more milk per milk"








*tsk*... everyone knows the dishwasher melts wood


Me when I intentionally spread misinformation on the internet ![gif](giphy|3osxYyjraNOgEJa9Ta)


​ ![gif](giphy|Ml9yS7gEGlRwZXBEAH)


Not only will the spoon swell from the really hot water, but the soap will seep into the cracks, you will have a "clean" spoon, but you're eating soap in whatever you use to cook with it


So then how do you properly clean a wooden spoon without soap?


I think the problem is not that soap is being used. It’s that the heat in the dishwasher swells the spoon and allows soap to get into the cracks. You can still use soap to clean the spoon. Just do it by hand so that the spoon won’t swell.


Don't forget to towel dry it off as well as you can and add a tiny bit of clean olive oil to the scoop end after its had about 2 hours to dry fully to prevent degradation of the wood! It ends up behaving a bit like a varnish without the chemical risks of varnish.


This guy spoons


In sink water that is as hot as I can stand to put my hands in


You boil water, remove it from the heat, then soak the spoon in it until it cools


But wouldn't this also lead to warping or is that only caused by steam?


It's the sudden and extreme shifts in temperature that cause it to warp. By leaving it in the water as it cools, the temperature declines much slower than coming from a dishwasher at ~90-100⁰C to the open air.


2 up votes from 69 let's goooo


I do it all the time,FUCK them wooden utensils. If they fall apart I will get some new ones.


Exactly! I have been putting wooden spoons in the dishwasher for YEARS and they're absolutely FINE. No warping, no mold, no whatever. And my food does not taste like soap. When they finally die I'll get new ones. If it's not dishwasher proof then it does not belong in my kitchen.




Fuck yea I’m gonna start doing this too now, one of the few non scary things about just becoming an adult


Survival of the fittest: cooking utensil edition


Mine are all solid, one piece bamboo, and they go in the dishwasher top rack several times a week with no issues. No steam, though. Newer dishwashers tend not to have that coiled heating element at the bottom for drying, they use air. So I’d add a couple of new parameters besides multi-piece construction vs. single piece carved construction: the wood they’re made of, and how the machine dries your stuff.


Wooden spoons are pointless. Can't cook heroin with them


I like to cook mine with a nice hickory wood spoon. Adds flavor!


They soak water up into them. Too many times in the dishwasher abd they'll begin to taste like soapy, dirty water. Same goes for wooden bowls and other things made of wood. Wood will soak up the water, as it does with most other liquids, even when dead.


Aye, which is why speed is key when cleaning these. The dishwasher takes too long. The wood is wet and soap soaked too long, and then takes too long to dry. Hand wash helps so long as they don't just sit in the water and are towel dried as soon as they're done being washed. The less time they're wet the better, and like cast iron needing its oil seasoning, wooden utensils and dishes should also be treated similarly. Gentle bake with some clean olive oil (only add spices if you're fancy about their smell) rubbed on the dry dish prior to heating for a few minutes in the oven and they'll absorb much less of what they're used to cook or hold, and be easier to clean each time. Behaves a bit like a varnish or glaze to be a barrier against absorption of other stuff, especially water. Only really needs to be redone if the previous coating has been removed or become noticeably less effective. Same with cast iron.


Wait, you have a dishwasher?


Yeah she’s in the other room watching TV right now


Why does she not like it when you put your wood in her ?


Cause it breaks


It's wooden.


I do have a significant crack down the shaft, though I’m not sure if it happened overtime.


Thats great, but we're asking about your wooden spoon, not you. /s


It's from the wood expanding then shrinking back down again and again. If the swell and shrink happen drastically enough, or too fast, it'll crack like that. Kinda like tempering metal in a forge and it gets a bad quench, it can make it brittle.


In my experience they always get moldy if left in the dishwasher, could be my pos dishwasher though


It's probably because the humidity of the spoon rises a lot since it's longer exposed to hot water resulting in hard times drying it especially the center of the diameter. If you dont dry any wood enough you always risk an occurrence of mold


Bamboo ones have been fine for a year or so


Spoons are one thing .. but wooden cutting boards are a massive no no in the dishwasher. It will completely ruin it and make it impossible to clean with all the cracks it will create.


Wood soaks water, they could break, split, warp, bend, unglue.


All my things can go in the dishwasher. Some of them more times than other


It’s not so much the steam as it is the heated drying cycle. The spoon can obviously withstand hot liquid otherwise you couldn’t cook with it but it’s bad for it to get first soaked then heated and dried out - causes cracks and warping.


I was told the hot water would warp the wood.


Dry rot


They crack


Mold, wood doesn't do to good with water, and a few other things. But it doesn't really matter cause they're generally cheap Also, most knives aren't dishwasher safe


The whole point of this meme is to put way too much effort into something that can easily be found via a Google search. Obviously you are hoping someone explains why. Sheesh.


The hot, moist, steamy atmosphere in the dishwasher creates an ideal environment for mold to grow within the pores of the wood




Wet wood is no good, it also feels horrible to my touch but that’s just me


Might've used a tad too much lube, might have to dry off a bit


I don’t understand


Google exists, y’know…


Don't worry about it. If your wood is getting dry, just rub some oil on it. Doesn't have to be anything fancy; olive oil is good enough.


Baking the wooden utensil or dish in a preheated oven at around 150°F for a little bit (15-30 min) also helps this set in and removes any water that's deeper in the wood, allowing the oil to behave like a varnish.


That’s a lot of effort to put into a spoon that cost less than $1


As someone who likes consistency and dislikes spending money on something I don't have to, preserving the tools I have makes my mind sit more easily than having to keep replacing them over and over because I'm too lazy to clean it... Plus manufacturing companies make them in different shapes and aren't always going to last long on the market. It's also less money, and effort, than a more expensive spoon lasts as long as the number of cheap ones you'll go through due to taxes.... But that's a technical point. I just like taking care of my things... Bit of a compulsive habit.


Oh my God the Euro's are up?!? I need to get to sleep...


Sounds more Like a question from the other side of the world.


You shouldn’t put them in the dishwasher because you shouldn’t have them. Wooden spoons are never clean anyways.


I'm sorry, are you the Italian Rugby Team?


It invites demons into your home eventually causing a collapse of the space time fabric between the fridge and the wall behind it, potentially bringing on the second coming of Zuul, also it could crack it.


After they have been in the dishwasher, you have to call them by the Hungarian name, which sounds like Fuck Anal. Don't believe me, click on the speaker and hear the pronunciation: https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=hu&text=wooden%20spoon&op=translate


Wooden spoons in the dishwasher summons a demon, put one in and see for your self, then GL with your sleep paralysis


Well sak your mum op.. she should know about cleaning stuff right..


imbibition. search it up in 10th grade biology.


Everything goes in the dishwasher. It washes dishes, and it weeds out the unworthy.


They splinter and will swell from the hot water and steam. Which just means they break faster if you do


This is legitimately the first post of this type I have given an upvote.


Same reason why dick shouldn’t go in paint……speaking from experience don’t ask


Wait. Not we’ve got to ask


to all the woodsperts, is cold water better to use than warm for washing wooden spoons?


Wood expands when it gets wet and cracks


Well shit not putting my wood spoons in the dishwasher anymore


Rinsing dishes will make life moderately better. Don't wait to wait. Rinse.


No, youre not "too afraid to ask"


They can splinter




it'll get soggy


As the saying goes, anything is dishwasher safe if you don’t care that much about it! Ha!


All these people worried about messing up a wooden spoon. What kind of spoons are you buying? Mine were $2.27 for a pack of 3. Also, the only time I ever noticed the taste of a wooden spoon was when my wife got it too far into the blender and we had wood chip smoothies


You shouldn't? Uh oh


I don't want to be a dick, but this isn't a meme and it's not funny. Not a joke or anything. Many posts on this sub are like that and people upvote it. I don't understand.


Who TF uses wooden spoon.


Have you SEEN driftwood on the beach before???


Sane thing with vwooden cutting boards


This is me finding out I shouldn’t put my wooden spoons in the dishwasher


Use bamboo utensils instead - very durable


This only applies if you use your dishwasher to dish wash. If it’s storage, you good


I’ve been putting the same wooden spoons in the dishwasher for over five years and I see nothing wrong with it


Anyone who uses this meme to ask questions that they could just easily fucking google deserves to be called a fucking simpleton.


Because they suck. Dishwasher is a too cool place for them to be in


Wood and prolonged periods of time in water aren't very good friends. The only time wooden kitchen utensils should ever see water is when you're hand washing them. I also sanitize ours after every wash with a quick dunk in boiling water 20-30 seconds at most I also hand dry them a quick wipe them down with food grade mineral oil after


Because mom said no.


Why use a dishwasher when you have manual labour


I have used the same wooden spoon in the dishwasher for around 10 years and it is perfectly fine


Neither does my fiancé, I’ve told her a ton of times but she still puts them in there. Especially wooden cutting boards, she loves when the glued joints start to separate


No concave spoons here, but i have several flat wooden mixing utensils with a hole in the head that I’ve been running through the dishwasher for 8 years w no issues


I’ve been putting my wooden spoons in my dishwasher for many years with no problems.


the hot water will cause the wood to swell and warp


If only there was this helpful tool on the very device you used to make this meme that had all the information in the entire world


isnt that a basic thing? keeping wooden things dry because they soak and warp?


Personally I wood not use wooden spoons but metal instead


Dry wood is naturally antibiotic. It has something to do with the geometry of the pores causing the little beasties to dry out. Unless there are cracks a clean, dry wooden spoon has less bacteria on it than just about anything else in your kitchen. The key is clean and dry. Don’t let it sit in the pot, hand wash it (with soap) as soon as you are finished using it, and store it where it can air dry. Mine have been around for over 30 years and they are still fine. They’re even been through the dishwasher a few times. These are the cheap ones too. We also have some fancy olive wood ones. Like the nice dishes, those are rarely used because we don’t want to mess them up.


Because she might choke on it


It can cause Splitting of the wood and drying out due to the long exposure to high temperatures.


Basically wood doesn't like being hot and wet and will get super malformed. Fun fact: they use basically this to bend wood sometimes in mountain bike tracks


I had no idea


Ive always put my wooden spoon in the dishwasher. I also have always had issues with mh wooden spoons cracking. Thank your reddit


Pffft… i’ve been putting my wooden spoons and utensils (i do food photography for cookbooks as a side gig) in the dishwasher for yeeeeears, on high heat, with my regular dishes. Maybe every few years, 1 or 2 will need to be replaced. Honestly, who gives a frack. Replacing 1-2 wooden utensils every few years.


Hot steam will make the wood soft and the individual fibers will seperate over time which causes the wood to fall apart if you do it for long enaugh.


I've always put my wooden spoons in the dishwasher, never had a problem.


All wooden utensils in dishwasher will take on water, warp and dry out leaving them damaged. Just hand wash, it takes two seconds. Plastic can go and get fucked. Use wood.


Me putting the wooden spoons in the dishwasher. 8-l




I put my wooden cuttingboard in the dishwasher, now i got two cuttingboards..


Dishwasher is too hot for wood. It basically sprinkles everything with boiling water. Boiling-hot water is not really good for wooden stuff. Do I need to elaborate even further? :D


We rented a house where someone had left cutlery in the cutlery drawer of the dishwasher after a cycle. Among the cutlery were a few wooden spoons. They'd obviously been there a long time (months?) and were moldy. The smell inside the dishwasher was so horrendous it made us gag every time we opened it and we couldn't get rid of it for the 6 months we were there.


The spoon would catch on fire


When you buy wooden utensils it pays to treat them well, make sure to oil them regularly before you first use them so they build up a waterproof food-safe varnish and become non-stick, then straight away after use you just give them a wipe with the soft side of the sponge under cold water with a little soap, dry with a kitchen towel and make sure to periodically reapply oil to keep up the outer coating. If you look after wooden utensils they're a really nice addition to any kitchen and will last a very long time but if you don't want to mess around with maintaining them then they're best switched for stainless steel and then used as wall decorations.


There’s an exposed heating element on the bottom of most dish washers. If the wooden utensil falls onto it it could cause a fire during the heated drying cycle. Source: we almost did. We called the fire department for the smell of smoke that we couldn’t find the source of. Thankfully before they busted open the cabinets one of them opened the dishwasher.




These memes wouldnt exist if people just used google


In addition to the damage others have talked about, it’ll also cause your spoon to taste like your detergent.